“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 || 1:49:00 AM
hOW diSgustinG iS iT tO bE iN wEt shOes & soCks foR e whOle daY?...hOW diSgustinG tO enTEr uR roOm fuLL oF stRAngErs wHo duN gReet u whEn tHEy arE sIttinG aT uR chAir, mEssEd uP uR taBles...fElT lyK chASing thEm aLL ouT...i HATE maJonG sEssiONs aT mY plaCe...hOW gOod doEs iT fEel aT gaTherinG?...hOw goOd dOes it feEl whEn suM1 coNfideS iN yoU?...whEn u r e sElecTed feW...e pRiviLedgEd feW?...wHEn iT's sUm1 whoM yOu baRelY kNEw?...eXcludinG e heARtacHE u feEl foR heR oR e heARtacHE taT shE reMindeD yOu oF?...pLus e hElpleSsneSs u feEl foR hER...hOW diSgustiNg iS iT whEn uR mUmmY gEts iNto a mOod sWing anD u haF auNtieS whO jUZ caN'T kEep tHEir fuCkinG mOuths sHUt?...1) wHo i cHOse, whIChevER geNDeR iS mY buSineSs...2)whAt mY fuTure iS gOnnA bE lyk iSn't a reSult oF whO i aM wiF bUt whO i aM...3)hOw dO u deFine nORmaCy?i tiNk iT's juZ stEreOtyPing...4)aLl thEse aRE nOt bEcauSe oF e bLOodY diVorCe u haD...iT doEsn't aFfect mY liFE taT dRAsticaLLy jUZ bY e wAY...i aM noT afRaiD oF u chASinG mE oUttA e hOuse, suMtimeS i cAn't wAIt...sO duN tHreatEn mE wiF taT anD aCt aS iF i'M gOnnA bE sO tErriFied...e oNli thiNg i aM worrieD abT iS mY sCh feEs...nOt evEn mY liVing eXpensEs siNCe u aREn't doIng taT mUCh aBt taT nOW... wAt iS wRong wiF u?...mayBE iT iS mE huH?...yOu mUX bE grIttinG thrU & thRu nOW taT u diN tRAnsFEr mE oUttA sCh whEn i aSked u tO hUH?...iT giVEs mE pURe sATisfaCtiOn jUZ nOEinG tiS...tO aLL e nOSey mOther fuCkers oF aN aUntie...miNd uR oWn bUSineSs, uR owN kiDs aND tHEir laCk oF bRainS, eQ iQ,hEArt,gaLS bLAhx3...e laSt thing u wAnt iS mE tO haTE u...i aM haPPie tO deMostRAte...enUff oF aLl taT haTred aNd reBEl...i nEEd a bLAzeR!!!...jUZ whEn i toT i cAN sLOwlY taKe mY tiME tO fiND a sAtisfyIng oNE or maYBe eVEn wAit tiL maNgo sALe coX i aM not reaLLie haPpie wiTh e g2000 oNEs...haIZ hOW muCh oF taT 150 wiLL bE goNe oN e aTtire...sUCh aN iRonY...
Sunday, May 29, 2005 || 4:20:00 PM
tEars kEpt stiNging mY eyEs toDay...bOy doEs iT feEl gOOd tO cRy oN a nIce sMEllIng shOuldeR...i lYk tO cRy...iT's suCh aN eASy wAY ouT...maYbe iT's toNg huAmAybe iT's taT lOng bUS riDe hOme aT niTe...mayBE iT's pMs...iT's mIracUloUS hOW mY mOod sWings fRom beIng vIolEnt aND aGgresSivE oNE mOmEnt, teNder aND vuLneraBle aNotheR anD coNfidenT aND deTErmiNEd e nExt...aBsenCE reAllie doEs maKE e heArt grOW foNDer...e tRip iS aLL i nEed tO nOE i nEed yOu...oN hiNDsiGht maYBe iT's e sWeeT piNk naIL pOlish i haF oN nOW...wATevA iT iS, mY feElings aRe soRta reKIndLed aND spArks aRe fLyinG oNce mORe...iT maTTers nOt wAt haPPeneD or maY haPPen...aT tIS pRecisE mOmenT, eVErythinG juZ feEls riGht...i aM liVing wiF jUZ hUgo bOSs fOr e tiME beIng...suRe bREakuPs anD deATh haPpens...aLL thE tiMe tOo...aND iT pUts mE oFf...wAT iS e pOint oF getTing tOgetHEr aND bReakIng uP?...oR lOSing oNE iN deaTH?...tOday wE hiT e sAleS taRget, aND insTead oF e 10 bUcks eXtra taT i aM suPposed tO enJoy i wiLL onLi geT 4 coX caSH fLoat iS shoRt oF 30 bUcks aNd aLL taT haF beEn wOrking haFTa spLit anD shAre thE misSing aMount...i aM sEriousLy piSsed at haFing tO sHouldeR suMthiNg tAt i diN dO...wtF...sAw tiS baBy mAlteSe taT 1 mTh oLd...sO tinY anD sOund aSlp...bUt e oWner iS a fiRst tiMEr anD i toT e pUppy diN lOok aLL tOo welL...fiRst timErs sHld owAez geT aN oLder doG...aNywaY, hE's biLL biLL...haF i fOrgot tO meNtion i haTE e neW 933 's luLLaby?...reMinds oF e viSit tO oLd foLk's hOme aT jC...wORse iT reMinds mE of suM 2 biTches...i lOVe taT smUrf vErsiOn oNE...uSed tO bE e tOp teN gReeTIng mSgs i haF for mY voICemaIL...haHAH...sO long aGo maNZ...iS iT sAddeR taT u R no lOngeR iNterESted tO nOE wAT iS goIng oN iN ur paRtneR's lIFe oR iS iT woRse whEn uR paRtneR iSn't iNterEsted iN uRs?...i wEnt tRyinG bLAzeRS tOdaY aT g2000, hMmMm, i fiT a 11 nICelY nOW...bUt e mAtches aRen't taT fANtaStic...whY duN thEy haF pLEated skIrts oF e cOrrecT leNgth?...giSh...i aM gOnnA mEet maG siN aND weNlenG tmR bEfore woRk...i aM suRe tHEy wiLL chEer mE uP sIGnifiCantlY...
Friday, May 27, 2005 || 5:03:00 AM
jUz reAD yK's bLOg...chIOng yOu sE mO bU haO hUh?...bUt i gUesS iT reAllie dePEnds oN e gALs' mINdseTS yaHz?...i aM nO reGulaR chIOng-stEr, bUt i cAn't reALlie liVE wEll withouT iT eiTher...iRonic bUt deFinaTElY tRue...iT heLPs maIntaiNs mY sANity, wATeva iS lEft oF iT...anD i duNno whY, bUt taT mIX sCEnt oF ciGarettES anD liQuor atTractS mE...i nOE suM oUt tHEre finDs iT sMEllY...yEst sPArrEd wiTh taT iTE gaL wHich iS prob fABiaN's gF taT jaSon bRought dOwn tO jOo chiAt...wAt's wiF hIS stUdenTS wEaring bElts taT aRE noT tHEirs?...shE's a yeLLow liKE mE thEn wEar reD tiP...tsK...uTter sHAmelEssnEss...aNywaY, i feLL laHZ *bLushEs* whiLE aTtempting tO kicK wIF mY leFT leG...sO aFter taT onLi dO e riGht...nOW riGht fEet gOt biG sWolleN bRuisE...haHAHha...jOSh oSo kEna bRuisE...coX wE aLL wEar gI anD baREfooT,e gaL iS paDded anD shOes bUt gOOd tRAininG loH...wE weRE ruBbinG eACh otHEr's bRuisE tiS mORninG, wHEnevEr shE's tOo haRD i wiLL ruB heRS haRdeR, sAdiStic bUt fuNNy lahZ...nO bLAck beLts oTher shAroN cAMe...sO jOsh aSked mE tO tEach e whIte liNe...uSuaLLy i wiLL feEl a liTTle paISeh coX me onLi yeLLow...bUt noT yeSt...onLi gOt thRee whIte liNEs, quiTe eASy tO teAch coX thEy weRE cOoperatIVe...hOpefuLLy thEy duN tinK i aM toO baD...fiRSt tiME sPAr, fiRst tiME teACh...nOt tOO baD aN eXperieNCe...dEspiTe e aChes...*sCAred*...toNitE iS reG tK cLAss...i fEel lyK gOing baCk tO mY beD...suCh a pIg...
Thursday, May 26, 2005 || 3:52:00 AM
i aM pAraLyseD...nEck doWn...wEnt wAkeboArdinG yEst bEfore mY siM clIque's bBq...hMmmM, sO mUCh foR a gOod woRkouT...oUttA mY 3 tRips, i woULd coNSideR tiS e beST tRip...e iNStrUctoR thOugh noT reAllie a huNk, iS faBulOus...reLaxeD, coMposEd, cArefuL aND iNformatiVE...mOtor boAT liCence oNli 310 nOW...sO tEmpteD buT iT wuN bE oF aNy uSe iF i tK e lIcence nOW buT nV dRive...reNtinG a mOtor bOAt coSts 100 pEr hOUr...hMmMm...whEre eLse wiLL i drIve iT tO iF nOt boArdinG?...thEn reNt a bOAt reNt a bOArd geTting tWo drIvers(coX i wiLL waNNa bOard tOo!)bLAh blaH blAH iS tOo mUCh oF a haSsaLE nOW...deCided tHat i wiLL dO iT afTer gRAduatiOn...2007 wiTh nO aCcidenTS haHAh...i wEnt iN anD oUttA thE leFt anD riGht siDe oF e wAKe...yAyY! tHough iT iSn't a gUrAntEed suCceSs wiTh eVEry tRy...bUt i diD iT aT lEasT oNCe eACh siDe...coMing baCk iS a liTtle haRDer, tEnd tO riDe oN e wAKe whICh maKes mE uNstaBLE...nOt stEpiNg oN mY tOEs(foR e leFT siDe) aND mY hEels(foR e riGht siDe) eNuff sHeiLd-veS(iT's pRonoUced tiS waY) sAId...wEnt tO e bBq abIt tOo sHAggEd...diD gaRlic brEAd sPreADing oNLi...e gUys wEre e chEfs...tHAnz maNz!!! chICken wiNgs wEre iNcrediBLe!!!...i lUUuUUurvE bBq fOOd...soRry diN heLP mUch...a liTtle mIStaKEn oVEr soMe pPle, soRry tOO...aFter tAt mE anD chEnyU haD a liTtle 'fiGht' aFter cakE cuTtinG...anD joSh pOUreD chOc sAUce oVEr aNdy's heAd...suCh a wASte oF hErsheY's...tsK tsK...coUldn't heLp tinKing i sMEll sO swEet aND eDible wiF taT vaNilla caKE...haHaha anD cOlin wAS saYing hE nV sAw mE mOre giRlie thaN laSt niTE foR taT 1 yEar hE nOes mE...hahAHhahA...wAkeboaRDinG iS yAy! anD a bBq aFter taT wiF grEAt chEfs, gREat fREns iS a doUble yaY!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 || 3:21:00 PM
hL banAna miLk roCks!!!...i tiNk i aM eVoLvinG iNtO a mOnkeY...wEll jiA jI sUi jI...wEnt tO e g2000 cARpaRk sALe yeST bUt diN fiND aNythIng nICe...mAybe i wASN't iN e mOOd coX sTomaChaChe...woKE iT uP tOo eARlie foR brEakfaSt i guEss...sAW jOSh's sUperB cArgOs fRm fOz sO deCideD tO gO back aGain tOday...cOnquErs:1 mOto jEanS1 sWeeT piNk pLAiN toP1 siLk piNk toP1 bRown sAtin taTterEd toP (goNNa mAke iT iNto a dResS)aLL 4 foR 18 bUCks iN toTAL...aLL 4 fRom tOpshOp...*chEers*cAn't wAit tO wEar thEm...eSp e jeAns!!!iT iS geTtinG boRinG aT e sHop, nOthinG lEft foR mE tO paCk aNymORe...anD tiME paSSes sO sLOwly...bUt e oYsteR mEe sUA iS fABuLOus...thOugh a biT tOO lIttlE foR 3 bUcks...diD i meNtion i aM cUrrenTly e fEi siOng fiShcaKE faN?...wAKeboArding tmR!!!! *yIpPPppPPpeeEEEeEee*
Monday, May 23, 2005 || 4:21:00 PM
mY feEt aRe kiLLing mE...tHEy aChe liKE maD...bUt iT diN stOp mE fRm reArraNging e rAckS tOniTe...siMply lOve taT sEnsE oF sAtisfActioN i gEt fRm gEttiNg stuFf tiDy...pLus i gEt tO noE waT i hAF iN tAt paRticuLAr sEctioN...iT's onLI e 3rD daY buT i reAllie dO loVe mY jOb...bOught nEw sLippErs tOday, hAvanAS wAnna-bE...onLI 8 buCks...anD iN taT liME grEen tAt haVAnaS nO loNgeR reTails...nOe iT wuN laSt loNg...buT iF iT wiLL giF mE aNotheR lEgitimATe reAson tO buY stuFf whY noT?...sO loNg aS iT doEsn't snAP aT aN eMbaRrassiNg mOmenT (wHicH iT prob wiLL jUZ lyK iTs maNy aNceStors) i aM fiNE...*faT hOPe*aRmy maRkeT iS stiLL boring...oR mAYbe iT's e feEt...mE anD huIMin keNa coN iNto gG tHerE...dEspiTE 'naN rEn bEn sE' fEatuRing reAL coOl stUFf tHEre, iT's aCtuaLLi jUZ huMid, hOt aNd swOoninG wiF iDenticAL rEplIcas oF sHAven heADs, nErdY & stUrdY sPEcs whO aRe iN thEir bEst bOD eVEr...tMr i aM wOrking aGAiN, pRob gEt tO sEe e sTore iN chArge, sHE's onLI sEventeEn...hEr aGe maDe mE duBioUs oF hEr aBiliTy buT hEr maNNer iN e pHoNecaLL eArlier oN chANged mY pErcEptioN...pErhaps, aGE reALlie iSn't a mEasurement oF aNithinG...nOt maTuritY, nOt nO OF wRinKles, nOt sEnsibILity, noT iNteLLigenCe, eXperiEnce nOR abiLitY...sAw jOlenE aT e pS bUS stoP...thN cALviN (e sTALkeR fRm nY anD sCumbaG fRm kOpibeAN) aT e sAMe bUS stOp...aND meT jASmiNE cHANg oN 15...hMmMmm....
Sunday, May 22, 2005 || 4:39:00 PM
i cOn siN iNto spEndinG cLose tO 70 bUcks tOday...bUt sEriousLy e stUff u bOught reALlie lOoks vEry gOod oN yOu...aNd quIte a sTeaL tOo duN u aGrEe?...haD a vEry nICe eVEninG wiF siNsiN...whiCh wiLL oTherwiSe bE spEnt miSeraBLE...tWo dAYs of pLc aT pS aNd i aM lOvinG e oUtlEt anD thE stuFf i dO anD leArn thEre...tHouGh stiLL nOt vEry wiLLing tO sEe aNy fAMiliar fACes...leArnt:e aRt oF deCeptioN (waIt a mIn dUn i kNow tAt aLL mY liFe?)...e aRt oF deCeiviNg cuStomeRs aBt produCts...sO guYs next tiMe duN tRust pEt stALL sALes aSsistaNts taT reADiLy oKi?...sIn wAS swEet tO pIck mE uP fRm woRk toDay...aND wE wEnt sHopPing!!!...liKE meNtioNed, i aM a goOd gaL...i aM saVinG fOr thE aLmighTy GREAT siNgapore SALE!!!*cHucKLes*cHeckLisT:mAngO dResS( i aM a siZe tEn nOw!!! yIppPeee)maNgO sKirtnEw sPecsmY fiRst bUrkiEsprob, oNLi prob e rOxy bAG i sAw wiF siN jUZ nOWsO mUch foR nOt buYing, bUt actuaLLi aiMing...gOOdnEss gRAcioUs...kNow nOt aLL iTems maY bE oN saLE iN e gSs...bUt aT leASt tHen i wuN baNg waLL if priceS dRop baRelY oNE mOnth aFter i bUy thEm...bUt aCtuaLLi i aM coMplatiNg aBT bUying e maNgo drEss nOW...coX i wiLL cRy iF iT gEts sOLd ouT...hMmMmMMztoDay wAs a cHAllenGE...oPen stOre mYseLf...bUt wAS oNli aLOne for awhILe thoUgh...jiANloNg cAme baCk tO heLp mE thoUgh hE oFf toDay...kiND yaHZ?...anD i kEna sColdEd foR diSpLAyinG e stUFf tOo eaRliE...haHAHha...tHN kAY cAMe soOn aFter jiANlonG lEft anD stAYed aLL e wAY tiL i leAVe...i haF vEry niCe cOllenguEs...aND cuStomeRS aT pS aRe mUch friEndlY tHAn tHose aT hoLLand V...tHose bLaRdy aNg mOs whO sElf dEclaRe sUperiOrity...nOe wAT? u aLL lOOk e sAMe tO mE anD bEing whiTe liKE haINaneSe cHicken doEsn't maKE u oF a beTter bReeD liKE u wiSh u R!!!...gO oN dREamiNg...lIve iN ur fAntaSy iSlanD...mY fEet aRE aChinG liKE cRAzy...thOugh gRAtefuL foR e heLp buT kAY's PresenCe osO meANt taT i cAnnoT siT doWn...anD tMr iS suCh a lOng dAY...whICh i aT tiS pOint duN sEe whY i shLD bOther...iT iS verY ruDe nOt tO sMS whEn u kNOw suM1 iS wAiting foR tAT...nO eXcuseS wiLL Be coNDoneD!!!
Saturday, May 21, 2005 || 3:29:00 AM
reD ruBy wiF cArroT cAke sHrimP duMpLinG wAS goOd,yAkuN wAS sUpeR...cArteL evEn bEta...
aLL i diD aT tRAininG wAS tA-gEuk iN a sEmi sAUna rOom...sO moSt oF e buTter kaYA, jElliEd chEstnuTS, bEeF lAgSanA aND oF coUrse mY fAv chEf's sALad iS stiLL iN mY stOmaCh wAitinG tO bE dePosiTeD iN suM hiDeouS pArt oF mE...haIZ *soB*...
nO reGreTs!!!...
nOE wAT DW ptE ltD stAnds fOR?...dOlphiN wArriOrs...iT wAS wISe oF theM tO keEp iT shORt...wAT aN aBsoLute iRonY!!!...
aNywAy, i foLLoweD huImiN tO tAnjonG paGAr foR a inTErvieW aT DW laHZ...pEeP plS dUn evEr eVer beLievE iN tHEir rEcruiTmenT aDs...iT's mLm nO maTTer wAT thEy sAY...aNd thEir aLmigHty maRketinG aGEnts aRe nOthinG buT oUtdOOr sAles pPle...jUZ lyK hoW e sIA gaLS are noThinG buT wAitrEsSes wiF lOOks tAT aRE suMwhaT nOt tHEre aNymore noW... duN tiNk aS sO muCH oF a pRestiGe whEn u aRE thEre wAShinG toILet boWls eH?...
diN noE huImin cAN bE tAT fiErcE sErioUSly...i meAN nO mAttEr hOW i diSliKE a jOb aT e iNteRviEw aND oRientaTIon (yaH tHEY shOWed uS eMptY oFfice sPaceS whICh tHEy cLAimeD tHEirs), i wiLL sMile anD lEt tHEm kEep mY foRm (iGnoRing thEir caLLs wuN bE tAt diFficuLt iSn't iT?)...bUt huIMin maDe tHE pEeps' faCE tWisted anD sPeechLESs...aND shE gRAcioUSly tOOk baCk hEr fOrm...suM gaL tHEre...
wE sAW 3 aUnties ( nOt e aUnty kiND) , aNutiE 1, aUntiE 2, auNtie 3
1 & 2 hAF thE sAMe wAtch (niCe sWatch sKin oNEs!mAde mE aND hUimiN wAnnA roB thEm)
1 & 3 haF sAme sANdaLs...
tHEn foRgoT whICh coMbi haS e sAME pAper baG
iT's aMusinG tO sEe aND huImin aSkeD 'wiLL wE bE lyK taT wHEn wE grOW oLD?' tHEn wE stARted sAY whICh oNe oF e tRio wE pRefeR tO bE...haHAHhHAH...
iT's eVen mORe aMusinG whEn mE anD aILing aRe stUCk iN beTWeen tWo taBLEs oF auntieS aT yAkun aND wE aGreEd tAT wE wuN mINd bEing abLe tO siT aT faR eAST(nOt suM kOpitiaM) yAkun aND diScuSs aBt baNk iNteresT rATes laHZ, shAres (thOugh i duN lyK e iDea oF sHAres) iNSteaD oF fiSH priceS, vEggiE sTAlls...
hMmMm, lOoks lYk i aM pLAnNinG mY reTiremEnt aLRite...
sO i aM goNNa woRk haRD lTr...tOdaY sTARtinG mY fiRst sHift aT pS...aS mUCh aS i hAte tHE lOng rIDe tHEre, tHEre's nOthinG i haTE mOre tHAn wORkinG iN tOWn coX tHe pOSsibiLity oF sEeing mY frEns aRE tOO hiGh...oKI rePhaRSe, foEs...mAYbe i aM tOo pRidefuL, mAybe coX i aM stiLL noT vEry faMilaR, maYbe bOth, wAtevA iT iS ...buT i deFinatEly duN lIKE sErvinG bOth mY frEns anD foEs...eSp iF i lOOk duMb whIch i aM suRe i wiLL for e tiME bEing...aND kAy aSsigN mE tO bugis aND pS...haIZ...
oH i foRgoT, hUimiN wAS saYinG thE tRio wAS weLL pErseRveD...hahAhahhAH...gEt e jOKe?...
hAppiE bURfDAe dEAResT chEnyU!!...
Thursday, May 19, 2005 || 4:59:00 AM
sTArteD thE chICkfLicK...noT eXactLy onE, weLL maYbe i haVEn reAched thE iNterestinG paRt yEt...oR mayBE i duNno wAt deFines a cHickfLick...buT i loVe thE tiTle 'wISh uPon a stAR' remInds mE oF a SAC oLD tiME fAV soNg drEaminG oF u_sElena...
i haF reAched tiS paRt whEre e leAD iS stAYing aLL alOne iN loNdon aND iS goNna giVe uP wATevA fAMilaRity shE haS bAck hOMe tO sTARt aFreSh...a tiNy pArt oF mE cRaveS foR aN aDventuRe oF siMilaR soRt...coUragE oF siMilaR soRt...
tiL nOW, e fuRtheSt i eVEr wEnt iS baNgkoK?...hOW iNterestinG?...cANt wAIt fOR tAT mElbourne tRip...finaLLi suMwheRE oUt thERe...
mUmmY hAD bEen nOttI, tRying tO gEt mY coUSin tO briNg mE oUt oN tRips wiF hiS frEns...oN thE pReteXt tAT mY siStaS wEnt foR sCh trIps bUt i diN sO shE owEd mE oNE...sUM heAVy maTchmaKing sEsSions hEre hUh?...iT's noT goNNa woRk...bUt i aM seriOusLy aMUSed...duN mInd pLAyinG aLOng, siNce i gEt sPOnsoRed...
suMtimEs i geT sO cArrieD aWay i tRy tO maTch mY liFe wiF thOSe iN thE boOKs anD gET toTalLy uPSet...mUZ bE tHE sArdiNEs (tRying tO fiND a cAuse hEre)...
hOW maNY tiMEs u gO aH i aM sO faT thEN tuRn aRd anD pIck uP tAT siNfuL chOC, cOnvincIng uRseLF tAT iT iS eQuaL fATs caLorieS suGar cOntent aS a pAckeD lUnch whIch u wiLL bE skIppINg tO maKe iT uP?...aSk ME!!!!!!...tiNk iT eXceEds tHE nO oF haIr i haF...
lUckilY foR mE, i haF tkD...iT aLwaYS maKEs mE feEl gOOd...
aNd i aM goNNa baTH tAt daRling oF miNE ltR...nOW tAT's a reAL woRkouT...hAhHAah...
goNNa gO geT mY toP lTr, fiNAlli e lOng aWaiteD 50% sLAsH hAS aRriveD...hAHahA, fEll iN luB wiF iT whEn mY siS boUght iT aT 100%...bUt i knEw e bRanD anD nEver oNCe bOught aNythiNg aT 100%...cAll mE chEapO...i cAll u duMb...
wHEn aM i goNna reCover?...i aM siCk oF bEing sIck...
oH bY thE wAY, e fAct taT i wAS reADing + nOW i aM bLoggiNg mEanS teNNis wAS cANceLLed...*lOoks dOWn aT tuMmy*...haIZ
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 || 3:51:00 PM
a dAy sPEnt reADing, tAKing pHotoS oF beAniE iN hiS nEw cAP aND uPloaDing pICs...duE tO e heAVy uSage oF e coMmoN terMinaL aT hoME, anD tHe frEqueNt rEformaTting rEquiRed...i haF loNg reGarD iT sAFer tO kEep mY piCs oNLine...iN cASe oF aCcidenTS...fiNishiNg mY fOurth bOok toNite anD tMr i aM goNna sTArt oN thE chIcKfLick...e diFfereNce bTw a hOMe anD a hOuse iS tAt a hoMe reQuireS mEmbeRs whO cAre...riTe noW beANiE iS sLpinG soUndLy aT mY rOom's dOOr...sO aMaziNgLy aDoraBLe...aT tiMEs i jUZ caN't gEt eNuFf oF hiM buT aT oTher tiMEs, i wAnnA sLAugHteR hiM maNz...i feEl sO iNferiOR, beANie cAN rAIse hiS eYebroWs anD i cAN't!!!!...i wOndEr (yeSH woNder aGAin)...u kNow suMtimeS aT deAths, u heAr pPLe sAy..."hOW cAN u leAVe liKe tiS, wiThout giVing mE a cHAnce tO......"...sO iF u kNOw uR loVed oNe goNNa leAVe, hOW woULd u prEpaRE e sEparaTioN?...oR iF u r e oNE goNNA leAVe hOW u gOnNA pLAn uR reMAininG dAYS?...tHere iS lyK nO pErfeCt sCheduLE iSn't iT?...kAy nEver cALL mE toDAy sO i aM stiLL oUtleT-leSs bUt i rEckoN iT a gOOd wAY tO eArn aNother oFf dAY tmR!!! haHAha, i aM suCh a cHEateR...bUt tAT's bEcoX i wANnA pLAy teNnis tmR...buT suM mAjor mIScoMmunicAtion cRoPpeD uP aND i aM noT suRe i stiLL geT tO pLAy...coX yEkaI iS aSlp aND nOt rEplyiNg e mSgs...wAKe uP yEkaI!!!!!!!baCk tO mY bOok...niTeZ anD sWeeT dREamz
Tuesday, May 17, 2005 || 6:53:00 PM
iT's lAte i kNOw...
i hAf a bRIEfinG tMR mOrninG i aLSo knOW...
buT i juZ duN feEl lyK sLeepiNg...
anYwAY, mY mUmMy iS uPSet wiF mY sISteRS aNd pRob mE aS weLL, buT mORe oF mY siSteRS...aT tIS poiNt i mIght tiNk iT iS guILt tAt pReventS mE fRm sLpinG...sHE sEems tiRed...anD wE r noT uNderstANdinG...bUT hoW cAN wE uNderstaND hEr deLAyinG oF ouR aLLowanCe whEn shE iS ouT thEre buYinG uNeCessAry stuFf?...noT onLI for herSelf buT foR othEr pPLe?...i soUnd lyK a baBy...stiLL dEpendeNt...aNd coMpLAininG aBt thE iNdepEndaBiLitY oF thE oNe i dEpend oN...iT's haRD tO exPlaiN bUt tiS iS hOW mY fAmiLy woRks...
buT nO doUbt mY mUmmY iS wEary...
iF i aM hEr, i tiNk i diEd aLreADi...
tAT's whY i wiLL nEver haF kiDs...
i reFusE tO bE paRt oF naTure iN tiS sEnse, tO coNstanTLy bE bUrdeNed...
tO liVE foR oTHers, bE iT mY kiDs, mY oWn fLesh aND bLooD oR anYone...
i kNOw i aM sO sElfisH, buT aT leASt i aM iNtelliGent eNuFf tO sEe iT...
sAW chiLLI paDi fRm eC tOdaY, sO haRdworkiNg hOr hEr?...oFf woRk fRm cHAngI aLL e wAY tO hoLLanD V...aND wE ppRetenD wE neVEr sEe eAch oTHer...sAW aNotheR sAC sEnoIr toDAy oN mY wAY tO wOrk...sHE smIleD aT mE dEspiTE noT knOwinG mE aT aLL aNd i reTurnEd thE aCt thOugh i cAN't reMEmber hEr naME trY aS i maY...caLL mE vEngefuL,sPitefuL aS u pLeasE...buT i duN sEe whY i shLD be kiND tO thOSe whO aRen't kiND tO mE...
thiS aCtioNs onLi maKE mE feEl lYk suMthinG iS wrOng wiF mE...
tmR iS mY oFf daY!!! kaY juZ toLD mE todAY...thoUgh onLi woRkeD for 3 daYS, oFf daYs soUns swEet...haHAhHA...boUght doUdOu a cAP...sO whEn i geT tO pLAy teNNis aGAIn *hiNt hiNt* dOudoU cAN wEar iT...
mUmmY's aDvicE: duN trY tO aDjusT (i tiNk shE meANs chANge buT shE sAid nO iT's aDjusT)
a pErsoN aFter maRriaGe...iT'LL oNli eVolvE iNtO aN vOlcAnic eRruptioN kiNda rEboNd oF thE vERy haBit u haTe...wiSe eH?
|| 5:41:00 AM
finAlli a nEw skiN for mY blOg...spEnd liKe 3 hoUrs for thE nEw skIn...buT leArnt aLot oF htmL stuFf (thOugh mY eyEs huRt a liTtle nOW)...sUm kiNd soUl aCtuaLLi haF iT iN thEir bLogs tUtoriaLs fOr stUpiD aSses liKE mE...anD iT hElps maNz...likE mY miLlioN yEAr quEstioN oF hOW tO geT hTmL coDes for a pIC...mAybe i shALL deSign a blOg teMplate foR mYseLf sOon yaHZ?...
buT waiT i stiLL haF a sKirt wAitinG foR mE tO woRk oN...waIt aH wAit aH..sOon...
bLAme mY mUmmY for giVinG mE a fiCkle heArt...i siMply cAnnot stANd -yI chen bU biAN- oR roUntinE, muNdanE thiNgs tAT nEver chANge...eVen mY hObbiEs...haHAha...
yeAH i noE noT tOo loNg aGo i juX saId i diN reAllie liKE chAnges...toLD u, i aM veRy fiCkle!!!...haHAha...
diD i meNtioN i aM groWinG tO loVe mY neW joB?...sEe waT i toLD u?...anD sO mUch sO i aM a liTtle uPset taT tOday iS prob mY laSt dAy aT e hoLLand viLLagE oUtleT...i'LL pRob gEt seNd tO suM ouTlet iN thE eASt whEre i cAn nO loNger sEe anY doGgieS aT woRk...*bOo hOo*...uNleSs thEy pOSt mE tO tHe siMei oNe buT i doUbt sO...
i haTe bEing siCk aT work...i hAFta liKe croak aT cAshiEr?...suCky...anD i tiNk the maJor tiSsue bRAnds iN thE woRld sHld sO aPproaCh mE for a goLD meMbershiP or suMthinG...aNd iF loYAlty pOints cAN eArn mE a hSe tiNk i woULd haF liKe a wHole siXth aVenue...hMmMM, maYbe tAT's wHy thEy duN aPproaCh ME...
tOniTe i aM doIng cLosing, anD thOmaS iS aWay oN hiS oFf dAY...wOnder whO i wiLL bE woRkinG wiF...aNd aT tiS pOint i wiLL sAY, i duN like chANgeS...hAhAhA...clOSing for thE fiRst tiMe tOO...hOpefuLLy iT iS fuN...coX i tiNk woRking iN thE niTe beATs working iN thE mOrN...*eXcitEd*...
fiNishEd e tHirD bOok...'sAn yUe lI dE xiNg fU biNg' (cHenyU tiS iS e oNE u wANt?)...woNder whY iSsit guYS cANnot haf it thAt hiS gF/wiFe earning mOre thaN thEm anD iNsist oN wEirD stUFf beTA kNown aS aN eGo...i meAN oF coUrse i duN meAN i woUld lOVe iT iF hE nUA thEre aNd eXpecTS hIS gaL tO slOg hEr aSs ofF...aS loNg aS u R doIng sUmthiNg eQuaLLi meANingfuL iN uR liVe, uR eGo oUght tO bE bOosted eNuff...
goNna gO coOk mY lUnch fOr tOday...onLi haF toFu aND toMAtoeS sO faR, shALl gO sEe wAt eLSe i cAn dIg oUtta frIdge...tHen sEe wAT i cAN dO...
gOnnA uSe tWo neW foNt coLourS tO aiD u guYS iN reAding...uNderstANd hOW iRritatiNg it iS...gOod daY...
Sunday, May 15, 2005 || 1:25:00 PM
tRAiniNG wAS oKi, nOt aS baD aS iMAgined ( mY iMAginaTion wAS wiLD laHZ, iMAgineD i bEcaME suMwhaT likE a ciNDeraLLa)...*bLusheS*
sAles waS goOd...1sT thRee hoUrs 1142...anD i aM piCkinG uP faSt...buT reAlisEd mY produCt kNowleDge noT thEre, duNno hOW tO reCommEnd, duNno notHing tAT i duNno... oVerwElminGly duMb
knOW iT iS mY fiRst dAY buT i aM iMpatienT tO grASp aLL taT i shLD nOE...
meT tiS gaL juStina, woRked tHEre 2 wEeks buT sEems lyK 2 yEars...i oSo wAnna aChievE tAt lEveL...
anD i lyK tHE wAy hEr hanDs mOve whEn coUntinG moNey...i aM noT sure wHy or wHen or hOW buT i dO nOTice hoW ppLe's haNds moVe whEn tyPing, oPening stuFf, paSsing thIngs eTc...anD i aM aTtraCteD bY thE swIftneSs, geNtleneSs, eLegaNce aNd sUmthinG i cAnnoT eXplaIn iN the movemenT oF haNds, pOSitionIng oF finGers, aRch aND cuRve oF tHE haNds...
haHAhaAH, nOW i soUnd liKe a frEak whO's goT a feTish wiTh haNds...
anD by tHE wAY, wEaring glOves wuN heLp... *gRins*
thEre wEre aLot oF doGgieS iN thE winDow toDay...
1 siBeriaN
2 cOrgis
3 chIhuahuaS
4 wEstieS
1 sChnauzeR
2 siLky teRriers
aND 3 goLden reTrevierS
tHe retriVieRs aRe cAged 2,1... aNd thE twO wEre iN mY viEw throughout whoLe of trAIning... anD aLAs, thEy weRe sO pLAyfuL i coUldnt tK mY eyEs oF thEm...biTing oWn's taIL, wRestLinG anD poUncing wiTh eAch otHEr...fOr tWo hoUrs pLus thEy coNtinuE gAming...tiL thEy fiNaLLi doZe ofF...sO aDorabLy dIStrActing...
gLAd i diN sKip tiS jOb oPportuNity liKe i aLMost wAnteD tO...
Saturday, May 14, 2005 || 4:45:00 PM
i hAd rEd ruBy toDAY!!!!(huImiN haF u haD uR shAre?) *wiNks*...
wEnt for ktV wiF mY cLAssMAtes toDAy, iT's liKe mY thIrd sEssIon iN tHe weEk, aLternate dAys...i aM reALlie maKing uP for the daYS i sPEnt stUDyinG maNz...a liTtle aWkwarD toDay...duNno whY oSo...wEnt maNgo aFter diNNer(oR iSsit b4?)...sAw & tRiEd tiS grEen iNdia drEss taT coSt 85 buCks taT i reAlliEx10000000000 liKe...hoPEfuLLy thEre wiLL bE a goOd prIce sLAsh whEn e mAngo sALe aRrives...pLEaSSSSSSSSSSSSssse *crosS fiNger*...
pOor guYS haFta wAit oUtsiDe whiLe wE gaLS cHeck oUt tHE shOps, soRry guYS!!!...anD pOor yK haFta wAlk mE aNd chEnyu tO bUgiS aFter taT whiLe wE buLLy hiM (aS if wE onLi buLLy hiM thEn)...haHAha...
gOing for pLc trAIning tmR aT hoLLand V...a liTtle haLf heArted hEre..i reAllie duN liKe feEl duMb...u kNow hoW aT jOb trAininGS u owAez dO?...i haTe taT feEling...aNd i aM suPer noT iN the mOOd tO 'hI i aM joAnne i aM stUdyinG iN SIM' blaH blaH and blAh bLah...sO mUch sO i cAN't reaLLie sLp nOW...
iN a wAy i duN liKe cHAngeS...
toK abt duMb...whY cANt suM pPLe geT thE idEa intO their thIck heAded pIg hEadeD wAteva heAded puNy tinY noN eXistent brAIn?...haF sUm diGnitY anD duN thRow e 'fAce' oF gaLs...if suM1 doEsn't wAnna toK tO u, maYbe for nO aPparenT reAson u maY tinK of wiTh thE abOve meNtioNed kiNa brAIns...wAt dO u dO?...yEs u whIne anD u aCt vIctimiSed mAYbe eVEn sHed a feW teArs so tHe maCho(s) cAn reScue THE vuLneraBle yaHz?...sO wAt doEs tAt brIng u?...
hOw dO pPle gEt sO uTterlY shAmeleSs?...coX thEy nO bRainErs...hAhHAhahHAhahah...
tEll u aH iF i stAnd uP & faLl iMmediateLy i tinK i suPer deServe iT laHz cox i aM sOOoOoOoooO eViL...bUt if i duN geT iT oUttA mY sYstem i wiLl diE of suFfocaTioN mAnz...
feEl liKe puKing nOw aND feEl huNgrY, hOw cOmpLicaTEd cAn my sYsteM geT? maYbe iT's reTribuTion for aLL tAt eVil tOts...tAT sHisa thInGy iS maKing mE sICk aNd i diN eVen sMoke lOr, jUZ siT tHEre aNd bReatHe whiLe mAg tRied enDlesSly tO maKe hOops wiF thE eXhaLing of shIsa...haAHahAhh...
cAn u loVE (not liKe) tWo pPle aT tHE saME timE?...maYbe loVe oNe mOre thAN thE otHEr, nOt aSking for eqUAlitY hEre...bUt cAn u?...iSsit pOssibLE?...
aLl thEse bOoks aH, giVe mE sO maNy tOts...
me fiNishinG mY seCond bOok...
maYbe tMr i wiLL sEttlE mY buTt iN a coZy cAfe aT h.V aFteR tRainIng aNd fiNish mY thiRd...maYbe, juZ maYbe... iF i duN feEl oVerwHelmeD bY mY mUSclE aChes...hAiz...wEd haD maCham suM yOga cLasS, thN yest siR sUddeNly feLT oUr kiCks nO goOD, diD lIKe oVEr huNdreD kiCks lOr...leOpard cRawL & aLL...aNd i jUZ nOE tmR i wiLL liKe sO diE...
weLl yEst wAs the bLAck frI, i hoPe thoSe whO shLd, geT thEir wEll dEserveD aCcidenTs...buT i guEsS rEtribuTions dUn reAllie haPPen...if noT whY aM i stiLL heRe?...
Friday, May 13, 2005 || 8:22:00 AM
iT's lUcky mY frIdge iS baRren nOw...cOX tHe sMell oF fried chIckeN wiNgs iS drivinG me nuTs...whY mUx mY neIghboUrs bE suCh goUrmeT/gLuttOns?...dUn thEy nOe iT iS iLlegaL tO teMpt mE lYk tAT?...aND aLl i haF aRe dIgeSTivEs...tiS iS sO uNfair...wEll, siNce wHen it iSn't?...jUZ liKe hOW tHE sUn sCorCheS whIle i aM siNgiNg iN kTv buT pOUrs whEn i wAnna gO foR teNnis?...hOw caN anYone bLAme me foR beComiNg a bLob of faTS? hUH? teLL me lahZ?...gOt chICken wiNg teMptatiOn anD nO weAther riGht for eXerciSe...okI i jUZ hEarD suMthinG gRosS...933 iS sAYing eAting uR noSe shiT iS gOOd foR uR iMmunE sYsteM...aND u mUZ bE thOSe u diG uSing fiNgers, nOt thOSe coLlecteD oN a tiSsue coX aPparentlY tHe finGEr reAches pLAces a tiSsue cAn't anD thoSe aRe thE eSsence...???????????...*eEWww*jUZ caME baCk frM sWimmIng at yK's cOndo (pOor guY keNA chASed uP & fOrbiDded tO stEp dOwnstAIrs aS loNg aS i aM iN tHe pOol)...diD liKE foUr laPS oF tHE cRawL... *shAggEd* ... thEn mAybe twO or tHreE more oF bReaSt-sTroke...mOst oF thE tIme iS sPEnt toKkinG (wAt dO u eXpecT? i wEnt wiF chEnyu lEhz)...haHAha...buT toNite goT tKD sO aLso cAnnoT...iN caSe lTr iS reG tK cLAss, mUZ coNsErve eNErgY...bUt aCtuaLLi tinK coNseRVe oR noT oSo diE oNe laHZ...fiNisheD a bOok iN the mOrninG...suMtimEs iT's tRue tAT stuFf iS pErfeCt iN thE mEmorY...aND rEuNioNs mAY nOt bE aS pLEasaNT aS iMAgiNEd or eXpecTEd...dUn bE sAd tAT u cAN nO lOngeR sEe hIm...bE gLAd tAT noThinG sPOils uR gOod iMpreSSIon oF hiM iN uR mEmorY...iT beATs hAfinG rE-meEtinG hIm aT geYlaNg, OoglIng aT bar toP daNcerS...wORsE oOglIng aT uGlY dAncerS...coX iN mEmoriEs...tHEy aRE nOt guYS, thEy aRE sAInts...oOps...it iS paInfuL whEn uR iMpreSSion iS rUineD...wHEn wAT u oNce toT tUrns oUt tO be sO faR feTched fRom thE trUth tAT iT iS mOre oF a jOke...anD u dO noT kNOW hOW tO lAff aT ur foOlishNEsS, neItheR dO u kNOW hoW tO stOp laFfiNg whEN tHe woRld sTArts tO...mAy 10tH iS sUmoNe's bDAe bUt i cAn't rEmeMbeR whO...sO mUch foR aN oRgaNisEr tAT i iRonicALly dO nOt oPen aS oFteN aS iT iS meaNt tO be...iRonicaL thiNgs aRe sO cOmmoN...bUyinG tHinGs for doGgies u wiLL coME tO haFkeEpinG stuFf u nV eVer uSe aGainnOr tK a lOok aT aNimOrereLivinG meMorieS taT aRe tOo paInfuLliSteniNg tO sOngs taT maKe u cRyfuNny...jUZ unaVoidaBLe...baCk tO tHe sEconD bOok...
Thursday, May 12, 2005 || 7:23:00 AM
pLayinG:soLid haRmonIE_wALk aWayjUz cAme bAck fRm kTv anD tAmpinEs liBraRy...bOrrOweD fOur bOoks frM cHenyu'S rEcOmmEndAtiOns aNd oNe wHicH i hOpe iS cHickFliCk...sO eXcitEd aBT reADin thEM...sUrpriSed?...tAT's bEcoX u duNno mE...bUt nOW u dO...kTv wASn't aS gOod aS mOndaY...maYBe coX mOod nOt riTE...maYBe coX iT's tOo eArlie iN thE mOrninG aND mY voICe sTiLL aSLp...haIZ...wAs cRoakinG aLL thE wAy tHRu laHZ...buT aT leAST i sAw a feW gOod mtVS...veRy toUchinG oNEs...chEnyU wAS poWer laHZ...cUrrY chIcken riCe foR k luNCh toDay, quITe nICe jUZ tAT maYBe tHE riCe iS oVerniGht oNe...aND liTtle orange pAPer goT siNg toDay *aPpLausE*...i tiNk nOthIng bEATs thE feELing oF loSt aND foUnd bA?...wONder iF tHOse wORking at thE loSt aND foUNd coUnteRS aRE haPPier pPle?...yOu hAFta bE iSn't iT?...wiTneSSing aLl thAT faCEs oF reLieF, jOY anD hapPineSs wHEn tHe pEeps reCover thEir lOssEs...bUT i guESs tHe fACes oF diSappOintmenT aRe eqUAlli dISheArteniNg...wEll,u cAN't haf boTh siDes of thE woRld...bElievE iN faTE, sUm lOSsEs aRe tO maKE spAce foR pRettieR, beTA aND mORe deServinG thIngs... *thiNk pOSitivE*...aLL thEse beCoz?...i wAnnA annouNce i wOre mY deViL aNgel eArrInGs oUt toDAy anD i aM sO haPpie!!!!...hAhAha...i aM goIng for mY bOoks iN mY niCe soFt beD iN a coOl aIr coNditioNed roOm nOW...eNjoY uR aFternOon...gOnNA leArn pHotoshOp ltR fRm sHAron...brInginG mY laPtoP tO trAIning...hMmMmm... *wOrriEd*
rEmemBEr tO prAY i duN breAK mY boNEs aT tRAining lTr!!!...dAMn...1 wEek nV gO feEL liKE i gaIN a miLLioN kiLOs...*drowniNg iN faTS*
Wednesday, May 11, 2005 || 2:40:00 PM
rEdaNd yeLLoWpiNK aNd gReeNpUrplE anD oRanGeaNd bLuei cAN sEe thE rAInboW, sEe tHe rAInboW...seE tHe rAInboW tOo...i loVE thIS soNg sO mUchiE bUt fOr wAT reAsoN i duNno...aND toDay, i heARd iT aT leASt 5 timEs bUT i aM stiLL nOt siCk oF iT...hAhAha...loVe thE haRleY dAVidsoN bUS aD tOo...coLour sChemE, dEsigN aND aLL...jUZ tAT i cAn't rEmembeR thE gaL's faCE...hEard thE mOSt riDicuLous liE oF mY liFe toDAy...liArs shLd tK noTe nEver tO bE oVerboArd wIth thEir wEaviNg...oR eLSe iT wiLL onLi sEem sO uNbeLIevaBle...woNder whY u cAn't aCcept thE fAct u 'pI tUi'...pRob u diN gRow oUtTA iT sO u r aFraId oF leTtinG uR cuRrent gF kNow aBout tHE reAL u iN thE paSt...wAT a jOke...bIG heARt?...bIG fuCk...haD mY fAV praWn mEe toDay...yAyy!...aT textiLE cEntrE, u gUYS sHLd gO trY...sPent mY afTernOon aLone reADing fEmale aND a chIneS sTorY bOok aT sTArbuCks...a nEw eXperienCe bUt a reFreshiNg,reLAxiNG aND lUxuRious oNE...a feW mORe trIEs aND i sHld bE reADy tO shOp aLone anD fiNAlli wAtch a mOvie mYseLf...bUt bEt i wiLL nV bE aBLe tO eAT mYSeLf...dUn aSk mE whY...bUt aT leASt...aFter 21 yEars i cAN dO stuFf mYseLf...aND i aM sO gOnnA bE pRoud oF mYSeLF...aND fRm toDAy oNwaRds i owAez wiLL bE...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 || 2:58:00 PM
i aM nOt a bLArdY kID sO sTop tReatiNg mE aS oNE?...i kNOw hOW tO mAnaGE mY hoLs,fiNance aND sInce i aM nOt fiNanciALLy dEpeNdenT oN u...stOp diCtatiNg mY liFe...tO me, hoLS=reSt if noT pLAy...tHere'S a rEasoN whY i sLoggEd sO haRd 4 mY pPs?...aRen'T thESe mY eNtiTlemeNts?...wE aRe gRowinG aPArt...siNce aPriL foOls...bUt u wUn kNow...suMtiMEs duN kEep thE woRd 'buSy' oN ur mOuth aLL daY...dUn bLAme pPle fOr wAnting ur tiME...iF u duN maTter,uR tiME doEsn't eiTher...aNd aSk urseLf hOW mUCh haF u giVen tO thOSe whO dEservEs iT?...weLL iF u tiNk i duN, fiNE...sUmtiMes i wISh i gEt iNtO aN aCcidEnt...cOma aNd mAYbe jUZ diE iF tAt maKEs u guILty, maKEs u tiNK...eVen if jUZ for a liTtle wHile i wiLl tiNk iT aLL woRthwhiLE...OAC gaTHerinG toDAy...aTtendEnce 12...oUtTa 17aBsenteEs:aiLing (kL)ziYin (taIwaN)liBinG (hOngkOng)yaNyi & christinE (eRmMmM?)i pErsonaLLi fEel haPpie wiF thE strengtH toDay...gLAd eVEryoNE iS maKing aN eFfort...wEll maYbe tHEy jUZ got sCAred bY thE tHreaT tHat 'thOSe nV coMe gEt reADy tO bE spOken iLL of'...haHAhah...kTv wAS sHioK laHz (tiNk mY pErformaNce wAS gOod toNitE aMongsT aLL thE loUSy timEs)...aNd iT's oNLi 8.40 fOr 2-8...chEap riTe?...bUt iT's liKE toTaLLy iNaCcessiBLe laHZ...aNd i dO meAN toTaLLy...aNd duN pLAy plaY, aLL mY feLLow OACiaNS cAN siNg...mR preSidenT wAS stuNNinG...hiS 'doNg foNg pO' wAS beST...roNgrEn iS thE cuNning tyPe,trAIn aLL thE soNgs tAt wiLL maKE gaLS gO gAga(eG aI heNg jiAn taN, tiAN zhEng, liAN aI pIN lU)...wEisHAn iS tHE pOWer paCt FIR, sO mUch sO i reALLie cAn't rEconciLE thE voIce with thE faCe...sUpiNg aS uSual, tHE stiLL sTronG deEp voICe i owAez kNEw...thOugh oUr chEena nOt quiTe thEre aNymOre(haD tO skIp a miLLioN woRds) aND tHEy aLL diN nOE wHo's yU heNg eXcepT wEishAN(toT sHE's a hE suMore)...wE haD aLot of fuN...fOrce qiNgliN tO siNg 'IF' pLus aLot of stUpid tHings laHZ...aNd thEsE gaTHerinGs aRE meAnt fOr pRiveLedgEd aND oUtsTAndinG onLI...*bLeaH*woULd u uNderstANd tHE haRdshiPS?...tHE joKEs?...thE naMEs?...
hAppiE mOthEr's dAY
Monday, May 09, 2005 || 1:56:00 PM
pLAyinG: sLy's dI yI gE yUan yiN
yAhz i nOe...hE suX...mAyBe hIS vOicE tOo...bUt tiS soNg...
hAd a veRy verY sAtisFyinG diNner...oF coUrse i jUZ hAd tO 'lOu liANg shOu' tOo...hAHAHa...chiLLi cRab iS gOod...nO nO tAt iS boUghT...hAhHAha...
nOW tAT eXamS aRe oVEr, i feEL a ceRtaiN sEnse oF loSt...eVen thoUgh tHEre aRe thIngs i cAN dO (lYk thE urgenT nEed tO pAck mY nOtes)...i jUZ feEl lyK a wAnderEr...bUt neItheR dO i fEEl lyK woRkinG workinG tOO...iF u gEt wAT i mEan...a liTtlE haLf heARteD abt thE inTErvieW tMr...aPpliEd coX toT iT's workinG aT tHe peT sAFari...bUt iT's actuaLLi pEt lOveR pTy lTd...aNd e iDea oF fiFo iS sUFfoCating...tOk aBt fiCkle mINdedNEsS....
wHy doEs iT haFta rAIn oN tHE fiRst anD pRob onLi wEekeNd i cAN bLADe hUh?...eNDed uP laZyinG aRd aT hoMe...maYBe tAT eXplaIns whY i feEl sO...lOSt?bOred?...wAtevA...
iSsiT cRAzy tAt i aM mISsinG tHe exAmz?...oR cLAsSes? wAt iS tHE poINt oF stAYinG oVer iF aLL wE dO iS jUZ sLP?...*siGhs*
Sunday, May 08, 2005 || 3:43:00 PM
i aM a hAppie gaL oNce aGain!!!i aM stiLL meAnt tO be dEviLisH...I FOUND MY EARRING!!!sO nOw i shALL uPdaTe mOre aBt mY shOppIng tripS siNce e eNd of mY pPs...hAhAhA...tHurSday wEnt for shOrt sHoPpiNg triP aT hEereNs coX wenT tO buY slIppers for yOngtaNg's bDae...sO saD i nO lOngeR sEe tHE lIghT grEen aNd lAvendeR oNes tAt i iNitiaLLy wAnteD tO buY...bUt i reAlisEd tHe priceS wenT uP hOrrEndoUSly tO liKe suM 40 buCks sO i deCideD i shALL jUZ gEt buRkiNstock oNce anD fOr aLL...tHouGh hOW wiLLinG wiLL i bE tO weAR tHose foR tReKkinG i duNno...sAw tiS niCe tUbe toP aT mU...nOt tAt iT wiLl lOok nIce oN mE...bUt niCe neVErtheLesS...yEst wEnt tO lOok foR toUr paCkaGEs...wAnted tO gO bIntaN..bUt mUmmY sAY iNdo anD thaI vEry dAngeroUS..aDvise ME tO gO mSia...sO i guEss i mAy gO pEnaNg, siBu oR rEdaNg... rEdaNg aBit tOo coMmerciaLisEd tHouGh...sPEciaL thAnz to huImIn for aCcomPanyiNg ME tO seArcH for tHE toURs...i woULD mUch pRefeR tO BE shOppIng wiF yOu dARliNg...aNywAy, gLAd mUmmY woUld eVen leT mE gO sO mSia iT shALL bE...bEsiDes i oN tIghT bUdgEt tOo...liKE tHE wAY jOSh sAYs iT...'wAnnA gO thEre bE eMperoR, aNithiNg oSo caN bUY'...meANinG uSing thE stRengtH of thE siNg dOllar...doNAteD bLooD tOO, wAS a liTtle wOrriEd cOZ sLight rASh(e oTher tiME thEy seNd mE hoME coX oF taT)...aNd gaVE mY bLooD sAMpLE for bOne maRrow teStinG...laStLy i aM tHe haPPieSt coX mY next wAKeboaRdinG tRip iS coNfiRmeD!!!!...uNwaNteD pPLe uNinVIteD...23rD oF march!!!...cAN't wAit...
|| 2:28:00 PM
i lOSt thE dEviL siDe of mY aNgeL deViL eArriNgs!!!!!!...jUZ whEn cHEnyU toLD mE shE loSt hEr gaL gaL eArring toDay!!!!!...iF bY tMr i stILL cAn't fiND iT beHind mY wAShinG maChiNE i wiLL buY aNothEr paIR...aRghz!!!...i sO loVE tAT paIR oF eArriNgs!!!!...sobz...hOpe iT iSnt oUtTa stOck yeT...*WAILS*actuaLLi hAD a vEry nIce dAY 2dAY wif cHEnyU...wEnt fOr suM oPEnhoUSe oF a naIL pArlOur...gOt a fReE doOR giFt whIch coNsisT oF a feMAle mAG(yeAH wAt's tHe biG deAL) biG deAL iS tHEre iS a frEe fACe maSk...goT a frEe naiL poLIsh sAMpLe...anD diD a frEe haND maSk...bY tHE wAY i wOn a free coLlageN fAciAL woRth 138 bucks...hAHAh...i soUnd liKE suM biMbo...bUt sEriousLy i aM aN iDiot coX i diN eVEn nOe wAT's coLLageN?...tHen wEnt tO littlE iNdiA tO tHreAd mY eYEbroWs...vEry paInfuL (bUt nOt aS paInfuL aS loSing mY eArriNgs)...wEnt tO toWn, shOp abiT...nOt vEry sATiSfyiNg yEt...bUt sInce eXamZ aRe oVER i haf thE tiME in thE woRLd maNZ...uP tO tiS pOinT i aM stiLl thiNkinG oF mY dEviL eaRrinG!!!maYbe iT iS a sIgn i aM nOt reALLie tAT deVILish hUh?....bUt buT buT i wANt tAT eArriNg aRghZ!!!!shOppIng wif chEnyU iS aBt aS fuN aS shOppiNg wiF huImiN...bUt deeFinatELy lEsS tiRing...maYBe coX chEnyU toDay nOt oN form...aNywaY...i tiNk i aM tOo oBsEssEd iN sCEnts...oN daYs wHere i aM haRDworkiNg anD whEn mY MEmorY iSn't faILing mE...i smElt liKe a frUit baSket sOAked iN gIoRgiO aManI...my haIR cReam iS lEmon,fAciaL cReam aPplE, bOdY lOtioN laVenDer and lIp gLosS miXed fRuit...bEst riTE?...i aM missinG mY eaRrinG!!!!!anYwaY, i leArn tIS suMwhEre frm suMoNe...'viRgiNitY iS noT dignitY, juZ a laCk oF oPportuNity'hAhhAHah....i sO hoPe i duN miSs mY bLAdinG sEsSioN tMr bUt i shLD reAllie geT doWn tO wiSma's biTs anD piEceS tO geT anOtheR pAir of eArrinG iSnt iT?...tMr iS mOtHEr's dAY...wiLl bE haFinG cRAb foR diNner buT i guESs i wiLL bE stiLL upSet oVer mY loSt eArriNg...haIZ...noThinG i aM sUre wiLL bRighTen mE uP uNleSs i fiNd iT...gOodneSs toK abT depEndeNcY...oN suCh a liTtlE thiNgy...maYbe i shLd jUZ belIeve iN 'u lOse thiNgs taT aren't meAnt for yoU'...bUt arGhz!!!!...
Thursday, May 05, 2005 || 7:59:00 AM
mAYbe differEnt pEople haF diFerent prioritIes iN thEir oWn individUAl liFes...yOu cAN maKE uP a dOZen rEasoNs for ur chOiceS iN lIfe anD weLL i mAy jUZ tiNk thEy aRe eXcusEs...yEs u gOt iT, i aM eXtremEly biTter oVEr suM pEopLE's chOiceS iN thEir liFe tAT i mAy oR maY nOt haf a sAY iN...dEpenDing oN thEir mOod aNd miNe...aNd maYbe uR oWn dIScrEtioN...i hAf tiS jUZ liTtlE biT oN iNternAtionaL trAde tO coVEr (whIch i aM sO tEmpteD tO skIp aND jUZ dePEnd on my eCons kNoleDge) before i mOvE oN tO drawing mINd mAps anD atteMptinG pAst yEar quEstions...sO tHEn i aM nOt goIng foR tRainiNg toNite...anD tMr's tOo *guILty*...thIS skIppiNg iS nO gOOd, i maY jUZ veRy weLl gEt uSed tO iT...bUt dArn mY lAst pP tMr anD i aM goNna pUt iN mY lAst bit of eFfort sO tAt i wiLL eScapE guIlt tAT oNE niTe oN 5th oF juNE before reSUlts aRe rEleASed...pLus, i duN reALLie haFTa gO fOR tRaiNing aND enDure suM iDiot's oH-sO-right rEasoNinGs aBt hEr beHAvioUr, aCtioNs anD wAt nOt...iT's mY pRioritY aND noT liKE iT aFfeCts uRs aNywAY... *aRghZ*mY siSteRS aRe aLL sLEepIng thEir aFternOons aWay aND tAt leAVes mE suM qUieT tiME tAT i sHLd maKE fuLL uSe oF tO reALLie cOncentrATe on mY mKt!!!...iNsteAD oF siSterlY cOncern oF wAT's gOing oN iN tHEir lIfe(beTA kNOwn aS gOssiP)...bEsIdes iT iS goNNa rAin aND iT iS tHE bEst wEatheR tO stUDy (yAHz yaHZ wEird i noE)...sO cAN't lEt doWn heAVen's gOod iNtenTion iN aSsisstinG mE oN mY aCquIring oF gReaT aWesoMe mKt kNowleDge...haHAha *buLLshiTtinG*bY the waY, i diD a nEw toP for shErRy foR heR bDAe!!!!...sHE sAid sHE tot mY deSign wAs bOught suMWherE...hMmM eiTher sHE meANs i aM pRo oR i aM laZy...bUt aNywAy, coMpLimenT nOteD...i jUZ toT oF a whOle sErieS i coULd maKE...sHld reALLie stARt taKing pIcs oF mY woRks tOo...bEfoRe mY coLLectiOn gEts eXtendEd tO nOn faMily nOn friEnds iSn't iT?...wHen i gEt hoLD oF a uSabLe, uPlOad-aBle cAM first k?...aNd whEN eXamZ aRe oVer...soOn, sOon, SOON!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 04, 2005 || 11:54:00 AM
hoW dO u gUYs tiNk oF title for yoUr enTrieS?...hMmMm,i cAn't...anYwaY,iT's tHe laW pP toDay..tiNk mY heARt neARlY jUmp oUtTa mY moUth whEn tHE iNviGiLator chEckEd mY tExt...wAS wOnderiNg wAt tO dO iF sHE confiScateS iT duE tO eXceSsive noTes...bUt luckilY shE diN...oNE mOre pP aND tWo mOre dAYs anD i wiLl bE haPpiE gaL aGain...bUt mArketinG iS thE woRst worsT pAper...hAIz...rAther haF iT oPen boOk tHAN lAw maNz...suMtimEs i aM sO mUch oF a diLEmmA...sHld i wiSh fOr a nOn aiR coN 151 sO i cAN enJoy thE wiNd?...oR shLd i wiSh fOr aN air-coN oNe sO i cAN wAtch tV mObilE?...bUt lUckiLy a nOn aiR coN oNe cAMe anD i wAs aBle tO cAtch tHE wU yiN liANg pIn soNg tAt i wAS trYinG tO reMEmbEr...i aM trUly aMAzeD aT hOW eNgroSseD i gEt wHEn iT coMEs tO tV, or raTher tV mObiLE...iF yOu lOveD suM1 coX hE/shE lOokeD liKE suMonE u miSsEd aLot...doEs tAT reALLie meAN u duN loVe thEm for tHem?...wAT if u stILL lOve tHEm eVEn aFter tHEy cHAnge aWaY fRoM lOoking liKE tAt suMonE?...dOEs tAT coNstiTutE lOve nOW?...sHLd wE reALLie nEveR fOrgiVE a bEtraYaL?...aRen't tHE haPPiEr tiMEs aFteR taT wOrth aN oCcasSionaL heaRtacHE?...
fLyinG coCkroAch
Monday, May 02, 2005 || 2:28:00 PM
oKi i nOE i juX bLoGged bUt i aBsolUtelY dEfiNAteLy moST ceRtaInlY mUz coMe anD teLl u aBouT mY fLyinG coCkroAch ePiSode...
ApPALauSE PlS!!!!!!!
HaHAHah,sAw taT irRitating pEst crAwlinG hiDeouslY nExt tO chRistinE's seAT...whEn i sCreaMed,iT fLEw...tiNk mY neigHbourS shLd bE caLling thE poLice soOn...coX whEn iT fLew aLL thRee siStas sCreameD!!!...haHAhha...dAMn fuNnie...
coX fLying coCkroAcheS are pregnAnt, i deciDe i shAnt spAre iTS liFe anD riSk my oWn...
hEre coMEs thE hEroiNE!!! hEro anD hEroInes paISeh..
hEro:mR doU dOu
hEroinE 1:mS jOAnnE wong
heRoinE 2:mS cHRistinE wong
aT fiRSt heRo & heroiNE1 wEre bLindLy chASing thE mOnster....
thEn dEciDed noT veRy sAfe fOr hEro sO sCAredY caT (aKa mS gWen wOng) caLLed in the heRo...
wHen aSsiSstance wAs reQuireD tO aMbuSh thE moNsteR...*teNg teNg* hEroiNe2 cAme foRwaRd anD vOlunteEr hEr sErviCe...
aNywaY, enUff oF cRAp...
wE chASe thE cOckroach into mY mUm's rOom anD i caP a trAnsparent (iT's iMpT wE arE abLE tO sEe iT iN caSe oF eScapE, aDvicE bY sCaredy cAt) iCe creAm boX oVer iT...aftEr whIch sCaredy cAt caME aNd pReSs oN thE boX wHilE wE fiSh oUt aLL diCtioNarieS aND sEveraL voLumeS of oUr cHilDhoOD eNcYcLoPaediA tO hoLd hoStaGE...
eXit bY mUmmY rOom's dOor iS blOckeD bY a fLoor rAg(yEsh wE aRe tAt eRmMmM dIsgusTEd bY tHE mOnstEr)
aNywAy mUmmY cAme hoME b4 wE fiNisH wRiting thE iMperiaL dEcRee...
hEroiNEs hAf hEroiC mUmmIes bY thE waY(whEre dO u tiNk wE iNheRit oUR coUragE?)...
fiNAL eXEcutiOn hELd bY dEaresT mUmmY...
gReateSt aPolOgiEs tO beRnaRd anD kaSh whOm coNveRsatiOns wEre iNteRrupTed...
wAt aN eXcitiNg niTE...aNd a suPer hOt oNe...
|| 11:53:00 AM
wEnt tO cHEck oUt mY hOl trIp...pLAnned tO gO baLi buT iT sEems a liTtle tOo eX,300++...buT i wAnnA gO a bEAch rESorT wiF suM shOppiNg tO bE doNE...sUm1 mEntiOnes pHukeT..haIZ, juZ haFta caLl tHE aGanciEs...coZ they weRe CLOSED toDAy...hOW duMb cAN i gEt riTE?tO gO chEck oN a suNdaY...pRob iS i stiLL haVen goT a hoL jOB...pRAyinG tAt pEt sAfarI wiLL taKE mE oR SIA wiLL...iF i hAF a jOB maYbe cAn lAz mY bUDgeT a lItteLe mOre...anYwaY,i jUZ gRooMed doU dOu...hE iS sO fAt...cAN'T diFferentIate hiS lAYers oF faT?skIn? fRm hIS coAt...wALk hiM tOo lEss,gRoom hiM tOo liTtlE...sO iRrespOnsiBle oF mE...aNywAy, i pAsseD tiS reAlliE inTErestIng shOp iN cApitoL cEntrE...thEy haF sPeLL cLAssEs... bUt thEy wEren'T oPen todAY...toOk a pAmflEt fRm thE stoRe...thiS iS wAT i cAll iNteLLigenT...cAN u iMaginE toUr aGenciEs nOt leAvinG pRiceS n oR theiR contaCt nUmbeRS iN thEir aDvertisEments?...tOtaLLy bRainlEss...wEnt cLiffOrd pIer neXt, mAchaM toUr of siNgapoRe hOr?...i tiNk thE 'chANge aLLey' thEre iS sO cuTe..thE doOrs of thE stOreS thEre sO aNtIquE...aND thE stUff thEy sEll thEre iS sO rEtrO...tOo baD tHey wEre CLOSED aGAin...yeAH yeAH, i wAS liKE suM pEepiNg toM foR thE mOSt oF tOdaY, pEakiNg iNtO stOreS aLL thE tiMe...tSk tsK...coNclUsion?...suNdaYs shLd be reServeD for bLAding, nOt chEckiNg oUT,noT shOppIng...
duN aSk me wHy
Sunday, May 01, 2005 || 1:14:00 PM
i aM sO upSet i cAn't fiNd sLyveSter's dI yi gE yuAn yiN's lYricS...mAybE i goiNg cRazy...buT i siMplY cAn't gEt enUff oF tt soNg...i aM noW deSperatEly pRayiNg tt tHE blOg-oWner whOSe bLog i aM nOt vIewinG doEsn't chOose tO chAnge hEr bLog soNg...aND anYone wHo cAn geT me iTs lYricS i wiLl bE etErnaLLy grAtefuL...juZ tOo baD hE iSnt -hoNg- enuFf tO be iN boxup.com...aRghz...jiU miNg...I WANT TAT SONG!!!!!coVered aNotHer twO chAPteRS oF maRketinG wiF loTSa paRts i duN unDerstANd...maYBe mY engLish noT pOWderfuL enUff foR tAT leCTurEr...aNd i sO fEel liKE kiLLinG mYseLF foR nOt liSteninG iN cLAss...tMr i aM goNna chEck oUt mY baLI trIp eXpenseS tO sEe iF mY buDgeT aLLows mE tO gO tAt 'fAR'...moSt pRob wiLL bE goIng tO peT sAfarI aftEr tAt...haiZ...goNna coNtinuE mY sEarch fOr taT soNg...duN aSk mE whY i rePeat...iT juZ toUcheS sUmwhEre dEep iN mY heARt...