“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005 || 2:58:00 PM
juZ cHAngEd mY rAbbiT's bEddiNg...hE wAS sniFfinG aRd lYk a doGgie...anD thEre dOudoU goEs liCkinG hiMSelF drY lYk a rAbbiT...iNteraCtiON = lEarninG?...toDay i diD aCcomplISh mAny thIngs...fiRSt, mOr pREsentAtion iS oVer...pLAyed teNNis ( mOre oF piCkinG baLLs anD seRvinG oVEr)sWam (yaYY! thOugh nO suN, iT's oKI coX toDay wEaring oNe piEce)mAde mY rABbiT haPPie...oNli thiNg iS i wEnt aGAinsT mY rEsolUtion? pRinciPle?...maYBe pRactiCe...tAT i duN lyK...i wAS sEriouslY quIte piSsed iN e bEginIng, thOugh iT diN tuRn oUt tAT baD...i kNow i maY bE jOKinG moSt oF e tiME, bUT wHen i sAY i duN wAnna sWim wiF guYS i meAN iT...mAYbe mY reSoluTioN iS noT stRonG aNymoRe?...naHz, i pRefeR tO tinK thAT i trEat u aS a gAl...noW cAN e oNE uP thEre lEt mE finD tAt aRticlE i nEed foR OE...anYone's hSe aLot oF paSt eNglisH paPers?...cAN i iNvitE mYSelF oVEr?...duNno iF iT's e fAct i aM iN buSineSs oR thAT i aM cYnicaL (tyPe X), juZ cAN't bRing mYSelF tO bElievE thAT anYoNe fRm e mANagEment siDe iS siNcerelY coNCerneD...eVEn iF i dID, mY bRain wiLL bE sElf wAshed tO tiNK oTHErwiSe...hOPe tiS mTh cAN hIt tArgeT aGAin...i aM sO moTivatEd bY chEnyU...
Sunday, August 28, 2005 || 3:06:00 PM
tWo vERy bAD eAtinG pLAces foR twO dAYs noW...otHEr thAN e fAct i aM boILing wiF pAIn (diArrhOea 4 toDay) anD anGeR, i reAllie duN wiSh u guYS tO bE lYk mE noW...oKi, e cAUSe oF mY tRips tO e toIlet iS tiS reStaurAnt nAMed 'Ai wo' aT rAfflEs citY...iT suPPosedlY seRves vEry heAlthY foOD thAT iS leSs thAN 50 cALoriE pEr diSh anD siNLess bRownie...tHAt's wAT aTTracteD mE anYway...aND taT's bEcoZ eAch diSH iS sImiliAr tO sAKae's sErvinG...nO pRob riTe?...thiNgy iS thEy onLI haF 13 diFFerent diShes eAch niTe...anD haLF suZ...iT sO bLand i tiNk thEy riNSe evErythinG iN wATer bEfore sErvinG...
anD noW i aM haFing diArrhoEa...maYbe iT's deTOxifiCatioN hUh?...
anD foR thOSe whO gOes tO eAStliNk maLl foODcoUrt...pLeasE duN pAtroNise e duCk riCe stAll...aT lEast nOt foR kWay chAp...aSked foR e fAtty meAT tO bE chANged tO duCk's cAnnoT, saId wiLL rePLAce bUt neVEr, juZ lEft iT oUt, wantEd tO bUy aNother bOwl oF kWay sElliNg pRice onE doLLAr...
baD stUff aSide...toOk doUdou tO e pArk bUt diN geT tO seE tiGEr toNitE...aNywAy doUdou'S mOre enErgetic thEsedAYs...anD hE lOOk bIt sLimmEr...yAyy...
wEnt tO sErangOOn rOAd tOdAY...bUt diN maNage tO buY nIce baNgles anD alSo lET gO of sumThinG i miSs sO muCh noW...sO i goTTa gO baCk...nO maTTer wAt...
yAyy...iT's pAY dAY aGaiN!!!...
Friday, August 26, 2005 || 5:34:00 PM
i juZ finiShed mY evErdeArest eMploymEnt rElatioNs mODule eSsay...thAt plUS i aM noT woRkiNG tmR maKEs mE fEel sO liBerateD...noW iS taT e coRrect wAY tO uSe taT woRd?...noT tAt woRk iS nO fuN...iN fAct iT's bEen grEat thiS coUple oF dAYs...kAYa tOASt 4 bReAkfASt, sEmi foRmal coNVersatiONs, tEasinG, jOkes plUS hElpiNg mE tiDy mY sHop...wAT mOre cAN i aSK foR?...i coNcludEd iN e sHort tiME i wAS tyPing tiS pAra tAT e roOt oF mY stRess iS cAUsed bY thE pUnch cArd anD iTs maChinE...i goT a fRee boX oF 30 sAchets oF skIn anD coAT suPPlemenTs foR doUdou...diN mEan tO pURposelY taKE e moSt eXpensiVE oNE fRm e suPPlier bUt i diN noE shE wAS goNNA giF iT tO mE...i mErelY voICe ouT mY rEal oPiniOns...bUt shE wAnt mE tO seLL hEr pRods foR heR riTE?...sO mayBe i deServed iT aFter aLL...*shRugs*i haTE SIM stUDent coUnciL!!!!!...liFEleSs pPLe whO haF nTh elSe tO dO iN thEir misErabLE liFe sO thEy gO aRd cuTTinG loCkers anD coNFiscatinG my ER noTEs, cAUSing mE tO haVE tO reACh sChooL eArlie...loSing mY beAUty slP!!!!!!...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i aM sO hAppiE tAT i aCtuaLLi cAn't gEt tO slP riTE noW....eVen i duN bElieve wAT i aM saYing...
Thursday, August 25, 2005 || 1:10:00 PM
coLLectEd mY spEcs...quiTe haPPie wiTh iT thOugh mY sIS sAy i pUt liQuid pAPer oN iT... *duH*anyWaY, doUdOu cAN bE oFf leAsh noW u noE?...buT i aM stiLL wATchinG oVEr hIm, eSp aT jUNctionS anD cArparkS...stiLL leASh hIm aLL e wAy tiL e paRk...sO hE's a gOOd doGgie stiLL yaHZ?...aCtuaLLi i tiNK hE owAeZ haS beEn jUZ taT wE weRE oVEr pRotectivE...buT nOW tAT hE wANdeRS aRd iN e pArk i tinK i shLD stARt tinKing oF pReventiVE meASures foR flEas anD tiCks...
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 || 6:56:00 AM
mY ER eSsay iS 3/4 doNe anD i aM mUCh leSs stREss nOW...goNNa wAit tiL i fiNd suM boOks tMr tO quoTe thEn wRite uP mY coNClusioN anD tAtA!...aLL iT tAkes iS tO chANge thE quEstioN i aM doiNg...nOt iN e mOOd foR chAllenGEs tiS timE...mORe iNterested iN eNjoyIng mY diNNer wiTha peAce oF miND anD briNginG doUDou foR a wAlk...i haTE e fAct tAt taMpineS swImmINg coMpleX iS clOSed foR reNovatioN...anD taT iT oWaez raINs whEn i aM haFing a frEe dAy...bUt mY tASte buDs aRe haVing a trEat lATer sO i sHAll juZ stoP wHininG...bLAck aNguS...hMmmMMMMmmmM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 || 1:19:00 AM
tWo gOods nEws toDay...1) i fiNAlli boUght mY wHite frAme sPEcs (coLlectinG oN wEd yAyy!)2) i foUnd mY maKEup pOuch!!oKI, sO whAt iF noW i haF twO bUtterflY cLips oF thE saME coLOur?...anD tAt iT's nOt veRy chEap eiTher coNSidering iT sO smaLL, clIppiNF sO liTtle haIr...jUZ tAKe iT taT i wuN suFfer sO mUCh hEartaChes iF i evEr loSt onE oF thEm...liKE thEY saY, oNE shOuld oWaez bE pRepared...sAt wAS baI bAi daY, diN dO eSssay...yEst wAS woRking daY, diN dO esSay aGAin...i aM sO dieD!!!...wHEn i wAS yoUng, i wAS sO eNvious oF mY cLAssmaTes whO haF veRy eDucatEd auNties anD uNcles...fOR 1) thEy gO aBroad oFten eNough tO makE mE sweLL wiF jeALousY brInginG aLL tAt pResents bK...2)thEY buY pResentaBle giFts tHAT maKE u hOLd uR heAD uP hIgh iN gatHErings...3)iF 1 anD 2 duN haPPen, thEy cOmpensATe wiF a bIg aNg-poW...bUt nOW, iT doEsn't reAllie mAtter aNymoRe...i cAN geT mY oWn stUFf...anD whEn tHEy giF mE sTuff i duN liKE evEry sO oFten(oOOps), i cAn bRing iT tO e sALvatioN aRmy, kAranG gUni mAn eTc etC...bE iT whEther iT deBits mY 'gO 2 heAVen' aCcount oR theIRs...oNE shOUld oWaeZ bE pOSitivE (Joanne Ng Peh Sia, 2005)aLL thOSe tHoughts aSide,i mEt tiGEr oN sAt whEn i bRought dOudoU tO e pArk (anD yeSh taT's wHy hE's gOt a mUScle aChe nOW)...6 wEeks oLD anD vEry aDorabLy pLAyfuL...mAde mE kiNDa uPSet thAt i mIsseD ouT oN doUDou's chIldhooD...aND thOUgh i haF reSOluted tO oNli aDopt doGS iN mY liFe, iT soRta wAvEred...anYwaY, wE aSsume doUDou haS a mUScle aChe coX mE anD mY siS hAVe...anD hE haS bEen wALkinG fuNny...goIng tO sChooL tO seE suM grOups pResent...aND wE aLL kNOw whOse grP i hoPe tO seE...PS: iT reALlie mAKes mY daY whEn 1) mY bEstest frEn aSk mE aLong coX iT feLy wEird foR shE tO mEet mY paRtner aLone...2) suMone coMplimEnted mE oN mY pErfumE (jUZ hoPE i wuN loSe iT aFterwArds thoUgh)
Saturday, August 20, 2005 || 7:17:00 AM
i lOst mY hP...mY mArketinG tExtbOOk...mY mAkeuP pOuch...e pOuch fiLLed wiF gOOdies i cAn't bEar tO reCall nOw...soB soB...suMtimEs nICe pPle mAY hUrt u mOre thAn e eVil oNes...coX u duN eXPect thEm tO...anD i duNno iSsit woRse iF iT wAS nEVer thEir iNtentioN...siNCe iT iS eASier tO haTe anD foRget...tiS i fORgot...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 || 2:50:00 PM
i aM stiLL sO vEry iN loVe wiF wiLLy woNka...sO muCh sO i cAN't bEar tO shUt mY coM noW...tAt lOOk frM e haT...tHAt pAir oF eyEs...*chUCkles*
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 || 1:09:00 PM
i loVE wiLLy woNkers...wEird yeSh...evEn eCcentriC...bUt hE iS sO wiTty, mYsteriouS anD aMbitioUS...jOhNny dEpp iS haNDsoMe...aS wiLLy....knOW hE's uSualLi mORe weLL, uNshAVen....aBiT siSsy...mORe pOWder oN e fAce tHAn mE...bUt i lIKe hIS sAddiStic sMIle...biShi bAshI iS gOOd...iT's a gOOd niTE...i aM goIng tO beD...tmR stiLL goTTa woRk...shLd i toK tO mY muM?...neEda teLL hEr i aM noT coMing hoME oN weD...bUt i aM sO piSsed wiF heR...oH weLL...wiLLy woNka, wiLly woNka...e aMAzing chOcolatierwiLLy wOnka, wILLy wOnKa...evErybodY gIVes a chEerhE's mODest, cLever, sO sMArt, hE bArelY cAN reStraiN iTwiTh sO muCh gEneroUSity, thEre's nO waY tO cOntaiN iTtO cOntaiN it...tO coNtain...tO coNtaiN...tO cOntaiNwiLLy woNka, wiLLy woNka...hE's e oNE yOU'rE abt tO mEetwiLLy woNka wiLLy woNka...he's a gEniuS whO juSt cAN't bE beATthE mAgiciAn anD thE chOColatE wiZhE's thE beSt dArn guY whO eVer liVEdwiLLy wOnka hEre hE iSi aM sO fASciNAteD...
Monday, August 15, 2005 || 10:34:00 PM

hEre's e gUy
Friday, August 12, 2005 || 3:06:00 PM
iT wAs tWo gOOd tRaininG dAYs...sO mUCh sO i duN tinK i cAN wAlk anYmoRe wiThout diFficulTy foR thE neXT twO dAYs...toT fOR e dAY...wAT maKEs uP uR vALues oR bEliefs iN lIFe?...mAYbe i aM pLAIn nOSey...bUt suMtimeS iT reAllie tiCkles mE...yOu meAN u r lOud anD pPle aNnouNce uR aRrivaL pRior tO iT...giFs u a nICknaME taT dRips wiF sACarSm yET u stiLL tiNk iT iS oH-sO-vEry mAcho?...thEY miGht aS weLL cAll u 'e lOUdspEaker'...sUm pPLe aRe jUZ sO dEnse uP thEre...oH wEll, timE foR MOR...
Thursday, August 11, 2005 || 2:58:00 PM
eAch leAf oN evEry bRanch uPon aLL thE trEes...evEn tAt sMall biRd tAt fLEw pAst...iT's aN eVeninG whEre eVerythiNg iS bEautifuL...wHere e suNSet iSn't gLAring, bUt makEs mE feEl bEautiFul aS weLL...wHEre i suDdenly feEl evErybodY iS kInd anD goOD...bEcox i cAN't gET mYSelf tO flAre eITher...lYk i aM suM bEnchmaRk foR eVilneSs...e bUS rIDe bAck tO taMpinEs wAS hIghly eNjoYAble...dAddy oNCe tOld hIS liTTle gaL tAt iF u giF a dOllar whEN u haF tWo...iT mEans mORe thAN giVIng a thoUSand whEN u haLF a mIllioN...iT hAs suMhoW bEcamE mY cRiteria iN juDginG sINceritY noW...anD i coNStanTly fEel taT wAteva i cAn dO, evERyone eLSe sHld bE aBle tO...iS taT suBconciOUs iNferiority coMplex oR wAT?...anD wAt sPOilt aN oTherwisE pErfecT dAY oF e aNgeliC mE iS a lAzy fAMilY whO duN cAre foR e aNImalS tHEy chOSe tO aDopT...cAll uRselF doG loVErs?...mY foOt!!!!...nO doGS duN sHit...anD nO doGS duN nEed a wAlk...i wiLL dO aLL taT mYSelf...jUZ duN evEr teLL mE u lOve doGs...i wiLL mOck aT yOU...anD uR deFinatiOn oF 'doG loVEr'
Monday, August 08, 2005 || 3:36:00 PM
oNE mOre 'iT dePends', 'wE'll sEe' oR anIthinG aLong tAT liNE i wiLL sLAp uR bRainS oUttA uR heAD...duN bOunce iN anD oUttA mY sCheduLE lyK aS iF iT's suM hoTEl u chEck iN anD oUt...wHEn wE sAY mEet, u beTA mAKe suRe wE mEet...u r nOt rOyalTy, nEither aM i uR sErvant...iF u cAN't bE boTHEred tO mEet, u nEed mE tO reMind u, thEn hEll duN mEet...i wuN diE wiThouT uR coMpanY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iF i aSK u thRee wEeks bEfore anD u oBviouslY duN haF aNithinG oN yeT buT onLI wAnna kEep mY mEetinG aS aN aLternaTive...u r sO noT woRTh mY timE...i wiLL noT aLLow mYself oR mY timE tO bE aN aLternativE...i deServe bEtter...anD yeS i dO tiNK i aM e woRld's grEaTEst pErson jUZ bEcox i bOth woRk anD sTUdy iN sEm 3 oF sIM (RMIT)...i duN cAre iF othErs dO tiS tOO...i aM e greATest anD mY timE is e mOSt pREcious...i hATe e 8th oF auGusT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 06, 2005 || 10:21:00 PM
i aM hOme...aStoniShed tO fiND mY bEd oCcupiEd...sO heRE i aM blOgginG anD pODdiNg aT 7 aM...wAs coMteMplatinG aBt taKing doUdou foR a mOrninG waLK...buT i rEmembEred mY doG iS noCturnaL anD aS i tuRn tO lOOk aT hiS aDorabLy sLeepY fAce i wuN...hAha, pRolly iT wAs e fACe i sAw iN e mIrror juZ nOW tAt's aDorablY sLeePy...wAs tinKing oF doIng mY eSsay...wEll u noE wAt thEy saY aBt mOrninG aiR iS gOOd anD aLL...maYBe i'll wRite bEta iN e mOrningS?...doUbtfuL, veRy dOUbtfuL...oKi, foR oNce aFTer mY sEc sCh yEars i aM tHAnkfuL cHurChes eXist...coX mY siS iS aWake...sO iS mY haLF siS...haHA...aNywaY mY bEd iSn't oCcupiEd aNymoRe...bUt i aM goIng foR breAKfaSt...bReakfaSt iS gOOd foR e miNd, bOdy anD sOul...*gRins*
|| 6:07:00 AM
whY mUz i coME tO thIs pLAce anD wASTe tiME i cOUld spEnd oN oTher lEisures?...tO sEe thE lOOks oF bEing uNwelComeD...i haFta baKE iN e hOt anD tinY roOm wHilsT doIng mY esSay...sIt oN uNcomforTablE chAirs...feAring i'd lEave wiF mOsquito biTes taT pErmanaNtlY sCar mY hanDs anD leGS...duN teLL mE i chOOse tO sCRAtch iT...nO bItes=nO sCratChinG...i giF uP e coMfort oF aiR-coN...anD evEn doUdou suFfers wiTh abSence oF a gOOd loNg aFternOOn wAlk...aLL thEse foR?...for fuCk!!!!!!!
|| 12:20:00 AM
jAsoN iS oUttA suPErstaR...i nOE suM oF u oUt thERe iS gLOatinG oVEr tiS (i cLArIfy: i haFen sEen aNy blOgs pRior tO tyPIng tiS)...maYBe aLL hE's goT iS a bOYish fACe yoU tinK...maYBe hiS faST soNGs suZ (whiCh i aGRee buT i sEe taT thEY wEre foRced iNto iT)mAYbe hiS sLOw oNEs arEn't tAT fANtaStic(iF u dO bEta u cAN sAY hiM aLL u wAnt)i duNNo whY i aM suPPortinG hiM tiS waY...maYbe coX mAny aREn't...iT's aN uNcoNCious nEed tO diFferentiaTe mYSelf?...oR pErhapS i aM aNother bImbo whO oNLi gOes foR lOOks?...bUt i tinK thoSe whO aRe iN deServe iT...thEre u gO, i aM noT a biMbo aFter aLL...i jUZ grEw tO aPPrecRiate haFing thEm eNtertaiNing mE oN mY wEd thURs niTEs oR saT suN mOrnings...tAT aSide, i dReamt oF a reCOncilatioN...wiF a nASty pErson...yEah sO waT iF i tiNk e wHole wiDe woRld iS naSty eXcept foR mYSelf?...biTE mE...tAT aSide aGAin...i aM sO stREssed uP wiF e laCk oF timE anD oRganiZing sKIlls iN suM oTher pEOple...riTE noW i feEL lYk biTing suM heADs oFf...pArdoN mE...iT maY bE a mISunderstANdinG oR pAssinG pHraSe...iT's jUZ noT a vEry niCe mORninG siNCe i wAKe uP tO suM riDiculOus mSGs...sO yAhz, lEt mE VEnt iT oFf yAHz?...iF noT stEphen wiLL suFfer laTEr aT bReakfaSt...mAybe hE oUght tO siNce iT wAS hiM whO cAUse mE tO haFTa wAKe uP eArlie oN mY onLI frEe mOrninG sO faR...hUh stEp riTE?...oKi i fEel bEta aLreaDi...tAT's sO faSt...wAt diD u haF foR diNNer?... i haD sTeak, toPsheLL, sQuid, mUShrOOm chEese... toP taT uP wiF dUrianS foR deSsert... anD tuLips aS a giFt... *sMile*hEre arE suM piCs i toOk aT e doGgie shOW laST suNday...
Friday, August 05, 2005 || 10:28:00 PM

joannE anD biLL
|| 10:27:00 PM

jOanne anD cHArcoaL
|| 10:26:00 PM

a moSt bEaUtifuL sUrpriSe
Thursday, August 04, 2005 || 3:04:00 PM
wHEn u woRk u meEt aLL soRts oF pEople...mUCh mOre coMplicATed stUff tHAn u iMAgineD cOuld eXist iN a huMAn...iN a pEt rElateD reTail, u mEet e kiNDest pEoplE whO tAke mOney oUtta tHEir pOcket anD fEed sTrays wiF muTli-viTaminS, (noTE tAT S thEre) pLus foOD anD vaCinatiONs, sEriLIsatioNs...aMounTs tO a hEfty suM eAch mOnth anD thEY aRe noT eVen eArninG 1/8 oF a pEanuT?...aND fRm thEm i heAr e cRUeLest sTorieS...wHy pEople dO suCh mOroniC thIngs aMaze mE...woUld tHEy dO taT tO thEir baBy?...evEn thoUgh i woUld dO aLL tAT tO aN iNfanT, i duN dO iT tO dEfencelEss aNimalS...weLL bABies grOw uP tO bE mORoniC aDUlts anD e cyCle coNtinuEs...mYselF iNcluded...sO muCh foR aLL tAt toK aBove...i duN tiNk tWice beFore i oRder aNy meAt...e thOught oF e iNjusticE doNE tO thEm nV diD cRoss mY miND eIther...i mEan nORmaL mEat lYk pOultrY, bEef, mUttOn anD aBSolutelY nTh eXotic iN tiS seNSe...wEll iF i sEe e sLAugtHerinG pRoceSs oR heAr iT rATher, mayBE iT wiLL maKE mE tiNk tWIce...bUt deEp doWn, i bElieve i coUld nEVer lIve foRever wiThouT mEat...sO iSsit bEcoX rAbbits, doGs, cATs, haMSters eTc etC aRe cuTE sO i feEl sUCh sYmpathY?...whEreas piGs, coWs, shEeps duN?...sO hoW cAN i bLAme thoSe whO eAt rAbbiTs, doGS bLAhx3 iF thEY teLL mE tHEse aNimaLS aRen't cuTE tO thEm?...mAYbe coX thEy lOOk vUlnerabLe?...sO i cAN't bLAme guYS whO loVE leMOn anD pOisOn iVy anYmore thEn...
Wednesday, August 03, 2005 || 2:22:00 AM
e suN iS shiNing bRightlY anD i reAllie gO swiM lYk a fiSh iN e wATers...bUt e jOurneY tO aT leASt bEdok pUts mE oFf...aT tiS timE, i cAn't hElp buT tiNk whY aM i noT stAYinG iN a coNDo whiLE thOSe whO arE pRob duN uSe thEir pOol...iT's uNfair...tHEn aGAin...wAt tO do...e dATelineS aRe neAr anD sO toDay shALl bE deDicateD tO eSsays...eXcludinG bLogginG anD a liTtle suRfing...aNd eXcludinG e pOssiblE trIp dOwn chIneS gArden aGain...yEs, i diN geT mY biRKies yeST...leT's stOp aT herE...a fRiend oF miNE wEnt ahEad wiF hiS gANg tRyinG maKE hiM oVEr, thOugh thEre wEre nO siZes iN e enD bUt aT leASt hE trIEd...anD hE pRob enDed tHE daY wiF suM iDeas oF wAT iS pResentablE dResSing...i wOnder whY suM pEople taKE suCh sTuff sO pErsonaLLi...i meAN iT deFinatelY duN fEel tAT flAtteriNg iF i aM cRiticised iN wHicheva wAY siNCe i aM suCh a yeS pRoud pErson...taT aSide, iSn't iT bEta tAT a frEn teLLs u, rATher thAn haFing a stRAngeR, oKi lEt's pHraSe pRoperLy, stRAngErs tO laFF aT yoU anD u duNno?...pRob iT's mE, i laFF aT pEople sO i oWaez tiNk pEople wiLL jUmp aT aNy chANce tO laFf aT mE...maYBe u duN laFF aT pEople...maYbe u aRe tiS goOD kiND heARted aNgel sEnt fRm aBove anD weLL aDmit iT...wHIle aNgels aRe moRe deSirablE thEY nEver dO maNAge tO lOOk hALf aS gOOd aS dEvilS...bUt s'pORe iS a coUntry oF chOice...nO woRries i wuN tRy tO riP iT oFf u...a tRip bAck tO SAC maDe mE bOth hAppy anD saD...fAmiliaR wAlkwAYsfaMIliaR clASsroOMsfaMiliaR sEAtsyeT uNfamilIAr faCEsfaMiliaR cLAssroOmsaS faMiliaR sCEnes coMe ruShinG baCkchAnges iN mINdsetSreSUlts iN a toTAllY diFFerenT pErsonfaMIliaR yEt diFferenTsOmewhAt e sAMe bUT tHEre's tiS stoNE taBle i haF nV seEntEAchers i kNEw, roUtes i haF taKEnpEople i nOW hatE whEn tHEy uSed tO bE frEnslEt's eND wiF tiS hyMm i loVe...aS e deEr paNteTh foR thE wATersO mY soUl lOngetH aFter thEeyOu aLone aRe mY heArt's deSireaND i loNG tO woRship TheecHorusyOu aLone arE mY stREngtH, mY shEildtO yOU aLone mAy mY spIrit yeILdyOu aLOne aRe mY heArt's deSireaND i lOng tO woRshiP thEeyOu'rE mY frEn anD yoU arE mY bRotherevEn tHough yoU aRe a kiNgi loVE yoU moRe tHAn aNy oThersO muCh moRe tHAn aNy thiNgcHoruSi wAnt yOu moRe tHAn goLD aND silVEronLy yOu cAN sATisfYyOu aLone aRE thE reAL joY giVEraND tHE aPPle oF mY eyEchOrus