“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Friday, April 27, 2007 || 12:24:00 PM
a coUple dOes mOre thaN hOldinG hanDs...
Thursday, April 26, 2007 || 3:25:00 PM
iT's oKi...i aM noT taT hArd uP...i caN enJoy mY niTes aLone...siNce i aM goNna bE aLone sOon anywaY...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 || 1:04:00 AM
aFter a woUnd recoverS, thEre iS owAez a sCab thAt's equIvalEnt tO thIckeN skIn...iT preVentS tHAt saMe aRea fRm geTting inJureD aS eaSily...aNd foR thE saMe reAson, evERytimE aFter u waLk hoME crYing, suMthinG iNside yOu haRdenS uP...
|| 12:27:00 AM
iF yoU onLi havE oNE mOntH mOrE, woUld slEep anD rEst evEn bE oN uR miNd?...raTHer, iF uR gF onLi haVe onE mOrE mOntH, woUld u tiNk oF slEepiNg?...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 || 1:02:00 AM
i gueSs i aM juZ a scAredy caT...geTtinG cOld feEt baRely onE moNth bEfore i leAve...i gueSs i wouLd feEl beTa iF suMone i loVe iS goIng tO uSa wiF mE...thE triP mIght nOt reSult iN aS mUch neW frEns bUt iT coUld bE sweEt nO?...aT leaSt i woUld haF suMone drAgginG mE oUtTa bEd in tiMEs oF crISis, aT leaSt i woUld haF a shOuldeR whEn i waNNa crY, a hUg whEn i aM iNtimIdatEd, a suMone i caN run tO iNdefiNitely whEn i aM scaRed...aNd mY stupId aNkle kEep twIstinG iN aNd out of thE socket or waTEver u caLl iT...jUZ duN twiSt oUt anD stay theRE...
Sunday, April 22, 2007 || 2:11:00 PM
i tiNk thE liPton adS aRe quiTe inTerestinG...witH eXactlY oNe mOntH bEfore i takE oFf, iT suMhoW maKes mE feEl lYk iT's e laST oNE moNth oF mY liFe...i aM doIng stuFf aS iF iT's mY laST suRviviNg mOntH, cepT stUdyiNg foR thE paPErs...oR raTher, woRryinG abT stUdyinG foR e pAPers...buT i tiNk i woulD lYk tO diE a gRAduatE sO i bEtteR stARt sOOn...iT's kinda saD sEeing thE shOwing datE oF 'pIratEs of thE caRribeaN' aT 24th maY anD realiSIng i wouLdn'T bE aRounD...anD stUff lYk taT...miSsing oUt thE bUrfdaEs oF ppLe i carE abT, misSIng ouT evEnts taT maY oCcur whEN i aM awaY...oki, enuFf oF tHesE, i aM goIng tO lOOk aT laPtopS anD hOPefuLLy finD thE perFect jaCket foR thoSe pICtureS i aM going tO takE wiF thE laKE aT yeLLowstonE!!!....
Saturday, April 21, 2007 || 1:11:00 AM
reAding tOo loNg on thE toiLet bOwl wiTh haIr maSk oN iS a vEry baD IDea...coX u geT diZzy anD nUmb lYk nTh u caN iMAgiNe...anD thE hair thAt u waSH oFf iN ur daZe jUZ kEeps aTtemPtinG tO maKE u sliP...anyway, tiS iSn't waT i aM suPposeD tO bLog aBout...i aM suPposeD tO bE raTtlIng on aND oN aBout tiS woMAn whO went oN sTage aT thE jOo chiAT cC aPpreciaTion nIte bUt caN't siNg...i evEn haf thE pIcs anD viDeo...bUt i waS naMed aS 'coMplaIninG aND grUmbling' sO i toT betTEr nOt...grumPy, cRiticaL, loW thResholD foR criTicisMs, iNflexiBle, oVErly stRAightfoRwarD anD blaH maYBe...oVErly senSitivE?...i duN tinK sO...jUZ bEcoX suMonE's gOnNA leAVe thE coMPany doEsn't meAN u caN treAT hEr lYk shE duN maTTer...'suM cuStomerS preFer guYs tO serVe thEm'...oH yaHZ?...i duN tiNk cuStomerS whO wALk iNto a pEt shOp aRe lOokinG for taT kiNda sErvice...waT a bIg biG BIG joKe!!!...
Friday, April 13, 2007 || 1:35:00 AM
mY coM iS abOut tO crASh...AGAIN!!!...reAdiNG maKEs u liVE iN thE fiCtionaL woRld...goOD thoUght...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 || 2:13:00 AM
i aM reADinG a bOok...aBt a chEatinG hUSbanD...AGAIN!!...thE naMEs kEpt chANginG bUt i sUppOSe aLl iS thE saME?...maYbe iT's a SIgn...abOut mY sEemiNgly bUt pOsSiblY pHilANderinG gIrlfrEn pErhAPs?...i jUZ reCeIved a 15% diScount vOUcher foR thE waLlet shOP foR diNing aT carTel...tWo daYs aFter i feLL iN loVe wiF a caRd hoLDer tAt waS tOo deAr iN mY oPiniON...taT hAS tO bE a siGn...tAT mOney waS mEant tO bE sPent aFTEr aLL...juZ lYk taT, e laSt asSignmenT (wiTh nO aCcidenTs) oF mY liFe iS haNDeD iN...
Monday, April 09, 2007 || 9:29:00 AM

niCe straWbeRry chEesE cakE fRom moS bUrger...thE reAl cheEse oNE iS osO faNtaStic, buT onLi iF u lYk thE taSte oF reaL chEese aND nOt mOz or chEese daLE chEesE...
juZ fiNishEd thE evaLuationS foR mY groUp memBers anD mE...i tinK aLL thE poSItive teaM oriented aDjectivEs i knOW of aRe aLL thRown iN aLReadi...reAllie shaGGEd...
iT iS suRprisIngly eaSier to pRaise otHers...
okI, 4 nites oF 4 hOur slEep iS driVing mE nUts...goIng tO taKE a naP bEfoRe gG tO woRk...
Saturday, April 07, 2007 || 7:41:00 PM
|| 7:28:00 PM
evEryonE haS got thEir saY oN waT thEy mIght feEl lOve iS, riTe?...aNd sO, uR ideA of loVE maY nOt bE minE, anD viCe verSa...
u sEe stABiliTy bLAh blaH aS a pRe-reQUisitE...i sEe theM aS a yEar enD bOnuS taT i mUZ haF...bUt a bOnuS iS a bOnuS, iT's nV thE maIN stAck...
i sEe pErseVerance aS e eSsence...
Monday, April 02, 2007 || 12:56:00 AM
if suMone caLled u anD u miSsed it aND then hE mSgs u hiS iNtention aNd thEn caLl baCk aFter hE miSses uR retuRn caLl, i guEsS iT mUz bE quiTe uRgenT, iSn't iT?...but thE quEstioN iS...whY dO u haF thE chEek tO aSk mE foR a faVor aFter making 'suCh' coMments abt mE, mY fiGure, iN coMpariSon oR noT?...suM pEoplE aRe jUZ quiTe shAMeleSs aREn't thEy?...maYbe i aM jUZ piSsEd nOW...maybe suM daY i wiLL trEat u bEta, buT noW iS jUZ noT tHE tiME yeT...anYwaY, wEnt tO doc grEens foR diNNer tOdaY...i tiNk baBy spInaCh iS quiTE weLL, leSs crunchy thAn leTtuce...bUt i feEl mY reD blOOd ceLLs sO chArgeD wiF iRon i tiNk iT's stiLl okI after aLl...breAd boWl soUps aRe oNe oF my aLL tiME faVouriTes...bUt i reaLLie dO prEfer tO eaT thE breAd tHoroUghly soAKed wiF soUp thE neXt tiME thoUgh, thANk yoU veRy mUch...trY it pEople, u wiLL feEl hEalthieR tHam maC's beSide iT...iT's lOcaTed aT cEntrepOint, nEw wing lEvel 1...oH, anD reDbuLL enErgY sObeRt at gElaTisSimo aT shAw...a littlE swEet buT nEw eXperiEnce nOnethEleSs...
Sunday, April 01, 2007 || 4:36:00 PM
finISheD yeT anotheR bOok bY oliVia goLdsmiTh...reAdinG hEr bOoks iS tHis adDictivE...anD fuNNily, thE 2nD noVels i borroWed iS stiLL about cheaTing huSbands...aNYwaY, haFinG a gF iN thE sAMe coMpanY meaNS u caN't reAllie lIe abT meEtinGS, clIentS anD stUff...mORe or leSs i guEsS...uNleSs u woRk for thE rEd liOn and siMilar coMpanIEs...