“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Sunday, December 31, 2006 || 12:40:00 AM
pRoduCt coDe: mr380pRodUct dEscriPtioN: hAm haM caRryjUZ hOW cuTe iS taT...anYwaY, iT's goNna bE thE laSt daY oF 2006 sooN, anD yeSh i aM stiLL goNna woRk mY aSs ofF...buT mUmmY deAresT wiLL bE briNginG mE ouT tO geT sHoEs...yaYY!!!...jUZ fiNIsheD waTchinG 'DeviL weArs pRada'...a siMple sTory wiThoUT muCh pLot...bUt iT's a stOry wiF aN enDing i caN aPPreciaTe lOts...wiF alOt oF pRetTy clOtheS foR mE tO aDmire...aND i aM nOW aT thE foUrth ePisoDe oF 'gOnG'...kaMbatTe...toFfEe iS getTinG goOd aT soCialisIng...taKing lEsS anD leSser timE tO waRm uP tO sTRangerS...i hoPE hE wiLL finaLLi bE eASy wiF stRangErs...
Friday, December 29, 2006 || 1:49:00 AM
goT kiCkeD iN thE faCe aT traIninG laSt niTe...noW mY mOuth iS fuLL oF ulCers anD mY faCE iS sLightlY sWoLLen wiTh a scRatcH aT thE chiN aREa...bY thE faMous reGina's baCk hOOk oF coURse...nOt suRe whY i diN 'siaM' iT, bUt geTTiNg iNjureD iS paRt anD paRCeL oF taEkwoNdo i guEsS sO i aM preTTy mUCh oKi wiTh geTtinG kICkeD...anYWay, aS muCh aS i diSliKE wEirD clEaners siNginG 'bEauTifuL giRl' whEn i waLK paSt, i haTE iT mORe whEN sEniorS anD/oR iNStrUCtoRS makIng reFerencEs tO mY eRmMm brEastS...aDd taT oN tO sEniors mEntioNing thEir eNDeavoUrs tO geT certAIn tYpes oF pRon mOvies...jUZ diSGustS mE anD maKEs thEM leSs reSPectabLe iN mY eyEs...i tiNK guYS iN genEraL waTCh poRn buT i reAllie duN haFTa kNOw whICh typEs u wATch anD waNNa waTch...moRe anYwayS, i wAS haFinG coFfeE oN a rAinY nIte wiF shAH toNIte (yAyY!) anD wE weRe toKKing aBT thE uGly grAce-leSs behAvioUr oF siNgapOreanS iN puBliC toiLEts...sHe waS teLLing mE aBt hOW eMbaRRaSsed shE waS tO bE a siNgapOReaN whEn thE clEan, plEasant pUBlic toiLet wAS liTTereD wiTh tiSsuE pAPers anD fLooDed afTEr thE siNgaPoreAn toUR buS stoPPeD ovEr...i retUrned hEr stORy witH thE sANitarY paDs stiCkinG tO thE liDs oF tHE 'biNS pRovidEd'...hEe...eXcuSe uS...*siGhs*...suMtimEs iT reaLLie baFfleS mE hoW pEople sO cloSe caN 'betRAy' u iN tHeSe waYs...
Friday, December 22, 2006 || 11:46:00 AM
i reaLLie wanteD tO briNg mY dOgs tO viVo toDay...bUt thEre wEre jUZ tOo manY liMitatiOns...owaEz tOo maNY sTuFf tO coNSideR...tOO mAny thIngs i caNNot dO aS i pLEasE...jUZ lYk i caN't coNtroL whO coMEs into thE shOP, whIch cuStomeR i sErve oR whICh oLd aCquaiNtanCe i miGht buMp iNto...aNd iT kINda suZ whEN u duNno whY u stARteD tO tuRN anD ruN awaY whEN shE stanDs thERe staRIng aT u iN shOCk?aStonIShmenT?...tOo manY quEstioNs, tOo many anSwer u r aFraid oF geTTinG...anYWay, duN ya aLL aGreE taT oncE a requEst iS maDe, thE foLLow uP beComes mUCh oF aN oBLigaTion thaN anIthinG elSe...anD i caN't helP bUT snEer aT aLL e (i aCTuaLLi wanTed tO.....)s aFter mY 'reQuesT' iS maDe...i jUZ duN fanCy thE ideA oF aSking fOR suMthiNG tHn geTtinG iT...i pReFer pPle tO oBservE mE anD doIng thE riGht stUFf aT thE riGht tiME...a liTTle tOO muCh tO aSk?...maYBe...foR thOSe whO duN caRe eNufF...bUt aCtuaLLi i aM quiTE preDictabLe, nO?...
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 || 12:39:00 AM
i love raiNy days, moRe sO raiNy nItes...aNd i lOve hAfing bUs riDes, trAin rides, caR riDes oN a raiNy daY/niTe...loVe seEing thE raiNdroPs slIde doWn thE wINdsCreEn, wiNDow paNEs, mIrrors...iT's reLaxiNg enUff for thE mOment...eSp aFter a haRD daY's work...maKe taT haRD daYS' woRk...i caN't belIevE i aM woRkinG mY aSs oFf @ mY laSt sChooL vaCatioN...thOugh thE mOney iS lUCratiVe enUff, i tiNk deEp doWn i duN enjOy haFIng sO liTTle timE foR mYSelF...sO mUCh sO i caN't aFForD tO siT anD siP coFfeE whILE reaDIng oN a raIny daY...whIch iS aLL tAT's oN mY mINd whILe i wEnt tO stArbuCks tiS aFTErnOOn tO gEt a pErk...i hOPe i gEt tO dO taT bEfore e rAiny seASon leavEs oUR suNNy isLANd...oH, i foUNd mY pUrplE pEn!!!...yaYy!!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 || 5:22:00 PM
afTer aLl taT pIctures i quite forgot waT i waNna saY...aND soBz, mY cbOx iSn't workinG...jUZ twO mins aFter i sEt iT uP...bUt i aM eXhaUsteD sO haCk iT...anYway, mY suPErvisoR turN oUt tO thE oNE frM hEll, anD lIFe iSn't lOokiNg aLL taT brIght theSe dayS...oKi, i aM haFing verBal coNStipatioN...i shAll gO slEep nOW...
|| 4:32:00 PM
pResenTinG tO thE woRld, lItTlest toFfEE fiRst fashIon shOw!....
hE's siTtinG lYk a fErrEt aGain...
hErE coMes...(oOps i duNno aNy soCcer plaYer frM japAn)
i loVe tiS jErseY...
toFfEe lOoks skInnY iN tiS shIrt...
|| 3:46:00 PM
mY bDae celEbratIon wiTh e nAo laDies @ maRina soUth!...
lOOk @ siN siN...
buSy buSy...
mY cake...
mE anD mY besTest frEn...
jUdY anD mE...
aLl oF uS @ maRina soUth...
nO more foOd!...
hAageN dAaz's bAnaNa sPliT w bElgiUm chOc, mAcadAMia nUt & mElon iCe-creaM!!!...
Saturday, December 09, 2006 || 2:16:00 PM
mY bDAe celEbraTioN...
mY caKE...
plUS mE!!!...
maKe a wiSh maKe a wiSh...
|| 1:07:00 PM
goIng oUt w toFfEE!...
whEre aRe wE goIng?!...
asLeeP sO soOn?...
lOok aT e pOor bOy...
dO u tiNk hE iS enJoyinG hImselF?...
ruNninG ruNNinG, & ruNninG runNIng...
toFfEe's firsT timE @ senTosa...
aFter hE diRtieD mY maT...
swiMminG tiME...
chASinG mE...
paW paW!...
hE tRieD tO drY hImselF wiF sanD...
gOinG hoMe...
aT e taXi stANd...
paX wiTh smaLL doG...hEe
sNuggLinG awaY...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006 || 12:20:00 AM
i foUnd aN eaSier waY tO loaD mY piCs sO hEre coMes mY eco camP pIcs...
thE viEw...
thE eatinG arEa,fuLL of hoUSeflIes...
i can gO tO aNy toIlet afTEr tis...
bEd frAme?...
deMo demO...
hEro tO thE resCue!!!!!...
iT's aLL doNe! & iT's quiTe coMfy!...
fiShie iN tV?...
tiS iS roCky, oUR guaRdiaN @ e hiKe...
mY fiRst lEecH bitE...
sEconD biTe bY aN uLtra faT leEch...
dRinkIng fRm a trEe truNk...
waTer oBstacles...

ta!Ta!...waYne & mE...
tAt's aLl fOr toNite foLks...jUz workeD 13 hOurs stR, toTally bUrned oUt...pLus i had tO faCe THE suPErvisoR toDay...
wEll aT leaSt thE oBnoxiOUs reaLISe i duN eXactly lYk hEr, she jUZ dIn reALisE e eXtent of mY haTred...anD e eXtremitY oF mY viciousnEss...toDay waS jUZ iCing oN thE cake...