“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007 || 2:33:00 AM
juZ fiNished a teN daY weEk...plUS twO oVErtimE shIFts...shAGgeD...not tO menTion a boSs trYing tO bE diFficult anD aLL...buT i gaiNed twO thiNGs...thE ratE oF flIppIng aN oVEr eaSY suCCesSfulLy iS nOW inCreaSed frM 10% tO 80%...yaYY!...anD i tinK i woRK betTEr whEN i aM anGry...haHAha...anD i caN't waiT foR mY neXT paYchecK...yaYY!...feEls lYk tHE goOd oLD joANnE whO woRks lYk craZY haS caME baCK aFTEr aLL...anD shE owaEz exiSts...iT's weIRd hoW i feEL suCcesSfuL whEN i am tAt buSY...haHAha....
Monday, August 27, 2007 || 5:56:00 AM
iT's chRistmaS iN aUgusT yesTerdaY anD oSO soPhie's bdAe...

wEIlin aND mE...cheNyu snEakeD iN...
sEEms lyK i caN nV haF a pROper pHoto wiF tiS guY...
i giF uP...

tAT's sOPhie, thE buRfdaE gaL...
moOnliGht bY thE laKE...
lEavinG a nOte oN thE giGantic carD...
thE enD pROduCt... onLI haLf thE grouP...
Monday, August 20, 2007 || 1:55:00 PM
thEre aRe freNs u geT uNknOWingly, weIRdly poSsessIve oF...wiF whoM u geT jEalous beCOx thEY arE clOSer tO othErs thaN u...wiF whoM u geT anGry beCox hE's nOt teLLing u stuFf...wiF whoM u misS whEN haNGinG oUt doEsn't haPPen...wiF whoM u caN't seEm tO coNtinuE bEIng anGRy wiF aT thE mOment u sEe hiS stuPid griN anD heaR hiS coCky stATement tHAT u nV stAY anGry wiF hiM foR loNg...anD u haTE thE faCT hOw hE iS riGht anD hoW hE oWaeZ maNAge tO aChievE waT hE nOEs...aRghz!...
Saturday, August 18, 2007 || 2:53:00 AM
i goT a nEck maSSageR frM mY paRt tiME emPloyeR iN siNgapORe...lOOks sO coMical bUt iT actuaLLi doeS relIevE suM aChes...

wE aRe pLaNNing oUR vaRIous trANsport tO aLL thE citiEs wE aRe goIng tO viSIt iN amErica aND wE juZ coNfirmEd tHE bUS riDe oUt oF yeLLowstonE wiF oUR pErsoNNel maNAger...soUNds lYk depARture iS reaLLie clOSe nOW thaT u tiNK oF iT...i aM soRta stuCK bEtwEen waNting tO gO baCK aND mISsinG tiS plaCE whIch i haVE coME tO loVE iN mORe waYS thaN oNE...thaT plUS thE diLEmma oF waNting tO sTrive foR mY futURe anD dreAd oF haVing tO gO baCK anD staRT mY caReer anD nOt bEinG abLE tO bE a kiD aNymorE...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007 || 5:44:00 AM
thE feEling oF seTtlinG foR seCond besT iS daUntinG...i duN reaLLie lYk tiS...bUt aT thE veRY leaSt i duN feEL sO uPset aLL thE timE...i goT thRU 8tH oF auGuSt wiThoUt sHEdDIng a siNlge teaR tiS yeaR, maYbe yEllOWstonE iS truLy tHerapUtic...duN feEL aS aFraid tO dO thinGs oN mY oWn tOo...wEnt reAdinG iN thE suN roOm anD bY thE laKE foR thRee hOurs tiS moRNinG aloNe...foR suMone whO duN lYk tO haF anY oF heR meaLS aLone, i tiNk iT's quiTe aN aChievement tO gO foR bFast alONe anD spEnd timE wiF oNli mYSelF...anD i dreSsed uP...foR mYselF...iT feEls kiNDa greaT tOo...
Friday, August 10, 2007 || 5:39:00 AM
chEck oUt mY pHotos frM caNyoN!...soRry i aM toO laZy tO capTion theM...bUt thE raiNboW iS reaLLie pRetty...i sEe raiNBows, shOOtinG stARs, suNriSes anD sUnsets thAt i wiLL nEver bE able tO fiND iN siNgapoRe...
Wednesday, August 08, 2007 || 2:26:00 PM
hEre aRE thE resT oF thE pICs wE tOOk aT oLD faiThfuL, blAck saND baSin, bIScuiT baSIn anD mYStic faLLS...bEcoX iT waS suCH a gOOd liGhtinG, goOD haiR daY i feEl lYk i aM a suPerstaR wiF maKEup aRtist ruNning behiND mE tO makE suRE mY haIR staYS taT saME tamE waY...oOoOh, i loVe mY haiR yestErdaY!...
mE anD stUPiD yOngtanG fiVE mIns afTEr wE reaCHed oLd faiThfuL...
mE anD yuJia...
mE anD chenYu...
mR. pHotogRapher...vEry pRofeSsionaL lOOkinG iSnt hE?...
thE geYSer iS vERy faiThfuL iN iTs eRruptioNs aLL thEsE yeaRs hEnce thE naME oF thE viLLage...
sEe olD faiThfuL eRruptiNg aT tHE baCk!...
uSed tO eruPt evEry 76 miNS bUT e waIt haS iNcreaSed tO 90 minS nOW...
aHhh, i am falLing!...hElp heLp stEpheN...haHAHha...+017.jpg)
fiVE oF uS...
mY doUblE chIN iS bLOckEd bY mY haIR, sEe whY i loVe iT sO muCh?...
yOngtanG's mOmenT...