“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Friday, September 30, 2005 || 11:26:00 PM

wAkeboArdinG rOZ!
|| 11:24:00 PM

oUr fAko hAVannAs
|| 11:23:00 PM

hOW mANy chICkeNs r dEprivEd oF thEir wiNgs?
|| 11:22:00 PM

iNNocenT lOOKinG jiNXs oF chICKen winGs
|| 3:41:00 PM
yuNno i aM sO eXcitEd aBt wAkebOArdinG tmR...sO muCh sO i cAnt sLp...bUt i aM gOnnA misS oUt oN eR eXam tiPS...hOpefuLLy i hAf sElfleSs oR bRibe-aBle cLAssMAtes...*wiNks*finALLi boUght mIlk foR mY oReoS toDay bUt iN e eND aTe oNli foUr...anYWay, hUimiN cAMe toDay....suPPoseD tO bE sTudyiNg bUt...iT's fuN anD mORe fuN...hMmM, i haD aLot tO bloG aBt iN e aFTernOOn buT noW i foRgoT...anYWay lEt's enD wiF a qUestiOn hUimIn aSked mE toDAy...why did medium rare steak and medium steak not greet each other when they saw each other?
Wednesday, September 28, 2005 || 1:51:00 PM
aS fAr aS i kNOw, i haVE nEver foRce aNyoNE tO toK tO mE iN mY whOle liFe...
wEll pEeps, iF u aRe lOokiNg for suMone whO duN haF a mINd oF thEir oWn, pRaisE u, uR muScles eNDleSs anD bOOst uR eGo lYk tHEre's nO tmR...PLEASE DUN TOK TO ME!
foR aLL tAt i aM nOt...u wAnt a wiTty chAT dRippIng wiF sAcarSm, sOMetimEs peRsonaL aTTacks thEn shLd u eVEn opEn uR moUth geT iT?...
aND i aM sOOOOOOOOoooOoOoo soRry thAt i duN lOOk aS swEet, bEhaVE aS gEntlY, tiNk wIthoUt a bRaiN anD sPEaK lYk a dEmurE gaL whO's heAd oVEr heEls iN loVe wiF u...i hAf hAD jUZ abOut enuFf...aND whO sayS u haFing a sHAkiNg hAnd hOldinG a pAranG?...aT mOmenTs lYk tiS i duN...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------enUff, i reFuse tO bE fuRther uPset iN oNE siNGle dAY...mY greATesT pLeasuRe reCentlY iS tO bloW sOAp bUbbLes...a chILdisH aCT tHAT i sUmtimEs hiD frM mY fAMilY eVEn...stANdinG aT mY wiNDow bLowinG thEm oUt iN fRont oF mE, haFing thEm oCcasSionaLLy fLy baCk iNto mY fACe iS a tRue pLEasuRe...iT iS pRettY hOw tHE lIght spIlts thRu e bUbbLE...iT's oNLi a pIty tHAt i cAN't mAke thEm laSt lOnger...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 || 1:24:00 PM
tHouGh bLogs mAy bE a sOurce oF maNy trOubleS...i pErsoNally chOose tO lOok oN e brIghter siDe tiS tiMe...bLoGs aRe ofteN iMportANt soUrces oF inFo, aN aVenuE oF reLeaSing fRustrAtiOn anD a gOOd toOl oF coMMuniCatioN whEN suM iSsueS aRe tOO sEnsitive tO bE bRought uP...aNywAys, tMr i wiLL bE wiThoUt aNy e-pAss tiL i fiNAlli rEmeMber tO geT mY aSs iN e quEue oF a e-PaSs aVaiLAble mAchinE...aT tImes whEre mY e-paSs eXPireS i uSuaLLy gEt oVErwhElmed bY e wAVe oF sADneSs i fEel...siMIlaRly, i aM eXhilAratEd wHen iT coMes tO bUyIng iT...siMple thINg yA tInk, bUy iT tmR anD aLL bUt stiLL...i aM oFficIAlly doNE wiF mY mKt, pResEntaTion rEporT aNd aLL...wEnt piZza hUt wiF chEnyU tO ceLebRate oUr smALL viCtorY...noW, i aM lEft wiF e lAst pRoj foR tiS sEm anD i goT gOod fAith iT miGht jUz bE doNE tmR...yIPppPEEee!...reSt a feW daYS(woNder waT dEfines fEw) anD mOst hOpefuLLy i wiLL bE geARed uP foR eXaM sTudyiNg...wHo wAnnA bE mY sTudyIng kAKi?...huImiN deAresT?...yU gE gE?...sHrEk?...hAveN giVe iN mY oCtoBer sCheDule yEt...i aM aFraiD i wiLL bE woRkinG tOO muCH aNd nEgleCtinG mY sTudiEs bUt i aM aFraId i wuN be eArninG eNuff tO enJoy mY hOlidAYs...hMmm, hOW?...eR, hEre i coME...
Monday, September 26, 2005 || 12:56:00 PM
wEnt mOmo yEsT...fiNAlli...nOw duN sCold mE pEeps, i kNow i haF toNS of sTuff tO dO anD pRojs tO ruSH...e mUSic wAsn't reAllie mY kiNd...bUt e dRinks wEre niCe, i meAn i oRdereD iT bUt e miX waS GooD...sEcrEtlY i wAs quiTe haPPie tAT i oRdered vEry diFferent dRinks...yAHz, tIS iS mE...i pRide mYselF oN siLLy thINgs...piNeaPPle voDka iS gOod bUt i reAllie wAnnA nOe wAT kINda pIneaPPle jUice tHEy uSe...anD e beSt thiNg aBt mOmo iS tAt thEY hAF reALlie coOL toIlets, fiVe oR siX cuBiclEs, tWo fuLL lEnGth mIRRors, thRee soFa sEats anD vEry nICe chAndeliEr lIghtinGs aT e bASins...tiS iS suMthinG i reAllie aPPreciaTe...nIce neAt bIG toIlets wiThouT mE haVing tO qUEUe tOo lOng...pLus iF i evEr pUke (onLI oNCe sO fAr), iT woUld hAF bEEn mOre coNfortabLE...sO muCh sO i eVEn tinK iT's nIcer tO shILL iN e tOIlet...anD i sAw twO gaLS wHo diD juZ tAT...iT wAS aLSo fiRSt timE tAKing pICs iN a cLUb...wAS a lIttLE eMbaRRasseD bUt VEry gRAtefuL i hAF suMthinG tO reMEmber thE fiRst timE i chEonG wiF huImin anD e fiRst timE i wAS aT mOmos...lYk oWaeZ, i eNjoY e drEssiNg uP paRt mOSt...aND enJoy goIng oUt aS a dResSed uP cOuple...i aM oWaeZ pRoud oF haVinG u bY mY siDe...
Sunday, September 25, 2005 || 10:09:00 PM
|| 10:06:00 PM
|| 10:06:00 PM
|| 2:46:00 PM
cOnflICt iS aBt leArninG wAT iS aCceptAble tO oThers...aNd iN rEspoNse tO mR liYeE, iT iS beCox u aRen't suRe oF wAT's aCceptAble tHerefOre thE coNflicT...e mOSt iMportaNt thIng iS tO leArn, duN lEt hIStoRy rePEat iTseLf, wAStinG uNneCessAry eNErgy aND tiMe...wE aRe aLL frEns anD frEns dO wAt frEns shOuld dO...nOthing mORe aND nOthIng leSs...with reGArds tO wAt frEns shOuld dO?...fiND oUt fRm coNflicT...hAhA...i hAve suM pErsonAL rEfleCtioN gOing oN iN mY bRaIn...i fiNAlli kNow hOw iT fEels lYk...mORe thAN fLAtterY, u R trOublEd...yOu cAuSe pPLe sAdneSs anD u duNno wAt u cAN dO aBt iT...u tRied tO maKe thiNgs bEta anD it beCame woRse...u R pResSuriZed, dRiveN tO a cOrner...anD mORe oFtEn tHAn nOt, nOW u cAN't rEallIE bE uRselF aNymOre, bEcoZ u aRe aFraiD oF e rIppLe eFfect...bUt i aM haPPy whEn u r...e pResSUre sEems tO bE leSser, bUrdeN liGhter...beCox frEns nEver wANna sEe eAch oTher sAd...chEers tO oUr frEnshIp, mAY iT nEver cHAnge...
Friday, September 23, 2005 || 2:55:00 PM
whY iSsit tAt aT tiS pOInt oF timE uR mInd iS oNli fiLLed uP wiF suCh lOgicAl thiNkinGS anD eVEn rEtaLiatioN aT wAt i tiNk oF uR frEns?...diD i giF u sO muCh sEcuritY?...oR aM i jUZ wEll, tOo uNdeseRvinG foR aNy oTher lOve?...riTe noW, i fEel lYk hIdinG uNder mY bLAnkEts aND wEll, juZ hiDe...i aM cRumBlinG uNDer aLL tHAt gUilt?haTRed?oBligAtioNS?cOnfuSioN?...kNowinG lOOkscuRiouS fACessUddeN sTAres anD gLAzinG gLAreSsIlent woRdshIddeN liNescAreleSs whISpeRs anD shuSheD doUbtsbRokeN heArts anD guIlt sTricken oNeshOW muCh sADneSs anD hOw vEry bUrdenEd
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 || 4:16:00 PM
oKi pPle, pLeASe duN evEr pAtroNise thE 'cHin Huat sEafoOD' oR rATher thE 'zhEng fA hUo hAI xiAN' aT mArinA bAy...sErviCe sUz...wAS rAIninG cATs anD dOgs aND wE cAMe iN foR coVEr...aFter tAt iT wAS cLEar tAt e whOle tABle wAS weT anD thErefoRe soUP wAS aLSo fiLled wIF rAIn wATer riTe?...wE wEre toLD tO usE e sAMe soUp oR pOUr iT aWay oUrsLves iF wE duN wANt tO dRink tAt...anD wE weRE eXpectEd tO wASh oUr rAIn wATer sOAked pLAtes bOwls bLAh oUrselVes...wHEn tHEy cAN eASilY eXchANge foR uS...anYwaY, iT rEmiNds mE oF thE oTher timE i wAS thEre...i wAS diScuSsiNg tiS wiF a fRen...e feElinG oF haFing suMone u lOve foLLow u quiEtlY bEhinD aFter u toLD hIm tO gEt loSt iN a heATed aRguemEnt...iT's suMwhaT pOSitive...buT i haF aLSo gRown tO reALise thIS wiLL nEver haPpen...iT's jUZ lYk...hOW e sWeeTest giFt iS nEver giVEn bY uR boYfriEnd (aT leASt nOt wHEn hE aLreaDi iS uR bF)...hOW e sWeeteSt woRds oNli cOme fRm uR miStreSs...etC etC...toKkinG aBt miStreSs...i reAlliE tinK iT iS sO iRreSponsiBle noT tO teLL uR wiFe u hAf suM stD...
|| 11:02:00 AM
fAmilY iS e bEst...tHey uNderstAnd, thEy aGreE anD tHEy cAlm mY nErveS...u tInk i aM sO biASed, anD tHAt i kEep 'jUdgiNg pPle bASed oN lOOks'...sO maY i nOe wAt wEre u aLL doIng whEn u gUYs aRe toKKing aBt chIpmuNk?...anD iF i duN rEmembeR wRonglY nO oNE wAS toKKing tO u, u hAd e cHEeK tO iNTerrUpt oUr cOnversATiOn anD thEn loSt anD gEt anGry...sO?...hMmMm, i aM sO aT faUlt hUh?...kNow wAt?...u pPle whO deFEnd hEr mAkes mE hAte hEr mOre, aNd mOre shAll i gRow bIAsed...i sWear tO mY naMe i wiLL nEver evEr giF hEr aNy fAce aNymOre...i wiLL nOt coNCeaL mY hATred bEcoZ i aM nOt wEak, anD i kNow i aM reADy tO tK anIthiNg fRm hEr oR hEr kNightS iN shINinG aRmoUR...hA, kNightS iNdeEd...diCks oR nO diCks...pErhaPS u sHouLDnt bE gIven oNE tAT's sO iTChiNg tO bE ruBbed uP aGaiNSt...oR oNE aT aLL...aND sO i cAN't sHut mY trAp, wAT f***iNg bUSineSs oF uRS iS taT?...paRdoN mY lANg, iT iS nOt oFten i dO tiS...pReteNtioUS, rEvoLtinG lEmoN...coMe oN kiLL mE...oStraciZe mE...i aM sO aFraiD...*sHiverinG*
Monday, September 19, 2005 || 3:52:00 PM
iT iS a miSerabLe mId aUtuMn wif mE mYseLF aNd i woRking aLone....anD haRdlY aNy shOppers evEn...i wAnnA cArRy laNterns, pLAy wiF cANdles anD buRn sUm leAves bLAh...anD i wAnnA gO tO chIneSe gArdens tO sEe tHAt bIG prayinG maNtis laNtern tHAt mY siS tOOk a pIcture wiF...bUt nOne oF iT wAS doNE...duN teLL mE neXt yEar...i mIght juZ be deAd...i duN beLieve iN pUShinG stuFf bAck...oTher thAn hOMeworK aT leASt...haiZ...iT's tiME fOr a dATe wiF e vAMpiRe...oR sHld i gO tO slP?...tmR iS a lOng dAy....*pOndeRs*hAppY miD aUtumN tO jOanne
Saturday, September 17, 2005 || 4:18:00 PM
iT'S nOt abT nOt gOing tO chIneSe gArdeNs tAt uPset mE...iT's abT u nOt diSappOinteD abT nOt goIng...anD e fAct u foUnd aN aLternAtive sO sOon nEarly dRove mE tO teArs...bUt oH wEll, mAybe i shLdn't bE sO eMotioNal aFter twO yeARs...pArdoN mE, i aM stiLL iN e lEarNing pHraSe...lEt's sEe...1)bLAde2)gO tO sEntosA3)wATch hErbiE4)gO pAsiR riS bEach pArk 5)chIneSe gArdeNmAYbe i wiLL fiNd aLternAtiveS lYk u diD...bTw, i duN aSk juZ aNyonE tO gO paSir riS beAch paRk wiF mE...iT's sAcRed...bUt oH wEll, u pRob wuN aPPreciAte...anYWay, leADer i mAy bE...thInk oF e gRouP's iNteresT i maY haF tO...BUT i aBsoLutelY duN toLeratE aTtiTude fRom anYone...eSp whEn u stARted tO bE fuNny bY dEfeNDing suM fRuit...nOt sAYing u cAn't dEfend e lOve oF uR liFe, bUt bE suRe u wiN mE iN aRticUlaTinG uR iDea oR u bE geNtlemaN eNuFf tO toK pRoperlY tO mE aFter lOSing...aNd duN evEr sAY iS u lEt mE wiN...iF u r a guY u bEta duN eVEr dO tAt...i chALlenGe u...oH cHenyU, suMone tiNks lEmoN iS sO pRetTy anD sAId i duN bEcoX i aM bIAsed...tO eAch hIS oWn, pLS uNDerstANd tAT nOt eVEryonE enJoys soUr stUff...oR taT kiNDa soUrneSs...*gRowlS*i reAlliE duN tiNk hoNEy iS coMIng anYmoRe...haiZ...oNe frEn leSs...
Friday, September 16, 2005 || 8:17:00 AM
i reAlliE hoPe thAt i duN gEt diSapPointeD tiS timE...oNe cuStomEr wAnnA giF hEr doGgie aWAy sO i aSked hEr iF shE wAnnA giF iT tO mE...shE saId iT's a miNAture goLDen reTReiver, cRossEd bTw a smAll breeD anD a goLDen...wE evEn tot oF hEr naME aLreAdi... 'hoNEy'...tO fiT iNto mY zOO, e neW doggiE mUst bE naMed aFter suMthinG eDible + hEr coLour = hOney...bUt i haF a vEry bAd feEling aBt tiS...i tiNk i wuN geT hOney iN e End...eSp siNce shE diN giF mE hEr nO...sO aLL i cAn dO iS sIt anD wAit...whiCh suZ...
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 || 3:57:00 PM
i jUZ haD aN aMAzinG niTe wif mY sEcondaRy geOg tEachEr...aNd a bUnch oF cRAzy gaLS i lOve tO biTS...nOw she's mOre oF a frEn...i fEel v V V v haPPie toNitE, iT's sOrta lIke i wEnt bAck tO gOod oLD SAC tiMes aGAin...bUt i dID suMthinG i kNew i wiLL rEgreT...aNd nOW i aM sUfferiNg fRom e coNSequeNce oF doIng iT...whY iSsit tHat suM thIngs juX duN cHAnge?...
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 || 2:29:00 PM
iT'S a rAinY eVeninG...anD tiS eVeninG i aM kIndA mOodY...hOW dOEs iT fEel lYk tO giF uP oN soMeonE u hOLd sO deArlY tO uR heArt?...anD doEs aCknOwlEdgInG tAT hE iSn't gOod foR u eQuaLs tO giFing uP aLL riGhts tO shEd anY mOre teArs foR hIM?...i sEe iT tiS wAy...giFinG uP iS aLreADi aN eVEnt tO cRy uR whOle lIFe...tAT's whY bReaKinG uP iS noT aS bAd aS kNOwinG e pErsOn u loVe iS sO noT woRth uR loVe...tO mE...bLAh eNufF oF thEsE mUShY muShy gOose bUmps iNvitinG sTuFf...anYway, bOught sOap bUbbLes aGAin toDay...pLuS i hAf oNe biG boTtle aT hoMe whIch mUmmY bOught yEst aT lUNch *yAyYY* ...boUght a nEw skIrt tOo, tO rEplaCe tAt oVeruSed bLAck bEcoMing gRey oNe...sO wAt dO i dO wif e oLd onE nOW?...rIght nOw iS wOrlD wAr 1 bTw mY siS anD hEr bF...bEcoX hE's ruShinG suM mArkiNg tAT's duE aT tUitioN i pResUme aT 10aM next mOrninG anD he diN wAnnA pEel pRaWn pRawN foR hEr...anD hE diN wAnnA teLL hEr pRopErly...whY dO guYS lYk tO wASte eVEn mOre tiME coAxinG afTer tAt iN cOmpaRisOn tO spEakiNg propErlY iN e first pLAce?...sO wEirD guYS...
Sunday, September 11, 2005 || 1:52:00 AM
a fRen goT anGry wiF mE coX i wAs waTching e tV whIle tOkkiNg tO hiM anD yA nOE, i wAS weLL diStraCted...iT iS nOt e fIrst tiME, anD iT wuN bE e lAst...fRanklY, evErytimE i reCeive a cAll iN e miDst oF anY (yeS, anY) shOW tAt i aM wATchinG, iT bReaKs mY heARt, hMmMm mayBe nOt aCtuaLLi...buT iT's uSuallY e biGgest dILemmA oF mY liFe...aND mAny a tiMEs i wiSh iT doEsnt hAppen...i meAn, iF u aLreADi cALLed tHN kNew i'M wAtchinG tV anD u oFfereD tO pUt doWn, iT iSnt quIte aS dEsirABle...uNreASonaBle i kNow, whO cAn tEll wHen i aM wAtching tV riTe?...pLus i reAllie dO wAtch aLL kInds oF pRogrAmmeS, aS lOng aS e fiRst fiVe mIns wAS suMthinG nIce...rAngiNg fRm hiNdi tO vAriety tO sEriaLs tO oLd tAIwaNese sHows mEant foR aUntie...aNd oF coUrse selEctive cArtOOns...mAYbe pPle jUZ cAnt uNderstAnd whY dO i sEemiNgly pLAce mOre iMptaNce oN e bIg bLAck sQuare bOX tAt cASt uNreAl siTuatiOns...tHAn oN tHem...bAck iN thOSe dAYs wHen i aM a lIttlE gIrl, mY dAd nV haD tO prEss 'text' pG '854' foR e tV pRogrAmmE sChedulE anD siNCe tEleteXt onLi giFs maX fiVe dAYs oF sChedUle anD i gaVe 7, mY dAd aSkeD mE...i gAVe uP 6 yEars oF beAuty, coNveniEnce wAteva coMEs uP a pErfecT eYesiGht foR tAt thIngy u cAll a bOx...wAt dO u tiNk?.... nOt tAT i reGret...e tV tAught mE aLot oF thinGs i prob wiLL nV lEarn fRm aNyoNe oTher thAn mYselF (whIch mEans gEttIng uNnecEssAry aNguiSH)...lYk hOW oTher gAls tInk hOldiNg hAnds mAy gEt u preg bUt siNce pRi 4 i kNew u haFta sWitch oFf e lIghts, sLp oN a sAMe bEd aLL e wAy tiL mOrn tO haF a cHance...hOW biTChy suM gALs cAn be anD hOW i cAN rEtalIate...dREsS sEnse?...bEautY tiPs?...aND oF coUrse wAt jerks guYS cAN bE anD siGnaLS tO tAke note oF...whIle tV progrAmmeS cAn nEver reAllie aCcount foR e reAl woRld, whIch iS uSualLi wOrst, iT goT mE thRu mY yOungEr iDle dAYs aND hElp mE suFfer hEartbrEaks aNd bEtrAYals...anD nOW tAT i duN haF suCh lUxury oF tiMe aNymOre, hOw cAn u bLAme mE?...i wuN saY sOrRy coX i aM noT, eVEn iF i pISsed u oFf iMmensEly...jUZ hOpe iT wuN haPPen aGaiN...bY e wAY, eVen wHEn i aM wAtchinG vCds, whIch iS mOre uNforgIvabLe, i aM oSo lYk tIS...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005 || 3:33:00 PM
juZ wAtcheD 'pErfecT cAtcH'coNclusiOn? woMen aRe wEak...thEy arE stUpid...anD thEy alSo dO nOt haF a mINd oF thEir oWn...thEy arE suCh suCkers coZ tHEy cOmpromiSe...wiThouT bEinG aSked tO...thEy aLLowed thEmselVes tO bE tAken for grANted...THEY ARE SO ADORABLE AND LOVABLE BECAUSE THEY ARE SO DUMB!!!!aFter aWhile,aS lOng aS iT sEems thE guY pUt iN e eFfort, thEy duN eVen stICk tO thEir oWn pRincipLes aNymoRe...thEy lEt thEm dO aNithinG thEy wiSh...cOZ yA knOW 'hE loVes mE sO iT's eNuff, hE mAKes eVerythiNG bEaUtifuL'sO mYselF iNcludEd bUt i juZ fEel lYk shOutinG 'MY ASS!' tO e aBove sTAtemenT...jUZ whEn aM i goIng tO sEntosA?whEn aM i gOIng tO feEl u aRe thEre nO mAtter wHen nO maTter wHAt?aLL siMPle wiShes nO?...spEak nOt tO mE liKE a cHildfor tAt i aM noTnEither aRe u mY guArdiaNwE arE oN coMMon groUnds'cEpt tAt i aM sOOoOooOoOOo duMB...oH, bY e wAY...haPPie aNnivErsaRy...
Monday, September 05, 2005 || 2:37:00 PM
wEnt liQuid rOom yEst, e pLAce haDnt cHAnge mUch cEpt' for thE faCt tAT iT hAS gRow mOre pOpulAr dEspite iTs uLu-fiEd lOCation... e lASt tiMe i wEnt thEre muZ bE aT leASt twO yRS aGo aT sOci bASh, anD tAt tiME i toT iT wiLL suRelY cLOse doWn...diN eVen boTher reMembEring iTs nAme, thUS e diFficulTy iN fiNDing iT yEst...wALked aLL e wAy fRm suNtec, wE muZ bE crAzy yA toT buT iT's bEcox tHEre wAs nO cAb...bUt wE wEre pRob tOo tiRed fRm e wAlkinG anD quEue oUtsiDe (aBt 1 hR), wE oNli sTAyed 1 hR iNSide aND tHEn wEnt oFf tO chINAtown fOr pOrridGe...cEntUry eGgs roX!!!...sO dOEs voDka pIneaPple...sHAll tRy mIXing iT mYself nExt tiME...aNywaY pEeps, duN eVEr trY geTtinG mE tO j-wAlk aT ciTyhaLL mRt toWards cApitOl bUilDing aH!!!!...sAw aN aCcidenT lAst niTe...gOSh, mE anD huIMin juZ fRoze oN e sPot whIle aILing wEnt aCross tO sTop tRAffiC...bEfore u gO oN tO sAY aILing iS e bRaveSt, sHe diN sEe e whOle aCcidenT...sHE oNli lOOkeD uP whEn shE heaRd suM frEn oF e 'kNock doWn' sCream...luCkilY nO bLooD wAS sHEd, e mOtor cYcliSt wAS gG sLow cOZ hE's mAKing a tuRn...*pHew*nItez!!!!...yI gE reN jiA rI fA diA, zHao bU dAo rEn pEi wO kAn hAI...
Sunday, September 04, 2005 || 6:04:00 AM
wAS lOOkinG aT e rAIndropS oN e bUS jUZ nOW...hOW comE thEY nV flOW sTraiGht doWn thE paNE bUt dEflect tO oNe diRection?...anD nO iT's nOt eVen e sEmi ciRcle sHApe tHAt thE wiPer crEates(i wAs sIttiNg bEhinG e drIver)...
anYway toT e pATh whICh e drOplets fLow maKes pReTty gOOd deSigns oN a toP, shoE bLah...
hAiz, whY doEs iT oWaez rAin whEn i aM oFf woRk/sChoOl?...pOor bEaniE hAdnt hAd hiS waLk foR a wEek anD hE is juZ abT tO mAKe pRogreSs wiF loSing wEight...iT iSnt a doWnpoUr, juZ suM miSeraBle dRizzLe...
iRritaTes mE tO nO enD bEcauSe a drIzzlE iS lYk moCkery oN mY eFforts...lYk e oNe uP thEre teLling mE hE duN haFta maKE iT rAin cATs anD doGs bUt a feW dRops wiLL rEnder mE anD mY gREatesT pLAns cRipPled...
bOught 'lAssiE' anD 'weDdinG dATe' yEst aT tIs sHop cAlled 'gRaMopHone' iN e iNternatiONal pLAza...nV sAw 'lASsie' thOugh iT's suCh a hiT (tiL noW beANie nV fAIls tO be cAlled lAssie wHen hE stEps oUt oF e hSe) ...fiNalli sAw iT lASt nIte...anD i cANt uNderstAnd whY pPle wiLL noT bRing tHEmseLves tO loVe doGs...mAYbe tHey nV eXperience tHe loVE fRm oNE bEfore...
i mEan, doUdou pRob wuN evEr haF e chANce tO saVe mE frM woLves oR reScue mE fRm a cuRrent...coWardlY aS hE maY bE, hE wiLL stAnd iN fRont oF mE anD bArk aT jIAwen wHEn wE sPar...juZ hoW loVing hE iS...*mUaCkzz*
oH, hE iS e hAndsOmesT gUy iN mY liFe...eVen wiLLy woNka haFta quEue bEhinD anD siNCe hE coMEs evErytimE i cAll...hE's oSo mY kNight iN shIninG aRmour...
anD tiS iS noT e fiRSt tiMe i woNder whAt wiLL i dO iF hE diEs oN mE (whIch iS sUre tO haPPen)...
aRghZ...hATe tiS naGginG toT!!
oKI, stOp bEing a tOot...goNNa gO drInk mY dEtoxifYing(noT eQualS tO diArrhOea) sEaweEd sOup..cRayoN sHincHAn tiME!!!...
Friday, September 02, 2005 || 1:03:00 AM
hoW gOOd doEs iT feEl tO wAke uP aT lEisuRe, cOme oNlinE anD bLog reAd pLus bLog uRselF, wAlk uR doGGie aFter tAt...i nEarlY foRgOt hOW iT feEls lYk...i hAf sHifteD tO sLightlY bElievE mY suP reAllie wANts mE tO reST aBit...lEt sEewhEre wE gO fRm hEre...whEn i fEel loW anD tHAt i wuN gO aNYwherE iN liFe, i tiNK i wiLL tO gO aRcadeS, pOOl ceNtres, fAr eASt anD lOOk aT thOSe teEnageRS whO arE droP oUts anD i wiLL feEL iNstantLy 'fuTuriZed'...haHAiT iS dIfferEnt whEN suMonE aSk u whY u cHose tO bE oF a dIFferent oRientatiOn anD whEn suMone pASses u a cD reGArdiNg oRal sEx, hOMoseXualitY, geNDer iSsues anD bLAh...cAN't thEse ChristianS (nO oFffenCe mEant 2 uNknOwinG CHrstians) oR anYone hAf a liFe oR suMthinG tO dO wiF thEir tiME thAN tO gO aRd tRyinG tO iNvite evEryoNE tO thEir soRt oF hEaven?...juZ bY thE wAy, cAN wE bElieve tHAt bY doInG goOD wE'll gO thEre?...aCCept e fAct tHAt thEre aRe pEople diFferent fRm u... YOU rUIn Christ's rEputAtiOn!!!!...sHE cAn bUy hEr oWn sALmoN sUshisHe cAn gEt hEr oWn diAmoNdsu gET uR owN wAsaBi coATed pEasuR oWn bUbbLe teAanD taT pAir oF oAklEYsdO uNto oThers wAt u haF thEM dO oNto u maY bE cOrreCt iN gEneraL...bUt iN a reAltioNshiP, uNderstaND wAT uR gF iS liKE anD noT giVE hEr wAt u tiNk iS gOOd eNuff bY uR sTAndaRDs...tHEre's sTiLL sO mUch tO lEarN...