“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007 || 9:41:00 AM
wEnt tO thE fiSHing bRidgE yestErdaY wiF stEpheN...thE whOle timE hE waS wiSHinG tO sEe suM anImals, aNy anImaLs aND i waS sUch a sPOil spOrt tO bE woRryinG aBt a bEaR aTTAck...i wAs pRayinG haRD noT tO sEe aNY beaRS coX theRe wEre oNli thE twO oF uS...wE saW a heRd oF femALe elKs thoUgh (mY boSs toLd mE theY wEre femALe elKS whEn i toLD hIm aBt thEir maRkinGS)...toOK a pIC oF thEM iN thE woOds bUt aCcidentaLLy dEleteD iT beFOre doWnloADinG iT tO mY coME bUt iT's nOt a grEat pIty coX aLL u caN makE oUt iS thEir whiTE baCKsiDes...chENyu, yU jiA anD yonGtanG oSo wEnt tO thE fisHing briDge anD thEY saW a beAr, femALe elKS anD oSo a woLF...i woULd lOve tO sEe thoSe anImaLS whEN i aM iN a gRp bUt tOO baD thEy chOSe tO gO whIle i aM aT woRk...herE aRe thE piCs oF fiSHinG bRIdgE...

wALkeD tO woRk iN thE snOW tiS mORninG...maKEs mE feEl lyK a cHAraCtEr iN a noVEl...anD i saW twO biSOns oN mY waY baCk...
sPEaking oF woRk, i aM nO loNger aT thE disH waSHinG sEctioN...gOt traNSfeRred tO doIng thE bFast buFFet...buT theRe aRe coNSequEnceS...pRay foR mE...i hoPE i duN faiL iN thE neW taSKs...i hOPe i duN geT sCalDeD bY thE oiL duRing coOkinG....
Monday, May 28, 2007 || 3:43:00 PM
i woNder eAch timE wheN i rePly thE ppLE heRe 'i coMe frM siNgapoRe', dO thEy reaLLie nOE whEre's taT?...iF sO, whY woUld thEy bE shOcked thaT engLish iS thE fiRst laNguage herE?...i aM coPing betA aT woRk, jUZ pRayinG anD cuRsing (hOw ironiC) foR thE diCks oF thE usElesS buMs i woRk wiF tO dRop oFf sO i caN steP oN iT anD squASh iT...aRE aLL amEricaNS lYk tiS?...laZy, uSelEss anD aLL?...thEY aLL apPear sO frienDly anD chEerfuL whEn u meEt thEM iN thE diNing rOOm bUt aT woRk theY aRe ruLEd bY diCks anD yeT eGocenTric tO thE mAx!...nEvermiNd...
Sunday, May 27, 2007 || 4:55:00 AM
new fren : mabel
in front of the Lake hotel...
this is the Lake...
Joanne's moment, or so they say...
first tiff of the trip...for flaring at me last nite cox i disturb his slp...
step is a lousy photographer, it was supposed to look lyk i am holding to a branch...
juz feel lyk hafing a pic wif tis rock, dunno why...
can see the snow capped mountains there?...
dunno wat species it is but i have nv seen it before...
tIS sMall yeLlow flOWer iS mY iNSpiratioN fOr toDay...iT's quIte a surVivoR iN suCh aN enVironMent anD i shALl bE lYk iT...
nO maTTer hOw touGh iS thE jOb, nOr hOw suCky aRe thE pEOple...i caN dO iT...i wiLL dO betTer thaN yesTerdaY anD evEn bettEr tmR...
haPPie belAted bUrfdaE liYee!!...anD haPPie bUrfdaE tO hUimin!!!!...
Saturday, May 26, 2007 || 4:44:00 PM

mY coMfy bEd!...

mY doRmitory...

iN thE snoW...

chenyu iN thE snOw...

mE in thE snoW, check out the whicte flecks on my hair...

mE anD chEnyu...

e eXtenT oF hOW drYing mY leG iS...
Friday, May 25, 2007 || 10:55:00 PM
i saW a sQuirrEl raN paSt thE dOrm's enTrance wHen i aM leavIng foR bFast...i saW snOw oN mY winDow pAnes tiS moRninG whEn i wakE foR bFast...theY reAllie coMe iN thE sNowfLakE shaPe...i oWaez toT tHEy coME iN sMaLL baLLs...i sAw a haRe hOp awaY oN mY waY tO thE emPloyEe's pUb laSt niTe...i saW a biXon oN mY waY tO diNNer laST niTe...i saW coWs anD hOrseS graZing oN thE sidEs oF mOuntaiNs anD hiLLs oN thE driVe herE...i tiNk i caN sEE mE iN thE roCkinG chaIr wiF mY doGs aT mY feEt iN oNE of tHe hOUses alOng thE strEets...
Thursday, May 24, 2007 || 7:15:00 PM
mY faMilY aT ThE AIrport...
e siLLy sis whO crIeD...
yiXin, O anD mE...
mY beSt frEn...
fLying tO taIpei...
oN thE plaNe tO taipei wiF yoNgtanG e lamEr...
aT taipEi's aiRporT's aiRtraiN...
aT taIpei's aiRport, waiTinG 2 trAnsiT...
wE meT neW frEns gG tO yelLowstonE tOo: caRy, xiaO pinG, mE, vIcky, chEnyU anD yUjiA...
e woRst friEd riCe i evEr taSteD, frM taIpei tO saNsfran...
siTtinG wiF stEphen e lamEst frM taiPei tO saNs fRan...
beeF aND chEese aT saN frAN, waiTinG 2 traNsiT aGAin...(haftA waiT 4 10 hrS)
finAlli boardinG aT saN fRans...
sALt lake citY...
fRm saLt lakE citY tO bOZemaN...
aT boZemaN...
hOteL aT boZemaN...
|| 9:41:00 AM
grEetinGs frM BoZemaN!!!...i haF suRviVed aLl thE plaNE riDes foR noW aND aM restinG mY pOOr tiRed beiNg aT thE holiDay iNn iN boZemaN...shaLL uPloaD thE phoTos tmR afTEr i catCh uP wiF mY slP...i miSs aLL oF u arOund....
Monday, May 21, 2007 || 1:41:00 AM
thE caKe...
thE buRfdaE boY...

haPpie bUrfdaE tO yoU, haPpie bUrfdae tO yoU...haPpie bUrfdaE tO toffEe...haPpie bUrfdaE tO yoU...
iT's thE firsT tiMe i gO tO US doGgieS baKEry aT eaSt coaSt roAD...buT saD tO saY, i wuN geT tO gO aGAin tiL 5 mtHS ltR...