“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Thursday, January 31, 2008 || 11:24:00 PM

cAn soMeonE teLL mE whY i fiND
iT sO famILiaR?...
|| 3:25:00 PM
fiAnce viSa oR spOusaL viSa?...
inBouNd oR oUtboUnd aPplicatiON?...
hOW muCh woUld iT takE tO geT tO yoUR siDe?...
oNE enTire mORninG oF reaDIng uP oN thE viSas i caN aPPly for, thE vaRious foRms i neEd tO fiLL, thE pEtiTIons hE neEds tO raIse anD thE whOLe loT oF trOuble wE haVE tO gO throUgh tO bE siDe bY siDe iS giVing mE a heaDache...
anD theN thIS coUple waLked iNto mY oFFice...thE maN a caNAdian, thE wiFe a siNgapORean...thE bAby a smiLing, loVing bUndle...whiLE i waS checkIng oUt theIr iMmigratioN pRoceSs, thE laDy sAid thIS tO mE...
'iT's goNna bE tOugh fRom nOW oN...bUt if yoU thInk iT's woRth IT, dO iT faSt'...
'yEs iT's woRth iT.'
aND thEy bOTh beaMed aT mE...heRe i sEe aNothEr coUple whO weNt thRu thE saMe seT oF heaRtachEs, paIn aND cuMbersoMe laWs tO pUrsue thEir lOve...heRe i sEe hOW tHe deteRminatiOn oF a woMAn briNgs hEr heR maN anD heR soN...heRe i sEe thE suPPort oF a maN whO loVes hIS wiFe anD theiR soN (foR hE's thE oNE carRyinG thE baBY oN hiM, nOt thE ladY)...
hEre i sEe streNgth, hOpe, fAith, aNd theN bLisS...
heRe i sEe mY fuTure...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 || 7:35:00 PM
giRls aRe girLs aFter aLL...
regArdlesS oF hEight, weiGht, siZe anD capABilitieS, tAekwoNdo oR nOt...thEy likE feEling liKE a girL...
leT mE coRRect mYself, giRls loVE iT whEn thE maN oF theiR dreAms treAt thEM lIKe onE...
i remEMber mY sEeminGly strong, feArleSs giRlfrieNd whO toLD mE hOw hEr boYfrienD wouLd iNsist hEr driving thE pAir baCk tO hEr tamPineS hoMe anD theN taKe thE train bAck tO woODlaNds sO hE kNows shE's hoME saFe witH aLl smIles aND blUsh...
juSt liKE hEr, i loVe iT whEn yoU :
aSk mE tO 'tiE iT tIght' whEn i toLD yoU i aM wEarinG my biKini toP foR waKEboardiNg
wArned mE tO waTCh ouT foR otHer boAts aND riDers
teLL mE yOu woRry whEn i havE tO staY iN a buNgalOW witH guYs, maRRied oR nOt
saiD yoU wOuldnt waNt mE iN a sITuatioN i hAVe nO coNtrol oVer
enD eacH coNversatiOn wiTh, kEep saFe...
anD i feEl jUst lIKe yoUR giRl...aLl oVEr aGAin
|| 5:44:00 PM
Faith is to believe what you do not see;
the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
St. Augustine
hAVing faiTh...
|| 3:42:00 PM
勇氣 (梁靜茹)
終於作了這個決定 別人怎麼說我不理
愛真的需要勇氣 來面對流言蜚語
只要你一個眼神肯定 我的愛就有意義
我們都需要勇氣 去相信會在一起
人潮擁擠我能感覺你 放在我手心裡
如果我的堅強任性 會不小心傷害了你
你能不能溫柔提醒 我雖然心太急
hOW trUE...
foRgiVe thiS liTTle desIRe tO wanT yoU bY mY siDe...foRgiVE thE irRationaL miND whIch refuSes tO teLL yOu tO staY aND waIt tiL noV....foRgiVE thE aCHinG heaRt whIch sKipPEd a beaT whEN yoU sAiD yOu aRe cheCking ouT thE pOSsibilIty oF a lEave oF abSence...
thANk yoU, foR kNowing mE...foR doIng soMethiNg i caNnot brIng mysElf tO asK yoU tO...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 || 4:55:00 PM
dRivE thRu wEdDingS aT vEgaS?...i juSt beRated hiM foR suGgestinG iT thE othEr daY anD hEre i aM reaDing thaT iT's aCtuaLLy oNe oF mY friEnd'S sTyle?...
suCh coInceDenceS blASt mY miNd aWay...nOw thaT soUnds vaGuely faMiliaR, diD i menTion iT beFore?...
Mr S anD futUre Mrs S haVE bEen taLking abOut thEir mArriaGe tOo...hE's thiNkiNg of a wEdding iN thE paRk, whEre wE mEt...whEre iT's lIKe hIs hoME noW...anD i aM thiNkinG i woUld lOve it iF hiS roOm maTe coUld plaY mY faVourite piEce oN thE pIanO foR uS...
nO maTTer whEn thIS wiLL takE pLAce, oR hoW iT's goIng tO haPpen...i aM jusT aMAzed aT hIm daYdreaMing abOut iT aS oFteN aS i dO...anD i aM thaNkfuL foR thaT...
thaT siMilaRitY iS exActly hoW i feLL iN loVe wiTh hiM...
|| 4:27:00 PM
wAS soRtinG oUt mY mEdiA fiLEs tO creaTe a pLAyliSt thAt i wOuld enJoy aT woRk aND i foUnd thiS twO soNgs whIch moVes mE tO nEar teaRs foR whaTeva reaSOns thEre maY bE...
孤單北半球 (
歐得洋)用我的晚安陪你 吃早餐
記得把想念 存進撲滿
我 望著滿天星在閃
看我的問候 騎著魔毯
飛 用光速飛到 你面前
少了我的手臂當枕頭 你習不習慣
我會耐心地等 隨時歡迎你靠岸
少了我的懷抱當暖爐 你習不習慣
世界再大兩顆真心就能 互相取暖
想念不會偷懶 我的夢統統給你保管
I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to (ohhh, ohhh)
Hey baby
I'd walk halfway around the world
For just one kiss from you
Far beyond the call of love
The sun, the stars, the moon
As long as your love is there to lead me
I won't lose my way, believe me
Even through the darkest night, you know
I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see
Is all I'm ever gonna need
There's one thing for sure
I know it's true (I know it's true)
Baby, I'd go anywhere for you (for you) (ohhh)
I used to think that dreams were just
For sentimental fools
And I'd never find someone
Who'd give their love so true
But I knew the very minute (ohh)
Couldn't live my life without you in it
Now I want the whole wide world to know (ohhh)
I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see (see yeah)
Is all I'm ever gonna need
There's one thing for sure
I know it's true (I know it's true) (ohhh)
Baby, I'd go anywhere for you
Hey baby, (hey) hey baby, hey baby, (nah)
Hey baby (hey baby), hey baby (oooh)
I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see (I can see)
Is all I'm ever gonna need (need)
There's one thing for sure
I know it's true (I know it's true, I know it's true)
I'd go anywhere for you (anywhere)
Anywhere you asked me to (I'll do anything)
I'd do anything for you (whatever you want me to)
Anything you want me to (ooh, yeah, oh baby, yeah)
Your love as far as I can see (see)
Is all I'm ever gonna need (gonna need)
There's one thing for sure
I know it's true (ohh)
Baby I'd go anywhere for you (ohhh)
For you (ohhh)
iT's beEn aWhilE siNce i hEard thEse onCe-sO-pOpulaR soNgs...soNgs thaT shOps repEat oVer anD oVEr aGAin aLonG thE whOle strEet...soNgs thaT yoU heaR sO muCh oF thaT yoU haTe thEm...
soNGs yoU nEver paId anY aTtentiOn tO anYmorE...tiL thEY maKE yoU crY
Saturday, January 26, 2008 || 3:58:00 PM
iF yoU aRE aN eXtroverT, bE coNfidenT thaT thE iNtroVErt NExt tO yoU iS enJoyinG yOUr coMpanY...anD iF hE doEsnt, yoU doNt haVE tO woRry abOut hIm teLLing yoU sO...
i thOught iT raTher aMusing...
maYBe beCausE a mORninG fuLL oF ovER coNfidenT, pOOrly huMoured, miDDle aGed jAckaSseS maKEs yoU a litTle duLl tOo...
bUt i sO dO waNna haVE mY oWn buSIneSs wiTh hIm...a laZy buSineSS whERe wE aRE nOt fiLthy riCh bUt juSt dOIng oK....a smaLL caFe whEre wE boTh coOk anD giVE waKEboaRd seSsions bY soME beaCh...aDd a sMALl doGgie nURserY whIle theIr owNErs waKboaRd...anD a smALL coRner whIch seLLs stuFf wE desiGn aND maKE, tReatS aND aPPArels foR doggIes...
anyWays, i thiNk iT raTher tOo meRcEnarY tO teLl mE yoU miSs mE aND waNt tO haVE breaKfasT wiTh mE aT thE enD oF thE mOnth whEn iT's oBviously paYcheck wEek...
yoU knOw whAt?...aLthough yoU caN sHameleSsly aPPEar aFter vaNishinG thE whOle oF mY suPposedly helPlesS, pEnnIleSs fIrst mOnth oF woRk...i aM nOt aS reVoltinG aS yoU...
i beLieVe in doIng mY faiR sHAre...
Friday, January 25, 2008 || 10:48:00 PM
i cAnt bElievE yoU diEd...
yOu aREnt evEn aS oLd aS i aM...
suRe i haTEd hOW yoU trEateD mY beSt friEnd, haTed yoUr guTs whEn i bRoke uP wiTh youRs aND haTed thE waY yoU dreSs evEn aFter aLL thaT haS waY paSSed...
bUt soMEhow, soMe uNknOwn tiME aGo, i thOught wE weRe oN thE saMe waVElengtH whEN iT coMEs tO roMancing anD giVing oUR giRlfriEnds thEir duE...
anD i strAngely nEed tO kNow whY oR hOW yoU paSSed aWay....iT's liKE thE pErcentagE oF deaTh bY mAn oR hiS aCtivitieS iN yoURs wiLL coMfort anD aSsure mE thaT lIFe iSnt thAt fraGile...
thAT hE woUldnt bE tOo liKEly tO diE oN mE whIle wE aRE apArt, whEn thIS sepaRatioN haS moRe thaN liKEly extenDed iTselF tO aN uncomfortabLe zoNE...
plEase...dont diE oN mE
|| 2:17:00 PM
i clIck oN yoUr bLog lInk anD sAW tHat thE sOng yoU weRe lISteniNg tO iS pLayinG oN mY medIA pLAyer nOw...
anD thE diFFiculties wE botH fAce...
caNt tHings bE siMpler?...i waNt tO aSk jUSt liKE yoU dID...
|| 1:18:00 PM
iT juSt geTs mORe anD moRE diFFicult...tO bE, iN yoUR woRds, toGEther sOmewherE...
mAYbe thE pLane i waNna sEe toUCh doWN iN maRch maY nOt briNg thE loVE oF mY lIFe tO mE aNymoRe...
iN aLL thE eFFort tO chEEr hiM uP anD coNvince hiM tO staY foR thE cUlinaRy coMpetitioN, i foRgot aBout mY oWn diSappOintment...
buT aS i siT iN froNt oF mY coMputeR nOW, iT iS sLOWly hiTTIng mE...
reaL haRd...
Thursday, January 24, 2008 || 1:44:00 PM
etHan gREGorY oR miA lYnNe...
hiS siSter iS haVing a baBY iN aUgusT...iSn't thaT swEet?...hE soUnds haPPy aND eXcited iN hiS emaIl....evEn hIS mUmmy sEemeD tO coME aLive iN thE waY hE speaKs oF heR iN hIS emaIl...i guEss i coUld iMagiNe tHe joY oF haVing a bAby...*blUShes*
aND shE stoLe thE iDea oF haVing 'gRegorY' aS thE chIld's miDDle nAMe...
bUT iT swEEt thaT shE asKEd hiM tO bE tHe chIld's goDfatHEr, anD nOt thE eviL, oBnoXious leaNder...
sO whaT doEs thaT maKE mE?
|| 1:38:00 PM
3 rouNds oF teN mInuteS...
3 shOts aT 10 loNg pUlls...
dOEsnt souND lIKE muCh isNt iT?...bUt iT toOk nEarlY twO hOUrs anD cauSe a greAt deAL oF muScle aChes toDay aT woRk...
thE iNStructoR saY i aM tOo usEd tO kaYAkinG thaT i doNt twiSt my boDy enOugh whEn i dOing oNly oNE siDE pAddLing aT draGonbOat...buT iT's beEn lOng siNce i dID boTh...anD i miSs kaYAkiNg quIte abIt...jUSt tOo baD thEy oNly aLLow mEMbers aND stAR hOlders tO brinG oUt kAyakS...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 || 11:18:00 AM
It Was God.
We met in an unexpected way. It all started at a youth conference held in my town (in British Columbia, Canada). After one of the powerful services, my friend and I went around hugging people - and praying for them. Eventually, we hugged a few people from this one group that was from The Yukon. After taking a quick picture and exchanging names, we walked away thinking nothing of it.
After the conference, one of the girls from The Yukon sent me a message on Facebook, asking me if I remembered her. I told her I did after adding her as a friend. I uploaded the picture of us and tagged her in it. A few days later, one of her friend's (Greg) commented on the picture, complaining how he was supposed to be at the conference too but wasn't allowed to go. Since then, Greg and I have become best friends.
I always catch myself thinking about all the things that had to happen in order to make us friends, and it still blows me away at the way it happened. If he hadn't stayed home from convention, he and his friends would have been off doing something crazy, and if we were off doing something crazy they wouldn't have been in the spot they were in, and if they weren't in the spot they were, they wouldn't have gotten a random hug from me, and if I wasn't giving random hugs to people then I wouldn't have gotten a picture with his friends, and if you they didn't remember my name, they wouldn't have found me on Facebook, and then we wouldn't have added each other as friends, and if he wasn't on my friend list we wouldn't have started talking and then my life would still be lame. (Breath...)
I've slowly fallen in love with him, even though I've never actually met him. I haven't seen his eyes light up when he laughs, or seen him blush. I haven't given him a hug, and he's never held my hand or whispered something cute in my ear. But, we talk for hours on the computer and even more hours on the phone. He's even planning to move to my town, and go to the same University as me when he graduatees.
All I know, is that God works in mysterious ways. I know that he wanted us to meet... God is so good and he has a plan for each one of us.
|| 8:57:00 AM
mAybe iT's thE bLaCk eyEd peAs soNgs whiCH wE aLwayS cRuisE wiTh plaYing eArly iN thE mORninG...
maYbe iT's thE faCt thaT thE neW 9pM seriaLs iS abOut 3 giRls wiTh 2 bEing aSPirinG cOOks wHo aRE heAVily diScrimiNated iN thE kitChen...
maYbe iT's thE nEw bloSsomiNg youNg shY loVe i sAw...
mayBE iT's thE renDAng, laNGkaWI anD tioMAn lEaflets i goT froM thE aGEncy...
maYbe's iT's thE kNowledgE oF siNgapORe PR aPPlicatioN nEWly graSPed...
maYBe iT's thE faCt thAt ICA wouLDnt hElp iN aPPlyinG foR a viSA wHen thE aMericaN eMbaSsy iS sO iNtimIDatinG...
mAybe i jUSt mISs yoU...
mAybE i jUSt waNt tO crY agAin...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 || 7:43:00 PM
cOnseRvatiOn wiThouT mOney iS juSt cOnvErsAtion - Fanny Lai (CEO oF WRS)
shE's suCh aN eXceLLent spEaker i wAnt tO jOin thE zOo nOw...yoU woUldn't bElievE, i aCtuaLLy chEcked tHE weBSite bUt thEre aRen't anY sUitabLE oPeninGs nOw...
bUT she iS gOod, reAl gOod...
haPpy biRthdaY grEg...
Monday, January 21, 2008 || 2:31:00 PM

thE traFFic aT 7.14aM iN tampiNes evEn beFore i goT oN thE expResSway...
teLL mE siNgapOReaNs stiLl haVE a liFe...

grANd hYAtt's baLLroOm...

i waS thE firSt tO diSmantlE anD tO aSSmeble iT... * pRoud*
thEn it waS luNch...i saW twO chIneSe giRls waLkinG aRound in cheFs' coAts...

lOOk aT thE buFFeT quEue...makEs mE waNNa gO heLp thE buFfet cOok...

sEEing giRls in chEfs' coAts, lOOkiNg aT buFFEt qUeues maKes mE miSs mY fOur mOnthS aT yEllowsTone...maKe mE misSing woRking aT yoUR siDe...
i wONder iF i wiLl evEr haVE tHAt chanCe aGAin...
Sunday, January 20, 2008 || 10:31:00 PM
mY siSter wanTed tO uSe mY haVErsaCk...thE oNE i broUght tO mY triP...aNd thE siGht oF iT jUSt briNG baCk sO mUCh meMOries...
anD theN shE wenT thrU thE poCketS iNdiviDuaLLy...
oUT caME niCkels, diMEs aND quArters...
hOW loNG aGo haVE theY beEn thE veRy cuRRencY oF eXchanGe...
whEn i uSed thEM tO paY foR mY moNster driNks aT gaS staTioNs, whEN i uSe theM tO paY foR mY meaTbaLL sANdwiCh aT suBwaYS wiTh yoU, whEn i uSe theM tO buY moUntaiN deW aT waLmart wiTh yoU, whEn i usE theM tO gEt yoU thaT bRonze mOOse, whEN i usE theM tO bUy yoU thaT teTon aLE t-shIRt, whEn i haND theM tO yoU tO bUy uS coKE aT thE veNDing maChines tO gO wIth pizZa aT thE laSt nIght oF puB oPEratioNs...whEn i fiNally uSe theM tO bUy uS a mOCha aT gaLLatiN aiRport...
i miSs beiNg aT yoUR sIDe...
|| 10:20:00 PM

teLL mE i aM nOt oBseSsed wiTh mY neW lOOk...
maYbe i aM jUSt depRiveD oF uPloaDing pIcs oN mY bLog...siNCe i canT dO thaT iN thE oFFice...
|| 10:10:00 PM

i hAVe twO pAIrs oF shOEs aNd yeT i ruN aRound mY oFfice baRe fOot...

joANnE iS sO haRd aT woRk evErydaY...
|| 9:55:00 PM

bEcaUSe cHicKEn boNEs aRe brIttle aND maY cUt doGs' thRoats...
beCause thEy caNNot haVE thOSe bOnes...
beCauSe i kNow aLL thAt...
aND beCauSe aLL i aM havIng iS chiCken...
thIS lUCky feLLow haD mOSt oF thE chICken brEast thaT wAs suPPoseD tO bE mY shAre...
yeS, i sHAre...wiTh doGs...sEe whaT i teLl yOU aBout aNimaL lOVErs being nIcer soUls?...
aNYwaY, i reCkon siNce hE aTE mOSt oF mY suPPer i wiLL aCCumulaTe lEsS faTS...yaYY...
aNd hE geTs a gOOd meaL...
doUble yaYY
Saturday, January 19, 2008 || 10:52:00 AM
i wASnt lIstenIng tO hiLLAry clInton wHile i wAS lOOkiNg aT hEr oN CNA thiS mORninG...i wAS aMAzed bY thaT haIRstyLE...wiLL i haVE thaT pUff-eD uP shOrt haiR oNE dAy tOo?...aFter i geT thE eSSentiaLS thaT iS (reaD: aGiNg braiN, laCk oF anY seNse, aMericaN huSbanD)...
aNd i thInk oF yOu...
waLkinG iNtO a sAturdaY mORniNg maCdoNAld's, i waS greEted bY thE smElls oF breaKfaST cOffeE, sALt anD pEppered eGGs...tHe smEll oF yoUr mOrniNg dRink, oF yoU shARing thaT driNk wiTH mE whEN i diDnt lIKE coFfeE nOn ice blenDed...oF yoU woRKinG neXt tO mE, oF yoU juSt nExt tO mE...
anD i thInk oF yoU aGAin...
i hAVe bEEn sEndinG e cArds sinCe i chEckeD mY maIl (iT's takIng daMn lOng cAuse i perSOnalISed eaCH aND everY oNe!), cAUse iT remIndeD mE thaT iT's nOt oNLy mS chRistine'S biG daY...anD i senT oNE thaT saYS
'evErythInG stiNks wiThoUt yoU!'
tO yoU...
anD i thiNk oF yoU oNce mOre...
Friday, January 18, 2008 || 9:00:00 PM
i jUSt feEL liKE lEAniNg oN yoUR shOulderS nOW...
jUSt thaT siMple...
Thursday, January 17, 2008 || 8:04:00 PM
i thInk anImaL lOvers maKE beTter hUmaN beiNgs...thE mORe spEcieS theY loVe, thE beTter thE huMan...
suRe, thEy caN bE evIl, bUt i reaLised a siMilariTy wiTH thEse anImaL lOVers...thEY aRE pREttY jUSt iN whO thEy aRE bitChy toWards...
anD yoU...yoU loVE doGs (hOW graTEfuL i aM foR thaT), catS, mOOse, tiGErs, lizArds anD aLL thaT thEre aRE iN thE paRk...
thAt saiD, i wAs lIStenIng tO taNk's 专属天使...anD i thInk oF yOu...
i reMembEr sEeing raYs of suN aROund yoU thaT mORniNg...mayBe iT's thE refleCtion froM thE snOw, maYbe iT's thE refleCtion oF youR goLDen haIr...buT yoU lOOked liKE aN anGel thEN....
mY loBe, mY pRinCe, mY anGel
|| 3:42:00 PM
thE thiNg abOut bEing kINd, iS thaT i geT weAK tOO...i can'T beliEve thAt senSe oF feAr i goT whEN thaT loSer (reaD: oLDer, uNglier, lEsS pOPulaR) waLked pASt mE jUSt nOW...
i aM nOt suRe abOut thE reSt oF yoU bUt iT seEms whEn i aM nOt mY evIl selF, i geT vUlneraBle...sO i aM pRettY mUch iN a diLemmA nOW...
i gueSs i wiLL fiGure iT ouT, anD i kNow greG wiLL bE mORe iMportanT thaN thaT b**** iN mY deCisioN...
enOugh oF OP, CNY iS heRe aGain...anD i sO craVE thOse bUtterY, pOWdery, suGAry snAcks...aNd i gUEsS theRE iS reaLLy nOwhere elSe foR aLl thaT tO gO oTher thaN thaT aSs i aM siTTing oN aLL daY...bUt buT BUT, iT's CNY, sO iNdulgeNce iS onlY naTuraL....
aND i aM goIng tO thE mINister's hOuse foR viSiting, hOW coOl iS thaT?....i woNder iF theRe wiLL bE a bIg reD paCKet waITing...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 || 6:12:00 PM
friEnd A: coUples tenD tO waLk togethEr whEN thEy sTart, anD theN oNE wiLL waLK iN froNt becaUSe nO twO pEOple haVE thE samE paCe
mE: thE diStanCe wiLL neVEr bE tOo grEat iF thE coUple alWays waLk hOLding haNDs
iT's uNrealistiC tO thiNk twO pEople caN bE aliKe, bUt i thInk thE iMportaNt worD heRe iS aCceptanCe...
anD alThough pEOple caRE iN diFFerent waYs, i beLieve iF soMEone reaLLy caRes, theY'd lEarnt tO spEak yoUr laNguaGe oF loVE aNd yoU leaRnt theiR laNguage aS weLL...
soMEtimEs iT feEls sO eGocentric, bUT i wiShed foR aLL mY clOSest giRlfrieNDs thaT thEy wiLL feEl wiTH theIR paRtners whAt i feEL wiTH grEG nOW...anD iF theY doNt fiND thaT with theiR cuRRent beaU, i wiSH giVE themSelves a chANce oF greEner pAStures...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 || 11:59:00 PM
it's sO loNEly....
mE at mY desK iN siNgapoRE....
hiM waLking baCk tO hiS rOom alOne evErydaY...
i finAlli got tO sEe hIm oNliNE aFter twO loNg, loNesomE wEeks...
hOW dO yoU liKE mY neW haIrdo?...
oFficiaLLy mY haIRdreSser nOW...
jOlyn taUghT mE hOW tO takE piCtureS liKE thIS...
mEt mY sEc sCh frIend aT thE salOn...
|| 11:00:00 PM
wEnt tO riVEr vaLe hotEl tO celEbratE mY 2nD uNcle's biRthdaY...
chEck oUt the amOunt oF foOd wE atE...
thE thReE oF uS...
mUmmY deAresT...
guO yEn...
guO feNg...
tHEy haVE thReE sOns...aND wE havE nOne...
wE haVE thE saMe biRthdaY....
evEr siNce i camE baCk...wE sEem tO taKE aLot oF piCtureS aT famIly gaTHerinGS...anD thE thrEe sISterS nEver miSs a shOt oF thEmselVes whEn thEy gO out eaCh tiME...i thiNk iT's swEet, doNt yoU aGReE?...
Monday, January 14, 2008 || 2:04:00 PM
juSt lIKe tOo mUch tonIcs caN proVe tO bE a liTTle 'heatY' anD actUally baD foR youR weLL beiNg...
tOo muCH chICken soUp foR thE soUp caN maKE yoU a woRRy waRt...woRryinG abOut canCer, aCcidents aND deaTh...woRryiNg thaT yoU nevEr saiD enoUgh 'i loVe yoU' tO pEople whO maTter...
woRryinG abOut beiNg lEfT aLone iN aMErica shOuld youR amERicaN hUSbanD diE oN yoU...
anD theN theRe iS thiS woRd whiCh oFten coMEs witH 'oFFice' thaT i hoPE i woUldnt bE expERienceing...buT yoU caN nEver reAlly hElp iT iF yoU aRE yoUnger, preTTier (wiThouT haVing tO stiCk faKE eyElasheS iN mY eyE evEry mornIng) anD mORe pOpulaR thAN shE waS aT twO weeKS iN thE oFfice...
oH weLL, i pROmisE greG i woUldnt traNsfoRm iNto a bitcHy siNgaporeaN bY thE tiME wE meEt eaCH othEr aGAin...sO i wouLD foRgive hEr afTEr thIs enTRy alTHoUGh i woUld reaLly loVe tO faRT iN heR facE nOW...anD jUSt remEmber tO chEck evErythinG sHE saYs wiTh sOMeone elSe...
anD aLL haIl www.dictionary.com...i belIEve iT jUSt saVed mY aSs...
Sunday, January 13, 2008 || 2:59:00 PM
whiLE i wAS seaRchinG mY waRdroBe foR soMEthinG i coUld feEl eSpeciaLLy femInine iN anD yeT stiLL bE aPpropriATe foR sUndaY woRk, i sAw mY gloVes, skI capS anD scArveS...
i nEver goT tO weArinG thOSe beSides mY dayS iN seaTtle anD thE laST teN daYs i spEnt wiTh hIM beFore i leFt...
thEN i lOOk dowN aT mY luNch....eGGplaNts, laDY's fiNgers anD pUmpkiN....wiShinG thaT becAUse i aTE vEgs whIch i nOrmaLLy doN't...soME mAgic coulD haPPen wiTh thaT pUmpkiN therE...
wASNt thEre a faiRy taLE thaT uSed soME pUmpkinS?...
|| 9:17:00 AM
drAgoNflY taP wATer
eLphanT croSs riVEr
gWEn aND i caME uP wiTh thEse liNes whEn wE weRE sKippIng pUddLEs oN oUr waLk hOme froM thE iNTerchaNGe...
wE weRe mEsSing aROuND, lAuGhinG, saYing siLLy stUfF, aLL whIle wE wEre treAding caRfeully...
thEN wHen sHE saId wE wEre mORe lIke 'dA xiANg guO hE' thaN 'qiNg tiNg diAN shUi'...i waS laUghiNG sO baD...bUt i aSked hEr hOW wE aRE goIng tO saY aLL thE wE saId, shAred aLL thaT wE laUghed aBout wiTh gREg whEN hE waLks hOme wiTh uS...
aNd shE caME uP wiTh thaT...iT evEn rHythmS...
i doN't thINk coMMunicaTIon wiLL bE a mAjor pROblEm....beCausE i lOVe hiM....beCause i lOVe thEm aNd becAUse i kNow thEY aLL loVE mE....
Friday, January 11, 2008 || 9:21:00 PM
iT's saD tO knOw thaT soMEone stoPped belIeviNg iN thE saMe cAuse aS yoU...iT's liKe yoU haVE aN aLLy lEsS, iT aLmoSt feEls lIke a betRayaL...i dOnt waNt tO thInk oF seaSonaL paRtners aS tHE mOSt naTuraL thIng...
iF oNe sEasoN iS tOo loNg tO reMember soMeone, thEn whAT aBout thE pEople i reAd...tHE oNEs whO gavE mE hoPE oN dayS i desPair...thE onEs whO love foR siXty yeaRs wiThout sEeing eAch oTher...
aS i waS lOoking aT clIparTs oNline i saW thOse froM mY favOurite diSney mOvie 'tHe lIttle mErmaiD'...
thEY camE froM diFFerent woRlds tOo...anD theY mEt foR a shOrt tiME tOo...
sO wiLl i haVe a hAppY enDing jUSt liKE theY diD...
nEver miND tHat iT aLwayS sEem tO gO iN thaT seQuence iN faIry talEs....aND iGnoRe thE faCt thaT tHEre iS nO faiRy sO faR yeT...
|| 1:30:00 PM
iT's frIdaY...drEsS doWn daY iN thE oFficE...
aS i saT iN thE buS, i nOticEd whAt i waS weaRing...
mY faVourtiTe blaCk mANgO teE
mY fiRst paIr oF leVi's
snOWflaKE eaRrings, mR mOosE aND lEathEr
wiTh mY stiNgraY oN mY lIttlEst pInkle
i lOOk lIKe thE giRl whO waS iN yeLLowstonE
thE giRl whO aRrive aT anD theN leFt boZemaN twICe
thE giRL whO wENt aROund taiWan
thE giRl whO lOoks baCk aT ME froM thE pHotos
a liTTle depResSed nOw...siNce i haVe beEn baCk, i fiND mYSelf coNstantlY iN thE diLemmA oF waNting tO staRt mY caReer hEre iN singapORe...yEt, kNowing thaT mY hEart iS iN thE paRk wiTh hIm aND thaT i maY soOn haVE tO uProoT mYself tO foLlow mY heaRt, i caN haRdly coNviNCe mYselF tO coMe tO woRk sOMetiMEs...
aLone i aM
hOpefuLLy mORe thaN a liTtle braVE tOO
Thursday, January 10, 2008 || 1:27:00 PM
I didnt think much of his hands when we were young.
As a new bride, i had other things on my mind.
The first year of our marriage was a time of getting to know one another.
But a year is such a short time. As i look back now,
I can see how hard his hands work. I never noticed it then though.
It's been thirty four years since those hands has became part of my life.
I have so much to reflect on.
There's a big difference in his hands compared to my father's.
My father's hands were hard and rough. His were rugged yet still smooth.
When our first daughter's born, I noticed the hardness in his hands
seemed to mellow.As i watched him hold and play with her, i saw a gentleness
I never seen in him before. Was this how it started? Did it take a baby
to soften those hands?
But he was a construction pipe fitter and his hands toiled so hard.
They had to withstand all of the elements and continue to serve them.
They were the hands of a provider.
When we bought our first home, i saw how his hands worked.
There was never a weed in the lawn.
The gutters were always cleaned and the trees in the yard trimmed.
It was about this time he built his first wood project, a doghouse.
He was so proud, even though it was big enough to be a playhouse for the children.
They were becoming the hands of a carpenter and gardener.
In the summer, he would go fishing.
I watched him scale the fish with a skill i never learned.
His hands worked so hard to clean the two dozen ducks after hunting all day.
They were the hands of a hunter and fisherman.
Yet, I also saw those hands go into the fields across from our house
and pick mushrooms, never breaking a single one.
His hands discovered wild strawberries in a matter of minutes
amid all the weeds in the field.
He would bring home enough for pancakes for breakfast.
They were becoming the hands of a harvester.
As our family grew, so did our need for a bigger house.
With the new house came alot of work.
The first year there, his hands stripped the paint from all of the windows.
Through the years, his hands have painted the outside of our house
at least three times.
They were the hands of a painter.
Because our house was very old, the walls had cracked from the settling.
He plastered and repaired the cracks.
They were the hands of a plasterer.
The mortar in the chimney needed to be pointed.
His hands became the hands of a mason.
He has always loved music, and one year he received a guitar for Christmas.
Though the tips of his fingers ached because they were too soft to play the
guitar strings, he never gave up.
Now he plays the guitar beautifully.
They were the hands of a musician.
When our daughters were in high school, he would help to build the floats
and chaperone dances.
He danced with his daughters.
His hands were helpers for school projects, and also the hands of a special date.
A few years ago, when one of our daughters was married, he walked her down the aisle.
His arm in hers and his hands touching hers, he gave her away.
His hands had become the hands of a happy yet sad father.
As our grandchildren began to arrive, he was there to receive them in his arms.
His hands picked them up and cradled them to his chest
to begin a bonding process which continues to this day.
They had become the hands of a grandfather.
Through the years, his yearning for working with wood could no longer be kept at bay.
He built many beautiful things for our home.
He made keepsakes for his grandchildren, including a cradle for his
firstborn grandchild.
Our family will forever have the memory of his wonderful hands and the care
they gave.
As he and I grew older, we chose to do some travelling.
He has always enjoyed driving.
His hands continue to chauffeur and guide.
A few years ago, my health started to fail, and he began to spend more
time taking care of me.
His hands color my hair. They massage my legs.
They help me in and out of bed.
His hands bring me my medicine when i am unable to get them myself.
His hands make dinner and then clean up the mess.
He raises his hands in prayer as he pleads with God to relieve my pain.
They are the hands of a hairdresser.
They are the hands of a masseur.
They are the hands of a nurse.
They are hands of a cook and home-maker.
They are hands of a full time caretaker.
They are hands of an intercessor.
They are the hands that always serve.
Through the years, his hands have taken on many roles.
They are older and hard to the touch.
But those hands have also become more and more gentle.
They are so tender when handling me or playing with the gradnchildren.
They are hands that have worked and given through his whole life.
They are hands i love to hold. They are the hands of love.
-Laurel A. Pilon - Weick
i tHought i waS thE oNly oNE faSciNAted wiTh thE hanDs...i loVE hOW thE haNDs oF thE maN i loVe sO mUch wORk tOo...
thE waY tHEy slIce pEppers anD cut uP haM fASter thaN i evER wiLL...
thE waY theY teASe mY uNskIlled, iNcoMpetenT oNEs aT oVEr eaSys anD eGg whIte oMElettes coMpetiTions...
thE waY tHEy roLL uP tEnts aND puLL oUt tEnt pOLes...
tHe waY thEy remOve twiGs frOm hiS steReo, jUSt liKE thE waY theY gaThered theM for thE fiRe thE night bEfore...
tHe wAy tHEy shiNe frOm thE greAse whIle woRking oN hiS braKEs,
oR hOW thE gReen liTTle liNEs ruN uP hIS arM whEn hE cArriEs mY sTufF foR mE...
thE wAy theY lOok oN thE whEel, reVersiNg anD siNgle haNDedly crUising...
anD whEN thEY griPped sO haRd oN sNowy riDes aND daRk nIghts tO maKE suRE wE got hOme
thE wAY iT bruShes aWay mY teArs, stRokes mY haIr anD
mOSt iMportantlY...
thE waY mY haND lOok sMall aND pRoteCted wHen theY hEld mIne...
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 || 4:03:00 PM
'In February 1980, two of our sons announced that they each wanted to be married in early June. They agreed on the first and third saturdays. One wedding would be in Michigan, the other in Colorado. ' -Peg Sherry
a wEddinG iN mIChigaN...twO broThers...
i wOnder whaT woUld thaT bE lIKe...a wEddIng in michigaN iNto a faMily witH twO broThers, oNE eSpeciaLLy oBnoxiOUs aND thE oTher oNE a reAl sNag...
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 || 7:21:00 PM
" Although friends for a lifetime, we traveled on different tracks.
Their lifestyle focus on higher education and financial success; my husband and i squeaked by with part time jobs so we can pursue our love of hiking, biking and skiing. They purchased an elegant new home in the suburbs of Ohio. We chose a tiny, old cabin in the woods of Idaho. They had four bright, beautiful daughters. We had two bright beautiful dogs. " -Marian Wilson
pArt tiMe joBs, hiKing, skIing, wOOds oF iDaho....
|| 12:06:00 PM
Sagittarius with AquariusFriendly love backed up by real passion about life together. The world to see. New worlds to discover in the great beyond. Nothing traditional. Microwave vittles. Nice messy kids.i liKE thE soUnd of thaT...
soUnds liKE mY iDea oF a pAradiSe...
|| 11:14:00 AM
nO flASh?
oR flASH?...
lOng sErviCe aWarDs...
thE siSta!...
thE siSta aND mOnkeY!...
i feEl haPpy thAt gwEn iS lEarniNg tAekwoNdo...a wEird sEnse oF pRide anD joY...feEls gOod tO seE heR aT thE spORts haLL aND haVing hEr oWn clUb oF taEkWondO friEnds...
Monday, January 07, 2008 || 1:02:00 PM
tO groW oLD iS coMpulsoRytO gRow uP iS oPtionaL...hoW truE...i aM reADing oN a relA lIFe aCCount oF a womAn sEarchIng foR heR daD aFter hE goT senT baCK whEN thE waR enDed...i caN oNly imAginE hOW haRd iT haD bEen foR heR muM aLL theSe yeaRS...alOne wiTh a chilD...anD nO meaNs oF coNtactinG thE maN shE loVes...i feEl sO luCKy nOW...i gueSs wE neEd tO remInd oURselVEs jUSt hOW luCky wE aRE froM tiMe tO timE, sO wE doNt lOSe siGht oF opUR bleSsingS...
Saturday, January 05, 2008 || 10:26:00 PM
chIldreN...whAt dO thEy meaN tO thEir pArents?...woRkinG iN a coMmunitY cEntre mEans i sEe anXious paRents lOokiNg uP coUrseS foR thEir chIld tO enRol iN...woRkiNg iN a coMmunitY centrE meAns i aTtEnd eDusaVe scholarshiP anD buRsaRy pRize preSentaTions, sEeing thE prIde anD jOy oN paRents' fAces whEn thEir chiLd waLks uP thE staGe anD shAKes thE miNisteR's haNd...woRkiNg iN a coMmunitY cenTre meaNs i sEe chiLDreN wEaring hEels daNcinG, siNgiNg, mUltI taLEntinG oN sTage anD woNder juSt hOW mUch thEir paRents sPEnd for theM tO leaRn aLl tHaT...hOW wiLl oUr kids tuRn oUt tO be?...oTher thaN greAt lOokiNg...hEe...
|| 10:22:00 PM
mY neW deSk...wiTh evEryoNE i lOve...evErythinG i loVe....eXcept theY aRe nOt reaLLy reAl...