30 mIns latEr...
anD sO thEn whEn he caLLs mE aS i waLk pasT thE macDonald's hE's haFing hiS diNner witH a frienD, i leT it slIpped thaT i havE a boYfrienD...aFter hE triEd tO feEd mE mCfluRRY...
i cOuldnt hELp noTicinG thaT thiS guY whO caN mAke mE spEEchleSs, hE's aN aquArian tOo...
quIte tRue nO?.....
anD thEN thEY teLL yoU...'yoUr gEneratIOn iS alReadY verY foRtunaTE aH!'...
evEn iF youR senIors diDnt hElp yoU baCk thEn...
iT doEsnt giVE yOu suffiCient reASOn nOt tO bE a hElpfuL sEnior nOW...
i caNnot staND pEople whO maKE thiNgs diFFicult foR othErs...
bEcauSe othErs maDe iT diFFicult foR thEM iN thE paSt...
oNly peTty, siLLy pEople dO thaT...
'lEt soMEone elSe haVE thE chanCe yoU misSed...wiTh agE coMEs liMitatiOns....
buT wiTh aGe alSo coMes mOney aND wisDOm.....whEN iT's tOo laTE foR yoU, giVE sOMeonE yoUnger whAt yoU aLWays wanTEd'
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 By AMANDA RIPLEY
hoW caN i dO beTter?...
anD thiS iS hOW iT goEs....
i geT anGry anD theN i stArt thINkiNg...
loOk aT hiS piCturEs anD reaD hiS pREvious emAIl...
geT diStracteD oR motivAted bY soMEthinG i reAd...
talK tO thE muCh stRonger toIlet maTE...
oR tO thE soPhisticaTEd gReEn maN...
feeL thIS tuG aT mY heaRt...
aNd coNtinuE waITinG aLL ovEr aGAin...
anD thIS timE, iT tOok eVEn leSser thaN a feW hoUrs...
|| 2:02:00 PM
i aM siCk oF waITing anD waItinG foR aN emaIl wHich nevEr cOmes...
i kNow i aM nEar mY breaKing pOint...
sOmethIng's hoLDing mE baCk froM teLling hiM tO geT thE heLL oUT oF mY lIFe whEN hE caN't eVen bE thEre iN thE viRtuaL laND...i don't kNOW iF i shOuld stiLL hoLD oN...
oR stiLL drEam oN iF i caN pUT iT thaT waY?...
tOo muCh dreaMs, anD nothIng iN reaLity...
Thursday, June 26, 2008 || 5:30:00 PM
"hoW selFish...
tO diE heRoicaLLy...
aND leAVe tHe oNE whO lOved yoU moSt wiTh a lifeTime oF soRRow..."
fOr thIS coMment i reCeived thE foLlowiNG rePly...
"Why sorrow?
I would be proud that I married a man who sacrificed his life to save the lives of many other mothers,fathers, brothers, sisters and children. "
His last words to his wife... were beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
anD mY teArs sURpriSed mE aS i waS tyPing mY rePly...i thOught i haD groWn nUmb anD iNDiffeRent...i thOught thE paIn waSnt thaT aCute aNymore...
"i thInk i woUld bE pRoud oF a maN liKE thaT tOo...
but i woUld wiSh hE coUld teLL mE whAt haPpeneD faCe tO faCe tOo...
tO waNt aNother toUCh, oNly tO knOW iT's nOt goIng tO haPpen...anD foR thIS caSe, foRever...thaT's soRRow..."
mAybe i aM jUSt anOther seLfiSh biMbo, maYbe i jUSt waNt tO haVE thE maN i loVE aLl tO mySelf anD igNore thE pleaS oF thE maNy woMen whO werE wiVes oF mORgeN sTAnley eMployeEs woRkiNg in toWer 1, waItinG foR thEm tO coME hOme oN thE 9/11...mAybe i jUSt waNt tO bE abLE tO hoLD hIm whEn i aM saD, waTch hIS faCe whIle hE waKes uP anD maKE chOColatE cOfFee foR hiM...
nOt mOCha, iT's cHocolatE coFfeE...
iS thaT tOo muCh tO aSK foR?...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 || 3:10:00 AM
tHAt bOok whiCh lEts uS dreAM toGether whEn wE arE aPArt...
plUS baK kwA,
a pOlo tEe caUSe hE's nEver gOt oNe,
a nEw shIrt foR woLF nIght,
singapORean maCdoNAld's gArliC chIlli saUce,
aND pHotoS oF mE...
soMetimEs iT doEs feEls lIke 我在倒贴 wiTh sO maNy pResents, sUrpriSes, lEtterS aNd whaT nOt whEn hE dOnt dO thE saME...
buT i thiNk aBout uS breaKing Up anD haVing nO mORe reASon tO evEn sEnd hIm a giFt whEn i saW soMethinG hE maY lIke, i thINk tO mYself...
iT's foRtunaTe tO bE abLe tO seLect pResenTs for thE oNEs yoU lOVe...
|| 2:57:00 AM
teRminAl thREe iS pRetty coOl...
eXcept foR thE viEwing gaLLery whICh hAd doUble pANels oF glaSS,
pREventing mE thE viEW oF takE-oFfs anD laNDings...
aiRports reMinds mE oF thE tiMEs aT taIpei, saLt laKE, bozEmaN, sEattlE, boZemaN, boZemaN, sEattlE, LA, taIpei...iT sEems sO freSh iN mY mEmory thaT i caN't beLieveD iT's beEn a yEAr...
bUT thE giRL haS chAnged, thaT's oNE thIng thaT reMinds mE iT aCtually diD haPpen sOme tiME aGo...
i miSs hiM...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 || 1:09:00 PM
thEre iS thIS gaME i alWays pLAy...
anD yestErday i waS pLAying iT whILe i waS blaDIng...
'i'LL takE a hiNt oN whaT greG feEls abOut uS nOW wiTh the firsT fuLL soNg i heaR whEN i tuRn oN cLAss 95'
anD thIS song caMe uP...
"Teardrops On My Guitar"
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without
Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause
[Repeat Chorus]
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.
|| 11:55:00 AM
havE bEen lOokiNg aT thEsE yesTErdaY...
thE famIly iS goNna geT a caR whEN thE twO siSters paSS thEIr drivIng...
mUmmY saYS shE wANts a reD plaTe...
mAYbe wE'LL jUSt toP iT uP...
1.1(L) 39,999 385/mth 1086cc
1.4 GRL 5dr (A) 46,699 450/mth 1399cc
1.6(A) 63,900 616/mth 1586cc
1.3(A) 56,900 548/mth 1328cc
nOW lEt mE dreaM a littLE...
1.6(A) 77,800 750/mth 1595cc
2.0(A) 112,800 1,087/mth 1984cc
3.5(A) $162,000 1561/mTh 3498cc
|| 5:00:00 AM
iF i caN faLL whEn i blaDe lASt niGht...
aT leaSt theRe iS aNother woUnd foR mE tO foCus aT...
Monday, June 23, 2008 || 11:44:00 AM
Amazon Rainforest Tours
The first rainforest lodge and also the most comfortable is located in the Upper Napo region, near the small village of Ahuano and is called Casa Suizo as its owner is of Swiss origin.
The next four lodges are situated in the Lower Napo regions, downriver from Coca, the starting point to reach those lodges. Yarina, a lodge built in the traditional Quechua style, is the closest of them all, less than one hour by boat east of Coca. Then follow the exclusive Sacha Lodge, 2 hours downstream and La Selva, one of the first lodges to operate ecologically in the Amazon rainforest. Yuturi is farthest down, some 4 hours downriver, set at a small lagoon.
Our last lodge in our catalogue is the comfortable Kapawi lodge, located on the Pastaza River in Achuar territory.
Pañacocha Lagoons are small lakes, located some 100 km east of Coca, entering the small river of Pañayacu, to the north of the River Napo and moving westwards again. It is a beautiful river region with flooded areas forming some small lagoons and waterlogged spots. Its name means Lake of the Pirañas and you may expect of catching some of those razor-sharp teethed fish there. This region is also great for bird watching and it is also home to river dolphins. Monkeys are represented by howler, capuchins and squirrel monkeys.
Humpback whales are baleen whales and occur in all oceans of the world. They feed in the artic waters and come to the equatorial waters to breed and to give birth. That is the time when they are most active showing acrobatic jumps, leaping even sometimes clear of the water. In the Pacific ocean along Ecuador they gather in the summer months from June to September with July and August the best ones for observation close to the Pacific coast line.
shiT, iS mY dreaM tO sEE thE riVEr doLphiNs oR thE huMpbaCK whAles?...
|| 10:35:00 AM
daTEd: 18th mAy 2008
i wAnt tO...
sWeAt iT oUt plAYinG bADminTon aT mY CC
spRaiN mY anKle whIle trYinG tO plAy baSketbaLL
taN whIle waItinG foR mY tuRn tO waKeboArd
wAtcH hOw douDou behAVe wiTh toFfee aT tenNis
feEL thE wiND iN mY haIR whIle i blAde iN thE nIght
swiM tiL i gO aUto pilOt
sCrEam whEN a goAL iS sCored
cRy mYselF siLLy wAtcHIng 'PS I Love You'
eXperienCe thAt paRticuLAr 'feEL' whEn i weAr jeaNS whiLe hOldiNg a cuE stiCk
siT aT a caFE/pUb whEN thE suN hAs alReadY weNT doWn
siNg wiTh pEople whO siNg stuFf i caN siNg alOng tO
gO danCing wiTh mY giRlfriEnds whO haVe mOre seNse tHan anY uSual feMale, hOpefuLLy wiTh thE sIStas tOo
noW i aM leFt wiTh...
sWeAt iT oUt plAYinG bADminTon aT mY CC
spRaiN mY anKle whIle trYinG tO plAy baSketbaLL
taN whIle waItinG foR mY tuRn tO waKeboArd
sCrEam whEN a goAL iS sCored
gO danCing wiTh mY giRlfriEnds whO haVe mOre seNse tHan anY uSual feMale, hOpefuLLy wiTh thE sIStas tOo
noT baD foR 35 daYS...i thiNk...
Sunday, June 22, 2008 || 11:02:00 PM
hiS liTTle coRner, bY mY siDe evEry siNgle nIght...
|| 10:59:00 PM
anD thiS iS hOW wE wiLL loOk aT oUR coNVo...
whO lOoks bEttEr?...
|| 12:40:00 PM
i aM dreaMing of thE tiMes wE wiLl bE able tO driVe frOm anYwhERe, tO anYwhEre...
tO pLAces whEre 'wE wOuld remEmber fOR thE reSt oF oUR lIVes'...
i waNT tO bE abLE tO riDe shotguN aLong siDe wiTh You...
anD thEN takE oVEr thE whEEl whEN yoU aRe eXhauSted, lOokinG aT yoU doZe oFf shotguN aLong siDe wiTh mE...
anY inStructoRs tO reCommEnd anyoNe?...
Saturday, June 21, 2008 || 10:19:00 AM
moRninG woRld!!...
juSt aN entrY becaUSe i aM feEling haPpy riGht nOW, evEN thOugh theRE arE nO emaILs, nO caLLs anD nO i-lOVe-yOu's...
bEcauSe theRE iSnt anythINg tO bE saD aBout eithEr...beCause i havE a coMpanIon iN mY feEling thaT i-waNt-tO-knOck-hiS-heaD-anD-kiSs-hiM-aFter-thaT...
beSideS, thEre iS thE kTV sEssIOn tO lOok forWard tO toNight...sO leT's bE haPPy!!...
Friday, June 20, 2008 || 5:41:00 PM
aND sO...
niCole kiDman iS borN 41yeaRS aGo todaY...
a gemIni...
|| 3:30:00 PM
ReAD thIS oN tHE mSn wEbsite...
Spring/Summer Trends Redux
Kenzo Spring/Summer 2008 collection; © Stephane Cardinale/People Avenue/Corbis
By Eve Weller
It's nearly spring again, and wild geese aren't the only thing returning in droves.
Warm weather also brings a flurry of glossy advertisements and breathless editorials heralding "new'' looks you've got to add to your wardrobe or risk looking like a dud.
Last year's dud, at that.
But before you rush out and plunk down next month's mortgage for the dress of the moment, here's a little secret that department store CEOs, merchandisers, personal shoppers, boutique owners and designers themselves are praying you don't get wise to: Trends not only repeat themselves—they take years to play out.
With few exceptions, the looks the fashion industry is pushing this season are almost exactly those they pushed last spring. And the one before that. And the one before that ...
Here's what they're claiming is new, all over again. If you partook of the trend the first time around (or the third, or the fifth), then hit the back of your closet—not the check-out line.
You needn't buy the hype, either.
thE foLLowing coMments toTally craCked mE uP...
1) Every spring, the browns return to the racks and the shelves. But the connotations of a neutral color don't exactly pop: wishy-washy, inoffensive, noncommittal. Clearly, "neutral'' is a word that needs some propping up.
A dress the color of cardboard? No thanks. But one called cappuccino or sand? Take my credit card, please.
2)How can fashion types proclaim yet again that "it's all about dresses''? Look, it's been all about dresses since women had two legs.
A maxi dress means a long dress, period. It may cinch the waist or hang like a sheath, but its defining feature is—brace yourself—that it covers the calves and usually the ankles too. If you've got something in your closet from 1998 that fits this description, shake it out and consider yourself trend-on.
3) Earlier Bohemians hailed from Bohemia, in Czechoslovakia, known for their roving Gypsy ways. Later, other Europeans who thought more of poetry than luxury adopted the term.
Now, anyone with a suede mini-skirt, peasant blouse, headband, slouchy satchel or cotton tiered skirt is said to be boho. Yeah, sure.
|| 2:38:00 PM
anD i, reaLizeD thaT i, alWays trY tO puT mYSelF iNto thE shOEs oF pEOple whO arE iNteresTed iN mE...whO i stiLL caRe abOut, bUt oNly aS a frIend...
i replY thEm iN thE waY i thiNk i woUld liKE tO bE repLied tO iF i wEre thEm, whIle tryIng mY besT noT tO veNture tOo faR awaY froM thE tRuth...soMEtimEs i iGnore thEir aCtual quEstions anD giVe thEM anSweRs tO a 'hIgher-levEl' quEstioN...
liKE whEN thEY teLl mE tO lEt thEM kNOW iF i aM sEeing soMeone, i woUld repLy thEM thaT i woUld iNform theM iF i aM atTAched...beCause i aM aLReady seEing soMEone...
iS thaT gOOd oR baD?...
iS theRE aNyonE liKE mE?...
Thursday, June 19, 2008 || 2:57:00 PM
soMEone oNce toLD mE thIS:
lOve soMEone lIke iT's hIS laSt breaThing daY...
whAT iF yoU reCeive a caLL froM thE hoSpitaL thaT hE goT aDmitteD iNto?...
yoU'd nevEr kNOw, thaT hE mIght geT iNto a freAK aCCident anD sliP awaY...
dOnt lEave pRobleMs tiL toMorrow, apOlogIeS tiL laTer anD i-loVe-yoU(s) tiL thE neXt tiMe...
iT waS thE greaTest giFt i rEceivEd frOm thAt reLationsHip...
anD thE boYfriEnd iS a lUcky oNE beCause oF mY paSts...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 || 4:57:00 PM
"Cant wait to be able to get that feeling of your heartbeat racing next to mine.......I love you
Wishing i could so desperatley take you on another road trip to cody or jackson hole. Would feel like im free again to get on the open road with my Girl and go somewhere we will remember for the rest of our lives."
thAt iS tHreE liNEs oUt oF thE siXteEn liNEs iN hIS neWest emAil...
aFter theSe:
"Hey there Baby I feels like its been ahile since i last got onto the computer. I tried and tried to get online but it never seemed to be able to connect. so i kinda quit trying to get online cause it became a hastle to try and fail to reach hotmail. "
soMeoNe teLL mE whAT i aM suPposeD tO feEl?...
oH weLLs, giRls...
wE aLWays diSsect evEry siNgle lIne anD makE oURselVEs mISerablE...
i guEss beSides thE brutaLLy hOnest oPening oF hiS loVE-maiL, i haVE nO coMplains....
soMEone teLL mE thIngs aRE baCk tO nORmal pLEase...
oR teLL mE...i aM nOT stuPid tO thiNk thaT thIngs aRE goIng baCk tO nORmal...
Monday, June 16, 2008 || 6:02:00 PM
Schopenhauer said:
"We can come to look upon the deaths of our enemies with as much regret as we feel for those of our friends, namely, when we miss their existence as witnesses to our success."
|| 4:59:00 PM
bEcauSe tuEsdayS arE mY oFf-daYs...
i dOnt geT mOndaY bLues lIek thE reSt oF thE woRkiNg coMmunitY...
iN faCt, i loVE mOndayS...
bEcauSe i uSuaLLy dO gEt mY tuEsdayS oFf...
hAppY mOndaY woRld...
PS: i waNt tO coMe uP wiTh a bUCket lISt tOo,
noW thaT stEphen eXplaiNed iT tO mE...
buT i aM afRaid iT'LL bE tOo lOng,
aNd iT'd maKE mE woNDer whY aM i stiLL siTTing oN mY bIg faT arSe...
|| 4:57:00 PM
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me
i miSs yoU baBe...
iT's beEn eigHt daYs...
Sunday, June 15, 2008 || 9:15:00 PM
Joanne's Version
lEt's pLAy a gaMe...
Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
mIne goEs lIKe thiS...
The plan was that she should be brought up for educating others; the very few hundred pounds which she inherited from her father making independence impossible. To provide for her otherwise was out of Colonel Campbell's power; for through his income, by pay and appointments, was handsome, his fortune was moderate and must be all his daughter's; but, by giving her an education, he hoped to be supplying the means of respectable subsistence hereafter.
Such was Jane Fairfax's history.
- Emma, Jane Austen
yOur tuRn, yoUr tUrn...
|| 7:02:00 PM
wiTh a twiSt oF fatE, i aM iN chArge oF thE zoNE i greW uP In...
weLL, sorT oF...
tHe bLocks i coUld mAke mY waY abOut bLind...
thE paThs i cyCle iN a lOng blaCk sKirt whICh mAde mE felT verY pretTY eVEn whEn iT goT caUght iN thE chaIn...
buT thEY tOOk aWay thE pLaygrouNd...
aNd pUt a nEw oNe theRE...
muCH safER, buT noT aS fuN...
Saturday, June 14, 2008 || 11:09:00 AM
i diD noT seT mY aLarm aT 9aM toDay...
iT's a fiRSt, siNCe thE 27tH oF oCtobeR 2007...
Friday, June 13, 2008 || 2:23:00 PM
Word of the Day
Thursday June 12, 2008
hyperbole \hy-PUHR-buh-lee\, noun:
Extravagant exaggeration.
Hyperbole comes from Greek hyperbole, "excess," from hyperballein, "to exceed," from hyper, "beyond" + ballein, "to throw."
Those were the days when I still liked hyperbole, before an excess of real drama killed my taste for the manufactured kind.
-- Katherine Russell Rich, The Red Devil
hA!...i liKE thaT oNE...
|| 2:10:00 PM
iN a wEird waY,
i nOticEd a suDden pOsitiVE feELiNG tOwarDs whaT i dO foR a lIVing...
i geT thIS weiRd ruSh tO dO mORE wiTh mY coMMitTeeS...
iT's sCary...
tHAt aSIde, mY saVings aCCount IS staRtinG tO lOok lIke oNe...
i lIKE thE pHysicaL mOtioN oF pUttiNg coLd haRd caSh iNto thE dePosit maChine oF sTd chArt...
nOt POSB, noT DBS, nOT evEn UOB...
i aM suCh a cuCkoO...
Thursday, June 12, 2008 || 5:07:00 PM
OVERVIEW: You're not one to give up on anything without a fight. This year, you need to prove to yourself that you absolutely can do anything your heart desires. You have a friendly nature, and feel very comfortable enjoying the group dynamics of different social scenes. Having high personal values, and being very idealistic, are just some of the reasons why you attract so many gifts and blessing from others -- not to mention having a natural talent for attracting money easily all year round.
You will feel deep transformation in your attitudes about money and your personal values, and are seriously thinking about what is important in your life. You may find you may are not placing as much importance on having physical things. Security may present itself through family and friendships instead of through objects and possessions.
You desire a deeper connection and emotional bonding with your family, exploring the ideas you have learned from your parents. You will appreciate some of the perennial wisdom that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. By the summer, you feel a new closeness in your relationships and will juggle love and work in order to maintain balance. Personal transformation is far more appealing than outer changes, this year.
pERsonaL traNsformatiOn....oOi i liKE...
|| 2:17:00 PM
iT's haS bEEn niCe...
tO gO baCk tO thE oFFice oN mY dEsignateD oFF daY iN mY nEw biRkies whIch i jUSt faLL iN lovE with ovEr anD oVer aGain evErytime i lOOk aT IT...anD haVE evEryoNE teLL mE thEY lOOk reaLLy niCe...
tO shOp foR shOEs wiTH a i-thoUght-tOO-riCh-foR-mY-tasTe bEst friEnd, anD foUnd thE mOSt coMfortabLE pAIr oF plaTforM-liKE weDges tO repLAce mY twO paIRs oF baSics whIch haVE retIred...
tO haVE thE plEasure oF bEing abLE tO siNG mOSt oF thE soNGs thAt eithEr oF uS chOse...tO dO thE craZIly loW buTCh-liKE voICe siNGinG 绝口不提爱你, 我爱的人 aNd 没那种命...
tO hElp a gOoD guY friEnd geT hIS nEW woRKinG clOthes bEfore woRKiNG aT 1pM, feELing thE saTisfactIOn oF hElpIng sOMeone doIng whaT yoU liKE mOSt (iE: sHOppIng)...tO geT hiM nICe NICE caSUal clOThes aNd oNE foR thE boYfrieND tOO...anD tO eXperieNCe thE saTisfActioN thaT yoU diD mORE thaN hOme-woRk-hOme toDay...
tO haVE swAm, goT a faBuloUS taN, tO plaY tenNis aND haVE thE mUScle aCHes aFter thAt...tO haVE an iMpending waKEboaRd triP anD feEL lIKe i aM oh-sO-hEalthy...
tO feEl aLMost lIKe...i caN lEt hIm gO, anD stiLL bE oK...
anYways i stiLL waNt tO pLAy baSkEtbaLL...
Monday, June 09, 2008 || 2:13:00 PM
thE twO hUngry siSters wAnted suPper sO oFF wE weNt tO thE coFfeeshOp wiTh thE twO sIRes alThough i haTE bRingiNg theM tO pLAces whEre peoPle froWn uPon doGs' preSence...
sO afTEr twO boWls oF fisHbaLL nOOdles, bUtch aUntie aT driNk staLL aSk mY siSter whY shE's nOt maKing heR usUal oRder...hEr repLy 'oH todaY i aM wiTh mY sISter'...
waLking thE doGs iN thE nIght becaMe a vaLuable bOndinG tiME betWeen thE siSters foR mE...aS i lOOk aT thEir baCkviEw laST nIght, i knOW iN thE nexT fEw yeaRs, iT woUldnt bE lIKE thiS...maYbe iT's doUdOu, maYBe iT's toFfee, maYBe iT's chRistinE, maYbe iT's gWEn, maYbe iT's mE...
i woNder iF thoSe whO remaIned goIng foR thE waLks wiLL remEmber hOw iT feEls liKE whEN aLL wEre pResent...
Sunday, June 08, 2008 || 7:39:00 PM
i reMembEr soMeonE teLling mE a lOng tiME aGo thaT...
'iF i thiNK pEtroL iS tOo eX tO senD pEople hOme thEN mIGht aS weLL doNt driVE'...
iT's a liNE thaT i hoLD clOSe tO mY heaRt...
anD reCEntly, thEre iS thIS whOle caR iSSue coMing uP wiTh oNE oF mY friEnds, anD iN mY oWn miND...
iT sUCks whEN yoU haVe friEnds whO aSSume yoU caN't gO hOMe oN youR oWN, wiTHouT leTTing yoU prOve uRselF...
|| 1:33:00 PM
i guEss whAt i fEel foR hIm nOW iS soMEwhaT stuCk bEtwEEn thIS sOng...
整个宇宙 浩瀚无边的尽头
每颗渺小星球 全都绕著你走
爱我 非你莫属
我只愿 守护 由你给我的幸福
爱我 非你莫属
也许会 笑著哭 但那人是你所以 不怕苦
看 那麼多相遇
偏偏只和你 天造地设般产生奇迹
哦 我心的缝隙
我想除了你 任谁也无法填补这空虚
anD thIS sOng...
我不要將你多綁住一秒 我也知道天空多美妙 請你替我瞧一瞧
天上的風箏哪兒去了 一眨眼不見了
誰把它的線剪斷了 你知不知道
從前的我們哪兒去了 路太遠我忘了
如果你想飛我明瞭 你自由也好
我不要將你多綁住一秒 我也知道天空多美妙 請你替我瞧一瞧
看你穿越雲端飛的很高 站在山上的我大聲叫喔...
也許你呀不會聽到 把夢想找到要過得更好
我不要愛情的低潮 我會微笑眼淚不准掉
我很好後來的你好不好 你會知道我沒有走掉 回憶飛進風裡了
Saturday, June 07, 2008 || 12:16:00 PM
thE poWEr oF a caLL iNclUdes:
a peAcefuL sLEEp..
a miND aT eaSe..
a rEsurrEcteD heaRt..
a soURce oF reCharged stRengTh..
anD tHe coNtinuaTion oF bElieF iN oUr loNg diStancE loVE..
11 miNs oF hiS sOFt, soOthinG voICe...
makeS jOAnnE a haPPy inJureD giRL...
thE nExt tIme i wiLL remEmber tO teLL hIm i lOVe hIm...
|| 12:11:00 PM
|| 11:52:00 AM
ainT hE sO cuTE aS a waTErmelOn bOy?....
comE tO thInk oF iT, i aM glAD o anD yiXin boUght hIm thE watErnelOn oUtfiT bEcauSe iT reaLLy lOOks cuTe oN tOffEE...anD thE bumBle bEE oNE iS a tiNy wAD tOo coMmon...
uRbaN pOOch iS simPle, nOn aiR-coNDtioNed, seRves aVeragE fOOd thaT mOSt oF uS caN't dO reaLLy...buT i likE iT...
i liKE thE paSSIon iN tHE oWner, thE waY sHE shaMelesSly teLL mE heR doG iS thE mosT beaUtifuL iN thE woRld, thE waY shE shOWs hEr coNCerns aT haVing a senIor doG anD shAres thE extENt sHe weNt foR heR doG...
i liKE pEople whO feEls foR stuFF...
Friday, June 06, 2008 || 7:36:00 PM
bEtweEn thE coUragE anD patiEnce iN yOur loVe, aND thE reSponsiBility tOwards yOur oWn nEeds,
whIch dO yoU piCk?...
|| 3:01:00 PM
Glenmac Farmstay
A typical New Zealand High Country Farm
Glenmac is a high country merino sheep and beef cattle farm spread over an amazing 1583 hectares. Nestled in the quiet Waitaki Valley, the family farm is 60km's from Oamaru and 14km’s from Kurow township.
Your hosts Kaye and Keith welcome you and guarantee an enjoyable and relaxing holiday experience for all visitors to their friendly high country farm accommodation. Glenmac have provided information on local activities including Horse Treks, tramping, mountain biking and much more to help you plan a great holiday. Take a look at our Waitaki Valley & Kurow online information for an overview on great things to do, nearby townships plus walks and tracks - and don't forget to check out the Photo Gallery for a glimpse of the true natural beauty of the district.
An affordable range of farm style accommodation is available to suit the budget and requirements of independent travellers and families to our rural South Island destination.
Accommodation Rates: (Prices are in New Zealand Currency)
Dinner, Bed and Breakfast (Ensuite Room) $80.00 per person
Dinner, Bed and Breakfast $70.00 per person
Bed and Breakfast from $45.00 per person
Children under 13 years half price.
Backpackers $23.00 per person, per night (linen supplied)
Backpackers double bedroom $25.00 per person, per night (linen supplied)
Campervans $20.00 per night (1 or 2 people) extras $10.00 each
Tents sites $10.00 per person
Please do not hesitate to Contact Us if you have any questions, or email us directly at glenmac@farmstaynewzealand.co.nz or find out what is happening on the farm by visiting our Message Board or join our mailing list.
iT's wHere i wAnt tO bE riGht noW...
|| 1:52:00 PM
i liKEd thE waY i saNg thIs laSt niGht...
Thursday, June 05, 2008 || 5:35:00 PM
i dont thiNk i wiLL liKE lIStening tO hiS sOngs, becauSe i havE nevEr heArd theM...
(weLL, shOot mE foR thaT)
bUt i lOoked hIm uP becauSe stEp haS bEen writiNg abOut hIm...
anD becauSe i aM reaLLy reAlly boRed aT woRk...
thE lyRics oF thIS song iS pRettY goOd....
Jason Mraz - Life Is Wonderful
It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I'm saying
It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes a word to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction
La la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Al la la la la
It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to you yawn brother
It takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other
It takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes some dust to make it polished
Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is so full of
Ah la la la la la la life is so rough
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is our love
Ah la la la la la
It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
It takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to know you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain
|| 5:27:00 PM
'It's like I'm afraid to lose smtg I cannot see.'
- Tan, 2008
whERe's thE loGic iN thaT?...
iT makEs sEnse iN a wAy thaT i caN't exPlain...
iN a waY thaT makEs mE waNNa scReam....
'eiTher yoU loVe oR yoU lEt gO'
|| 1:04:00 PM
thaT's aNother graDuate iN mY family...
oNe moRE tO gO...
anD mUmmY's wiShes wiLl coME truE...
iN a waY, i caN't waIt foR thE daY whEn thE thrEE oF uS wiLL takE oUR famIly pOrtraiT wiTh mUmmy iN oUr gRAduatioN goWn...
iT mIght haVe takEn mE a liTTle lOnger tO gEt mIne, pLus a mIghty bIt oF huRt whEN i saW mY friEnds graDUatinG 'oN-timE'...iT miGht nOT bE a loCal cerT evEN, bUT i aM glaD thaT iT isN't a aRts anD sOcial sCience cerT...
pLus, iF i haD nEVer faiLed NUS, nEver stoP stuDYing foR a yeaR, nEver chOSe RMIT, nEver mEt mY groUp oF SIMmies, i woUld havE nEver gOne thEre...
nO reGRets aT aLL...seVen yeaRs aFter NYJC, i oNly haVE a diStance leaRning baChelor anD aN expErience thaT woUld mAKe mE gO thE saME waY aLL ovEr aGain iF i kNeW...
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 || 12:03:00 AM
twO neW woRds...
1)to howl, as a dog or a wolf; hoot, as an owl.
2)to utter howling sounds, as in shrill, wordless lamentation; wail.
3)to lament loudly and shrilly.
1)of or pertaining to tears.
2)producing tears.
3)characterized by tears; indicative of weeping.
4. smallest bone in the face.
uLulating...rEad aS uLu-latiNg tO mE...iT aCtually eXist...
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 || 11:32:00 PM
lAvendEr miLk wIth pEarls...
i loBe iT...
buT thE seCond cup waSnt aS goOD...
aND muMmy saId thEse wORds oF wiSdom tO mE...
东西是这样的, 第一杯很好喝, 可是喝多了就腻了
iSnt thaT sO truE foR evErythiNg in lIFe?...
soMEtimes iT iS haRd foR mE...
i liKE tO repEat soNgs in mY plaYer whEN i liKE thEm...
i teND tO blaDe coNtinousLy iF i got iNto thE mOod...
i gET angry aND oNly anGrier...
thInk jOAnne thInk...thInk mODeratioN iN evErything...
|| 11:12:00 PM
thE chEquE iS sO pRettY i caN't beaR tO cAsh it...
thAt anD thE loW eXchange rAte...
thE cheQue jUSt broUght baCk a whOle waVE oF i-miSs-yEllowstonE-aND-hIm feEliNgs...
Monday, June 02, 2008 || 10:16:00 AM
有时, 离开也是选择留下来得一种方式。。。
Sunday, June 01, 2008 || 1:12:00 PM
aS i waTched 'sEx anD thE ciTy', i coUldnt hElp noTicIng hOW oLD thOSe gIrls aRE...hOW oLD theY lOOk...dont bE misTaken, i wiLl bE mOSt glAd iF i caN haVE biCeps lIke thAt whEN i aM neaRing fiFty, oR haVE coMplexiOn lIKE aNy oF theM whEther iT meaNt i aM riCh eNough tO dO boTox oR coNfident enOugh foR naTure...vAcatioNs iN meXicO...baSically craZy giRlfriEnds...
bUt moStly, i wiLL dIe foR clOthes anD a 'cLOset' lIKE caRRie's...
thAt fabUloUS stuFF aSide,i remEmber thInkiNg tO mYselF thaT mY clOSe giRlfriEnds aND i woUld pRObaBly enD uP lIKe thaT...i haVen't bEEn a 'sISter' yeT anD i aM aLreaDy neaR 25...theRE mUSt bE a pRoblem wiTH mY friEnds, oR mE rathEr siNCe i haND-picKEd thEm tO bE mY clOsest...thEy jUSt doNt geT maRRied, evEn iF theY aRE gorGeous gOrgeoUS peoPle...
mAid oF hOnoR aT aGe 40+++...