nOthIng maTteRS...aLL i caN rEmembEr iS taT siGht...
anD rEalliE i cAn't fEEl aNY waRmth oR cOld...
|| 4:47:00 AM
a cRAzy daY aFter woRK...
iT stArted wiF haFing tOO maNy chIneSe aT a diNing tabLE...
tiS iS thE foRfeiT foR a gaME whIch u clAP aT mUltipLEs oF 3 anD nUmbers coNtaiNing 3...iN iT wE haF teA leaVEs, mUStard, toMAto sAUce, chIli gaRLic saUce, sALt, cReamEr, pLAIn waTEr,raSpberRY jUice, coKE, anD i duNNo waT bUt i dO nOE chENyu sTirreD iT wiF aN eatEN druMstick...
pOOr kIMmY...
miLLioN doLLAr eXpreSsion...
hiS whoLE facE haS goNE reD...
kEn sEems aLRite...
anD oUT wE gO, tO creaTE hARvoc suMWhere eLSe...
whO wiLL leT uS hITch a riDe?...
fiRSt taKE...
wE weRe suPPosed tO acT stErn bUt i bURst oUt laFfing...
pROb wiF tOO maNy caMEras...
fiRSt suCceSsfuL pHoto...
anD iT's e famOus taIWaneSe 'sAN liaN paI'...
iNternaTionaL freNShip siGn?...
wE iNtenD tO puT tiS oN thE bLArdy maNAger's taBLE whEN wE leAVe...
thE taIWanEse cREAtivity...
oN thE waY tO thE fiRehOle...
chEck iT oUt!...liMbo limBo...
wAT aBT thE guYS?...
siMOn aNd sASha...thE fuNniest paRt iS wE aLL duNno thE ownEr's naME...
lUCKy pEe wEe, hE iS thE foRfeiT foR lOSing 'bIG wiND bLOW'...
yAyy!...wE plAYeD 'eaGLE caTCh chICks'...
anOtheR foRfeit, pOLE danCing...
iT's cRazinEss wIF thE taIWaneSes aRound...thEY aRe a greAT bUnch, fuN-loVIng anD creaTive anD gaME foR alMost anIthing...anD wE reaLLie pLAY thOSe gamEs taT i oNLi sEe oN thE taiWaneSe vaRIety shOWs...hEe...
Sunday, July 29, 2007 || 5:09:00 AM
i miSs doU dOu i miSs tOffEe i mISs chRistinE i miSs gwEn anD i mISs mUmmY...
i miSs aIlinG i miSs shAH i miSs mY 'nAO' laDIes anD i mISs hUimiN mOSt oF aLL...
i miSs goIng laTE foR leCturEs i miSs haFing mORe fuN thaN woRK aT pRoj meEtinGS i mIsS mY SIM clASsmaTEs whO aRen't heRe tO kiCk aSs wiF mE i eVEn miSs sChool foOD(waY wAy betA thaN foOD heRE)...
i miSs haFIng taEkwoNDo traIninGs i mISs coAchinG thOSe liTtle raScalS aT CZ pRimaRy i miSs pRactiSIng mY taEgueKS wiF jOsh(dO u nOE i haF a bIg reCreatiOn haLL heRE tAT's v spAcioUS foR taEgueKS?) anD haFIng mY coAch sAY wE aRe wroNg...
i miSs woRkinG aT peTlovErs i mISs toKKing tO pEt ownErs whO waNts thE besT foR theIr loVe oNEs i miSs cleaNinG haMSters' cagEs anD pLAYinG wiF quEenie anD hOW i reaLLie mISs dOinG stOck takE, oPEninG pRep oR anIthinG taT reQUireS mE tO woRk oVErniGht wiF reaLLIe haRdwoRkiNG anD eFficienT pPLE whO nOE tHEIr stUFf...
i wiSH evEry nIght taT thOSe iRritatinG aMEricaNS whO coME foR buFfet bfAST aT 6.30aM diE oF coNgesteD artEries, hIgh blOod pRessUre, heaRt aTTAcks anD waTEva...jUZ diE...
Saturday, July 28, 2007 || 11:29:00 AM
oN tHe dAy oF liN hAnG's aNd mA wEi's dEparTurE wE weNT tO boZemAn...
lIN haNg aNd faNNy...
mA weI aNd mE!...
sAw tWo deeRs wHen wE tOt wE weRE wAitinG foR cUrtiS...
aNd aNotHer onE...
SIMmiEs, fAmiliAr?...
fIrsT uNsUcCeSsfuL piC oF yIng cHieh siTTing oN mY lAp...