“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Friday, November 30, 2007 || 11:55:00 PM
thE haMSter thAt wAS leFt oUtsidE tHe shOp iN a verY rustY cAge diEd toDay....i woNDer iF thE owNer evEr woNDered hOW iT's getTing aLong siNCe shE leFt iT thEre...hOw heaRtleSs caN soMe pEople geT...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 || 10:21:00 PM
i juSt liKE tO puSh mYSelF tO thE liMits...wHen i coUld eaSily taKE a bUS anD waLk leSs thaN a miLe hoMe, i havE tO wanT tO waLk hOme froM thE iNterchaNGe iN hEels...i musT bE craZy, iT waS raiNy, wEt aND aLL...anD thOse pOOr heEls whIch haDnt sEen thE liGht siNce thE mkT preSentatiOn mORe thaN fiVE montHS aGo...thEY miGht juSt bE comIng apArt...
Monday, November 19, 2007 || 12:40:00 PM
hAVe yoU guYS evEr eXperieNce thE pLEasuRe oF beIng aBle tO relAte tO thE cArds yOu reAd iN giFt shOps?...iT's a sWeEteSt feEling tuGGinG aT yoUR heaRt...anD beCauSe i mEt hIm, i gEt tO eXperieNce iT...
Saturday, November 17, 2007 || 12:49:00 AM
wE wEre goIng hOme...fiNAlli...

thAt's oUr fOOd!!!!...
wiLl wE evEr geT tO dO thIS aGAin?...
gATe A7, thE oNly oNE wiThOut aN aIR coNDitioNEd waItinG aRea...

shE's borEd...
Friday, November 16, 2007 || 7:38:00 PM
iT iS tHe enD oF O lEvels anD soOn thE A leVEls...heaRd plEnty oF deDicAtions oVEr fM933 whIle i waS waLkinG hoME jUSt nOW...thE feElinGs oF a grADuatiNg teEnagEr...thE diLEmmA oF waNtinG tO geT thE hEll awAY froM sCHoOl ruLes anD thE deSIre tO stAY witH friEnds...thE dJ aSked iF lIStenErs stiLL reMemBer thE fiRst daY oF thEir seCondarY oR miDdle sChoOl...i dO...iT chANgeD mY lIFE i guEsS, goIng tO S.A.C...nOW alMost teN yeaRS laTEr, i aM amAzeD bY hOW mUch OR hOW lITtle i haVE aCHieveD (depEndinG oN mY mOOd aT thE tiME oF jUDgemEnt)...anD i thOught oF thE meRcedeS aDvertisemEnt...soMEtimeS iT iS weiRd hOw liFe tuRns oUt, whEn yoU haVE thE paSsioN foR spEed anD nEed tO fLaunt, yoU doNt hAVe a mErcedeS bUt whEN yoU aRE retiREd, oLD anD coWArdly yoU haVE thE mOney foR thE fatEst caR...i wiSH i haD thE lUck anD thE iNTellegenCe i haVE nOW...anD i wiSh i havE thE siMplicitY anD evEN naViety i haD thEn...iT woULD haVE maDe lIFe eaSier...
Sunday, November 11, 2007 || 10:45:00 PM
whEn evEry giRl reAds hEr fiRst faiRy taLE shE staRts drEaminG oF heR owN i guEsS...whEn shE sEes hEr firST weDding, shE staRts iMAginIng hEr oWN....wEll, aT leAst i diD...i dreAMt oF a pRinceSs cuT diAMond, a wEddiNg whEre i coUld chANge iNto mANy pRetty goWn reSultinG iN a wEddiNg alBum whICh i lOOk goRgeouS iN aLL thE phOtos...bUt i guEsS dreAms chANge whEn yoU geT oLDer, whEN yoU grOW tO kNow whAt reAlly maTTErs tO yoU...whEn yoU knOW iT iS noT thE rinG, nOR thE goWns...bUt thE grOOm whO maTTers thE mOSt...
Saturday, November 10, 2007 || 10:27:00 PM
iT waS weiRd sEeing a viLLian crY...bUt aT thE saME timE yoU'd woNDer whAt iN thE woRld couLD makE suCH a perSon teAr...soMetimeS i aM sO amAZed bY thE thiNgs pEOple caN dO tO hurT oThers...whY iS iT thEy caN dO sUCh stuFF wiThoUt a cONsciEnce iS beyOnd mE...foR soMEone yOu oNce clAIm tO lOVE sO mUCh, doEs iT nOt croSs youR miNd thaT whaT yoU aRe doIng hUrts hEr?...mayBE yOu nevEr diD loVE heR thaT iS thE onLY exPlainatiOn i coULd thiNk oF...i reaLLy thiNk yoU aRe suCh a sLut...uNwortHy tO bE coMpaRed wiTh mE...cAuse i coUld nEver stOOp tO yOur levEl stupId bLooDy bitCh...
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 || 4:07:00 PM

miSter doNut...
wE saT aT thiS maC foR thReE hoURs...
tAipeI 101...
thE thReE braVE giRls...
thE suNSet...
anD mORe fOod, buT i loVE eaTing thiS...
oUr hOStel roOm iN taIpei International hOStelling...
lUnch, roASt chICken drUmstick ricE...aCtualli i dOnt eAt roaSt chICken...
hoW truE...
kTv-inG iN taiPEi hoLidaY kTv...aFter 5 lOng mOnths oF nOT siNginG...

tryIng tO bE fuNny aGAin...
evEn fuNNier...
fiNAlli soMethinG nORmal...
soME tonIC-liKE duCk soUp...kiNda liKE a steAMboat...
mEt uP wiTh thEm foR pROb thE laST timE...
hoW iRoniC...
Monday, November 05, 2007 || 11:49:00 AM
tRip tO tAinaN...wE wEre aLReadi resTlesS anD coUnting doWn dayS tO hoME...tiRed oF pAckiNg uP evErytiME wE eXplorE a nEw plaCe...
oN thE trAIn fRom gAo hSiung tO taiNan...
reAcheD aT abOut tWO pM...
iN taIwaN, iT's aLL abOut foOd reaLLy...
thE faMous beaNcuRd...
sO famOus theY dOn't havE seaTs...
mY fiRst tiME riDIng a sCootEr...
thE twO piLLioNS...

sO aNcient!!...

i lOve thIS dEssErt...iS caLled iCe eGgs...coZ iT's shAPed lYk aN eGG, vaNIlla anD mIlk flAVoured...
iT's reaLly aLL abOut fOOd....
thE pRoblEm wiTh a tiMEr iS yoU nEver kNOw whEre tO staND reaLLy...
anD sOmetimeS yoU mISsEd thE sHot...
anD after aLL iS doNe, it stiLL eNds uP bLurRy...
siLLy giRls...
i don't reaLLy kNow thiS guY...buT i thINk hE iS thE foUnder of taIWan, sOmeone iN thaT coNtext...
stUpiD jAy, diDn't taKE thE pICtuRE oF thEfiRst woRd oN thE taBlet...
thIS waLL bEhiND ME Is fiRst graDe aNtiquE...leFt beHind sInce a lOng loNg tiME aGO (haHA, i aM thAT baD iN hiStorY)
saW thIS doG anD thOught oF coDy's anImal shElter...
aN pIng oLd sTReeT (diRecT traNSlatioN)...
i wiSH i coUld bRing aLl of thEm hOme...
fiRst pIc wiTh a mASK...
wE wEre sO eXciteD abOut haFing oUr maSKs...
thiS iS sUShi!...
tRimmIng fuR aWay fRom sUShi's eyEs...
sOme fesTivaL goIng oN?...
lIOn dance!...i lOVe iTs eyElidS...
biG faT tuMMy...

pUttiNg uP mY wiShes foR tHE gOds tO sEe thEm...i lIke it hOW taiWan haS suCh pLAces...
mY miDDle nAme...yEE...
xiAo xian,yOga, mE anD clAIre...
i thInk thE coNCepT OF tHis caFE iS sO cOol...
suPerb bEehOOn anD wiNter goURd teA...
i woNDer whEn i wiLl sEe thEsE pEOplE agAIn...woUld thEY reaLLy coME oUt thE neXt tiME i viSit taiWan aGain?...iT's sO saD thAt whAt haS oNly jUSt paSSed wiLL nEver haPPen aGAin...i wiLl nEver eXperieNce yOga pUllIng thE coVErs aWay frOm mE oR chENyu's tIRed faCe hAlfwaY iNto thE daY...oR thE thReE oF uS jUSt goIng cRazy iN thE rOOms, tIckliNg yogA tO deaTh...