“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008 || 12:28:00 AM
seNd deAresT hIs a paRceL toDay...
suRpriSed aT hOW mUCh jOy iT gaVE ME...
aND thEn IT iS shoPpiNg wiTh deaRest huImin toDay...
wE weRe iN a cRazy mOod toDay...
a sPEndthRift mOod...
30 ovEr aLtoGetHer oN 5 haiR aCcesoRRies...
iT muSt haVE bEEn bRitneY's fiRst aLbum plAyinG iN thE baCkgroUnd...
wE wEnt bAck tO beIng
giGGle-lY SACians...
thIS iS whaT i boUght toDay...

pLus laST tuEsdaY...

i waS
THAT haPpy tO fiNd thE 'paSAr maLAm' tEes thAt i bOught twO SETS...
thOugh nOw i oNly oWn onE sEt...
siMple stuFf...bUt i aM maDe haPpy...haPpier tO reaLise iT...
Sunday, April 27, 2008 || 11:45:00 AM
hEre'S oNe oF mY othEr faVourite oN mY plaYlisT nOW...
Colbie Caillat - Bubbly
I've been awake for a while now
you've got me feelin like a child now
cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tinglies in a silly place
It starts in my toes
and I crinkle my nose
where ever it goes I always know
that you make me smile
please stay for a while now
just take your time
where ever you go
The rain is fallin on my window pane
but we are hidin in a safer place
under covers stayin dry *(safe) and warm
you give me feelins that I adore
It starts in my toes
make me crinkle my nose
where ever it goes
i always know
that you make me smile
please stay for a while now
just take your time
where ever you go
What am I gonna say
when you make me feel this way
I just........mmmmmm
It starts in my toes
make me crinkle my nose
where ever it goes
i always know
that you make me smile
please stay for a while now
just take your time
where ever you go
I've been asleep for a while now
You tucked me in just like a child now
Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
It starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feelin shows
Cause you make me smile
Baby just take your time now
Holdin me tight
Where ever, where ever, where ever you go
Where ever, where ever, where ever you go
Where ever you go, I'll always know
Cause you make me smile here, just for a while
tHe laSt paRa iS jUSt hMmMMmm.....
Friday, April 25, 2008 || 1:31:00 PM
eiFfel toWer iN pAris
saKura iN jApan
gReat waLL oF chIna
leaNing toWer oF pIsa
pyRamiDs iN eYgPt
mArdi grAS caRnivaL iN USA iN jAnuary
sEattlE rYthM feStivaL iN USA iN feBruary
hOli iN iNdia iN maRch
soNgkraN festiVal iN thAiland iN aPril
flOres dE maYo iN pHilLipPinEs iN maY
fiesTa dE San Juan Bautista iN VenezueLa iN juNE
sAn feRmiN iN spAin iN juLy
lA tOmatiNa iN sPain iN auGust
shEepdoG triaLs iN mElbournE iN sepTember
aNdonG maSk danCe fesTivaL iN soUth koRea iN oCtober
gReat canAdiaN beEr festivaL iN canAda iN nOvember
wOOdfOrd foLk festiVal iN auStralia iN deCember
wE coUld viSit aLL sevEn nAturaL wOnders oF thE woRld aT oTher tiMEs...
chRistmas, eAsters, thanKsgivinG aNd finaLLy i geT tO dO haLLoweEn...
aFRica, mAldiVes, haWaII, tiBet, vErnice, nEpal...
i waNt tO seE thE woRld hOldiNg yoUr hanD...
Thursday, April 24, 2008 || 4:43:00 PM
i caN bE veRy niCe...
tHEre aRe sO many insTanceS thAt i waNt tO jUSt paMper yoU
anD maKE suRe yoU weRent lIKe mE whEN i waS 18...
bUt dont threaTen mE...
i rePEat...dont threaTen mE...becaUSe i aM nOt afrAid oF anYthiNg...
i caN waLk thEm mYSelF...
i caN paY foR aLl thEir stuFf...
i caN grOom thEm bY mYselF...
i caN pUt bOTh oF tHem tO slEEp wHEn i leaVE...
aSk yoUrseLF whEn iS thE laSt tiMe yoU cleaN theiR eaRs, cut thEir naiLs, triM thE fuR beTweeN theiR paW paDs oR baTh thEM?...
hOW maNy oF thE sTuff yoU aRe doIng nOW yoU dO witHouT anYone aSKing yoU tO?...
a doG iS sO muCh mOre thaN juSt 'sIt.dOWn.liE.rOll.dIE' anD 'paWpaW'...
i aM sO siCk oF 'beGging' pEople tO coME waLK tHe dOgs wiTH mE...
|| 4:13:00 PM
thE fuNny stuFF weDded cOuples saY tO eaCh otHEr whEN theY geT hOMe...
siLLy coNversatiOns abOut thE wiFe usIng oNly thE hUsbanD's suBcard tO coLlect pOints foR hiM bUt thEN toLD thE baNk thaT hE dont mInd having thE rebaTE aDdreSsed tO heR witHout teLLinG hiM...
evEn siLlier stuFf lIke aSking foR mOre groCery monEY becaUSe oF riCe haS risEn, thEn usIng hIS suB carD aGain tO paY foR groCeries aT NTUC...
laSt bUt noT leaSt, askIng foR aLlowanCe anD thEn saY : 'thE caR's pEtroL cosTs evEn moRe'...
thIngs thaT i thINk maKe aN extrEmelY niCe husbaND laUgh aT hiS wiFe's siLLineSs...thIngs thaT maKE hiM eXasperated wiTh thE conVenIence thaT livIng toGether haS giveN hEr...thIngs thaT amUses hIm beCauSe hE knoWs, thaT shE iS saVing foR theiR raIny daY...
hoW sWeet...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 || 1:31:00 PM
tO holD oN tO a bOX oF leTters fROm thE maN whO leFt aT waR...
jUSt hOW bEautiFully saD iS thAt?...
Monday, April 21, 2008 || 1:00:00 PM
i diDnt cRy waTChing 'bEfore suNrisE'...
i teLl mYselF i aM tireD...
tiRed oF peoPle whO thInk i shOuld bE aLL-sO-thankfuL abOut theM saCrifiCing thEir tiME tO kEep thE pOOr girL coMpanY oN heR oFf daYs...
Sunday, April 20, 2008 || 5:04:00 PM
" there was a time when, like Kate, I'd wanted to be a ballerina. But since then I've gone through a thousand different stages: I wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to be a paleontologist. I wanted to be a backup singer for Aretha Franklin, a member of the Cabinet, a Yellowstone National Park Ranger. ............."
-Jodi Picoult
finAlly...nOt jusT iDaho, nOR mOntanA, nOR anYthIng remotely liNked...
finaLLy soME authOR kNows abOut thE parK my heaRt meT thE onE iT iS beatiNg toGether wiTh...
|| 3:18:00 PM
oOh, thEre iS a neW slUrpEe flAvour i heAr...piNeaPple i tHink...
i sAT aT a coFfeEshOp yesTerdaY anD saW thIS roW oF diSpensers wiTh sO manY coLoureD dRInks anD wONdered whO oN eaRth driNks blUE blUEberRY driNk oR piNK pinK-guaVa driNK?...
i wiNCed aT tHE eFFortS...
bUt mY coLleagUes reMindeD mE oF thE tiMEs i chOse mY slUrpeE beCauSe iT iS bLue,oR pInk, oR grEEn sO thaT mY toNgue aND lIps lOok thAt coLour...withOut eVen botHErinG tO reaD whaT flaVour thAt waS...
|| 3:08:00 PM
hoW dO yoU prOnnOuncE thE woRd 'sTunnEd'?...
iS it stuNned wiTh a oMph aT thE laSt 'd'?...
i likE tO dO iT 'stuNn-ed' whEN i aM fEEliNg gooFy lIke nOW...
Saturday, April 19, 2008 || 4:20:00 PM
siTtiNg cRosS leGged = haVing yoUR lEgs preTzelEd...
neVEr thOugh oF desCribing It liKE thaT...
|| 4:11:00 PM
'iN thE enD, yoU arE stiLL sPendiNg thE daY wiTh thEM'...
i toLD hEr iN aN acCussIng toNE...
aLbeit aCcuSsing hEr OF whaT, i dO nOT kNow...
i oNly kNow i aM goIng tO gO hOme tO aN emPty hOuse anD spEnd mY oFf daY alOne...
thE pOOr giRl who's iN a lONd diStance relAtionshIp...Let's aSk hEr oUt wHEn
i brOke uP,
mY giRlfriEnd's goNe tO hOngkoNg for a mOntH,
i doNt haVE a nEw loVe iNteresT,
aND thEn eVErythIng goEs baCk tO nORmaL...
thE patCh-uPs,
nEw lOVE iNteresTs,
giRlfriEnd's baCk,
anD my bOyfriEnd iS swEet...
thE bOok i aM reaDing nOW teLls mE tO coUnt mY bleSSingS thaT i doNt hAve aCute pRomyElocYtiC leUkemIa, oR haVe a dAughTEr oR siBlinG haVing APL...
bUt doNt pEOple coME tO yOu iN flOCks whEN evEyrthiNG's youR laSt wiSH?...
thEN aGaIn, thErE iS aLWays thE boYfriEnd, lOve iNtereSt tO coNsider...
Friday, April 18, 2008 || 4:46:00 PM
i heaRd thiS groUp oF stuDents doIng thE gEko froG caMp soNg aT espLanade jUSt nOW...
tHE oNE thAt goEs:
' gAko gaKo gA....
pIong aH piOng aH piONg
gEko geKo gE...
piOng aH pIonG aH piOng
gaKo pioNg
geKo piOng
gaKE geKo pIoNg.'
my fiRst caMp, thE firSt tiMe i reCeive a prEsent frOm a boY...
thE inNocence oF a uGly pRimarY 5 giRl...
tHEn i wEnt tO beDok iNterchanGe tO aVoid crosSing thE oVErheaD bRidge iN fRont oF mY offICe...
thEy paInteD Princess a hiDeous maRoonisH reD, anD thE pilLarS oF thE bUS InterchanGE remaIns aT thIS famIliar maNgoisH yeLLow...
deJa vU?...
aT thE boOth i aM aT, thEre waS 854...
thE bUS serVice thaT goEs tO sO manY peoPle's hoMe baCk thEN...
bLosSomeD, maTureD, diEd anD soMe jUSt nevEr chanGed...
thE nAivEty oF a 16 yeAr oLD whO thOught shE kNew evErytHinG aBout evErythIng...
|| 4:23:00 PM
hE sEems fuRther aWay nOW thaT hE iS oN hIs waY tO sAlt laKE...
anD i miSs hIm mUCh mOre...
sO wiTh reComMendatiOn, i boUght 'beFore sUnrise' jusT nOW whEn i paSsed HMV...theY rAn oUT oF 'bEforE suNSet'... =p
anD i waNt tO crY mySelf siLLy wAtchiNG iT...
becAUse i miSs hIm
|| 4:19:00 PM
i knOW hOW iT iS lIke...
wEak wiReleSs, craNky wiREleSs, siGnal-leSs laPtoPs
anD loNg quEues behInd yoU aT loBby cOm...
aDd a verY coNsideratE & hOnesT (reaD: DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SWEET TALK) boYfrieND anD hIS haNDs fuLl frOm praCtisinG foR hIS coMpetition tO thE abOve meNtioned...
anD thE formUla equAls a verY vEry shORt emaIL aFter thRee daYs...
i aM sO grEedy i kNow...
Thursday, April 17, 2008 || 3:09:00 PM
aND thEy weNT ahEad tO paInt thE waLLs oF thE swiMminG coMpleX iN aBSurd coLours...
coLours thaT dO nOt briGhten yoUr day nOR briNg baCk foNd mEmoriEs OF yoU aS a kID...
iN sHades oF maRronisH reD, oliVisH grEen, maNgoisH yeLlow, aND thE blUe...iT's thE oNly reDeeMing coLour thEre...
whY caN't gOod thiNgs staY thE samE?...
iN aN aTtempt tO coNtinuOuslY iMproVe, wE sOmetiMEs makE iT wOrSe...
dOes anYonE kNow thAT?...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 || 2:11:00 PM
dO yoU knoW thaT?
1) thE fasteSt a slOth caN gO iS 0.1499mPh
2) sOlitaRy pIgeoNS dO nOt laY eGgs
3) penguins buRn twICe aS muCh enERgy whEn thEy waLK iN coMparisOn tO othEr animals
4) koALas dO nOt driNk
5) liOns maTinG lasTs 6 seConds aT aN iNtervaL oF 15miNs foR a weeK evEry twO yeaRs
6) biRds whO liVe oN clIffs haVE pOinty eGgs
7) sTarfisH doNt have braIns
8) tiGer beetLe iS thE fasTest crEature, iT travEls 171 timEs iTs boDy lenGth iN a sEc
9) liTtle joEys grOW 60 000 tiMes fRom birTh tO beCome aN aduLt kaNGeroO
10)woLves hOWls dO nOt eCho
11)oCtopus liVE loNger wIthouT theiR reProductiVe oRganS
12)coWs kiLL 100 tiMes mOre pEOple iN a daY thaN sHarks dO
|| 2:09:00 PM
iT waS a goOd daY...
hanGing oUt witH mY beST giRl paL...
aNd wE camE uP witH thIs...
goOd lOoKing guYS shOuld oNly bE moDels, oR acTors...
thEy eiTher dO nOt spEak, oR thEy spEak wiTh a giVen scRipt...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 || 10:38:00 AM

The siNgapore fLyer...
bEcausE i doNt haVE thE fuLl seT oF fuNny piCtureS wE toOk whiLE ruNinIng whATever roMAntiC feEL thEre wAs iN thE caPsuLE, i aM pOStinG sEeminGly roMAntICalLy mElanchoLy pictUres...
bUt actuAlly, thE thrEE siSterS weRe craZY iN thEre...aS wE aLwAys aRE toGEther...
Monday, April 14, 2008 || 9:44:00 AM
anD whiLe carRyinG mY blaDes...
haVing tOo smaLL a pOuch foR keYs, ciGs, ceLl phonE, clEanex, mP3 anD eZ-linK...
wiTh twO bOOks i neEd tO reTUrn...
aLL thE traSH caNS witH theiR liTTle holEs aT boTh sIDes lOOked liKed a bOOkdroP tO mE...
fiRst preSsing thE beLL aT thE inTerchanGE, neXt traSh canS aS bOOkdRop?...
whAT's wroNg wiTh mE?...
Sunday, April 13, 2008 || 12:15:00 PM
'Long after Connor left, Quinn couldnt sleep because his bed smelled of Ari.
He couldnt relax over a beer because Ari had rearranged his ktichen.
And he couldnt figure out how to turn on ESPN because the cable comapny had changed stations while he'd been gone. Instead of the box being programmed to show the sports channel when he first turned it on, Ari had left the television on the History Channel.
Nothing was the same. Everything in his once private domain reminded him of Ari, and when he closed his eyes, she was even in his dreams.
The only place Ari wasnt, was in Quinn's life........'
Carly Philips, Under the Broadwalk
wAS iT liKE thAt whEn i lEft yoUr rOOm?...
diD i lEave mY favOurite mOvie iN yoUR xbOx?...
dId yoU fiNd thE pOStcarDs i lEft beHind aND imAGine mE wriTing thEM oN yoUR bEd?...
diD yoUr shEEts smEll oF mE?...
dId yoU fiND a soCk oR hAIr tiE i foRgot tO takE?...
oR thE canS oF F&N oranGe i lEft in yoUR FreeZer?...
anD foR mE, nOthiNG wAs thE saME aNYmoRE siNCe i goT baCK...hoME waSnt reaLLy hoME beCausE mY heaRt wAS witH yoU...
thROugH sKiiNg tO snOWloDge aT 6aM...
whIle yoU clImb uP thE hILLs anD snOWboaRd dOWn...
whEN yoU saT thrOugh suRvivoR's paRty, beamIng aT heaRing 'pUmp iT'...
thROugh thE neRVousneSs anD exCitemenT oF thE coMpetiTIon nexT weEk...
whiLE yoUR pORK roUlaDE feLL aPARt laSt weEk...
whEN yoU dO chOcolate sWirls aT thE baSe oF thE plaTe foR yoUR desSert, pERfectiNg iT...
anD thE oNly plaCe Greg wASn't, wAS beSide joAnne...
yoU aRe eVErywhEre elSe...
Friday, April 11, 2008 || 11:39:00 AM
sO wE pReSs thE beLL whEN wE waNNa aliGht...
tHat's oNly noRmal riGht?...
whAT haPPens whEN i hAVe urgEs, sO baD i havE tO hoLD mY hanDs, tO preSS thE beLL whEN thE buS iS aPProacHing thE iNTerchaNge whEre thE bUS woULd deFinatelY stoP?...
|| 11:00:00 AM
卢巧音 - 我好想他
他胡子 曾扎着我自
刺痒的感觉 慢慢漫进心中音
没忘过 我没忘过
网 黑暗中 我掐痛我
他的手像他的手 深深抱过
我心的一半 不能再和谁交换
黑暗中 我掐痛我
他的手像他的手 深深抱过
我心的一半 不能再和谁交换 只为他存在
Thursday, April 10, 2008 || 10:41:00 AM
mAKinG thE deSSert coURse foR yoUr oWn wedDIng...
hoW doEs thaT soUNd tO yoU?...
|| 10:39:00 AM
coLouRfuL enVelopEs, nICely desIGned tiCkets aND aN iMpenDing trAIninG aT HQ maKEs mY daY...
makE thaT, aNY evEnt tHAt geTs mE oUTta thE ofFIce foR aNy pERiod oF tiME...
Monday, April 07, 2008 || 11:33:00 AM
iT's beEn loNg i guEss...
siNCe thE lasT tiME i lOOk iNto yoUR eyEs...
thE haIR-tyE i stOle fRom yoUR pacK iS geTTIng tOo lOOSe tO keEP mY haIr uP aS i rUn...
thAt's hoW lONg...
a raTher smALl thiNg tO notiCe anD bE saD aBout buT oH weLL...
|| 11:30:00 AM
好想他 好想他 亲爱的你知道吗
心里话别藏了 爱的音符听到吗
不说话的出声 振住冷话
沙啦啦小雨打 你愿意吗 我问她
粉红色的樱花 栽种楼下
老了旦的牙刷 分外疲乏
沙啦啦小雨打 你在哪儿啊 好想他
好想他 好想他 好想听他说说话
一个人无宣假 好想抱他 我的他
好想他好想他 好想跟他说说话
准备了好久啊 亲口说这句话
给你这一生 能依靠的肩膀
橱窗里飘雪花 空气冷吗
你下巴往下压 是拒绝吗
沙啦啦小雨打 伤了你吗 我问他
眉儿弯泪汪汪 可爱模样
北星冷照情郎 远在他乡
一天天一夜夜 走向流沙 好想他
好想他好想他 好想听他说说话
吻吻他的头发 好想吻他 我的他
好想他好想他 好想跟他说说话
准备了好久啊 亲口说这句话
好想他好想他 好想听他说说话
吻吻他的头发 好想吻他 我的他
好想他好想他 一起为精彩成长
只想用心唱首情歌 告诉他
|| 9:37:00 AM
iF yOu caNNot piCk uP yoUR owN liTTer aT a reservoIR...
hOW dO yoU wanT yoUR kIDs tO keEp youR hoME cleAn?...
iRrespoNsible pArents wiLL onlY resuLT iN brATs...
Friday, April 04, 2008 || 2:06:00 PM
anD i thInk soME guYs caN soUnd quiTe niCe whEn thEy aRE doIng thE 'foRmal talK'...
thE noN-craPPy, nO-noNsenSe voICe theY reseRved foR anSwerinG buSineSs caLLs...
|| 1:49:00 PM
iT's fuNny hoW i geT weiRd iNtuitiOns liKE thIS...
i caN feEL yoU feEling guIlty...
liKE yoU fElt baD foR nOt repLying beCause yoU aRe nOT suRe whAt yOu haVE oN laTEr,
lIkE yoU felT bAd foR goIng hOMe fiRst beCausE yOu coNfirmEd yoUr aPPointmeNt,
lIKe yoU feLt baD foR nOt teLLing mE aLL thaT tiL i caLLed yoU...
buT i aM oKi, reaLLy...
|| 1:45:00 PM
'I always smile when i type Good Morning Sunshine'
anD i oWaez smIle whEN i tyPe 'deaRest anGel'...
Thursday, April 03, 2008 || 9:23:00 PM
mY nUmber iS 182401 mY deaRest toIlet maTE...
anD nOW yoU'vE goT mE aLL anXious abOut goIng hoME tO seaRch foR hIs nuMber becauSe i caNt reCall iT aT aLL nOW evEn thOugh i uSed tO keY iN hIs nuMber foR hIM evEry mORninG baCK thEN...
tO mE, IT's soMEthiNg i shOuldnt havE foRgot...
|| 6:55:00 PM
oNce biTten twiCe shY...
twiCe biTten?...
i thOught wE coUld bE aT leasT fRiends...maYbe goSSiping wiTh thE boSS iS mOre iMportaNt iN youR oPinioN...anD thEn soMEone aSK whY i aM beTTer wiTh thE guYS iN tHe oFfice...
mayBe beCause i doNt shAre yoUr priDe iN guCCi, coAch, oR whaTEver braNd oF baGS....
maYBE bEcauSe i dOnt belIeve nUTurinG pEOple wiTH shORt liMbs, bOss OR nOt...
bEcauSe i aBsolutelY doNt beLieve iN pUShiNg yoUR woRk tO yoUr sUBordinaTE anD thEn suBmittiNg iT tO yoUR superioR aS yoUR owN woRk...
|| 1:45:00 PM
|| 2:26:00 AM
i aM haPPy foR yoU...
tO receiVe thE lettEr yoU'd bEen waiTing foR...
tO reCeive thE facT thAT hE's stiLL breaThing...
tO knOW thaT yOu arE spEciaL eNough foR hIm tO spEnd thaT tiME hE toOk tO wrIte...
anD tO reaLise thaT yoU weRe oN hIS mIND foR thaT peRiod oF tiME hE waS wRitinG...
|| 2:25:00 AM
soMEtimeS yoU lEarn froM oLD friEnds tOo...
froM walKing thE doGS toGEther,
froM talKing,
froM letTing hiM feEl yoU helPed hIm...
whEn hE actUallY helPed yoU kNow yoURselF mORe...
Wednesday, April 02, 2008 || 5:18:00 PM
换换爱 梦时代 摩天轮 高雄 台南
aT leAst nOt iN sIngaporE...
aT leaSt i waS stiLL oN mY yEllowStone aDventure...
aT lEast i haD felT cloSer tO yoU...
|| 1:06:00 AM
thE littLEst oNE weNt tO thaIland thIS mORning tO waSH elEphanTs anD plaY wiTh theM aLL daY...
i wiSh i aM thE oNE boArding a plaNE...
bUt i alSO wiSH shE haS thE tiME oF hEr liFe theRe...jusT likE i diD...