“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Sunday, January 28, 2007 || 11:13:00 PM
i duN coNforM...i duN liVE foR anYone's eXpectaTions oF mE...sO duN trY anIthinG tOo fuNny...mY wrATh iS nOthIng nEar fuNny...duN uNderstANd whY pPle caN taKE thIngs fOr graNteD lYk tiS...and tHn oNli tiNk oF thEmselVEs anD nO oNe elSe...
Thursday, January 25, 2007 || 6:50:00 PM
e US triP feEls sO reaL, aNd sO neaR...aLmost tOo neaR...whEn i siGned uP it's lyK afTEr i graDUateD whIch sEems lYk a lONg waY tO gO...bUt i dO realISe hOW faSt 1 sEmestEr wHizZed paSt anD beFore i kNOW iT i wiLL bE seaTEd oN a pLAne bOund foR thE US...i waNNa tO tAKe a breAK thEn, waNteD tO eScapE tO suMWherE...waNTed aN aDventure oF soRts anD a neW eXperienCe taT deAR mR $ cAN't bUy...buT nOW i aM suDdeNly nOt sO suRe abT taKing a bReak fRom wAT i haF aChieveD, lEaviNg thINgs haLfwaY beFore i sEcure mY pOSitioNs...sittinG thEre, pLAnNIng foR thE tRaveL aFTEr thE woRk sEems sO sCary...iT'LL bE a goOD fiVE mOnthS taT i wiLL bE awaY foR...i aM suCh a woRrieR...woRry doGS wiLL foRget mE, wiLL nOT bE taKEN goOD caRE oF, oR woRse, wiLL diE wiF mE nOt beiNg aBLe tO sEe thEM oNE laST tiME...woRry abT nOT beiNg aBLe tO piCk thiNgs uP whEre i lEft thEM, abT beiNg rePLAceD...woRry abT nOt beiNg abLe tO fiND a jOb whEN i cOme baCk...woRry abT dyIng oN mY waY thEre oR baCk (kepT tiNkiNg abT thE mOVie i saW wiF snAKEs oN thE plaNE)...i tiNk i aM suCh a wuSsy...anD theN theRe iS thIs, 'iF i duN gO tO US, i duN hafTA woRk sO haRd nOW...iF i duN gO tO US, thEn i caN bUy taT anD tiS wiThoUT tiNkinG'...evEry liTTle ceNt coUnts anD i aM tuRning iNto thE kIND oF nOt-sO-geNErouS breEd whICh diSgusts mE...anYWay, haD mY fiRst WIL leCtureS tODay...theY suZ...sO iNeFFicienT beCoz thEY repEat sTuFf fiVE tiMEs whEn it's pRInteD, anD thEir pOOr aTTempts tO bE sAcarsTic tO laTE-coMErs iN theIR eXampLEs...tsK tSk...aND, stoP flASHinG uR oH-sO-mIss-uNiverSe smILe beTWeeN hIDeouS luMps...U gRumpY lOokaLike
Monday, January 22, 2007 || 2:13:00 AM
u mUZ haF eXtraoRdinAry pOWers tO sTay mArriEd fOR thIRty yeaRS...maYBe nOT aNy kINd oF eXtraORdinaRy, maYbe jUZ lOTs oF paTiencE anD toLEranCe...suMthiNg i enVy aND yeT tinK i caN nEver aCHievE...mY aunt aSkeD me waT i tiNK iS thE mOSt roMANtic thIng thAt evEr/caN haPPen tO me...waT aBt uRs?...aNywaY, aFter thE diNNEr thE auNts anD niEceS pRoceEd tO thE paRty woRld aT lOyaNg pOint wiTH mUch diSGuisE coX aN oLD maiD waS aGainsT thE iDea oF 'wAStinG $'...but i tiNk $15-$20 pEr pAx iS a smALL pRice foR faMilY clOSenEsS aND a neW eXperieNCe tOg wiF uR loVEd oNEs...thE meN wEre eIthEr shY, oR thEy reaLLie nOe thEmselVes (oR ratHEr) thEir voICeS weLL sO thEy diN gO aS weLL...kINda wEt blANkeTs thEy aLL aRe i reCkoN...thEre wAS suM sErioUS fiRing iN thE roOm maNZ...sCary...thReE grOWn woMEn sNatchIng foR mIKes anD remOte coNtroL...sCary aND fuNny...aS foR thE thReE nIEceS, wE wEre veRy mUch thE loVinG siSteRs wE sHld bE aNd wE toTalLy woN mY mUm's heARt wiF oUR mORe-thAN-aBit meSsy veRsioN oF jaY's 'tiNG mA mA dE hUA'...bUT i woNDer iF wE'd tuRn iNto mIKe/remOte-sNAtchiNg siSters aS wE groW maNZ...aRghz hElp heLp hElP!...i duN waNNA bE lYk taT!!!...okI, enUff oF aIrinG mY diRty laUndrY...niTes tO thE woRld...
Sunday, January 21, 2007 || 1:00:00 AM
rR uGly paREnts anD uGly chILDreN?...suMtimEs i woNDer hOW weLL pArenTs kNOW thEir kIDs aND waT thEy reaLLie neEd...oR waT thEy aLReadI haF....i maRvel aT uR iGnorance aT tiMEs thOugh iT's aMUsinglY pAThetiC mOSt oF thE tiMEs...dO u rEaliSe uR kIDs aRE suCh scAvengerS, alWayS sCavenGinG foR theiR owN perSOnaL iNteresTs, lIke fAMine-sTrickeN kIDs whEre eAch grAIn iS tOO prEcioUS tO bE shaREd...i woNDer waT giFs u a voICe lYk thE oNE u oWn...u beAR, u rEar...reALliE aS siMple aS taT...
Saturday, January 20, 2007 || 3:46:00 PM
uGly siNgapOreaNs...evEn aS pArentS...gOOdneSs grAcioUS, hOW caN wE eXpect aNy elSe coMing fRm kIDs...cAN't quEue, caN't spEak coURteoUsly, caN't waIt...iT's oNLi oNE mE, anD manY hoADs oF u foR goOdneSs sakE anD tHere iS reaLLie nO pOInt iN sCreaMing aT uR chILD tO teLL yOu whO iS hE quEueinG behIND...iT jUZ shOWs u aRE sO nOt-iN-liNE...tErriBle uPbRinginG i'D saY...nO woNDer thEY aLL bEcoME mONkeyS iNsteaD oF chILdren...anYWay, goNna gO foR eCo camP gaTHErinG...yaYY!...
Thursday, January 18, 2007 || 4:42:00 PM
i loVe maKIng saLaDs coX i caN throW evErythiNg i loVE mOSt Into iT, eaT lOTs anD loTs oF taT anD stiLl feEl daRn heaLthy aS lOng aS i gO eaSY wiTh thE dreSSing...duN chA jUZ haTE iT whEN u giVE uP a pREfErreD sEat oR faVouriTe snAck oNli foR iT tO bE uNAPpreCiateD stiLL anD criTiciSed uPon?...anYWay, thaNZ pEeps foR e snOWflaKE pResenT frM u aLL...siMply lOVe iT...taLk aBt pResenTs, aS mUch aS i lOve reCeivinG pREsent taT caN bE oF pRacticaL uSe, suMthiNg thaT i alReaDi lIke bUt yeT tO bUY foR mYselF...i reaLLie lOve the elEmeNt of surpriSe tOo...tOo baD tHat eFfort sEems tO bE lOSt suMwheRe aLong thE waY aS pEoplE geT oLDer, aS relAtionshIps geT lOnger...doEs evErything faDe lYk taT?...gOt doWn tO doIng thE shOEs i waNteD tO maKe for mY siSters...paRdon thE sUper duPEr sWeet coLOurS iN aN aTtempt tO bE giRly siSterS...ha!...i caLLeD it thE belATeD chRistmaS snOWflaKE sEries...haHA!...oH, anD thE whIte baNDs aRe mEant tO bE cuT oFf... mIne!...
lEft foOt...
riGht foOt...
siDe viEw...
|| 3:55:00 PM
oKi, aBit laTE heRe...wEnt tO aQuamaRina aT maRina maNDariN laST mOnth tO celEbrate mY bdAE...hERe aRe thE pHotoS...
a whOle sEction tO thE chEesE!...goaT chEesE stiNks bY thE waY... e dEssERt seCtiOn...
sTir friEd sCaLLops & caLAmariS, sALmoN saShimI, freSh oYstERs, stEweD beEf etC...
Saturday, January 13, 2007 || 12:26:00 AM
dO aLL geT lEsS coNSideratE anD mORe oBnoxioUs aS thEir eARning pOWer grOW aND diSPosabLE iNcomE iNcreaSe?...i heaR defEnses lYk i jUZ eXpect bEtteR seRviCe aND sHorteR waIting tiMe...bUt aLMosT aLL oF mY aLReadi-woRking freNs sEems tO haVe eXpeCtatiOns sO vaSTlY diFferenT fRm thOSe whEN wE wEre sTiLL sChoOlinG taT i aM suntimEs eMbaRraSsed bY/oR feEl soRry foR thE wAItreSses oR anYonE reCeivinG thEir 'eXpectaTions'...whY dO stEak taT woUld haF taSTed a-oKi bEcoME taSTeleSs, tOO stiFf oR whY woUld thE waiTing tiME beCome 'blOody long' whEn iT uSed tO bE 'aiYAH jUZ waiT lor'...yOu meAN wE aLl beCome iMpatiEnt, gRumpY aND loSe oUr taStebUDs aS wE groW?...pUn iNtendeD...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 || 12:07:00 PM
roSe frOm bEd tO heaR mY hP riNginG aWaY...iT's fRm a freN whOm i oNce heLd clOSe tO mY heaRt...bUt thN hE sWitcHed tO bEing a lIFe pLAnnEr aND pRAticaLLy sTopPEd coNtactIng mE bUt coNtinUE tO coNtacT sElectiVE oTher coLleaguEs oF mINe, whO wEre fiNanciaLly mORe aBLe thAN me...trIEd nOt tO tiNK taT waY oF hIm bUt iN thE enD i aM jUZ tOO siCk oF e friLLs oF tAt bUSineSs nAture...aFter thE iNitiaL aNnoyanCe aT bEing diSturbEd oN mY raRe laTE mORninGs, i waS mORe thAN a liTTle dIsguSteD aT hIS 'eFforts' nOW...coNSideriNg iT's mY laST sEm anD thaT hE iS pRoLLy coMIng baCk tO PLC tO woRk...buT suMhoW iT jUZ hIts mE taT freNs shLd aCcept thE flaWs oF oNe aNotheR...mAybe hE iS jUZ nOT veRY 'yoU xiN'...bUt suM pEople aRE bOrn tiS waY...
Wednesday, January 03, 2007 || 5:31:00 PM
yEst i gave iN tO thE preSsure aT work aNd shOuted aT oNe of my 'coLleaguEs'...actuaLLi hE iS more of a suPplieR's emPloyeE thAn PLC's...thEn i tinK baCk anD reMembEr a bDae mSg aSking mE nOt tO kEep scoldiNg pEople iN thE nEw yEar...aND yeSh, i dO reFlecT...hMmm, mAybe trY tO jUStifY mY vaRious aCtionS...aND sO thE reSUlt oF mY jUStifYing reFlectiOn iS...i aM nOt wRong, jUZ nOt aS coMposED aS i pRefeR mYselF tO bE aT woRk...wAT's nEw riTe?...i aM owAez nOt wRong...bUt hEy, iF hE caN't reSpect tHe lIveS oF oThers, bE iT jUZ twO tinY haMSters i duN sEe a nEed tO reSpect hIm...jUZ paCked aWay mY oLd sEm's nOtes...taBLe stiLL iN mAJor cHAOs bUt i aM oN mY waY tO a neW sChoOl sEmester...mY laSt sChoOl sEMester...sEe yA gUYs whEn sChooL reoPens!!!...
Monday, January 01, 2007 || 1:13:00 PM
mY fiRst enTry iN 2007...sO hOW waS evErybOdy's evE?...i spEnt mIne rATher quIEtlY aT eASt coAst siPPing bEer wiTh suM coLleaguEs anD thEir respEctivE haLf...nOt quite thE eXcitinG clUbbIng sCene taT i wiShed foR...thoUgh thEre wEre maNY mAny negATivE coMMentS aBt thE foAM paRty, evEn laSt nIte, iT haS oWaeaZ bEen suMwhEre i waNteD tO trY oUt paRty...pErhaPs iT iS reaLLie nO nO goOd...bUT waTevA...aND laSt nIte, thEre weRE maNY flASh baCks oF mY yOungeR daYS...i reMeMber a tiME whEn i trY despAratelY tO senD mSgs tO mY frenS anD tHe oNe i sEcretlY oR nOt-sO-seCretlY loVe aT thE strOke oF mIDniGht, coNtriButinG tO thE jaMMing of thE foNeLine sErviceS...bUt laSt nIte whEn i reCeiVed 14 such mSgs yEt haf nO mOOd tO repLy mOre thaN hALf oF thEM, i toT tO mYselF 'gOodneSs, i mUZ bE geTting reAL oLd'...anYWay, baCk tO goNg....taTa