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Friday, June 30, 2006 || 4:57:00 PM

hEadquartErs bY thE baR coUnter
|| 4:56:00 PM

oPEratioN siDE
|| 4:55:00 PM

bOSs anD mRs bOSs
|| 4:54:00 PM

kAy, bRyaN aND jORdaN
|| 4:40:00 PM
iT's quiTE aMUsinG tO sEe uR doG roLl oVEr beLLy uP iN hiS aBsoluTE boRedoM anD totAllY aDoraBLe whEn hE stARts wRigglIng oN thE flOOr...anYWay, i bOUght bOoks fRom tiMEs yeSt...woNder whY iT's evEn woRth a mEntioN?...mUch aS i loVE reaDing, i uSusallY gEt chIDed foR iT anD sO i haF stOppEd fOR a lOng tiME...anD evEn tHoUgh sO, i nV bOught aNy ANY bOok...iT's mOStlY frenS' oR lIbraRy's...sO iT's qUite a nEw eXperience anD oNE taT maKEs mE feEl emPowereD anD *blUShes* quiTE iNtellIgent...yeAH gO ahEad aND laFf...bUt i jUZ dO feEl iNtelliGEnt bUyinG thEM...evEn thOugh pEeps pRob reAD thOse beSTseLLers a ziLLion timEs...anYway, glAD tO reNEw mY lOve foR reaDIng...i tiNk i aM lYk a caTErpiLLar...
|| 2:47:00 AM
i aM tiREd, nO...eXhauSted...aNywaY, iT cAN't bE bOth u2 aNd gioRdanO dO doWn siZing ritE?...anD sO i pRoudlY deClare e decReasE iN nUmeriC valUe oF mY wAIstlinE...yaYY!...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 || 1:09:00 AM
evErythinG feEls veRy finaL...i aM thiNking oF tAKing uP clAsseS...nOW deCide whICh oNEs anD whEre tO enRol afTEr mY paYdaY iN twO dayS!...ThiS iS waT mY daILy hOroscoPE reAds...wEll weLL...mayBE i shLD heEd iT...All signs may be pointing to go, but right now is not the time to move ahead.
You are at an important intersection in life, and the light in front of you has been red for a very long time. It's understandable if you're getting antsy to get going, but before you do anything rash, take a long look at your surroundings. Things are going on around you that will easily explain the delay -- and help your patience grow. It's not time to move ahead right now in any type of relationship -- legal, professional, romantic or otherwise.
Monday, June 26, 2006 || 1:14:00 AM

aLL foR yOu mY daRling
|| 1:13:00 AM

aLL clEan anD drY, iNcludinG doUdoU
|| 1:12:00 AM

e lUge riDe
|| 1:11:00 AM

lOok aT pOor beAnie
|| 1:10:00 AM

e laTEst fiLA spOKepersoN
|| 1:07:00 AM
i sAw a blUE coLoureD biRd thE othER daY...lOng agO whEn i wAs aN iNnocenT gaL iN S.A.C, suMone toLD mE u coULD makE a wiSh uPon sEeing a blUE colOURed biRd, aS sO whEn u droP aN eyelaSh, sAY e eXact sAMe thIng wiF uR paL eTc etC...anD sO i dID...i tinK iT's remaRkablE tO bE abLE tO belIEve iN mIRaclEs...aLbeit mORe thaN a lIttle siLLy...doEs aBsence reaLLie mAke thE hearT gRow foNDer?...
Monday, June 19, 2006 || 3:44:00 PM
broUght doU doU foR hIS seCond sWIm aT senTosa tiS timE...wE tOOk e skY riDe anD lUge tOO!...mUmmY sayS wE r goNNa dO tiS oNCe a mOnth...i hopE shE meANS iT...
Friday, June 16, 2006 || 2:07:00 AM
bEcox thEre iS alOT goIng oN iNsiDe mY heAd bUt nOthiNg i cAn tiNk oF wRitinG otHer tHAn...'mAybe u jUZ diN waNt iT baD enUff'&'jUZ bEcoX i aM siNgle iT doEsn'T meAN i nEed u pOkinG uR nosE iNto mY busiNEsS...aN oVerdoSe oF coNcerN iS nUisance aCtuaLLI'sO i aM goNna dO tiS laMe thiNgy...1)How old do you wish you were?thE laSt yeAR oF mY liFe.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?cAN't remMEmber 3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
wAlk aWay4) Do you consider yourself kind?
tO e sElecteD5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
aNkle6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
siGn lANg
7) Do you know your neighbors?
nOOPe8) What do you consider a vacation?bEacH, suN + frEns + shoPPing9) Do you follow your horoscope?
iF i chANce uPon iT & e aDvicEs R coNvenIent10) Would you move for the person you love?yEsh
11) Are you touchy feely?
mAYbe12) Do you believe that opposites attract?yeSh...bUt tHEy pRob duN laST13) Dream job?boSs14) Favorite channel(s)?aV
15) Favorite place to go on weekends?nO pReferencE aS lONg i geT tO gO ouT16) Showers or Baths?
baTHs17) Do you paint your nails?rArelY18) Do you trust people easily?nOPe bUt i truSt guT feElingS19) What are your phobias?coLLisiOns, sEpaRatioNs20) Do you want kids?nEver21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?wAnt tO22) Where would you rather be right now?dOWnstaiRs23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy?doU dOu, siN, maYwatI & liNg24) Heavy or light sleeper?aBsolutEly heAVy25) Are you paranoid?tO a cErtaiN eXtent26) Are you impatient?tO stRAngERS27) Who can you relate to? cuRrentlY nO oNE
28) How do you feel about interracial couples?i wiSH thEM luCk 29) Have you been burned by love?a lOng tiME aGO30) What's your favorite pick-up line?i duN dO piCk uPS31) What's your main ring tone on your mobile?suM toY bOX thIngy32) What were you doing at midnight last night?coUnseLLing33) What did the last text on your cellphone say?'bLAdinG 8 tmR?'34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?mINe35) What color shirt are you wearing?bLAck36) Most recent movie you watched?dAVincI coDe37) Name three things you have on you at all times?hAIr, cLotHES aND mY coNsciouS38.) What color are your bed sheets?blue, yellow, green and red39) How much cash do you have on you right now?1740) What is your favorite part of the chicken?brEASt41) What's your favorite town/city?vEniCE42) I can't wait till:i chEcked mY whoLE wiSH lisT43) Who got you to join Xanga?nOt a mEmber44) What did you have for dinner last night?foOd coURt stuFf45) How tall are you barefoot?16347) Do you own a gun?bUbblE guN?48) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?miLK49) What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?i haF nO inTEresT iN thEm56) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?slOggiNg mY sORry aRse oFf57) Last thing you ate?wANg wanG mI gUo58) What songs do you sing in the shower?nOPE.59) Last thing that made you laugh?laME jOKes ovER diNNEr60) Worst injury you've ever had?suM iNjurY aT e kNee61) Does someone have a crush on you?nOOPe62) What's your favorite candy?baRLey mInt63) What song do you want played at your funeral?aS e deEr
Monday, June 12, 2006 || 10:24:00 AM
sUmtimEs thE loVE stoRies oF oThers jUZ maKe mE sO haPPiE anD toUCheD...nEvermINd thEy aRe fiCtioN taIWaneSe drAmas wHIch aRe pRollY aLl nOT trUE...wEnt bLADinG aGn yeST...i aM stARtiNg tO reALiSe the coNVenieNCe oF bEinG aBle tO drIVE...anD oSo, woRk, liFe anD freNShiP caN cO-eXist...wiF uNDErstandiNg, aCcomodAtinG anD reSpectfuL frEns...noT foRgettinG suPPortivE...anYWays...wE aLL geT a liTTle mORe daRing, mayBE feARleSs evEN, whEN wE arE uPSet duN wE?...anD thE oPPositE iS trUE wHEn wE aRe iN bliSseD oR haPPie...anD i tiNk i aM oNE suCH pErsoN...thOugh a liTTle mIXed feElings abT thE iMprovEd perfoRMance anD thE nEgativE emOtioNS thaT coNSumEs mE...
Saturday, June 10, 2006 || 4:03:00 PM

moVE uR aRSe
|| 10:29:00 AM

lOVe hATe rElationShiP?
|| 10:26:00 AM

doUdou'S fiRst swIM
Friday, June 09, 2006 || 11:25:00 AM
nOthiNg beATS mEetinG frEns wHo uNDerstaNDs...anD thErefoRe i shLD sAy i spEnt yeSt iN blISs...bUt suMtimEs iT feEls lYk wE aRe jUZ gOing thRu thE mOtioNS oF bEing fEns, oR iSsit mE iN mY stATe oF diSiLLusiOn?...nITE bLADinG iS sO reLAxinG, mInuS thE smALL sEeds oN thE groUnd tAt i cAN't sEe whIch oWaez tRips mE...anD i tiNK oLD freNS aRE thE beST...thE oLDer thE bEtteR...i jUZ cAN't dEscriBE thE peAce i fEel, e reAL haPPineSs, e aCCeptaNCE, e uNConditiONAl lOYAlty...mAYbe i shLDn't wASte tiME maKIng aNy mORe freNS...iT iS saD tO sEe a goOD gALfreN uNhaPPy, yEt whEn i'M fEeliNg doWn iT iS coMfortinG tO nOE i aM nOT aLone...i aM sUCh a sElfisH bITch aM i nOT...bUt pICk iT uP gAl, u cAn stARt aFresH...jiAYoU...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 || 11:22:00 AM
oLD hDb flATs giVEs mE a feElinG oF sIMpliCity anD sErEniTy...aND i mEan oLD oLD oNes...e oLD nOt-sO-fAncY mETaL gATes,mISmatCh cLothES oF ruNNinG kIDs, auNiteS wiTh wEird haIrdOs aND oF coURsE tHe smEll oF tASty gRAnniEs' stYle hOmecoOkeD diNNErs...rEminDs mE oF chILdhoOD alThoUgh mY chILDhOOd wAs faR fRM tAT...maYBe iT iS hOW i bElievE chILdhOOd shLD bE, mY iDeaL kINd iS oNE wiF a doTinG grANdmoTHer whO iS oWaeZ tOO slOW tO kEep uP, coNtinUouS nAggIng, niCe fOOd whICh i woULd haTE aT tHAt timE, anD mE eScapIng Frm hEr tO gO pLAy wiF mY pLAYmatEs...anYWays, diNNEr anD danCE wAS niCe...diN dO mUCh eMceE-inG siNCe pATriCk tOOk oF mOSt oF thE tiME...tOOk quiTE a tAd biT oF pHotoS whICh i hOpe tO uPloaD sOOn...oH, anD i mEt tiS eXtraOrdiNAry gUY aT thE diNNer anD danCe...nOPe, nOt mY pRinCe chArmiNG...hE iS thE reGionaL manAGer oF PLC, bRyaN...wiSe, chArismatIC, cOnfidEnt bUt cuNNinG tOo iN mY oPiniOn bUT i bElievE i wiLL haF mUCh tO leArn fRm hIm aND hOpefuLLy i gEt tO sEe hIm aRD mOre...bUt i doUbt sO, mAYbe oNli duRing D & Ds i gUeSs...aND tiS oNE thIng hE saID aBT hImseLF i cAN't agREe mORe...'i duN dRink aT aLL oUtsiDe, dO u nOE whY?'...doUdoU wEnt foR hiS fiRSt diP aT eCp oN suNday...i tiNK hE's a lITtlE sCAred bUt aT leAST hE gEts a nEw eXperiEnce...tOOk pHotOs tOO, uPloaD sOOn...i hAF bEen lIVinG iN e pAST foR quiTE suMtimE nOW...sLowlY, mY viSion oF tAT hSe eVolvE iNtO mE anD mY rOOm oN thE riGht sIDe oF thE coRridoR...pARqueT fLooRingS wiF a brOwn dAchShunD ruNninG...riGht stRAigHt uP iS aN eMptY rOOm wiF e nEcesSAry fuRnitURe bUt nO siGns oF lIfE...e suN shINeS iN anD spEcks oF duST cAN bE sEen fLOatinG slOWlY bY...e pLAypaN coRnereD oFf siDe oF thE waLl wiF raBBitS iN tHEm slOWlY diSappEars anD a niCe liTTle aNtiquE hANd-cRAfteD cuPboaRD stANds iN iTS pLAce...e L-shAPeD rEd vElevT sOFa aND e bRoaD LCD tV whICh maKEs feMALe aRtisTs lOOk fatTEr sO i wOUld feEl beTTEr aBT mYSelF...frEsh flOWers iN a bEautIful vaSe tHAt iS a giFt fRm a bEloveD fREn...e wiDe ranGE oF kITcheN aPPlianCes thAT gIVes mE nTh bUt coNveniEnces aNd a spEciaL coRner foR pReparinG lIttlE suGArpiE's mEals...e lAundRy coRner wiTh a wAShiNG mAchiNE anD a tuMblEr iNSteAD oF waItinG foR nAture tO drY mY clOtheS...i rATher bE moRe sElf-depEndent...