“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007 || 12:16:00 AM
waS buSy reArraNginG thE proDucts whEn iT suDdenlY hiT mE taT iT's mY laSt daY aT PS toDaY...aftEr neaR 2 yeArs oF woRkinG aT PS, i haFta leaVE duRinG mY laST thReE mOnthS oF emPloymEnt w PLC...*nOlstAgiC*bUt chANge iS iNeviTabLE...anD i guEsS chANges briNg nEW oPportuNitieS...anD thEre's owAez suMthinG goOd abT chAngeS...
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 || 2:32:00 PM
oN thE foUrth daY oF cnY, i haD mY lUncH aT thE voID deCK...anYWay, foR me...tHE goOD oNE iS thE oNE whO stiCks aRound...
|| 12:49:00 AM
doUdOu's & toFfeE's nEw yeaR cLOtheS!!!...
fRom lefT tO riGht: kiN kiN, juNior (aKA anGry boY), boY boY...anD e oNE behInd iS fuRby (moTHEr oF aLl thRee)
thiS iS daRk maN...
anD toFfeE iN diAPers for thE fiRst timE...
i haF nEver sEen sO manY tinY doGS iN a siNglE liVing roOm beFOre...thEre wEre 9 chIhuAhuaS toNitE anD toFfeE haD sO mUch fuN...nO doUbt iT wAS iNtimIdating bRinginG uR doGS tO a hOuse oF pRofeSSionaL groOmers, pEt shOp oWNers, suPplierS, anD waTevA trAde eXist iN coNnectioN tO aNImalS...tofFee haD tO weAr a diAPer tO pRevent tOo muCh clEanIng uP, lYk aLL maLE doGgieS iN thE hsE toNite...anD goT 'reMindEd' taT hiS naiLS weRe tOo lOng...
nV eaSY tO taKE suCh coMments aBt mY doGS siNCe i groOm theM mYSelF...bUt i duN denY mY neGligence, jUz a liTtle haRD tO swALloW taT's aLL...
aDeliNE iS reaLLie a pro iN caRing foR heR foUr chIhuahUas, heR boTtleS oF doG shAmpOo anD coNditioNer coMe iN aLl shAPes anD siZes...suPPlemenTS anD reMEdieS...toP iT uP wiF heR huBBy's doGgie laMb stEW whICh toFfEe haD oNE fuLL boWL oF...lOOks delIciouS tO mE evEN...
i hOpe toFfeE iS haPPie toNite...reALlie uPSettiNg tO tiNk taT i haFta leaVE hiM anD doUDOu foR fiVE mOnthS...i guESs theRE iS nO oNE eLSe i wiLL miSs mORe...
anYWay, hOPE evEryoNE's nEW yeaR waS beTTEr thaN mIne...iMAgiNE thE straP oF uR heEls snAPpIng oN thE firsT daY, cRAmpS oN thE seCond aND lEaviNg uR mOney hOme oN thE thIRd...anD tmR iS jUZ thE foUrth daY...
Sunday, February 18, 2007 || 11:42:00 AM
plAyed tiS gaME at chInatowN seTTler's caFe oN frI wiF mY feLLow OACians duRing a gatHErinG...thE gaME iS meaNt foR u tO seE hoW muCh oThers uNDerstanD u fRm thE fiVE quALitieS/iTems u dreW oUt...iN a wEIrd waY iT fOrceS u tO uNDerstaND uRselF betA whEn u haFTa deCide iSsit 'friEnds' oR 'niCE weaTHer' taT's moRe iMpt tO u...weLL, iN oNE oF mY roUNds, i haD 'oPEn-miNDeDnesS', 'nICe weaTHEr', theN 'frieNDs' sO oN anD sO forTH...nEarlY goT kILleD bY thEm...bUT iT reaLLie depEnds waT taT partiCular woRd mEan tO eAch iNdividuaL aT thE gaME...aNywaY, sO herE's thE gAng...chRistinE (laDy iN pINk spAGs) goT roM-eD aT VdaY...coNgraTS...yaYY weDdinG diNNer sOOn!...
Thursday, February 15, 2007 || 9:57:00 AM
thE firsT shOppIng centRe iN tamPineS waS beiNg deMolisHed, aLl thaT waS leFt wAS juZ blOCks of ce,Ents anD strAnds oF wirEs...piEceS oF mY chiLDhoOD meMorieS stUck oN eaCh of thEm...hoW coME thinGs nEver stAY thE saMe?...
taT's thE valEntine'S daY baZaAr iN SIM, nOt veRy suCceSsfuL huh?...aS owaEz, stUDents aRe aT mOsT luKEwaRm abT iT jUZ lyK oTHEr sChoOl evEnts, nOt eNthu lYk oTher caMpuseS...
anYWay, bEeN toKKing tO mY moRe-thaN-giRly paL anD shE saId taT tiS yeaR iT waS jUZ a noRmaL daY, nO eXpectatIons...prIor tO taT mY oTHEr paL waS saYinG shE haS nO eXpectaTioNs eiTHer...buT whY?...haD thEre beEn tOo maNY disaPPoinTmenTS iN thE paSt?...tOO manY leT downS...sEEms lYk vaLEntine's iS moRe oF a heARtbreAK thaN a heaRt thRob tO uS (jaDEd pERhapS)...bUt foLLowinG nO eXpectaTions woUld bE a laCK oF efFort tO geT u suMthIng reaLLie niCe oR aDD taT lIP gloSs evEn...suMtimEs i woNdeR iF taT's waT guYS prEfer...oR whICh iS woRSe, haFinG eXpectatIOns bUT owaEZ nOt fuLfiLled oR haVing nO expeCtatiONs aT aLL...
stiLL iT's niCE tO sEE thE yoUng oNEs tRoddinG doWn oRCharD roAD anD stRoLL alONg beaChes lYk siAmesE, enVyinG anD yeT moCKinG thEm...oR tO stART (aND osO thRu) thE daY bY oBserVinG thE faCEs oF thE coMmuteRs, tRyinG uR besT tO detErmiNe iF thIS gaL haVe a datE iN tHE niTE oR noT...iT's kINda oBviOUs iF u paY aTtentiON tO thEir dreSsing eT aL, i meaN nO oNE wEArs a tuBE dreSs (whEther iT's coNceaLEd uNdeR a jaCkeT oR noT) tO woRk aLl thE tiME riTE?...
Sunday, February 11, 2007 || 3:37:00 PM
oF aLL thE chINesE nEW yeaR hOo-haA, thE oNe thiNG i enJoy mOSt iS thE maNDariN oRangeS...nO kIdDinG, i caN eaT thReE aT oNE gO, mORe iF i aM waTchinG tV...thE moST eXcitinG paRt oF maNDariN oRangeS iS thaT u nEver nOE wHich kInd u wiLL geT tO eaT, swEet souR drieD-uP evEn...aftER thE tedioUS pRoceSs oF puLlinG ouT aLL taT fiBre likE stuFf stUck oN thE oraNges, i baSicalLy enjoY anY typE thOugh...oH anD i tiNk iT's a mUZ tO gO tO chiNAtowN evERy yeaR eVen iF thE stuFf aRE moRe oR leSs siMilAR eVery yeaR...noT foRgettiNg baK kwA (yuM yUm)...evERyonE seEms tO haF starTed oN thEir SM iNdividuaL aSsignmEnt alReadi, onE evEn spEnd foUr hoUrs oN hiS iNtroduCtioN...i reCkon iT's tiMe foR mE tO starT iF taT iS thE caSe...thE CNY holIDays wouLD bE a gOOd timE tO 'bI guAN xiU liaN'...iF i haF anY diSciplIne aT aLL...woRk, leCtureS, coURsEs, duE datEs anD teSt daTEs...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007 || 12:25:00 AM
i duN liKE tiS feEling i geT...tHEsE viBEs i geT frM thE twO oF yoU siTtinG theRe chAttIng...i cAn't eXpLaiN neiTher caN i chASe iT awaY...aNYways...i aM usUAlLi sEnsitiVe eNuFf tO nOE thaT suMone iS piSseD/uPSet/diSgusteD (e lISt goEs oN) wiF mE...aND iF thaT pERsoN plaYs aNy paRt aT aLL iN mY lIFe i wiLL aSk foR thE reASon...jUZ aS mUCh aS i haTE repEatinG mY anSWers, i hATe (tO thE maX) tO haFTA repEAt mY quEstioNS aS weLL...duN uNDerstaND waT's uP iN thAt bRaiN aNywaY?...thE US triP iS tiRing mE oUt...woRk, triPS tO vaRious oFficeS, lOokout foR tiS anD taT 'neCEsSary' iTem, aVoidinG eXceSs eXpendituRe (baSicaLLy lIvinG mUCh lYK a fuGitiVe deSPite slOgginG lYk a coW)...thE laST iS waT i reALliE caNnot takE iT wELL iN mY sTRide, i caN't enDure nOt beiNg abLE tO enJoy thE frUits oF mY laBor...maYBe i aM a inSTant-grAtificaTion kINDa pErsoN buT oH weLL, i aM whO i aM...anD i waNNa bUy stuFf...haTE goIng tO shOppIng wiF pEOple whO sayS evERythiNG iSN't nIce...aDd taT tO suMone whO kEep saYing 'i toT u haF suMthinG lYk tiS alReadI'...'e oNE i boUght foR u thE laST tiME waS mUch niCer'...anD taT i caNNot jUZ bUy evErythinG tO shUt taT persoN uP...haTE haTE haTE shOppIng wiF thE wRong croWd...tOo mUCh hatREd iN thE laTE nITE iS baD foR heALth...goIng tO slEep liAO...
Friday, February 02, 2007 || 12:14:00 AM
toFfee gOEs tO eaSt coASt bEach...
doUDoU saND baThinG...
maX aND doUdoU...
ruNninG ruNNinG...
foUR oF uS anD foUR oF theM...
goIng hoME liaO...
shAGgEd frM thE ruN?...hAfinG a pUpPy aT hoME iS sO sO diFfereNt fRm aDoptinG a maTure aDult doG hoME...
toFfEe taUght suMthinG nEw aBt oWniNg a doG...hE iS thE oNE whO maDe mE reaLisE thaT nO doG coMEs nOEinG whEre tO pEe & pOO, whEre tO gO oR nOT tO gO...hE kNEw nUts abt aLL thE ruLEs anD eXPlore tO thE maX!!!...uNlikE doUDou, hE geTS iNto aLot oF trOublE...yoUng, iNnocenT aND naIVe, hE plAYs wIth anYonE iN thE hOuse, evEn aFTer thEY shOut aT hIm foR nO aPParenT reaSon...diArRhOea, fAeceS-eaTing, nOnsenSicAl baRkinG aND aLl taT mInd bOgGling thiNgs thaT hE doEs...toTALLy iNSane...
yEt whEn i rAN tO thE waVEs hE foLLoweD hiM deSPite haTing thE waTerS...whEreveR i gO, hE iS riGht bEhinD (okI maYbe iN froNt tOO)...bUt hE iS nevER faR awAY...
toFfEe taUght mE hOW tO bE reSPonsiBle siNce i haFTA clEar thE shIttiNg pLAce evErydaY tO pREvent hIm frM diRtyinG hImselF anD frM coNSumIng hIS oWn loaD oF shIt + doUDou's...haFTa waSh thEir bowlS evErydaY...i evEn bRoughT thEM tO eCp oN mY oWn , wiThouT mY mUm's caBbiE...
doGs aRE aMAZinG, theY oWaez coME whEn u caLL theiR naME, nO maTTer waT theY aRe doIng...tiRElesSLy...
i tiNk iT woULd bReak mY heaRT tO sEe hiM gO...