“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Friday, February 29, 2008 || 9:25:00 PM
'iT waS heLL beIng reSponsibLE aNd matURE'
hoW truE...
|| 6:32:00 PM
oN sunDay nIght perhAps...
i aM goIng tO paCk stuFf iNto thAt haRdy, truStwoRthy blAck niKe duFfel...
whiLE i waS writIng dowN mY pReparatioN lisT, i weNt baCk tO thaT tiME i saT iN maRketinG claSs, sCriBblinG nervoUSly whAt i wouLD neEd, evEn thE nuMber oF seTS oF liNgeriE i waNt tO briNg oVEr tO thE parK...
aLL thaT ziPlocK baGs, thE faMiliaR iteMs yoU woUldnt miSs goIng aNYwhere, thE newLy acQUired iteMs from yeLLowstonE thaT nOW belOngs tO thE abOve menTioned groUp, thE saME paCkinG methOds...
whICh resuLts iN thE weLL praCtised sittiNg oN stuFf, thE sqUEezinG iN wiTh a smALl opEniNg iN thE ziP, thE praYing thAt yoUr baG woULdnt buRst haLfway...
eXcept i feEl sO alOne iN aLL theSe paCking waIting tO bE doNe...
eXcept i aM nOt flYing tO amErica, tO hiM...
Thursday, February 28, 2008 || 7:50:00 PM
diDnt reaLise thaT PS I Love You stArs thE samE femALe lEAd aS thE fiRst mOvie i waTched wiTh yoU...
maDe ME smIle whEn i saW hIllaRy sWanK (miLlioN doLlar bAby)...
sO i waNt tO bUy thE dVd...i waNt yoU tO waTch iT tOo, bUt caN't deCide iF i shOuld geT foR eaCH oF uS, oR seNd mY coPy oVEr aFter i waTched iT anD haVE yoU sEnd iT baCk whEn yOu sEnd mE stUFf...oR geT iT baCk whEN i sEe yoU iN nOv...oR shOuld i briNg iT iN nOV whEn i gO oVEr?...
goODneSs, it's jUSt a shOW...
mY boSs saiD i shOuld pRobably lOok aT a twO wEek leaVE iN nOv...
twO weEks?...
|| 5:05:00 PM
iT's mErely maNners, tO aSk iF anYone nEeds aNything siNce i aM goIng dOwnstAirs tO geT stuFf...
iT's oKi iF yoU doNt haVE suCh maNNers...
i aM jUSt pUzzLEd whY i goT teaSed bEcauSe i haVE thEm...
|| 1:09:00 PM
i dont waNNa haVE tO trY, tO liVE without yoU iN mY liFe...
yoU're nOt gone bUt yoU're nOt heRe...
aT leaSt thaT's thE waY iT seEms toNight...
|| 1:07:00 PM
doNt yoU soMEtimes haTe tO puT thE bOok yoU arE reAdinG doWn?...
anD i juSt reaLised a gOod thing abOut bOoks In triLogy...thE stoRy geTs coNtinUatioN...anD iT's leSs saD whEN yoU dO fiNish oNE...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 || 8:47:00 PM
anY goOd pLAce foR getTing dVDs?...
thEre arE sOOoOOoOooOOoOO manY mOvieS i waNt nOW...i doNt oNly want tO waTch thEm...i waNt tO coLLect thEm foR uS...
i caNt wait,
i waNt tO bE inSpireD bY theM...
i wAnt tO wEep for thE chAracterS...
i waNt tO bE faSciNAted bY thE siMplicitY i sEe jUSt iN thE tiTles...
|| 1:58:00 AM

iT remInds mE oF sEattLe...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 || 11:11:00 AM
they dont have pretty hair like yours
they dont have eyes that look so sad when i am not there
they dont have hands that makes me feel warm all inside
they dont have the chest i like to lie upon
they dont have the beard which tickles me
they dont have the moustache which makes me laugh when our lips locked
they dont have the ears which listens to everything i say, no matter how late
they dont have the heart which hears what i dont even say
|| 1:37:00 AM
chErish pEople chErish...
thAt shE's oNly a car riDe awaY...
that hE's alive...
thAt shE bothErs tO fiGht yoU...
thAt hE bOthers tO meSsagE yOu...
thaT shE trIes tO liE tO yoU...
thaT hE emaIls yoU desPite diaL uP...
thaT sHE saID sHe diDnt waNt tO sHare yoU...
thAt hE aSks yoU tO gO waNDering witH hiM...
thaT yoU caN stiLL teLl hIM/ heR tHat yoU loVe hiM/hEr...
Monday, February 25, 2008 || 10:04:00 AM
sO maNy wiSHes evErydaY...
wiSh yOU aRe saFe,wiSh yoU aRe haPpy, wIsh i cOuLd fEed yOu thE yeLLow bread, wiSh i coUld hoLd yOuR hAnd, wIsh yoU arE hEre mOst oF aLL...
iF onLy fAirIes aRe rEal aNd wIsHes cOme tRue...
|| 9:49:00 AM

mE : uNlce, 不同颜色的面包吃起来会不同吗?
i feeL like a chiLd, haVing thE aduLts makE thE noRm a beauTifuL woW...
aLthough thE breAd taSte liKE anY whiTe breaD...thE coLOur maKEs mY daY aLL briGht anD beautiFul...
Sunday, February 24, 2008 || 1:05:00 PM
i goT a tuMmy uPset anD yoU cauGht a coLd...
i thRew uP mY diNner aNd yoU dreAmt oF soMEone telLing yoU i aM iN thE baThrOom puKing...
iS thAt a coInciDencE?...oR a cOnneCtioN?
Friday, February 22, 2008 || 6:54:00 PM
thE feElinG oF chEckiNg thrEe boOks oFf youR reaDIng liSt iS aMAzinG...
eSpeciaLLy sO whEN twO oF thEm bElonGS tO a tRiloGy whiCh yoU aLready reAd thE firsT...
eSpecially sO whEN yoU diDnt sTArt tHe daY benT oN getTing thEm...
i *heARt* naTionaL libRAry...
|| 6:53:00 PM
doNT yoU haTE iT whEN thEre's thiS woRd yoU wanT tO uSe anD yET yoU caNNot fiND iT iN thAt puNy miNd oF yoURs?...
whAT's thaT woRd/pRoceSs whEre a caTErpiLLAr tuRns iNto a buTTerflY?...
Thursday, February 21, 2008 || 3:29:00 PM
dO pEople gEt usEd tO bEing apArt?...
wiLL theY waKe uP oNE daY anD:
miSs thE othEr leSS
thOught abOut thE othEr leSS frequEntly
emaIl a liTtle lEss
smILe a liTTle mORE
gO oUt a liTtle mORe
iN thE mIDst oF bEing stRonng foR thE othEr paRty?
i aM afRaiD...
|| 3:27:00 PM
sOlar eClipsE:
A darkening of the sun caused by the passing of the moon between the sun and the earth.
luNAr eClipSe:
A darkening of the moon caused by the passing of the earth between the sun and the moon.
thEre wAs a lUnaR eClipSe iN thE paRk thiS mORninG...
i wiSH i waS siTTing thEre, shOulder tO shOulder wiTh yoU iN thE snOw, watCHing thE mOOn gO iNtO hiDing...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 || 7:59:00 PM
i wiLl asK yoU tO coMe tO mE...
i wiLL loOk iNtO yoUR eyEs whEn i talK tO yoU...
i woUldnt leT yoUr gaZe driFt oFf...
i wiLL teLL yoU whaT i waNt...
i wiLL remInd yoU whO i aM...
anD maKe suRE yoU dO whaT yoU shOuld dO thE neXt tiME roUnd...
i shOuldnt enDure whaT i shOuldnt...
it'S tiME joAnnE coMes tO liFe...
thE evIL jOanNE iS coNqueRed anD suBdueD bY gREg-neSs...shE woUldnt reIncarnAte...
bUt tHE neW joaNNe caN stiLL geT thIngs doNE wiThouT beiNg evIl...
doEsnt thaT sOund jusT swEet tO yoU?...
|| 7:57:00 PM
About National Education
Six Messages
1. Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong.
We want to keep our heritage and our way of life.
2. We must preserve racial and religious harmony.
Though many races, religions, languages and cultures, we pursue one destiny.
3. We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility.
This means opportunity for all, according to their ability and effort.
4. No one owes Singapore a living.
We must find our own way to survive and prosper.
5. We must ourselves defend Singapore.
No one else is responsible for our security and well-being.
6. We have confidence in our future.
United, determined and well-prepared, we shall build a bright future for ourselves.
i fiNd iT qUite meAninGfuL
pArdoN thE PA emPloyee iN mE...
|| 3:41:00 PM
The quality or condition of being secluded from the presence or view of others.
The state of being free from unsanctioned intrusion
whICh paRt oF thaT wORd dO theY nOt uNDerstanD?
|| 2:15:00 AM
iF oNly yoU wEre hEre toNight...
yOu woUld haVE uNDerstanD whY i bUy huMan graDe foOD foR thaT sTray...
yoU woUld bEam aT mE aND bE pRoud oF mE...
yoU woULd pRobaBly haVE doNE thE saME...
yoU woUld walK mY boYs with mE...
yoU woULd makE mE feEL saFe waLking mY boYS aT nIGht...
yoU woUld teLL mE thOSe aRe jUSt catS hoWlinG aND nOT ghOSts...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 || 2:57:00 AM

iT's fiNally reAcheD hiM...
|| 2:48:00 AM

thIS iS whaT i dID toDay...thE aM linE waY...

it'S bEen lOng...

i wiSh hE's riGht beSidE mE, thE waY iT waS thE lASt tiME i diD tHis...

haVen't loSt toUch thOugh iT's bEen 5 moNths...

guESs whIch oVEr haRd iS miNe?...
dO yoU geT aFraiD oF doIng stuFf yoU oNce enJoyeD witH thAt soMEonE spEciaL?...
i dO...aS iF maKing oVEr eaSys wiThouT hiM wiLL ruIn thE meMorieS i haD wOrkinG wiTh hiM...maYbe i jUSt waNt iT tO reMain aS:
'thE laSt tiME i diD eGGs wAS wiTh gREg'...
|| 2:19:00 AM
maG's bDae

chEers tO aLL thAt friEndshIp...moRe thaN a deCade lOng...
Monday, February 18, 2008 || 2:41:00 PM
i loVE thE sMell oF freShly baKEd breAD...
iN mY miND,
i sEe yoU baking thEm iN thE paRk...
anD i smEll theM iN oUR kiTcheN, whEre wE dO thE doUgh, miX iN thE buTTer anD plaY witH flOur aS wE baKE toGEther...
|| 10:37:00 AM
thE stARt aND eND oF eAch seaSOn...
thE veRy reASon foR hoPE anD diSapPointmEnt...haPpineSS anD sADneSs...
sEParatioNS anD reUnioNS...
Saturday, February 16, 2008 || 12:44:00 PM
hoW maNy mORe moNthS?...
hOW mANy mORe pUblIC hoLIdayS?...
hoW maNy mORE bOttLes oF coNTact lEns soLutiOn?...
hOW mAny mORE pair oF coNtacT lEnsEs?...
hOW maNy mORe eZ liNk vALue aDditioNs?...
hOW maNy mORe triPs tO muTts anD miTtenS?...
hOW maNy mORe tiMEs i baTh mY doGs oR oRder thEir fOOD?...
hOW maNY mORE tiMEs i reCeivE mY pAy?...
tiL i sEe yoU agAIn?...tiL i hoLD yoU aGAIn?...
|| 1:40:00 AM
hold me joanne...
three words was all it took...
to reduce me to a weak-willed crybaby...
Friday, February 15, 2008 || 2:14:00 PM
Joey Mcintyre - Stay The Same
Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.When you learn to love yourself, you¹re better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,cuz there¹s nothin' 'bout you I would change.
I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.
Believe in yourself.
Reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.
You'll make it through.
bEcauSe yoU maKE mE feEl yoU loVE mE whOevEr i aM, wHereVer i gO, wHAtevEr i dO...
aLL thE fLAws thOSe beFore yoU foUnd iN mE, yoU gaVE fuLL aCCeptaNCe...
eXactlY thE waY i thOught loVe shOuld bE...anD i loVE yoU thE saME waY yoU dO loVE mE...flOWers oR nOT, gOOfy anD aLL...
Thursday, February 14, 2008 || 5:22:00 PM
wEnt tO reaD mY oLDer pOSts, aS eaRly aS apRil 2005...
mY mY, hoW mUCH haVE i grOwn uP?...i aM alMost emBarrAssed tO reAd mY enTrieS, mY coMmanD oF eNgliSh waS thaT baD?...aND thE amOunt oF 'yaHz, maNz, laHZ' iS hiLAriouS...
thEre aRE stuFf whICh i weRe sO paSSIonatelY anGry aBOut thaT i caNNot remeMber nOW reaDing thOSe enTries...buT thEre iS thaT giRL whO i reMembEr, eVEn thE strEets whEre soMe oF thOSe pOorlY expResSed thoUghts caMe froM...
maYbe i wiLL lOOk baCk iN anOther twO yeaRs anD laUgh aT thIS entrY...bUT iT'll bE gooD, iT woULd havE mEant i groW aGain...
oF coURse i dEvoUReD thE fiVE mOnthS woRth oF enTrieS iN yeLLowStone aS weLL...fRom thE tiME i spEll biSons aS biXons, thE tiME i hatE aLL amEricaNs, thE tiME i wiSH i waS liKE a nINeteEn yeaR oLD whO bElievE iN lOve...
i thINk i goT thEM aLL nOW...
|| 1:44:00 PM
813 不要散
iN thE sEconDary sChool, paGEr wAy...thE daTE wE goT toGetheR meaNs thaT...iN thOSe daYs, wE aLL pIOusly foLLow ruLes liKE thIS, dElightIng iN thE spEciaL daTes things haPPen...
lEt mE gO bacK tO thOse dayS foR awhIle...
14tH fEbrUary 2008
oUR fiRst vAlentine'S
1 daY aFter haLF a yeaR
haPPy vaLentiNE's tO mY goOfy bOYfriEnd whO foRgot tO wiSH mE haPPie vaLentiNE's iN hIS emaIL toDay...
anD iT jUSt croSsed mY miNd...8 yeARs agO oN thIS daY (baCK iN tHose paGer daYs), afTEr beIng toGether foR a liTTle oVer haLf a yeaR tOo, i wEnt oUt wiTh aN oNce-sO-iMPortanT persON foR thE laSt tiME...haPpy vaLEntine's daY tO yoU tOo...i hopE yoU coUld onE daY fiND thaT beTTer siDe oF youRselF aGAin, juSt liKE i diD...
anD hEre's a soNG thaT i oNce deDicateD tO thE peRson 8 yeArs agO anD sHE rebUtteD mE sAYing 'goD doNt liKE leSbiaNS yoU knOW'...
anD nO oNE elSe aFter hEr haVE haD mE evEn menTIoniNg thIS sonG...bUT heRe iT iS...
onLy foR hiM...
God Must Have Spend A Little More Time On You
Can this be true
Tell me can this be real
How can I put into words what i feel
My life was complete
I thought I was whole
Why do I feel like I'm losing control
Never thought that love could feel like this
And you changed my world with just one kiss
How can it be that right here with me
There's an angel
It's a miracle
Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent a little more time on you
In all of creation all things great and small
You are the one that surpasses them all
More precious than any diamond or pearl
They broke the mold when you came in this world
And I'm trying hard to figure out just how I ever did without
The warmth of your smile
The heart of a child
That's deep inside
Leaves me purified
Never thought that love could feel like this
And you changed my world with just one kiss
How can it be that right here with me
There's an angel
It's a miracle
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 || 4:29:00 PM
Gender: Masculine
Usage: Greek Mythology (Anglicized)
Pronounced: lee-AN-dur (English)
From the Greek Λεανδρος (Leandros) which means "lion of a man" from Greek λεων (leon) "lion" and ανδρος (andros) "of a man". In Greek legend Leander was the lover of Hero. Every night he swam across the Hellespont to meet her, but on one occasion he was drowned when a storm arose. When Hero saw his dead body she threw herself into the waters and perished.
Gender: Masculine
Usage: English
Pronounced: GREG-or-ee
From the Latin Gregorius, which was from the late Greek name Γρηγοριος (Gregorios), which was derived from γρηγορος (gregoros) meaning "watchful, alert". This was the name of several saints including three Fathers of the Church: Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus (3rd century), Saint Gregory of Nyssa, and Saint Gregory of Nazianzus (both 4th century). This was also the name of 16 popes, including Gregory I, who was known as Gregory the Great.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology
Other Scripts: Μαια (Ancient Greek)
Pronounced: MAY-a (English), MIE-a (English)
Meaning unknown. In Greek and Roman mythology she was the eldest of the Pleiades, the group of seven stars in the constellation Taurus, who were the daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Her son by Zeus was Hermes.
|| 2:09:00 PM
我 一个人徘徊在?我们的海
爱 距离也分不开?你送的贝壳还在呼唤
等一个人多麽孤单 我一分钟又一分钟在忍耐
握紧了手心里的爱 我勇敢了起来
当你回来的时候我一定要跟你说 别再走开
我 跟寂寞在比赛
等你带我 手牵手一起去看全世界最美的海
瓷 不可以掉下来 我学著向日葵抬起头
抱著我称赞我的勇敢 oh
就像是握住一点点答案 oh
那一天手心里的爱 我放不开
等一个人多麽孤单 我一分钟又一分钟在忍耐
握紧了手心里的爱 我勇敢了起来
hOW truE...
i feEl liKE muRderinG thOSe whO caNt kEEP thEIr trAPs shUT...
oNE shOuld kNOw bEtter tO kEEp thEir mOUthS shUT whEN thEIr braINs aRe thE siZe oF a grEen beaN...
|| 11:29:00 AM
==__+oOpsjo2+__==... . .froM nOw oN. .. i'LL oNly hoLD yoUR haND... .. . says:
you are getting good with your words
Greg says:
==__+oOpsjo2+__==... . .froM nOw oN. .. i'LL oNly hoLD yoUR haND... .. . says:
they make me smile all the time now
==__+oOpsjo2+__==... . .froM nOw oN. .. i'LL oNly hoLD yoUR haND... .. . says:
i should start getting worried
==__+oOpsjo2+__==... . .froM nOw oN. .. i'LL oNly hoLD yoUR haND... .. . says:
Greg says:
Greg says:
Greg says:
dont need to worry cause i have a strong will to live
Greg says:
Greg says:
you uld kick my ass if i did anything
Greg says:
i would let you too
Greg says:
cause if i did it would be the stupidest thing ive ever done
Greg says:
but it wont happen though
*aLL smIles*
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 || 2:03:00 PM

Monday, February 11, 2008 || 8:58:00 PM
mY chIneSe neW yeAr 2008