lASt daY iN LA, wE haD a ciTy toUR...anD a lOusy toUR guIde...
first pIctuRe waS blURreD... hAd anOthEr camEra iN thE pIcture thE sEconD timE rouNd... vEnicE beaCh... iT's sO coOl tO havE a hOuse lIke thEsE!... apPArentLy 'grEase' waS fiLmed heRe...hIgh sChoOl flEa mARKet... thE kINdeSt guY whO lEnd hIS laPtop tO ME iN mY mOSt deSperate tiMEs... roB anD mE...
aFter wHich, wE aRe oUt oF thE stATes...afTer 4++ lOng mOnthS...whIch diN seEm quiTE lOng eNough iN thE enD...
Sunday, October 28, 2007 || 11:09:00 PM
wEnt tO uNiversAL stuDios oN thE seCond daY iN LA...
waItinG foR thE shUtTle bUS... kInda waT mY mInd iS lIke evEr siNce i goT baCk tO siNgapore... mOna liSa?... stEpheN yoU aRe stiLL wiTh uS!!!!... caRS froM mY faVouritE mOvie... a reaL boEinG iS sHippeD heRE jUSt foR thE wREck sCene... alMost flAt eNough tO bE a bUtch... cAN i shOW thaT tO xANteRra?...
piNocChIo...waNTed?... bEforE goIn iN foR thE shRek mOvie... hE iS thE oNE wE aRE aLl aFraiD oF... goIn iNtO thE hoUse oF hoRroR wiTh sO muCh smIles... bUt i camE oUt sCare tO deaTh...shAGgEd from sCrEaMing... spIDermaN!!!!... spOngebOb...oR haI miaN baO baO... waTchinG thE watEr shoW... hEre coMes a sErieS oF pIctuRes aT thE saME plaCe, uSing thE samE caSt bUt diFferent lIghtings...
i thInk uNiversaL stuDios iS waY beTTer thAN diSneylaND...buT iT coULd geT beTTEr thoUgh...iF yoU weRe thEre wiTh thE oNE yoU wanT tO bE witH...