“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Monday, March 31, 2008 || 2:48:00 PM
i knOw iT's veRy vERy ruDe...
bUT thE lOok oN thE sAtay maN's faCe waS wortH a miLLioN doLlars...
uNcle: sAtay?
mY frEn: yaH
unCle: chICken?
mY freN: 10 chICken, 5 mUttOn, 5....
anD aFter shE apOlogiSe shE stiLl coUld manAGe tO caLL aND asK thE resT iF thEY eAt beEf...
Sunday, March 30, 2008 || 12:01:00 AM
mEEting neW pEOple anD kNowinG neW pEOple aLWays giVes mE soMEhting tO leaRN...
mY mINd aMAzes mE bY iTs learnIng, uuNlearning anD reLeaRning aBiliTy...
i oNly hopE thiS olD boDy oF mINE caN dO thE saMe...
|| 12:00:00 AM
thE boyS haD a comPetitioN today...
thE expErience oF sittiNg iN thE coAch's Seat wAS sO iNspirinG thaT i goT a suDDen urGE tO...
gO iNto fuLL tiME coaCHing oR teachIng...i aM afrAId i woULd bE diSillUsioned aGAin...
Friday, March 28, 2008 || 2:38:00 PM
evEn aT thE stAKe oF reCeiVing a pOOr aPPraISal anD lOW bOnus...
i wiLL nOt swaLLow aLL thEse iNjustice...
yoU doNt geT awAy wiTh aLL yoUR craP bY throwIng aN evEnt tO mY chArge twO dayS befoRe thE evEnt iS goIng tO takE placE...
bLoodY bItcH!!!!!...
Thursday, March 27, 2008 || 4:31:00 PM
anD suDdenly i feEl saD thaT i caNt bE slAckinG aT hOme wiTH mY twO siSters...
anD wiSh thAT i caN gO tO mY auNt's placE foR diNNer laTEr...
|| 4:30:00 PM
toIlet matE oF soMEtimeS...
iS thaT mE oR teYja?...
|| 3:59:00 PM
plEase doNt doUbt hIm jUSt becaUSe hE haS a coMpetitioN anD coUldnt makE iT herE thiS marcH...
maYbe nOt evEn nExt marCh...
yoU doNt evEn knOW whAt iS goIng oN...yoU arE nOT fiT tO jUdge...
|| 12:26:00 AM
i reaLised...
iT's alWays beTTer tO aSk...
'aRe yoU anGRy witH mE?'
iNSteaD oF
'whY arE yoU anGry wiTh mE?'
|| 12:09:00 AM
i feEl liKE i faIled yoU...
becAuse i oNly kNow tOO weLL hOW iT feEls...
tO waNt tO seE soMeone sO baD...
anD tO bE uNabLE tO...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 || 3:53:00 PM
'i feEl saFE witH yoU...i feEl likE i aM hOme'...
|| 2:53:00 PM
biG horN moUntaiNS
chErrY chEEk park
chUgwaTer WY
|| 2:39:00 PM
dId yoUR toNgue geT longer?
mOuth wiDer?
limBs shRunK?
aSs goT heaVier?
mayBe iT's thE braIn thaT dowNsized aS yoU geT mOre anD mORe mONey fRom thE orGAnizatioN...
anD thaT heaRt tOo, iT pRobabLy gOt diSSOlveD iN aLL thAT fiGureS yoU sEE iN yoUR remUneratiON packAge eaCh mOnth...
i musT reMember yoU anD whaT yoU aRe lIKe...sO i wiLL neVer bE lIKE yOU...oR ratHEr thE twO oF yoU...
Monday, March 24, 2008 || 12:05:00 PM
a wOman haS stRengthS thAt amAzes mEn...
shE caN haNDle troUbles anD caRRy heaVy burDens,
shE holDs haPPineSs, loVe anD oPiniONs,
shE smIles whEn shE feEls lIke screaMing,
shE siNgs whEn shE feEls lIke cRyinG,
criEs whEN shE iS haPPy,
laUghs whEn shE iS afRAid,
heR loVe iS uNconditionaL
thEre's oNly oNE thiNg wroNG wiTh her,
shE soMEtimeS forgeT whaT shE's worTh...
Saturday, March 22, 2008 || 11:43:00 PM

haS iT bEEn tWo yeaRS aLreadY?...
i aM takIng thE braCes oUt coMing tuesdaY...anD yeT i caN stiLl reMember thaT firsT daY i extraCt twO teEth anD pUt theM oN...
thE paIn, thE blOOd, thE feaR oF haVing duCk pOrridGE faLLing iNto thE 'holEs' anD getTing aN iNfectioN...
|| 11:42:00 PM

tO faLL iN loVe...
oNly tO loSe hiM forevEr afTer a chEckuP...
|| 11:39:00 PM

i thiNk...
wE caN
chOose tO livE iN
blacKs anD whites...
or in thE
|| 8:31:00 PM
Signs and Symptoms of Inner Peace
1)A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences
2)An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment
3)A loss of interest in judging other people
4)A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others
5)A loss of interest in conflict
6)A loss of the ability to worry
7)Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation
8)Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature
9)Frequent attacks of smiling
10)An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen
11)An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.
i cheCked aLL...hOW manY diD yoU chEck?...
alThough i admIt it's a litTle worRying thaT i chEck poInt 6...
|| 12:21:00 AM
thE snaIls i seE oN mY waY tO thE parK with mY boYS alWays enDed uP squAshed oN mY waY baCk...
i caNnot piNpoint whaT i feLt abOut thIS realIsatioN...
liFe iS shOrt?
liFe iS fuLL oF aCCidentS?
sNails dO whaT thEY mUSt evEn iF theY miGht diE?
iT's anOther iRRitaTing tiME whEN i caNNot liNk theSe ranDom thoUghts tOgether...
Friday, March 21, 2008 || 11:55:00 PM
mY goOd frIdaY waS pretTy goOd...

Thursday, March 20, 2008 || 5:23:00 PM
10.30 aT siMpang bedoK
oVEr roTi joHns anD miLo goDzilLas
thaT shRek evEn toOk chEese
onE woRd tO descRibe...
|| 5:15:00 PM
thE 'wOrld' iS coRRupteD...
wiLL i chANge thE 'woRld'?...
oR wiLL i siNk wiTh iT?...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 || 9:22:00 PM
mOose + alAska
bisOns + inTerstates
|| 7:39:00 PM
anD i aM afraiD i wiLL forgeT...
oR faiL tO remEmbeR...
hoW yoU lOOk lIke iF i diDnt haVE a pictUre tO lOok aT...
|| 6:15:00 PM
anGer iS nevEr wiThoUt reaSon,
bUt seLdom a goOd oNe ~bEnjamiN fraNklin
stARted oN thiS oLd tiME taIwaneSe draMA 爱上千金眉妹...
iT's thE samE riCh girL goT pOor, meT pOor bOY whO liKes hEr, meT anOther girL whO liKes pOor boY, haS heR riCh eX-boyfrieNd stiLl loviNg heR (if yoU caN calL thaT loVe) buT nOt wanTing tO acCept heR cuRrent staTe...
buT whAt struCk mE iS thAt thE priNceSs beLievEs iN beiNg nicE...evEn whEn sHE waS riCh...
anD whEn shE waS pOor, shE briNGs girLs whO weRe waNDerinG in parKs hOme, piCked uP aN abAndoned baBy anD gavE heR joB tO soMEone elsE...
sTupidity yoU thiNk?...
anD i thOught oF whaT i reaD soMewhere...soMetimeS yoU geT mORe thaN whAt yoU giVe....
but hOw raRe dO wE aLL dO thaT?...
foR exaMple...hOW maNy of yOu eVen sAy hI tO yoUR neiGhboURs?...hOW maNy of yoU woUld coNsider being a RC memBer?...
hEe, jUSt coMic relIef...
|| 6:15:00 PM
anGer iS nevEr wiThoUt reaSon,
bUt seLdom a goOd oNe ~bEnjamiN fraNklin
stARted oN thiS oLd tiME taIwaneSe draMA 爱上千金眉妹...
iT's thE samE riCh girL goT pOor, meT pOor bOY whO liKes hEr, meT anOther girL whO liKes pOor boY, haS heR riCh eX-boyfrieNd stiLl loviNg heR (if yoU caN calL thaT loVe) buT nOt wanTing tO acCept heR cuRrent staTe...
buT whAt struCk mE iS thAt thE priNceSs beLievEs iN beiNg nicE...evEn whEn sHE waS riCh...
anD whEn shE waS pOor, shE briNGs girLs whO weRe waNDerinG in parKs hOme, piCked uP aN abAndoned baBy anD gavE heR joB tO soMEone elsE...
sTupidity yoU thiNk?...
anD i thOught oF whaT i reaD soMewhere...soMetimeS yoU geT mORe thaN whAt yoU giVe....
but hOw raRe dO wE aLL dO thaT?...
foR exaMple...hOW maNy of yOu eVen sAy hI tO yoUR neiGhboURs?...hOW maNy of yoU woUld coNsider being a RC memBer?...
hEe, jUSt coMic relIef...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 || 5:30:00 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008 || 10:06:00 PM
whilE evEryonE iS oFf tO meEt theiR loVE beFore starTing woRk fuLly tomOrrow...
i aM leFt wiTh tHE aStoniShing viEw oF sEntosa fRom thE maLL...
wiSh yoU weRe heRe liKE iT shOuld havE beEn...
|| 10:05:00 PM
i hUg mYselF whEn i aM coLd anD tireD...
i teLl mySelf yoU'd liKE whaT i aM weaRing todaY whEn i thiNk i lOok adoRable...
Sunday, March 16, 2008 || 9:15:00 PM
beEn ktV-inG...
soME soNgs jUSt reMind yoU oF certaIn timEs...cerTain pEople
曹格 - 两只恋人
范玮琪 - 黑白配
Tata Young - I Think of You

周杰伦 - 不能说的秘密
戴爱玲 - 对的人

张惠妹 - 如果你也听说
孙燕姿 - 我怀念的
孙燕姿 - 同类

周杰伦 - 你听得到
周传雄- 男人海洋

周杰伦 - 珊瑚海
飞轮海 - 只对你有感觉
陶喆 - 今天你要嫁给我
张惠妹 - 我要快乐
曹格 - 背叛
李玖哲 - 想太多

周杰伦 - 以父子明
B.A.D - 我的错

蔡依林 - 倒带
蔡依林 - 说爱我
林俊杰 - 只对你说
|| 9:09:00 PM
i saw an
angel in the stone,
and craved to set it
free ~Michaelangelo
Life is an adventure You begin your journey not knowing
where it will take you
MM Lee in 'Lee Kuan Yew at 80'
|| 8:38:00 PM
tO bE miSsed meANs tHAt yoU mEan soMEthiNg tO thOSe whO miSs yoU...
anD iT's sO verY sweEt whEn i geT mEssages aSkinG iF i aM alRight whEn i diDnt blOg...wHEn mY oFficerS teLl mE thEy miSs mE iN thE oFFice...
tHankz pEeps...
Monday, March 03, 2008 || 7:57:00 PM
i hAte iT whEn i sEE
oNly tO fInd nO emaIL frOm hIm...anD juNk maiL iN thE mIDst oF iT tO teLL mE tHAt mSn iS clOsing doWN...
stoP senDing jUnk tO mY hotmaIL, iT doUbly piSs mE oFf becauSe thAt's whEre i geT loVE maILs...
geT iT?...lOve maIls...
maiLS thAT saY 'i lOVE yoUs' aLl thE tiME...mAIls froM thE oNE i loVe...maiLS froM thE oNE whO loVEs mE...whO loVEs onLy mE anD nO oNE elSe...nOt evEn liKE...
bAH, i feEl liKE kILliNG soMeonE nOW...aNYoNE...
aND i sO waNt tO puNch yoUr faCE...stIck aN iCe creaM coNE tO yoUR nOSe!!!...
|| 1:18:00 PM
hOW dO yoU deaL wiTh huMiliAtioN?...deLAyed oNE aT thAT...
|| 1:18:00 PM
hOW dO yoU kNow iF yoU arE cryIng bEcauSe oF whaT haPPeneD iN thE shOW yoU arE waTChinG?
oR whaT's haPPeninG tO yOu?
Sunday, March 02, 2008 || 10:06:00 AM
yoU can'T reaLly loVE soMeone whO trEated yoU aS a sUB nOW caN yOu?