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Saturday, March 31, 2007 || 6:35:00 PM
pEople chAnge duN thEY?...
hOW maNy tiMEs suMone u toT goOD haVE chANge tO bEcoME lEsS 'gOOd-y'?...thEY dO thiNgs u nV toT thEy wiLL...thEy aSk pPle wEIrd quEstioNS tO maKE coMpariSons bEtweEn u aND suMone elSe...thEy iMposE on uR kiNDneSs anD grAcioUSness anD taKE a whOle daMn yaRd whEn u gIf aN iNch...
anD usUAlly whEn taT haPPens, i woNder whICh siDe iS thEir trUE sElf...yeT suMtimEs u r lOst teMproraRily tinKing, hEy tiS waS thE gOOd peRson i kNEw..anD stARtinG giFing iNches aGain...
anYway, i tiNk iT's goOd anD onLi riTE tO paMper uR faMily mEmberS once iN a whIle if u caN aFforD iT, iN thEir deFination of lUxuRiouS...toK nICelY tO thEm, duN oNli caLL whEn u haF favOrs tO asK...
u trEat ur freNs, paRtners anD clIEnts taT waY duN chA?...sO whY dO u treAT famIly diFferEntly?...
Friday, March 30, 2007 || 12:17:00 PM
hAfinG maNNers whEn u R haPPie aNd bLisSfuL iS noT maNNers...haFinG maNNers whEn u aRE doWn aND oUt, tiREd, eXhauSteD, haFing a bAd daY iS haFing maNNers...i tiNk mOSt siNgapOReaNS aRE tOo ruDe foR thEir oWn gOOd...hoW caN u iGnorE aN oLD maN, pOssiBly thE onLi maN, whO boThers tO grEet u iN tIs buSy sElf cenTred coMmunitY?...anD eX-gF...reMEmbeR u R aN eX gF...bREakiNG up wiF mE doEsn'T pRove anIthinG iN uR faVor...iT jUZ pRove i haD baD taSte...anD siNce shE diN, waT doEs iT pRove?...uSe ur diPLomA brAIn tO pRoceSs iT a liTtle...
|| 10:29:00 AM
wiSh mE luCk...i hoPE stUttEr anD sTaMmer duN waNt a reSIdenCe nOW...aT leAST therE iS nO uNforSeeN chANges iN mY aTTire...i aM weAring mY maNgo shIRt anD sKirT...yaYy!...fiNAlLi
Thursday, March 29, 2007 || 12:06:00 PM
i lOOkEd aT thE oTah maN jUZ oUTsiDe taMpinEs mRt stATioN aNd woNDereD: " waT maDe a mAN seLl oTahS tiL miDnighT?"...i lOOkeD aT thE eXecutIve lOokinG-maN doZe oFf iN oNE oF thE liBRaRy coUCheS anD aSkeD mYSelF:"whY doEsn't hE gO hOMe tO bEd?"...
Monday, March 26, 2007 || 12:42:00 AM
joAnnE, iF mY gF coME anD aSsiSt coAching thoSe whO duNno thEir taEgueK dO u miNd?...whY diD u aSk iN thE fiRst pLAce? stICk tO taT iNtuiTion...reAllIE, waT kiNda aNSweR dO ue Xpect tO taT rHEtoRicaL quEstioN?...
Sunday, March 25, 2007 || 12:05:00 AM
i loVe thE colOurs oF thE swEaterS, sCarfS, jaCketS, glOveS, knIt wEar i aM goNna nEed...i loVe thE soUnd of rAin oN mY wiNDow...thE niTe iS coMpletE wiF a mAgziNE, twO doGs whO bArk aT faLling cNy oRnaMEnts anD guEssx3...leT mE enJoy e pEace aWhile lOnger...
Friday, March 23, 2007 || 10:49:00 AM

Due to overwhelming demand, the SOLD OUT Jolin: Dancing Diva Singapore Concert 2007 is opening up Restricted View Seats for sale.

New shows added. Season extended to 13 May 2007.
New seats available from 26 February.
mY deSire...oNE daY i wiLl fUlfiLl thEm... . . .
|| 1:11:00 AM
nEw frEn aT thE ncAp coUrse...mEtaLliC pUrplE rubBer baNDs...caMEra rEsTored tO nOmaL...nEw toYS foR thE twO pRinceS...liFe iS mORE thaN grEAt...toFfEe iS guArdinG thE emPty paCket oF oVEn baKEd dOg foOd cAutiOusly iN hiS plaY paN...hE doEs sHuttlE ruN tO anD frO hIS paN whEnevA i caLL hIm...stEps oN thE paCket whEn i waNNa takE iT...sO aDOrabLE...hE doEsn't evEn coME oUt tO pLay though thE doOr iS wiDe wiDe oPEn...anD nOW hE iS sLPing oN thE paCket iTselF...tOo bAd mY caMEra iSn't baCk yEt...
Thursday, March 22, 2007 || 5:34:00 PM
e aTtempT tO relIve thE paSt faiLed...hoW diSheArteniNg...anYWay, witHouT e repOrt naGginG aT mE, foRcinG mE tO sit iN froNt of thE coM evEry nIte iS stiLl a maJor relIef...evEn thE air smeLls freSher...cAught 'thE meSsengEr' yeSt...stRoylinE = jU oN...buT enGlisH mOvies, evEn hOrroR oNes, havE haPpier enDingS...aNd i tiNk taT kriSteN stEwarT iS quiTE pRettY...oH, anD sCreaMinG iS a gOod waY oF reLievinG stresS...haHa!...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 || 12:13:00 AM
goT stAred aT whEn i diN givE up mY seaT tO thE pRegnanT lAdy riTE iN froNt oF mE...wAS caRrieD awaY bY toTs oF mY aSsignmEnt...sO aMuseD tO tiNk thAt mILes aWay, a feW coNNeCtioNs frM mY bLog aDdy, suMone mIght bE cRiticISing mE thE waY i owAez criTiciSe...maYbe coX i aM nOT stRaigHt, thiS toT flAShed paSt whiLE bEIng aMUSed...'shE chOSe tO geT knOckeD uP waT'...e deVil muZ haF taKEn oVer foR a liTTle whIle...maYBe iT's thE teStimoNiaL i sAW oN oNE oF mY friEnds whO iS oN thE toP oF thE 'reCently uPdateD pRofilE' lISt...iT aMAzes mE thE kINda stuFf pEople lYk tO wRite iN tesTimonIAls...pArticulaRly freNS oF uRs...anYwaYz, aRriveD aT woRkplaCe oNli tO sEe a bUnch oF unDisciPlineD fuLL tiMErs...i woNDer whY iSsit sO haRd tO pUt oN a naME taG anD aN aPron...iSsit bEcoX uR seRvice iS tOo baD foR u tO bE reCogniZed anD uR faCe tOO uGly tO caRry oFf thE aPRon?...iT muZ bE thE SM aSsignmEnt taT iS maKing mE a gRumpY olD woMAn...anD i waS tinKing tO mYselF 'hOW diD thIngs bEcaME sO diFferent?'...i reMEMber hOW wE sEnt eAch aNother oUR esSays tO bE reAD thRu anD eDiteD anD rEviSed uPon iN thE fiRst twO sEmesteRs aND i woNder hOW iT reAch tiS pOint whEre clAssmaTEs got seCretivE abt thEir doNE aSsignments...haNDing iN pRemaTurelY, nOt anSwerinG eNQuireS pRoperlY, nOt rePlyiNG tO sMS-eS...bASicaLLy nOt shArinG...maYBe iT's lYk taT bEinG a groWn uP...
Monday, March 19, 2007 || 3:06:00 PM
alRitE, i nOE i aM sO-nOt-suPposEd tO bE blOggIng nOW...goT a 4000 word repOrt duE oN wEd...buT i aM stUCk!...waT iS a ESC oR iSsit ECS gaP?...anD vaLUe chAIn aNAlysiS?...siTtinG herE foR 2 hRs anD nTh's beEn foRMing iN taT goOndOo brAIn yeT...
Friday, March 16, 2007 || 1:01:00 AM
wAt's uP wiF u beiNg cuRt?...duN teLL mE waT u wEnt thRu...iF tiS iS thE waY u waNNa coMmunicatE, i wiLL gO alOng...i aM soRry i neEded uR helP...
Thursday, March 15, 2007 || 5:18:00 PM
suM leOparDs nV chANge thEir spOts...duN Cha tinK sO?...suM pEOple reMAins thE samE nO maTTEr hOW oLD thEy groW tO beCome aND suM aWkwarDneSS nEver diSapPEars nO maTTEr hOW mUCh u URselF haVE groWn tO bE mORe sopHisticATed...taT's e waY iT wAs, i reFuse tO gO tO thE maKE uP coUnteRs wiF hEr...mayBE iT's waS mY owN haNDicaP...bUt i woULD lyK tO tiNK i haVE skIn gOOd enUFf tHank yoU...maYBe noT aS gOOd aS beFOre, bUt noT baD enUff foR mE tO nOE thE diFFerencE bEtwEen aLL taT caSes oF pOWder tHere, pLUS thEir fuNctions aND blAH blaH...mayBE iT's jUZ soUr grAPes...suM gatHErinGS aRe iNformatiVE, hearT waRminG, fuN, anD evEn toUches mY heaRT lYk nO neW frEns cAN...bUt suM gatHErinGS aRe sO maDe uP, sO olD-frEns-r-coOl kINd...i reAllIE woNder waT maDe u caLL uS uP aFTer sAY 3 yeaRS?...doEs uNDerwRiteR dO sEllIng tOO?...coZ iF i aM nOt wrong i heARd u saY taT huImin iS luCky tO noT hafTA dO salEs yesT...
Monday, March 12, 2007 || 12:42:00 PM
cElebrAteD maG's bDAe (belATed) aT eCp cABanA oN sAT...iT wAS greaT sEeing thE 'naO' laDieS aGAin...wE goT cRAziEr aFter oUr iNdividuAL dRinks...haHA...
sALmoN sTeaK...
sEaFooD coMbO...
sPicY saUSaGes...
cABanA's cHickEn chOp...
wEnlEng aND mAG...
siN aND me...
siN aCtinG cuTe...
foUr of uS...
Sunday, March 11, 2007 || 4:13:00 PM
doudoU iN e cAb...
toFfEe wiF kaY...
walKinG baCK afTer oUr spRint...
foOtpRinTs...anD paW pRints...
firST timE raiSing hIS leG tO pEe...
eXploRing puPpy...
iF u lOOkeD pRoperlY, u wiLl sEe tubY chASinG a rOosteR...
mE anD liTtlesT toFfeE...
waT arE wE doIng?...
thRowiNg thEm tO swiM of coUrse...
swiMminG baCk anXioUslY...
kaY anD mE...
kaY aNd doUdOu...
mE anD doUdoU...
tuBy geTtinG sColdeD for aTTAckiNg aNd groWlinG aT toFfeE...pOor bOy...
duRinG sColdinG...
shE stiLL loVes hiM...
pinG anD viVian...
toFfEe baRkinG aT a pAsserbY...tinK hE reGarDS e bEAch aS hiS...
ruNninG baCk afTEr i caLLed thEm...
stRollIng strollIng...
hE's sO tireD...
oN e waY hoME...
Saturday, March 10, 2007 || 12:29:00 AM
evER haF a taXi dRivEr aSkinG tO 'bOok u foR (hiS) giRlfriEnd'?...i juZ haD oNE...anD hE saId hE waS neAr fiFty...wAT's goIng oN iN tiS kINda meN's pUny braiN?...and i waS reMindeD oF tiS olD chiNesE saYing which meaNs taT u wouLD mEet a ghOSt iF u aRe oUt iN enUff laTE nitEs...'yE lU zoU duO lE zhIng huI yU daO guI'...aNd boY waS hIS lOOk whEn hE tuRneD baCk tO 'chEck mE oU' anIthinG bUt siNIsteR...maKEs mY haIR staND tO evEn tinK abT taT lOok...anD tHE toT taT hE knOWs mY voID deCk iS sO sCarY...disGustinG dISgusTing oLD mEn...oH, anD i finaLly haD onLi haLf a breAK alOne yesT aT ncAP...i aM noT aS aNti soCIal aS i toT...maYbe i wiLL haF suMone tO siGn aTTendaNce foR mE soOn...yaYy...haHa...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 || 11:23:00 AM
imagiNE uRselF tO BE
1) apProAchinG 19 yeARs oF agE...
2) eaRninG leSs thAN 1k take hoME eaCh mOntH...
3) hAvinG a mOM whO seLfishLy waNNA mOve iN wiF uR graNDma iN hEr 1roOm flaT...
4) oWNinG 2 mEdiUM siZed doGs (whOm u wiLL nEver giVe uP)...mY auNt waS teLLing mE thAt aLl paRents waNt goOD foR theiR chIldreN whEn she senT mE tO sCh thE other daY...buT aS i groW, i bEgaN tO woNDer mORe anD mORe abOut thIS stATement...aND thE truth oF it...evERy nORmaL huMAn bEing iS selFisH anD paRents aRE hUmaN beinGs anD nOrmaL aREn't thEY?...iF theRe wEre tO bE siBlinG riVALry, whY woULdn't thERe bE coMpetitioN bEtweEN thE mUm anD thE dauGtheR? fatHEr anD soN?...iN terMs oF lOoks, aCCompliSHmenT jUX lyK twO un-RelaTEd pEople oN thE stReeTs?...anD i duN tinK noT providinG a roOf foR uR kID iS a siGn oF mOtherlY lOve...doGS oR nO doGS...hOW caN u eXpecT uR daUghTEr tO bE aS heARtleSs aS u, tO abANdoN hEr doGS lYk u aBANdoN uR dAUghTeRs?...enUfF oF mY freN's plIght...finIShed a bOok yesT...thE iroNy oF fiNIShinG seTs iN anD i loVE thE enDIng...tAT's thE waY wiF oLIvia goLDsmiTh's bOoks...taLks abt aN iNfertilE femALe faSHion deSIgn oN hEr babY coNQuesT, whO waS tolD shE waS adoPteD, nV felt lOve frM hEr mUm, haD a yoUnger siS skInniEr anD preTTier, a huSbanD whO sEEmeD tO loVE heR, a naME shE diN noE waS hErs anD a naME shE caN't uSe anYmore whEn heR cO waS soLD bY heR loveD onEs tO a slAVe driVEr...thE eXpectEd haPpens iN aN uNExpeCted waY...tOO baD i havE not fouND aN aUthoR whOm i enJoy reADIng aS mUch anD i aM abOut tO finISh heR coLLectioN...evEn thIS booK waS a fiND...finISHinG thE boOk gaVE mE a wEird stRengtH wiThiN aS olIVia's chAracteRs uSUalLy riSe aFTEr a mAJor majOr criSis, e coLLApse oF e woRld kinD...anD i waLKed tO mY neW oUtlet wiTh nEW foUND enErgY, toT aBout mY pRoblemS wiF a nEw peRspectivE anD aTtenD thE nCap coURsE alOne wiF nEW lEvel oF detERminatiOn...
thE coURse waS oKi...raTHEr iNformatiVE...anD mUCh oF taT iNFo waSn'T iN thE noTEs sO u preTty mUch haFTA sCribblE mEdicaL terMS faSt...aND u nOE thoSe lOng lOng diFficult tO spEll meDicaL terMS...a reaL paIn iN thE aSs tO trY tO sPelL...
oH i wEnt tO thE eUropeaN fuNfair aT houGanG oN sAT...herE aRE thE pICs...toOk mY faV riDes oNli coX mIght bE gG baCk theRE.. 

anD mY liTTle pRincE beiNg foRceD iNto a pHoto... aNd e liTTleSt oNE helPinG mE wif mY reSume anD coVer leTTEr...