“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Saturday, May 31, 2008 || 11:34:00 AM
iT waS craZy...
thRee daYS wiTh mY coHort mAtes....
maDe mE reaCh a decIsion....

thE esSSentialS...

jAw baNdage...

wiTh ouR paRtneRS...

tHat's a 'hI fiVe'...

thIs iS a 'mOhd aLi'...


aRm slIng...

eLevaTEd aRm sLing...

oUR traiNEr...

hEad baNdage...
mY traiNEr iS a sUrviVor oF canCer...thRoat canCer...beFore i kNEw, i maDe fuN oF hOW hE saiD thE woRd 'caSualty' anD i caNt bE mORe soRRy wHEn i reAlised...hE taUght mE a greAt deAL...
Friday, May 30, 2008 || 1:47:00 PM
iT's beEn a wEEk oF niCholaS spArks...
nOt suRE whaT goT iNtO mE whEN i lOAned foUR oF hIS boOks aT a gO laSt tueSday...
bUt iN a weiRd waY iT saTisfy mE mORe thaN reaDing foUr bOoks frOm foUr dIFferent auTHors whICh i usUAlly diD...
whEn i aM doNe witH oNe bOok, i quIckly gO tO thE oTher aS iF theY weRe coNtinuAtions...
anD aS i noTice hOW spArks often aSk 'hOw faR wouLD yoU gO foR loVE?', hoW hE thiNks giRls dont dO coRks veRy weLL, hOW hE usEd thE naME 'moLLy' oN tWo doGs iN twO bOoks (mAybe hE haD a mOlly) anD hOW hE oFteN usEs sepaRation tHru coMa, deaThs, canCer (likE koRean dramAS)...
bUt iN thE foUR bOoks, onLy onE haD thE malE fiGure dYing hERoicAlly iN aN aCcident whIle tryIng tO saVE hIS sOn...thE oTher threE haS thE malE fIgurEs suFferinG beCause gaBby waS iN a coMa, jaMie diEd oF lEukemiA, anD sAvannaH giVing uP...
iT's nOt aLWays thE giRls i waNNA teLL hIm...
aS luCk haS iT, i reaD 'Dear John' laSt...sCratcH thaT, i lEft iT tO thE laSt bEcauSe i wiSh iT woUld maKE mE crY aT fiRst thEN sMile...whEn i goT tO thE enD, i felt betrayEd, cHeated anD aNgry...i thOught theY wOuld suRvive beCausE oF thE enTry iN yogA's blOg...i thOught iT woUld bE a haPpy enDing...bUt nO...thEre waSnt aNything tO sMile aBout...
foR nOW, i aM waIting foR a 'Dear Joanne' lEtteR...
|| 1:33:00 PM
hEard thiS whEn hUimIn's sEndinG mE baCk oN heR biRthdaY...
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
What I want, what I need
And everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I've had to live without
Drew talks to me
I laugh, 'cause it's so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone
When he's with me
He says he's so in love
He's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
He's all I think about at night
He's the reason for
The teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing
On a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
Drew walks by me
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She better hold him tight
Give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes
And know she's lucky
'Cause he's the reason for
The teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing
On a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
So I'll drive home alone
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down
And maybe get some sleep tonight
'Cause he's the reason for
The teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me
To break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
He's the time taken up
But there's never enough
And he's all the I need to fall into
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
tEardroPs oN mY guITar - taYlor sWift
Monday, May 26, 2008 || 6:07:00 PM
"I'll Still Love You More"
Ask me how much you mean to me
And I wouldn't even know where to start
Ask if this love runs deep in me
And you won't find a deeper love in any heart
You could say you couldn't live one day without me
You could say all of your thoughts are about me
You could think no other love could be as strong
But you'd be wrong
You'd be wrong
If you say that you love me
More than anybody
Than anyone's ever been loved before
As much as you love me
Baby, I'll still love you
Baby, I'll still love you more
I'll still love you more
Ask me just what I'd do for you
And I'll tell you I would do anything
Ask if this heart beats true for you
And I'll show you a truer heart could never be
You could say there's not a star that you won't bring me
You could say there'll be no day that you won't need me
You could think no other love could last as long
But you'd be wrong
You'd be wrong
If you say that you love me
More than anybody
Than anyone's ever been loved before
As much as you love me
Baby, I'll still love you
Baby, I'll still love you more
I'll still love you more
And for every kiss
I'll kiss you back a hundred times
And for everything you do
I'll just do more
And for all the love you give
I'll give you so much back you'll see
Got so much love for you inside
If you say that you love me
More than anybody
Than anyone's ever been loved before
As much as you love me
Baby, I'll still love you
Baby, I'll still love you more
I'll still love you more
If you say that you love me
More than anybody
Than anyone's ever been loved before
No matter how much you love me
Baby, I'll still love you
Baby, I'll still love you more, yeah
I'll still love you more...
iT waS a siMplE game beTWeeN uS...
evErytiME yoU saiD 'i loVe yoU'
i wouLD repLy 'i loVE yoU mOre'...
anD noW i'vE foUnd thiS soNg whICh remInds mE oF uS...
|| 4:09:00 PM
loVE anD pAtienCe gO toGether,
theY aRe a cIrcle,
anD theY leaD tO eaCH oTher...
i sEe a smAll retuRn foR mY paTience...
anD i aM hanGing oN...
thankS juDith...foR fiNding hiM anD teLLing hIm i miSs hiM foR mE...
Saturday, May 24, 2008 || 2:40:00 PM
anD i woNder whO reAds my blOg nOW...
i knOW a feW regUlars...
liKe thE thiNker toIlet maTe,
thE guY whO liKes thE blaCks,
thE gOOdest siSter,
anD thE litTlest spOilt onE...
i kNOw soME othEr noT-sO-reGulaRs...
thE noN-peT-loVer,
thE iNsurance ageNt,
the beSt friEnd,
anD mAYbe thE cOllegE claSsmate...
whAt dO theY thInk whEn thEy aRe reAdinG?...
soMEtimeS iT resTricts mY enTries bEcauSe i knOw theY aRe reaDing...
soMetimeS i woNder iF thEy woUld laUgh aT mY thOughts,
oR thInk thaT i havE groWn uP (preFerreD tO stiLl aS siLLy)...
whaTevEr iT iS, thaNks for reaDing...
|| 11:31:00 AM
iT's 9.30 pM oN thE 23rD oF maY aT thE laKE nOW...
wiTh loTs oF snOw oN thE groUnds thaT iT's iMpoSsible tO hiKE...
i rEmemBered thaT theRe weRent mUCh snOw thIs tiME laSt yeaR...
Friday, May 23, 2008 || 4:38:00 PM
November 22 - December 20
It is important for you to not over-analyze every little detail of your situation at this time, dear Sagittarius, especially when it comes to issues regarding love and romance. It could be that you are jumping to ridiculous conclusions based on purely circumstantial evidence. Don't lose sleep over things that you don't even know to be true. Release your stranglehold on certain issues, and concentrate on simply rebuilding your own self-confidence.
i shOuld stoP thinkinG...
|| 3:57:00 PM
boSS: aLL meN aRe bRothers
mE: i pRefer anImals
boSs: tO loVe tHe loVAble iS oNE thing, bUt tO loVe thE un-lOvable iS a steP hiGher
i haVE nOt got oVer stEp's enTry yEt aND nOw thiS...
fRom soMEonE i nEver eXpecteD iT frOm...hE aDmits hImselF iN thE caTegorY oF thE 'uN-loVaBles', anD mAde iT sEEm eaSier tO haVe a nICer oPiniOn oF hUmans...
anD tO loVe hIm oNly whEn hE seNds mE freQuent emAIls suDdenly sEEms wrOng tOo...liKE lOve oNly iN gOOd tiMEs...whEN iT's eaSY anD conveniEnt...
|| 3:23:00 PM
tO bE chEered uP bY a GRL,
nOw tHat's a firSt...
i gueSs i shOuld coUnt mY bleSSings,
i goT hIS emaIl todaY,
aFter 8dayS thiS tiME,
anD hE sAId hE feEl liKE hE loVe mE evEN mORe nOW...
bUt i dont feEL thAt waY,
wiTh inCreasing nO oF dayS hE takEs tO replY...
i muSt bE tOo grEEdy...
|| 3:12:00 PM
whY doeS thE breaD alWays faLL thE bUTTer siDe doWn?
thiNgs dont hapPen...
thEY coME iN waVes aFter waVEs...
i aM tiRed...
i jUSt waNt tO ruN iNto a paIr oF aRMs anD crY...
Thursday, May 22, 2008 || 1:55:00 PM
oNe yEar ago, aT thiS timE...
i wAS siPping stArbuCks aT taIpei aiRport aFter mEEting foUR oTher sIngaporeans goIng to yEllowsTone tOo...
thE staRT oF thE moSt aDventuroUS thiNg i evEr diD sO faR...
|| 1:49:00 PM
hoW caN shE bE weArinG hiS 'leATher jaCket' anD nOT hIS roBe?
hOw caN shE sLeep aRound wiTh hIS baNd mAte?
hOW cAn dAniel bE thE slEazY lOokiNg guY whO woRks foR hEr mUm?
hOW caN denISe anD shAroN lOok sO wroNg?
hOW caN thEy gEt suCh a taCky siLver oUtfit anD caLL iT thE oNe thE diSco diVA neEd?
anD whaT's wiTh thaT thIngy about thEir fiRst mEeting iN iRelanD, hEr lOVE foR shOEs, hEr cranKy mUm anD thaT ruNawAy dAd?...
diD thE diRectoR evEnr eaD thE bOok?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 || 2:32:00 PM
thRee laTe nIghts...
chIllIng, siNginG, thEn chIlling...
i aM awaRe oF thE faCt thAT i aM tryIng tO esCape, froM whaT i don't kNow...
bUt iT sEems i aM nOt suCcesSfuL aT aLL...
sO maNy tHinGs i dO, tO fiLl mY daYS, anD preFerabLy mY heaD tOo...
soMetimeS i woNDer iF i jUSt siT stiLL, woUld anYoNe nOtice i aM theRE?...
|| 1:36:00 PM
iS whaT yoU thinK oF yoUR friEnds reFLectiVe oF thE pErsoN yoU aRE?...
i beLievE iN tHAt...iF yOu feEl thaT yoUR friEnds woulD oNE daY bE tOo buSy wiTh thEir loVe-oF-theIr-liFe tO sPend tiME witH yOu...maYbe thaT's whaT yoU haVE bEen doIng suBconCiouslY...
anD thE quEstion i finaLLy puT foRth laST nIght wiTh twO oF mY beSt giRlies oF a diFferent 'genRe' anD timE iN mY liFe...
'whY dO mY besT giRlies alWays fiND thEmselvEs thE fuSSiest, mOSt anTi-soCial, mCp anD eGo gUy tO bE thEir bOyfriEnd?'...
i Could nevEr fatHom thaT...mY giRlies aRE pRettY mUCh liKE mE...thEy paRty raRely bUt maDly whEN theY dO geT thEre...thEy aRE gamE foR anythiNg nEw anD theY mOStly thiNk maJong iS weLL enTertainIng bUt nOt neCessaRy...
thEn shAh enliGhtenEd mE...sHE saYS preCisely beCAuse mY giRlfriEnds aRe sO iNDepenDEnt anD stroNg-wiLLed, thEy soAked uP thE feEl oF beiNg doMinateD aND coNtrollEd...anD thEY loVE haVing soMEone maKE deCisions foR theM...
i thInk iT's a giRL thIng, tO waNt tO feEl depEndent...tO kNow thaT thEY doNt haVe tO takE on thE woRLd iF thEY doNt waNt tO...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 || 3:00:00 PM

thE liTTle giFt i gOt thE othEr daY...
|| 11:49:00 AM

doN't hE lOok gOoD?

chRistinE wiTh doUdOu...

toFfeE wiTh mE...

aLtogether nOw, oNE twO thRee foUr

hE lOoks lIke a maN...

thE chIcken meaTbaLLs, hOneyed cHicken cuBes anD laMb sherpaRd's piE...

whilE caDen iS getTing tO hIS boWl...

anD toFfee iS woRking aT hiS...

doUdou iS alMost doNe...

O anD yiXin...

iCed moCha, lyChee iCe bLEnded anD iCed chOcolaTE...

thE soUp oF D daY...

mY kaTsu cuRry riCe...

yiXin's blaCk pePPer hOney chICken...

O's pOrk chOp...

yEkai's cuRry pOrk chOp riCe...

cHristinE's bUtter riCe wiTH friEd chICken...

uRban pOoch!!!

hE haTEs iT whEn i maKE hIm danCe...

mY goDson, cAden...

smaLL tinY caDen...


hEh hEh...

fiRst liCk...

christinE loves goLDies...

pOor caDen iS knOCked out...

i aM stiLl a liTTle whAT's-thE0-woRd about caDen bEing sMaller than mY chIhuAhua whICh shOuld be thE smalleSt breEd...

i diN knOW doGs haVE mOmenTs lIke thIS toO...

whEre thEy gEt caught bLinkIng iN thE pIcture...

pOor yEkai...

tHey aRe waLking aWay...


wiTH doUdou...

anD thEn...



and thE cyCle goEs oN...

tiME tO gO...

liTTlest caDen...

i dOn't wANt tO gO hoME tO a baTh...
haPPy bURfdaE toFfee...