oRanGE chIcken...thE chIneSe fOOd iN thE amEricaN hOngkonG chIneSe resTAurant iSn't aLL taT gOOd..bUt iSsit e amEricaNs oR thE hongkieS?...i woNDer iF thE foOD waS imProviSed uPon tO suIt thE amEricaN taStbuDs oR iS taT thEir oPiniOn oF chInesE foOd?...quiTe a diSppOintinG mEal...oNli e veGGieS wEre oKi reALlie coX iT taSTe oF oYSter sAuce...
i nOE suM kILl tO coME tO amEricA, suM tiNks taT it'S a 0H-sO-woNDerfuL pLAce anD maNy dreAMs oF sucH a geTawaY...bUt i caN haRdlY waIt tO geT oUt...maYBe it's thE isOlatioN oF bEIng iN a mOuntaiN, maYbe it's thE iRresponSIbilitIes oF thE manY mEn whO thRew thEir faMilieS aSide tO woRk heRe at thE sEAsonS, maNy iT's e sExuaL aTTaCk caSe, maYbe iT's e boSs wHo eXpreSSed aN iNterest, maYbe thE weaK wiRelesSs anD sO manY oTher maYbes...
iT's sUch a dIlemMA tO waNNA jUz waLK oUt anD yeT nOt waNtinG tO giF uP iN thE faCE oF a chalLenge...bUt sO faR anD i tinK i wiLL mOSt deFinately cHoosE thE laTter...deSPite thE slOW paCe anD uNcrowdEd shOpping plaCes, i oFten fiND it sO slOW i faLL aSLeeP...i guEss whIle suM enDeavORs tO lEad a waNderer's, vaGAboNd's liFe whEre u foLLow uR loVE frM stATe tO staTE, city tO ciTy, fiNDing woRK, shEtler anD foOD aS u gO alOng...bUt deFintielY nOt mE...i pRefer kNOwing waT i aM goIng dO neXt, thAt i haF maNy mOre paYchecks coMing my waY, kNowing taT i caN feEd thE oNEs i love anD haF a plaCe caLL hOme...i pRefeR meaSUrabLe aChievementS, fuLfiLLinG mY reSPonsIbilitIes aS a daUghtEr, a siBlinG, a freN anD aN owNer...anD i noE iF i wEre tO, i preFEr a maRriaGE, a wEddiNg dreSs tO eASIng iNto 'coNSidereD maRrieD beCox thEY haF stayEd toGether foR sevEn yeaRS'
anD aLL thE timE, thE greaTest coMfort iS reMemberiNg waT mY daD saID tO mE oN thE waY tO thE aiRport...hE saiD i cAN coME baCK anytimE, thEre iS nO nEed tO eNDure anYthinG taT i duN waNt tO...iT maY lOOk lYk esCapisM bUt iT's aN avEnue, a cHoice, aN alternatiVE...