“Life's Full of Temptations”
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e liFe oF aN aGEnt's gIrlfreN...
Sunday, October 30, 2005 || 2:33:00 AM
iN reSPonse tO a vEry spEciaL gaL anD maNy oThers whO suFfer e sAme faTe aS uS...iT reLAtes tO e diFficultieS oF bEing a gF tO a haRdworkiNg agEnt...whEn u haF aN aGEnt aS uR paRtneR, maNy timEs u feEl lYk u aRe siNgle aND eVEn e hOliesT aNGel geTS temPted foR a lITtle flIng heRe anD thEre...wAt's woRse uR paRtner goEs aRound mEetinG aLL soRts oF pEople, iNcludinG slUttY biTChes & woMen reaLLie 100% pRettieR,sMArter thAN u + fRens oF hiS u toTAlly haTE...aND uR aGENt paRtner iS tOO tiRed evErydaY tO dEal wiF uR sO-caLLed 'nOnsenSe anD uNreasoNAblenesS' bEta kNown aS iNSecuritY iN faCt...aT sTRAngE timEs whEn u feEl paRticulaRly aLOne aND juZ waNt suMone foR a mEal, uR paRtner iS oUt aT a gATherinG wiF toNS oF gOOd foOD oN heR tabLE...hE teLLs u hE miSses u tOO aND wiSheS hE coUld bE wiF u bUt hE iS pRobaBly owaEz nOt thEre...whEn hE haS nO tiMe foR u, hE teLLs u hE iS woRking foR uR fuTure aND u oUght tO bE uNDerstaNDing...aND aLL thE timE e oNli toT raNting thRu uR braIn iS 'wAT abt e pResent?'nO, sO u cAnt coMplaiN eAting aLone coX hE doeS tOo anD thEre r tiMEs hE diN evEn eaT for e whOle daY sO u oUght tO thANkfuL u evEn haF e chANce tO eaT aLL alOne...hE teLLs u hIS wiShes tO stAY & sLAck aT hoMe sO oN raRe dAYs hE iS wiF u e whOle tiMe, u dAre nOT teLL hiM u wANna gO fOr mOvies, tO toWn or woRse spOrts oF aNy kInd...thiNgs taT nORmaL coUples dO...aND sO u stAY hoME whEther he iS frEe oR nOt, anD u woNDer whY u kEep gEttiNg faT theSe dayS...aDded iNSecurity...e woRse coMes whEn hE meeTs u oUt (finaLLI!) anD hIS clIent caLLed...u shOppeD oN uR owN wiF hiS occAssionAL thUmbs-uP oR nODdinG whIch iNdicaTes e dreSs iS gOOd? oR iS hE aLMost doNE?...aLL hiS aPOlogieS mUZ bE aCcepted beCox iT iS woRk, anD hE iS nOt aS frEe aS u tO dO wiF uR timE aS u plEase...'yaHz iF i plEase i wiLL gO oUt wiF u aLL daY' yOu'd thInk...yoU haTe uRselF foR beiNg tAt mISerabLE pEttY nO-liFer whO iS alSo vEry faT nOW iN coMparisoN tO hiS pRettY coLLeaguEs anD clIEnts...bUt u cAN't dO aNIthinG sO u geT iNto mOOd sWings, anD hE tinKS u r cRazY...lAstlY u wiSh aLL uR freNS aRe siNgle anD u stARt tO bE delIghteD sEcretlY whEn thEy bRoke uP coX iT meANs shE woUld bE frEe tO gO oUt wiF u iN fUture, wiThout a bOyfrieND beSide tAt iS...anD whEn u r goIng oUt wiF uR freN, hE teLLs u hE iS freE for e reSt oF e aFternOOn anD caN mEet u u waNt?...u jUZ wiSh thEy paTch baCk riTE oN e sPot!...bUt aLl thEse wiLL bE e iNitiaL paRt wiF oCcassIOnaL rE-oCcurencEs tAT wiLL gET leSs frequEnt wHich i haF yEt deteRmiNed iF iT iS goOD or bAD...bUt iT haPpens...aT leASt tO mE...wAt i cAN coNsoLE u wiF iS aT leaSt u wuN haF a laZY bUm whO iS nOt doIng aNithinG aBt hIS liFE aND uR fuTurE...anD frEns wiLL hElp u oUt aLonG e waY...
Saturday, October 29, 2005 || 1:35:00 PM
oH maN iT feEls gOod nOt haFing a pAPer tMr...iT feEls lYk e eND oF eXams...iT alSO feeLs lYk e chALet wuN bE aS fuN aS i hOped...fEels lYk suM thIngs hAf chANged...feEls aS thoUgh i shLD bE aDjustinG tOo...anYway, sAw JJ anD jUnyaNg tODay aT paRadiz...aLL i cAn tiNK oF iS mY faV liNE 'goD iS faIR'...anD taT i cAn't bE iN loVe wiF taT vOIce aS muCH aS bEfore aNymOre coX mY iMAginaTioN iS faILing mE...*tsK*...iN e fiRst pLAce, iT's iMpraCticaL tO bE fAllinG iN loVe wiF vOices, sCents aND aLL...yaHz i aM sO vEry uNreaListic...bUT i liKE mE anD tAt's mORe thaN eNuff...i duN nEed u tO dO e sAMe...bUt iF u duN, gO reFlect oN uR baD taSTe...hMmm mUm jUZ toLD mE suMone diEd aT e aTm neAr mY pLAce, duNno iF iT's suIcide oR waT...aND whEn i reAched hOme mY siS toLD mE suMone jUmp oFf e bLOck oPpositE hER sChoOl...wAT's wiF toDAy?...aND i aM sO teRrifiEd oF gHosts, oH nO...
|| 12:30:00 AM

Friday, October 28, 2005 || 3:36:00 PM
i lOve e rAIn...'cEpt whEn i aM aLOne...anD aWakE...e cAbbY riDe iS siMple yeT dElightfuL...iT woUld hAf bEen pErfeCt iF i diN haFta tiNk oF tmR's pAper...bUt toNite i aM iN e haPPie aND foRtunaTe mOod aND i feEl grAtefuL enUff tO bE enJoying w riDe sO i'D sAy...iN aLL thIngs gIF thAnkz...
Thursday, October 27, 2005 || 2:45:00 PM
oNE aNd a hALf piEce oF bAD nEws...i duNno tO feEl haPPie oR sAd aBt mY doUble pRomotioN...tO bE exAct i fEel lYk a gUy whO's maRryiNg hIS mOSt beLoved tmR bEcoX shE nOEs hE's dYing iN a mOnth...foR my cAse, i wAS toLD, maKE tAT remInded (mOre thAN oNce u sEe) iT's a foRm oF eNcouraGEment fOR mY oLD-aGe-paRtIcipAtioN...anD toTAlly wArneD nOt tO bE tOo haPPie anD coCky...iT iS aBsoLutely nEedeD...i'LL maKE suRe i nV foRget tAT...dArn, mAke tAT oNE whOle fArkiNg pIece oF baD newS...tHE oTher iS, i tiNk i aM deVelopIng a pHobiA foR cArs, eRmmm vEhicLEs...maKE tAt tRanspOrtatiOn maChineRies (siNce bICycles iNcludeD)...whEther oR nOt i aM a pASsEnger oR pEdeStraiN...oR iSsit a pHobiA oF coLLisioN, pHobIA oF roAd aCcidenTs...u nOE waT i aM toKking abT?...pHobiA oF oR pHobia fOr?...siNce i cAnt deCIde i maDe e deCisioN tO uSe boTh foR iLLustratIon...pLs cOrreCt mE!!...
Wednesday, October 26, 2005 || 2:49:00 PM
toDay's pAPer suCks... BIG TIME
bUt thEre aRe oTher thIngS iN liFe tO lOOk foRwarD tO...lYk e OE pAPer?...paRdon mY feeBle aTtempT aT hUmouRinG mYselF...
i aM sO slEepy nOW, aNd e uRge tO bLog iSn't aS oVErwhElminG aS e dEsire tO reAd suM nIce iNteLLeCtuaL enTries whICh aRen't aRd...sO i aM lOgginG oFf, wiTh e wElcomE siGn tO wEird dreAMs iN viEw...
laOpa iF u reALlie gO baCk tO iNdo aND nOt coME baCk, i tiNk mY heArt wiLL breAk...
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 || 7:28:00 AM
bAnanA nUt cRunch, quAker's anD eXpensiVelY cHoc fiLLed deLicious ceReaLs wiTh iCe coLd hL miLk anD toPped wiF chUnks oF reAl freSh baNAnaS iS simPly delIghtfuL tO mY palAtes aND eASy tO maKE...aNd whEn taT bRings sO mUCh eXcitmeNt anD jOy tO mE, i kNow i aM serioSUly miSsing oUt suMhting...oH bOy, i haTE mOmentS lYk tHis whEre i aM sO obLigatEd (eVen tO mY oWn pRide iT's gRoss) anD nOt frEe tO dO aS i pLEase...oKi, i shAll stOp soUndinG lYk suM spOIl rotTEn bRAt...bUt doEs 933 haFta pLAy suCh suCky soNgs aLL daY oN a daY suCky enUff oN iTs oWn?anD desCriptiVe stATs?...hOw niCe tO gO wiF cereALs...sAMinatHAn hOw i nEed u nOW...sO sO sOoooOoooO mUch!!!!!!...
Monday, October 24, 2005 || 11:35:00 AM
wAkeboArdinG iS sO muCh mOre eXcitinG thAn wAter skI...thOugh wAter sKi iS pRob mUch mOre diFficulT, iN teRms oF coOrdinaTion...lIfe iS sO uNfaiR riTe?...lUckilY i wAkeboArd...haHA...anYwaY i wEnt grOcery shOppIng toDay aS weLL...iN pReparatiOn foR mY retReat iN e coMing eXam wEek...i'M sO eXam-oRienteD...haHA...coMfoRt fOod iS aBsolUtelY neCessaRy iN tiMes oF cRisiS, bUt i sHAn't fOrget thAt i aM sOoOOooOOOO faT...sO heRe goeS...tOdaY iS a reSt daY bUt tmR i shAll mUg muG mUg...aRmed wiF mY aRmouR, shEild aND swOrd...aHhhhhhHHhhhhh chEoOoOOonnnNNnnnggGGgg aHhHHHHhhHhH...pArdoN mY iNsaniTy...
Sunday, October 23, 2005 || 8:41:00 PM

lEft tO rIght...
hL miLk, cAmpbeLL mUshroOm pOtaGe & cLam chOwder, miLi's bUttoN mUshrOom
pOst's bAnaNa nUt cRuncH,quAker's tOAst oAtmeaL
mArks & spEncer's tRiple chOc cRuncH & aLmoNd biScUit (mY faVs)
dElmoNte baNAnas
|| 3:07:00 AM
eH stEp u stiLL haVen chOose thE frOck aND neCklaCe coLour...anYwaY hEre coMes thE iMpliCationS bEhinD eAch coLour...coLOur? coLor? cOlouR? coLOr? foR e fRock (iT rePresenTs thE kiNd oF liFe u lOok foRwaRd tO)liGht bLue - a lIFe with friEnds iS thE kInd yOu yeArn...yoU r e hElpfuL soRt whO wAnts a stAble lIfe...(hMmM yeKAi?)yEllow - a lIfe whEre u aRe e cEntre oF thE atTentioN aND pPLe shOWer uPon u thE cAre, pRotectioN lYk a pRinceSs...yoU lOok foRwarD tO beIng tAken cAre oF...(hAhA, cY?)rEd - pEoplE wHo chOse reD lOok foRwaRd tO a lIfe fuLl oF eXcititmeNt, evEn afTEr eVent. yOu aRe veRy aDventuRous...bLAck - pRagmatiC pEople chOOse bLAck. tHEy waNt a lIfe whEre thEy reaChed vArious goALs sTEp bY stEp...yOu duN beLieve iN shOrtcuTs iN liFe, u rATher bE hoNEst...(liYEe?)dArk bLue - dArk bLue iS uSuaLLi chOsen bY e aRty fArty tyPe whO haS a pErfeCt iDea oF tHE kiND oF lIFe tHEy onE...tHEy lIve liFe thEir oWn wAY aND thEY aDore fReeDom tO chOOse aND maKE dEcisioNS...nO sTEreotyPing foR thEm...(shErrY?)fOr e neCklace ( iT reVeals whICh tyPe oF pEoplE whICh atTRact u mOSt eASily)wHite - yOu aRe aTTracted tO pEople whO's vEry sErious aBt thEir woRk...thEy mUSt alSo bE hArdwoRking aND haF a iNNer neEd tO coNtinuoUSly iMproVE thEmsElves...bRown - pEOple wiF hIgh leVEl oF mATurity sEems mOSt aPPealiNgyeLLow - pEeps whO chOse yeLLow fAll mOSt eASily foR oUtgoIng, fuN-loVing anD eASy goIng pEople...u aRE pRob aTtracteD tO e sMIles oF a haPPy pErsoN...reD - wiT iS a cRiteria...oN toP oF tAt, pEople whO chOSe reD fAlls foR pAssIonaTe pEople whO aRe hIgh flYErs...yOu lYk pEople whO aChieve tHEir goALs...gREeN - pEeps lYk mE, yOu fAll iN loVE wiTh pEople whO aRE geNtle tO yOu...tHEy aRe uSuaLLy vEry cArefuL aBt deTAils aND tHEy gIve yOu a sEnse of seCurity anD waRmth...sO hOW?...tRue?....fRom e lOoks oF iT, i reCkon iT's quIte aCcuRate...eXcepT foR miNE...haHA i wAnted mUtli coLOureD fRock aND neCklaCe...doEs it saY i duNno wAt kInd oF liFe i wAnt yEt OR tAT i aM aBle tO mAke tHE beSt oUttA liFe nO maTter whIch wAY iT gOeS?...lEt mE beLieve iN tHE laTter...aS for e mUltI coLoureD nEcklaCe...u nOe i nOe aH, tHeRe's nO nEed tO spEll oUt evErythinG sO clEarlY...i hAf vAryinG iNteresTs...*chUCkles*oH yaHz, hUimiN u oSo nV chOose...
Saturday, October 22, 2005 || 6:06:00 AM
i aM dreAmiNg wEird stUff...lYk wAkeboArdinG wiF eKin (whEn i duN reALLie lYk hiM), geTtinG sColdeD bY coLleagues aT woRk for sKivinG (whiCh i wiLL nV bE sO stUpiD tO leT otHers diScover) anD oF a frEn coMmittiNg suM seRious oFfence anD a mUtuAL atTractiOn aS a reSUlt (hUh?)... sO wEird...aNd nO i hAven't bEen tiNkinG oF e pEeps iN mY dreAMs bEfore i sLeep, nOt iN a lOng tiME evEn...aND tt cOlleAgue i dreAMt oF? nEver sEen tAt fACe beFore...buT tAT pLot whEre i sHAred mUtuaL atTraCtiOn foR a frEn?...tiNk i muZ bE dreAMinG oF iT siNCe i sTArted wAtchiNg tV sEriaLS...bUt iT's nOW tOO oVErduE tO bE reALised...oWaez wANted sUm reALtioNShiP wHere iT iS fuLL oF uPs aND doWns (nOt e beTRayaL soRt) lYk sUm freAK aCcidenTs (nO dyIngs), coMA, lOSt oF mEmorY, fiNanciAL & stATus gaP, oR maYbe jUZ e mOSt eVentfuL aCquiataNCe (lYk tAT oF e wEddiNg pLAnnEr?) wiLL dO but it nEver haPpeneD...mAybe iT iS bLiss O lIve siMplY aND i oUght tO bE sO grAtefuL...mAYbe iT iS e sAgi iN mE woRkiNg uP...shE jUZ lOveS aLL tHinGs eXciTinG aND aDventurOus...aNd i jUZ kNow oNe daY sHE iS goNNA gEt mE iNto dEep sHit...anD wAT kInd oF sHit i reAllie cAn't brIng mYself tO iMAginE nOw...
Friday, October 21, 2005 || 6:53:00 AM
i haf gOt nEw sOngs iN mY pLAyer yeT e FM buTton iS sTiLL cAlliNg oUt tO mE, sEemiNglY muCh mORe enTertaiNing...i tiNk i hAf a vEry sEriouS coMmitmEnt pRoblEm...*ooPS*...wEll, iF shE's a FM sTatioN thEn iT woUld bE aLrite...aND i tiNk shE's vEry mUch sO, siNce aNyonE cAN tuNE in, aNytimE...tHere aRe oWaez tWo siDes sO i uNderstaNd...i lOok aT doUdou's roUndeD mAne anD iT tiCkles mE...i mEant tO triM iT sHOrt sO iT doEsnt gEt soAked wHEn hE dRinks fRom hiS bOwl aNd tAtA! hE hAS a mOSt aDoraBle fAce nOw...anD i aM tiNking oF hiM dYing oN mE...AGAIN!duN u gUys geT feArfuL whEn thiNgs aRe goIng oN sMoothly iN uR liFe?...i dO, i owAez feEl taT suMthinGs mUZ bE goIng wRong aND iT iS jUZ tAT i aM uNawAre oF it yEt...iT's aLmost lYk aN iNStiNCt...tAT iT iS tOo sMooTh tO bE tRue...dO u gEt wAT i aM trYing tO say?...hAiyaH...lEt's dO a teSt iNsteAd (hEard tiS oN 933 yEst, thoSe whO nOE jUZ sHAre uR anSwers 1sT aND nOt thE iMplicAtions)iMAgiNE hEllo kiTty goIng foR a pArty anD shE iS wEarinG a pRettY fRock...1)wAt coLour iS hEr fRock?a) Light Blueb)Yellowc)Redd)Blacke)Dark BluesHE bRinGS a lOvelY nEcklaCe wiF hEr aS a pResent2)wAT coLour iS thE neCklaCe?a)wHiteb)bRownc)yeLLowd)reDe)gReeNtHE coLour of thE fRock iNdicAtes thE tyPE oF liFestyLe u lOOk forwaRd tO anD thE coLour oF thE neCklace reVeals thE kInd oF pEoplE tAT u aRe moSt eASily aTtracted tO....mY aNSwer foR 1) wAs yeLLow anD 2) wAS grEen...
Thursday, October 20, 2005 || 1:44:00 AM
sHAggEd!hMmmMM, aLL mY cLAssmAtes aRe lOggiNg iN oNe bY onE...hEllo sTep, hEllO liYee, hEllo jOlenE!...wEnt bAck tO sChoOl toDay, nOt foR sTudyIng...lOng sTory neWae...lYk wAt hUimiN sAY...tHere aRe tiMes u duN fEel lYk eXplaiNing sO u jUZ giF a laMe anSwer...nOt tO aMuse, jUz sO pPle stoP aSking anD u duN haFTa repEat thE saMe stOry lYk a ziLlioN timEs...aNywaY, toDay iS spEnt wiF mY deAresT hUimiN aGAin...thRee dAYs iN a roW...i aM dYinG fRm aN oVerdoSe of huiMin-nEss...aNYwaY, yEkai hUimin iS siCk...haHA...shE's dOwn wiF fLu aND bODy aChe aS a reSUlt oF tT...aNd i hOpe thE miLo diNosAur - hMmM jUrasSic pArk? - yeSterdAY duN reSult in thE saMe thiNg...oH hEllO yeKAi...anYway...me aND hUimiN wEre toKking abT oUr fuTure...anD waT cArs -hMmM trAnspOrtatioN veHicles- wE shld gET iN fuTure...hUimiN wAnts a delIvery TRUCK, nOt vAn...e kInd beHind goT aiR-coN -eRmmM freEzer- onE...haHA...i wAnt lOrrY...haHA...oTher thAN iT bEing sUper cOnvenIent anD e fAct tAT diEseL iS suPer chEap...i suDdenlY reMember iT bEing 'vEry funNnnNNNNNnNNNnnnNNNNn' (******, 2004)...*rUns awAY fRm lIyEe*goIng oUt wiF hUimin iS oWaeZ hIlarioUs...anD siMple thIngs beCome cRazY thIngs aLtoGethEr...thIngy iS wE haRdlY gEt tO sTudY...sPeakiNg oF cArs...sTole dAddY's cAr aGAin laST niTe...i lOve cAr riDes iN e niTe...aNd i lovE sEeing hEr drIve...shE lOoks sO bUsinEss liKe, sO sUccessfUL...aLthOugh sHE cAn't bE coNSidered vEry wEll oFf nOw, i aM suRe shE wiLL bE iN fuTure, nEar fuTure...anD wiLL i stiLL bE e oNEsiTtinG nExt tO hEr?...
sO i goTta mUg nOw...bUt i goTta woRk tmR mOrninG...mY lIfe iS sO fuLL oF diLEmmAS...i aM goIng bOnkers wiF thE xiAO xiAO's vErsioN oF 'wO zhI zAi hU nI'...933 kEeps pLAyinG iT...
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 || 11:38:00 PM

coMplEte wiF a sMile!
|| 11:37:00 PM

fLAwlEsS coMplExioN!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 || 3:33:00 PM
wEnt studyiNg aND shoppiNg toDay aT bUgis wiF mY evErdeArest mS lEonG...aNywAY mY coNQuerS aRe aS bElow1) biLLAboNg fLip-flOps (19.90)2)gLittEr nAIl pOlish(2.50)3)laCe tuBe(5)3)cRystAL aNklEt(6)yAyy!...e aNKlet iS maDe bY hUimiN's mUm anD iT iS dRop dEad gOrgeouS...i'M loVing iT!...anD e flIp flOps iS a sTEaL, i wAS lOOkiNg foR a chEap bLAck flAt sLip oNs tO gO wiF mY skIRt(hEy i aM foCusEd) anD i rEmembEr thAt i haF nO slIppErs foR a rAInY dAY(tAt wuN cAUse mY dEath) whEn i sAw iT...yIPPeeEeeEeeEe!...bUt iT iS sO pReEeettTttyYYyYy tAT i pRob cAN't bRing mYSelF tO weAR iT oN a rAInY dAY...wAT a diLEmmA!...i aM bEcomIng sO wiShy wAShy, aND sO gaL i cAN't sTanD iT mYseLF...eEks...anYwaY hEre's e oTher stUff tAT cAught mY eYE bUt toRe mY heArt aPArt iF i haFta bUy tHEm aLL...1)anGel eArrinGs (25)2)pHoenIx eArrinGs (25)3)oLd naVy biKini (45)4) boYshoRts biKini (38)5)bRiefcASe(39.90)6)grEen bAg(39.90)7)suEde clUtcH(59)8)pOinteD hEels(59)loTSa oTher stUff tOo buT i tHose i cAN dO wiThouT...thEse aRe soRt oF e mUz haVes...oH nO!...anD bEfore u aSk mE whY i muZ haVE sO maNy pAIrs oF eaRrings, sO maNy bAGs anD so maNy biKiniS...lEt mE eNLighteN u...e reASon iS...i aM a gIRl...
|| 12:39:00 AM

mY nEw flIp-flOps!!!
|| 12:39:00 AM

mY pReettY aNkleT...pUrplE & wHiTE crYstaLS!
Monday, October 17, 2005 || 2:56:00 AM
rAinY dAYs anD lAtE nIghts sTudyiNg...jUX gEts tO mE lYk nOthinG evEr cAn...'cEpt foR sEntimEntaL mEmoraBle tuNEs oN e fM...eSpeciaLLy wHen iT sEems lYk u aRe sO aLone...thOugh i nOe pRob thOusaNds oUt thEre, aT leASt 120? fRm rMit iS sTudyinG tOO...i aM rEaLLie a sElfisH gAL...pRob oNE fuLL oF jEaloUSy tOO, fiLLing mE uP tO mY mOuth anD i spAt iT evErywHEre aS i pLEasE...bUt iT juZ suZ haFinG tO stAY hOme sTudyinG thEn goIng oUt tO woRk whIle u aRe oUt thEre haFing fuN...wiF hEr...
Sunday, October 16, 2005 || 9:03:00 AM
hOW iSsiT?...i tiNk iT's jUz grEat...hAha...aLL i nEed nOw iS tO finD oUt hoW tO aDd a reALlie cuTe cuRsor...aND pErhapS deSIgn a lOgo oF soRts wiF mY naME anD pUt iT iN...yaYY!...nOw iT iS baCk tO Oe...hAiz...
Saturday, October 15, 2005 || 4:04:00 PM
hOw dO u guYS liKE mY nEw bLog sKin?...i wANNa chANge e pIcs bUt haF nO nIce pIcs tO sO it cAN waIt...
nEwaEs, i aM goIng for quIdaM latEr!!!!...yaY!...aNd i aM ruNning laTe aGAin...
lASt nIte, jOSh nEeded tO gO bAck tO oFfice tO tK mORe foRms sO wE toOk dAddy's cAr oUt...sTrictlY sPEakiNg, wE stoLE iT!...e eXcitmeNt oF doIng suMthinG 'iLLegaL' iS jUZ sO thRilliNg...
hEr drIVing iS mUch beTA thAn eXpected, bUt jUZ diN wANna teLL hEr iN cASe hEr heAD gEts tOo biG...
aNd i lOok foRwaRd tO mOre oF suCh aDventuRes...OOps...
jUz pUt uP e pIc bUt i rEaliSe iT doEsn't reALlie gO wiTh e sKIn...i loVe e piC sO mUch i duN reAllie cAre...iT's mY bLog aNywaY...anD e tAG bOArd duN fiT nIcelY tOO...oH bOthersoME...
quIdaM iS oKi, e peRformanCe wAsn't aS greAT aS eXpected bUt aT leAST e wHole eXPerienCe wAS faBuloUs...aND i bOught mY fiRst maSK...aT lOng laST...
iT wAS mY fiRst tiME goIng tO a cIRcuS pErforMAnce...wAS mEsmeRizeD bY e grACe oF e peRformeRs iN e aD bUt iN reALity, e coStumEs wEre quIte diSappOintinG...e oTher tiME wHEn viNcent anD suM feMAle aRtisT diD sumthinG siMilaR oN a chArity eVEnt, i wAS fAsciNAted sO wEnt eXpectinG lOtsa grAcefuL stUnts iN e air bUt nOne oF e timEs wAS iT aS visuALLy aPPealiNg...haIZ...
stILL, i tiNk e cASt iS fAbuloUs...aCrobaTs, thEy rePreseNt mAGic...thEy glIDe iN e aIR wiTh sTrips oF cLoth, hOops, roPes wHEn uS oRdinaRy foLK cAnnoT...thEy alSO rePreseNt eAch iNDividuAl's dreAM oF bEIng eXtrAordinAry, haVing a spEciaL abIlitY...
wE wALked bEhiND tiS faMily aND sHE aSKed mE...dO i feEl biTter whEn i sEe kiDs haFinG iT aLL, gOing for suCh eXpensiVe shOws wiThoUt pRobablY coNSiderinG e coSt aND aLL...i guEss grOWing uP wiThouT eVen pRoper faMily oUtinGs (whiCH duN enD uP iN bICkers bY e tiMe wE gET hOme) mAKes mE oBlivioUS tO wATeva i lAck oF a chIldhOOd...i owAez feLt bLeSsed whEn i tiNk oF mY groWing-uP...anD i stiLL bElievE i aM mOre foRtunaTe thAN mANy oThers...i diD gEt baRbie doLLS, bIcyCles. lEgo anD aLL...wEll, diVorce yeS bUt lOOk aT iT fRm aNother vIew--i gEt 2 hOngbaOs evEry CNY...
|| 2:51:00 PM

gReEn aND reD mASks
|| 2:22:00 AM

mY fiRSt maSK eVEr!
|| 2:21:00 AM

|| 2:20:00 AM
|| 2:19:00 AM

mY fAvoUrite maSks
Thursday, October 13, 2005 || 3:03:00 AM
iF i cAN i jUZ wAnna kiLL tAT baSTarD...u noE shE's oN uR msN liSt...u guYS haF bEen toG foR neAr 3yEars anD thOugh u aRe pRob aNxioUS tO stArt wiF tAt tHird paRty, cAn't u hAf suM deCency anD nOt bOASt abt uR uNDyinG lOve waTsoEver iN uR nICk?...bLOodY jErk...aS faR aS i kNOw...a jErk's pRomiSe iS nO pRomiSe...anD iF nOt oUttA duE reSPecT foR hEr aND hEr deCisioN tO shEild u fRm thE rePutatiOn taT u sO deServe i wiLL bE cuRsinG tiL nO enD foR u tO sEe...i hOpe shE's beTA nOw...thOugh i tinK shE's pRob woRse...oVEr e rADio, suMone jUz loSt hEr eX aFter 4 yeArs oF r/s anD 1 yeAr oF wAitinG...anD shE coMitTed thE grAVest miStakE oF reMinsCing abt e paSt, paRtiCulaRly oF hOW iT stArted...4 yeARs, 3 yeArs...anD stiLL oVEr lYk iT meAnt nOthinG evEr aT aLL...i aM juZ sO sHAken anD tiS oVErwhElmiNg neEd tO pRoteCt mYselF tiDes oVEr...i aM gEttiNg sO scAred i maY jUZ wEll pEe iN mY paNts...
Monday, October 10, 2005 || 6:34:00 PM
riGht noW i aM jUz wAitinG foR mY rOOm tO chiLL anD mY bEd tO gEt aLL coMfy anD reADy foR mY kNock oUt...sO hEre i aM, a quickiE wiF blOgger...wAKeboArdinG wiF chEreveZ iS aS aLWayZ aMAziNg!!!...tWO tHumBs uP...faBuloUs suN, nICe liTTle taN(eXcept foR tAt bUrnT faCE, gUess i wAS a liTTle tOO greEdy)cOOl coMpanY, bIg spAcioUS bOAt, eXcellenT iNstruCtor anD oNE frEe hoUr!!!!...oNE hanD, tOuchIng thE watErs whIle riDIng,180 tuRn, aBsoluTEly nO pRob wiF waKes riGht oR leFt...anD nOpe i diN kiLL yaOhuI, diD nOt pUSh hIM doWn nOr cuT e rOpe whILe hE waS riDing...pOlitE coUrteoUS coNversaTions wiF nO suANing (i cAN dO iT!) aND i cAn stiLL tAKe hiS tinY wiNy bIt oF egO iN wAntinG tO maTch uP tO aiLing's lEvel oF skiLLs...cOoOoOoOoooOoL!oKi, i haF a pOundinG heADachE nOW, gRowliNg stOmaCh...bLAck chIChken sOup iS cAllinG oUt anD i cAn't liFt oNE mOre finGEr tO tyPE...sO i shALL uPdatE mORe lATer toNIte...stAY tUneD!!!...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nOw tiS iS waT a nAP doEs tO mE aLL oF thE tiME...i gEt diS-oRientatEd anD mY bIo cLock gEts aLL meSsed uP...cAn't fEel sLeepY nO anD cAN't coNCentraTe oN watEva i aM doIng...nEwaE, i aM vERy haPPie thAT i leArnt nEw stUFf toDay...lYk wAT chEreveZ sAYs, u paY gOOd mOney u beTA wALk awAY wIf suMthinG nEw...aND i sO lOOk foRwaRd tO mY neXt seSsioN wiF hIm, pErhaPS hE wiLL lEt mE drIVe hIS bOAt lYk hE diD wiF thE gUys fRm siM...dArn e siM oRganIZers iF tHEy hAd toLD mE thEy aRe gOing wiF pRo-aIR i woUld hAf cALl chEreveZ tO bE oN hiS bOAt...thEN aGAIn, iT's gOOd tO nOE nEw pPle...anD whO nOEs i mAY fiND suMone bEta iN e pRoceSs, oR aT leAST sUm sEcoNd aLternAtivEs iN cASe chEreveZ lEaves e bUSineSs tO coNcentraTE oN hIS pUb...shIt haPPens u nEver nOe aND iT's a nO-nO tO bE tOo depEndEnt oN aNyonE, aNythinG bUt uRselF...i fEel aCcompLisheD maNz...aND i nOE nExt roUnd i wiLL bE pErfeCtinG e 180 aND lEarniNg tO jUmp...hOpefuLLy aCroSs tWo wAKes...cAN't wAIt foR e pHotoS tO bE oUt...hOpefulLy tHEy aRe gOOd, eSp e siNgle haND oNE...anD duN lEt mY haIR bE stIckiNg at e wRong pLAces maNZ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mAYbe i aM iMmaTure tO wANt tHEm tO coNtinUE aS a cOuple...pErhaPS i aM tOO sElfish tO bE tiS uPSet coZ i iNveSTed mY oWn aLL tiME dreAm... a gRoup oF leS eASY oN thEmselveS, tOtaLLy cOOl aBt thEir oRientaTIon aND e lOOks thEY gEt fRm e wORld...chIllinG toG bE iT whEther wE aRe 20,30,40 oR whEN oUr hEads tuRn grEy... bEIng goDpaRents tO kIDs oF oUr frEns...mEetinG aT doG shOws...cAMpiNg wHEn wE fEel lyK it...fiSHinG aT uBin...kTv-iNg lATe iNto niTe...coMparinG coNdos, hDbs aFter 35?, rEnovAtinG coNtraCtorS iN e neAr fuTure...hOuse-wArmiNG aS eAch cOuplE fINds THE hoME...iT's nOt e sAMe wiF sTraight freNs...duN aSK mE whY...i aM uNSure mYselF...sElfiSh yAHz?...
|| 3:29:00 PM
liFe's sO uNpreDictabLE...cLIchE bUt deFi tRue...jUz oNe moNth aGo, wE wEre eAtinG toG ceLEbrATinG jOsh's bUrfdaE anD tHEy wEre haPPiLy pLAYinG aWay, stiLL veRy loVing anD swEEt...bUt nOW a mEre oNe mOnth laTEr sHE teLLs hEr feElinGs haVe faDed anD foR a lOng tiME shE lOve aNother...hAVe sHE nOt coNSidereD heR feElinGS whEn shE saY tHAt?...iS shE nOT awArE hOW iT fEels lYk tO bE betRayeD?...nOt tO bE pICked uP bY bElovEds aFTer 18 dAYs oF aBsenCe fRm thEir cOncerN?...hOW cAN shE jUZ sLeep aWay?...i hAFta aDmIt thAt i aM tiS aGitatEd anD uPSet tO e eXteNt oF teArs coX iT brOught bAck viVid meMorieS oF a siMIliaR paST...thE deSire tO sEe bUt thE wiSh thAT sHE iNItiatEs iT...thE hoPE oF a rEconcilIAtioN wiTh thE thoUght thAT sHE pROb aLReadI haF suMone eLSe bEside hEr iN uR pLAce tHAt iS saDly nOt uRs aNymoRe...thE biTTerswEet mEmorieS whIch u dO nOt nOE whEther tO smIle oR cRy oVEr, tO chErisH oR foRget...e dEceIvinG woRds whIch u diN nOe stArteD siNCe wHEn aND e hALf beLief u haF bEen a foOl foR a lOng tiME...anD thE riDicuLous oNEs lyK"hOpe wE're stILL frEns""yoU'LL fiND suMone bEta"e wOrSt?"tHAnk yOu foR uNderstANdinG"shE duN waNNa cRy...shE iNSisT shE's fiNE...shE sAId shE diN bUy anIthiNg foR heR whEn shE cRafted a pIStol pEndanT spEciaLLy...iT bReaKs mY hEart...tRulY...oNce aGaIn, bReak-uPs duN haPPen cOZ oF faDed feElinGs, nOr cHARacter cLASh...bUt bEcoz tHEre'S suMonE eLSe whOm u lOve mORe anD/oR whO's mOre coMpatiBle...i hOPe i wAKe uP feElinG beTA...mAYbe wAKeboaRd wiLL chEer mE uP...i duN waNNa bE reMindEd anYmore...
Sunday, October 09, 2005 || 2:02:00 PM
wEnt foR e moST uNproFessIonaL trAIninG sEssIon tOday...bUt i diD leArn suMthinG uSefuL nOw taT i cAN usE aT woRk aND iN mY evErydaY lIfe...noT goNNA teLL u gUys coX i pRob uSe iT oN u tOo...iT's mY liTTle sEcreT...hOw eXcitinG...anD i wEnt kTv toDay wiF joSh aND heR uNi frEns...cOOl...coX evEryonE's sTANdaRD aRd tHEre sO i aM noT taT pResSuriZed, iN faCt i tInk i sINg beTA toDay tHAn iN a lOng loNg tiMe...jOSh sAnG vEry weLL*clAPs*...tiNk sHE cAN bE jORdaN e seConD...oR daNIel...*cHUcklEs*...hOpefuLLy shE wiLL leArn jOrdaN's oTHer soNgs lYk 0932 aND wO aI dE reN...sAw aLL e sAd sAd mTv-s toDay...yE zI, tiNg huA, wO mEn dE aI, gE jIaN?(e iCe creAM oNE bY jAy)...i tiNk suMthinG's wROng wiF mY teAr gLAnds oR iS e woMAn iN mE woRkinG uP aGAin?...bOught a lOng skIRt tOO...cAn't wAIt tO weAr iT oUt bUt i haVEn foUnd a toP anD shOes tO gO wiF iT yET...pRob a sWeater tOo...sO, gUess wAT?...i nEed ( yEs NEED) tO shOp...hEe...bUt tAt wiLL haFta wAIt tiL aFter eXams...sO i cAN tAKe iT aS a pOSt eXam ceLEbraTion pLus i cAn haFta lArger cApiTAl...pLAnnIng iN e pRoceSs aND coNtrOL iMplEmenteD...rAtionaL dEciSion mAking nO?...wEll i haVEn eXactlY coNSideR aLL aLternaTives lYk thE oLD clOthes i haF buT oH weLL...iT's foUR mOrninGS iN a rOW i wOke uP eArlie...aND nOw i aM gOing tO sLEep...aN eArlie biRd foR oNce iN a lOng timE...aND pEeps, wiSh mE luCk foR tmR's grADinG...oKI, u cAN wiSh yeKAi tOO bUt nOt beFore u wiSh mE...hEhheH...anD pRay tAT i duN gEt iNto aNy trOublE wiF taT faT aSs sOn oF a biTch tMR...zzZZZzZZzzzzZZzZZZZZzZZzZZZZZZZZzzzZzZZZZZzZzzZZZZZ
Saturday, October 08, 2005 || 9:21:00 AM
yAyy! bLOggEr iS bAck tO nORmaL...i aM juZ sO nOt uSed tO chANges tHough i woUld stiLL saY i aM a vEry aDaptAble pErsoN...mE diD not reAD thAT twO bOOks i wAS toKKinG aBt iN e pRevioUS enTry, coX wEirdly tHEy aRe e twO i fiNIshed iN diFFerent tiTles...heAVen's wiLL?...bUt i diD noT fiNIsh mY mkT tOO, coX i cANt dRag mY aSs oUtta taT soFt cOmfy beD i wAS pLAnniNg tO reAD iN anD i doZe oFf iMmediatEly aFter pUttiNg e boOks doWn...anYway, i aM sO haPPie i enDured aLL foUrs dAYs oF woRking...lUckilY wEd waS mADe eaSier bY mY suP...aLmosT gaVe uP yeST aND cAlled mY suP tO fiND a rePLacemenT cOX i wAS jUZ sO dyIng tO craWl baCk iNto mY beD...e crAwlinG hOme aLMost diD sEem mORe coMfortinG tHAn woRkinG iN e fuLL aiR-coN bUildinG...mEt stEpheN foR luNch oN mY wAy bAck siNCe i dEcideD tO tK e nOrtH eASt liNE...mS lEonG e cuRry chICken mEe anD reD ruBy nOt fAntAstiC lEhz...mAybe i wEnt tO e wroNg stORe...weLL, heArtlanD maLL muZ bE e mOSt boRing pLAce oN eArth mANz...sAw tiS shOrt cLIp oN e mRt, e aDvertisMEnt foR thE aRmy...aNywAy, iT doEs nOthinG bUt aLmosT drOve mE tO teArs,yahZ i aM bEcomIng suCh a cRybaBY thEsedAYs...anYway i cAN't iMAginE wAkinG uP tO fiND thE peRsoN lYinG neXt tO mE weAring tAT uNifoRm tO pRepaRe foR wAR iN eXchanGe oF smIles anD stAbilTy oF oThers whO duN maTTer haLf aS mUch...sElfiSh?...dArn, i fEel lYk sLEepiNg bUt i haF onLi leSs thAN aN hOur...sHld i?...nOw, whY e heLL aM i gOing foR tRainiNg oN a blOOdy frI niTe iNSteaD oF paRtyinG...oKI,stuDyinG?...
Wednesday, October 05, 2005 || 2:47:00 PM
fiNishinG a bOok iS sO heARt wRenchiNg...eSp moRe sO iF iT hAd bEen aN enjoYablE oNe...anD eVen mOre coX i nOe i wiLL nV bRing mYselF tO fLIp tAT sAMe bOOk aNotheR timE...hMmMm,stARtinG oNE iS eQuaLLi aGoNizinG...anD iN leSs thAN tWentY foUr hOUrs i aM goNna dO boTh...i sO oUght tO bE reVisinG bUt i hAf tWo mOre bOoks tAT's gOnnA bE duE oN e 7tH sO i duN cAre eXamS oR noT...i cAn stARt sTudyiNg aFter e 7Th i hOpe...aNywAy, i wEnt tO e boDyniTs wArehoUSe sAle aT uPper chANgi roAd?...aNywaY iT's oNE sTOp aFter thE eXpo frM taMPinEs...bOught 3 siMIliaR toPs oF diFf colOurs...sO duMb riTE? bUt tiS iS juZ mE...tOO aFraiD oF loSing thiNgs i loVe sO i bUy bAcKup...wEll thEy wiLL dO foR bLAdinG eTC...aND oNe toP eAch foR mY twO siSters...i aM aN aNgeliC siSter!...i lOOk aT e reST oF mY wEek aNd iT seEms sO bLEak...woRkinG evErydAY tiL frI...suN grADing...anD oN toP oF aLL thEse 'uNAvaiLable' sLOts i wiLL hafTa reviSe anD pRob nV geT tO gO ouT anD plAY...tHis toTAllY suCks...aT tiS timE, woRkinG seEms mORe reLAxinG...goNNa dO suM mKt nOw bEfore i sTArt e sEcoND bOok...wiSh mE luCk...i hOPe tO coVer twO chAPterS!!...
Tuesday, October 04, 2005 || 4:56:00 PM
i aM a hAppiE gaL...aGAin!!!...yaY!!!...wiSh i cAN dO e niNjA tUrtlE iCon hEre bUt weLL, laCk oF reLEvanT skiLLS...hEe...
|| 3:23:00 AM
whY dO gALs nV foRgivE anD foRget thiNGs thTA haPpen sO loNg aGo?...leT mE giF aN aTTempT oN aN aNAloGy...wOuld u evEr foRgivE a gUy whO rAPe uR gF iN frOnt oF u?...whY oR whY nOt?...i aSsume iT iS a loSs oF pRide anD iNvasiOn tO uR teRritorY?...gIrlS cAn bE foRgivinG, anD hOW mANy timEs u arE sEcretlY anD/oR eXpicitLy diSguSted wiF oUr iNabiliTy tO remEmbeR?...wE foRgivE anD foRget sAY u spOil mY stUff oR sAY i aM loUSy iN soCcer...bUt wHEn u stANd thEre aND nOt pRevent mY frEn frM kiSsinG u...faIR nO?...nOte i diN sAY u kiSsing mY frEn...bEcox gALs uSUalLy hAve oNe coMMoN sEnsitivE aRea u terM uS aS uNforgiVIng?...tSK tsK...mY guEss iS tAT u wiLL oNli rEgreT whEn wE bEcomE foRgiVing tOwaRds tAT bItch whO kiSsed u aND u whO aLLow tAT aCtioN...kiSses aSide, wE cAN't eVen forgivE a siMIliaR fANtaSy...wE neEd nO rApinG tO bE doNE...doEsn't tAT mAKe uS suPErioR iN teRms oF iNtellIGence? oOoh, i loVe tiS iMpliCatioN...haHA...goIng bAck tO e aNAlogY, hOW mAny oF u cAn aCcept tAt gF whO wAS rAPed aS uR wiFe wiF nO doUbts oVEr hEr 'iNNocenCe' iN e whOle rAPing thiNgy?...pLus iF shE's goTTen prEgnanT, cAN u aCcept e bABy?...gIRls pRob cAN iF tHEre iS a wAy foR gUYs tO gEt erEcted wiThouT thEir oWn deSIres...gAls aRe moRe vuLneraBle anD tHErefore wE aRe eNABled wiF aN abIlity tO lEarn fAster frM oUr miStakEs anD nEver geT biTEn aGAin...clEvereR aGAIn?...wAT dO u tiNk?...i siMpLy lOve tAT...anYwaY, i dreAMt oF fiNdinG tWo pUppiEs whIlsT aT pRoj wiF liYee yEkai stEp anD shErry...mOR?...dPP?...bUt mY siS wAS tHEre tOO...iT wAS a sABle shEtlanD anD a bLAck coCker sPAniel...i eVen dreAMt oF toKKing tO tHEir mUMmy, fiRst duN aSK mE hoW i toK tO a dOg anD nExt duN aSK mE hoW e twO breEds cAN haVe oNe muMMy whO's a coLLie...i drEaMt oF tEllinG heR nOt tO breEd iF shE cANt tAKe cAre oF heR pUppiEs...i tiNk i aM reALlie gOing crAZy wiF mY 'nEed' foR a sEconD doG...weLl i eVEn reMEmbeR mY heSitatiOn iN tAKing e coCker anD mY dAMn flU...aNd thUS i kNEw tiS dreAM wiLL nV coME trUE...*siGh*
Monday, October 03, 2005 || 12:51:00 AM
woKE uP wiF a diSturbINg sMs...tAT haPPens whEn u gOt tOO muCh iNtuitIoN,imAGinaTIon anD creAtiVity, thOugh aLL thrEE pRob shLDn't bE uSed thiS waY...wAT haPPens whEn u hatE suMOne sO muCh bUt cOme tO reALise thAT uR cloSe frEn iS sEcretlY cloSe tO hEr?, pErhaPS evEn clOSer tO u bA...riGHt noW i duN fEel a tHIng yeT...aT thiS mOMent i juZ woNDer whOSe siDe iS hE oN?...perHAps hE wiLL nV sAY iT, frM mY hoWevEr wEak unDerstanDinG oF hiM...bUt i aM inTEresTEd iN wAT hE reALLie tiNKs oF heR noW...aT thiS mOmenT,i aM aLSo woNderinG aBt e fuLL detAils...anD hOW muCH juICier iT cAN gET fM e pIC i'M pAintinG aS i coNtinuE tO hIT e kEys...aT thiS mOMent, i aM teLLing mYSelf noT tO bE suBjectivE, noT tO tinK shE iS oH-sO-aCtinG-viCtimiSed...nOT bEcox i wAnna bE faiR, whO cAres abT beiNG fAIr tO suMone u haTE aNd diSregaRD?...buT beCox i aM sICk oF pPLe sAYinG i aM baiSed, eXTremE oR evEn woRse teLLing mE thiS thiS thAT thaT aBt heR thAt i diN sEe coX mY eyEs aRe cloUDed wiF aLL thAt pRejudice...aT thiS mOMent, i aM reMIndinG mYself e whOle woRld doEsnt reVolve aRd mE, tAT mY hatRed iS eXclusiVE anD oThers haF a riGht tO loVe hEr jUZ aS mUch aS i haTe hEr...hOpefulLy whEn i geT e fuLL piC i cAN stiLL bE aS cLear hEAded aS tiS moMent aBt tiS...aT tiS moMent, e lAst thiNg i wANna dO iS tO coNClude wiF...'wEll hE hAS a diCk tOO'...anD pRove mY hYpotheSis vaLid...thRU tiS oNE oF e feW pPLe tAt i tRuly giF a dAMn aBt iN mY neW frEns...
Saturday, October 01, 2005 || 2:01:00 PM
weNT wAkeboArdinG toDay...toTaLLy roX mY woRld...anD evEn thOUgh iT's wiF stARngers anD a feMAle iNStructoreSs foR e fiRSt timE, i abSolutelY enJoyeD mYself...i diN reAlliE neEd e soCialiSing sO iT diN maTTEr e iNstructoreSs wASn't v friEndlY, neITher aRe e guyS anD gaLS...diN reAllie lEarn aNy neW toDay eiTher, cAN't eVEn reAllie gO lEft tOO...oN e oThEr hANd, chEnyu roDE wiF oNE haND foR e fiRst tiME toDAy...kiNDa uPSet oVEr mY owN perfoRmance bUt i loVE e thRiLL oF riDIng...anYWay tinK chErvaS iS mUCh bEta a iNStruCtor siNCe hE coORdinATes wiF mY lEvel (hOWevEr lOW taT maY bE) oF skiLLS anD i duN hafTA chASe lYk toDay...i aM hAlf eXciteD anD hALf dReadiNg e muScle aChe i wiLL waKE uP wiF tmR...iT's goNNA bE diFficult anD eXHaustinG aT tuItioN...bUt mUScle aChes oWaez maKE mE feEl leSs faT anD fLAbbY...anD whO nOEs i mAy aCtuaLLi wAlk aRd tiNkinG i aM suCH a bABe tMR...hAhA...anD bEforE i foRget...whIle i wAS aLone iN e wAter anD e bOAt fAR aWay frM mE, i sAw a kOmodO liZard oN shOre...gOSh,iT's reALlie e oNli tIME i sHouteD sO lOudlY...aND stILL wASn't heArd...haIZ...anD thOugh mY iNstRuctorEss liEd tO mE iT dOEsn't sWim, suMhoW i jUZ kNEw iT doEs anD i greW quiTE diStracTed...cAll iT sIXtH sEnse oR wOmanlY iNStinCt...Eks...sCAry...mY siS oSo wAnna gO wAKeboaRd, hOPefuLLy i reAllie geT tO sEe heR riDe...anD i aM sO sOoOoo haPPie tAt mY oUTleT hIt e sALes tArgeT tiS moNth aGAin...