iT muSt bE reAding yoUr emAIls pRior tO slEeping...
i dreAmt oF yoU aGAin....
i weNt bAck tO thE paRK foR a reSearch pRogramME, i wAS aSSigned tO soMewheRe nEar oLD faIthfuL, anD i ruShed tO thE iNn whEN i reALised thE famIlIar thErmal feAtures... a vERy heLpful maN goT mE thEre, tO thE baCk oF thE kiTChen...
yoU jUSt kNocked oFF, wEaring a whITe chEf cOAt, anD yoU hAd thE whItes jUSt coMing froM thE roOts oF yoUR stiLL-beauTiful hAIr...
yOu weRe shOcked, anD i fiNAlly asKEd yoU whY... yoU saID yoU dOnt haVE anotheR siNCe wE paRted... anD wE weRe rEuniteD...
wE saW lEa iN thE kiTchen oN oUr wAY bAck, hE waS shOcked tOo, bUt hE lOoked hAppy foR uS, iN hIs bLAck chEf coAt, bY thE wiNDow pANes...
i loVe dreAMing oF yoU, deSpite thE bItterswEet feEling i geT whEN i waKE uP...
anD i thInk, iT's youR waY oF teLLing mE thaT wE'LL bE toGethEr aGain...
sO toDay, mY spEciaL daY, wiLL bE a beAutifuL oNE...
thANk yoU baBE...
Thursday, August 28, 2008 || 4:04:00 PM
rEad thiS froM soMEonE's blOg...
'a lINe - a doT taKiNG a stroLL'
iSn't thaT sO aDorabLE anD chEErfuL?... dOn't kNow whY, i jUSt thInk thE doT takIng a stroLL wouLD bE boUncinG alOng hAppilY... whO woUldn't bE haPpy taKing a stroLL riGhto?...
|| 3:05:00 AM
mUmmY asKed mE tO stOp thiNkinG bOut, a mAn whO doN't coNtacT mE foR sO loNg, aT luNch toDay... shE sAid i shOuld foRget, anD pRepare tO gO tO veTinarY stUDies...
buT i caN't...
i hArbouR hoPes oF seEing yoU, yEars latEr... aT sOme reStaUrant whEn i cOmplaiNed abOut thE foOD anD demAnd tO seE thE cheF, aT haWaii, thE dreaM i shAred wiTh yOu, oR soMe uNfamIliaR toWn whIle trAvelling, aT thE paRk wHen i reTurn thEre aGAin, oR juSt aT mY doORstep oNe day...
whEn yOu'd teLL mE whY, whEn yoU'd saY yoU miSsed mE tOO muCh...
i doN't beliEve iT... thAT i'd nEver sEe yoU aGain...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 || 2:22:00 PM
iT feEls fuNny (juSt iN a fuNny haHA waY) tO bE oN thE bCc liSt...
iT maKEs mE woNDer, whO elSe thE emAil goEs tO, whY caN't i kNow thEm? anD whY cAn't thEy kNow mE...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 || 10:58:00 AM
i saW thiS famIly lAst niGht wHile i wAS oN 27...
thEy arE a daDDy, a muMmy anD twO dauGhters... dAddy anD muMMy aRe arouNd 40? thEY boTh havE biG eyEs, anD werE proLLy gOOd-loOking whEn thEY toOk thEir weDding pHotos...
muMmy wAs niCe, shE diDnt shOut aT hEr dauGhters, shE didNt shoUt aT hEr hUSbanD tOO... nO anGer oN hEr facE,juSt a tinY biT oF wearinEss, whiCH iS unDerstANdablE aT 7pM oN a moNday...
thE twO dauGhterS haD simIlar haLter baCk dreSses oN, botH whiTE, thE olDer oNE witH pinK flOWers, anD thE younGer oNE witH blUE, thE samE waY wiTh thEIr eZ liNk carD hoLDers, anD wAter boTtle hoLDer tOO... thE waY mY siS anD i haD oUR stuFF wheN wE weRe yoUng... juS thaT wE doN't haVE wAist lEngth haiR liKE thEY dO...
daDDy haD oN darK jEans, anD a loNg arMy greEn jaCket wiTh lOtsa pOckets, thoSe kinD yoU caN gET aT sAmeul aND kEvin, anD a PSP aT eAch oF hiS laRge poCkets...
jiEjiE deCided iT wAs coLD, anD shE pRoceEd tO pUt oN heR jaCket whiCH shE tiEd oN heR waISt... daDDY hElped...
whiLE jiEjiE pUt oN heR jaCket, daDDy helD heR eZ liNk carD hoLDer anD wATer bOttle... anD hE liFted heR haiR thRice, froM inSide thE jackEt, inSide thE straP oF thE ez liNk caRd hoLDer, iNside thE sTrap oF thE waTEr bOttlE hoLDer...
diD mY daDDy dO thaT foR mE tOO?...
i thiNk iT's a verY sweEt thiNg, tO haVE soMEone liFt youR loNg haiR oUt...
i remEmber hoPing lAst niGht,
7) tO sEe mY maN liFt oUt mY dAUghter's haIR
|| 9:30:00 AM
juSt soME pICtureS thaT maDe mE laUgh...
|| 9:21:00 AM
juSt aS i waNna aDd a pHoto, i reAlised i doNt hAve oNe...
oF thE blAck chEf coAt, oF thE blAck sKull caP, thE bLack aPron...
noR hiM iN iT...
whAT haD i bEen dOing?
Monday, August 25, 2008 || 12:48:00 PM
mArry chRistmaS baBE...
i reMember hOW piSsed i wAS witH haPpy chEfs thIS timE laST yeAr...
foR thEy maDe mY fiRst pResent tO yoU evEr, laTE...
youR fiRst bLAck chEf coaT, aNd skUll caP witH yoUR iNitialS...
aRe yoU stiLL usIng thEM?... dO thEY reMind yOu oF mE?...
Sunday, August 24, 2008 || 4:02:00 PM
Your Learning Style: Enthusiastic and Imaginative
You are always up for an intellectual challenge - in fact, hard subjects are actually easiest for you.
You are happy with who you are, and you don't have an inflated sense of self importance. You do your own thing quietly. You don't take up a lot of space.
You aren't against being community oriented, but it's not really your thing. You tend to prefer to focus on your family and not the neighborhood around you.
You are creative, expressive, and bright. You are always in the middle of some amazing project.
You look good in a low maintenance sort of way. You do the minimum required to be attractive.
You are moved by your own inner sense of peace. You spend a lot of time reflecting on the meaning of life.
i aM thInkiNg oF thE wAY yoU saY 'awEsome', i coUld sEe iT, anD hEar iT iN mY miNd...
|| 12:34:00 AM
diD yoU knOw?
tHat oNce aN oSpreY catChes a fiSh, iT caN't lEt gO... sO iF iT catChes a fiSh tOO heaVy, iT maY droWn...
Your Hands...
|| 12:26:00 AM
alThoUgh iT's bEen loNg... anD i dOn't reMemBer whAt iT feEls liKe tO hoLD yoUr hanD tHAt clEarly... buT iT aLl coMes ruNning baCk whEn i hOld aNother...
whiLE i hOld thE coLD, smOoth, lOng fiNgereD oNE, i sEek youR wArm, wiDe anD cAllouSed onE...
i miSs wAtcHing youR haNDs woRk, i miSS hOldinG thEm...
|| 12:18:00 AM
thEre'S sOmethiNg weiRdly coMfortinG abOut rAindRops oN tHe wiNDows oF thE trAin, anD thE smEll oF goOd, olD chinEse oinTment...
thoSe kinD muMmy pUts oN yoUr tuMmy whEn yoU aRe yoUng, yoU knOW?...
Friday, August 22, 2008 || 4:45:00 PM
You Are Marge Simpson
You're a devoted family member who loves unconditionally.
Sometimes, though, you dream about living a wild secret life!
You will be remembered for: your good cooking and evading the police
Your life philosophy: "You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head."
hMmmm, nevEr thOught oF a pEarl shAped oNe beFore...
|| 4:23:00 PM
Your Ice Cream Personality:
You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.
You are incredibly cautious. You rather miss out on something than make a mistake. No one would ever call you wild... but they would call you responsible.
You are a very open minded, liberal, and flexible person. You love many things. You tend to have tastes that range from down home to cosmopolitan.
You are a natural multitasker. You feel alive when you're doing more than one thing at a time.
You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way
mY stomAch chUrns aT thE siGht oF thE piLLs i aM takIng... thEse piLLs, thEY dO funNy thiNgs tO mY stoMAch i hAte thEM.... juSt twO mOre tO gO...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 || 8:28:00 PM
somEthinG abOut thE siNgapORe fiReworkS fesTivaL ceLebratioNs thiS weEkend, iS upSetting mE...
iS iT becauSe i wAnteD tO gO baDly, buT aM wiThoUt tiCkets?... iS iT bEcauSe i wouLd haVE thOught oF teLLing yoU, evEn iF i coUldnt aSK yoU aLong?... iS iT beCause iF yoU haD thoUght oF mE, i wouLd bE abLe tO gEt tiCkets?...
maYbe, mAybe iT's beCause i woUldnt kNow whO tO aSk aLOng, evEn iF i haD kNown...
|| 3:19:00 AM
anD shE paSsed heR baSics tOdaY!!
yAyy! =)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 || 12:35:00 PM
mAybe iF i jUSt coVer mY eyEs, anD eArs wiTh hAppY tHingS, sAd thIngs wiLL gO awAy...
tHere aRe onLy a fEw i feEl liKe i caN taLk tO, aboUt hiM... thE reSt, pLease keeP yoUr coMments, queStions tO yoUrselF, i doNt waNt tO heAr theM...
Monday, August 18, 2008 || 3:53:00 PM
i dreAmt oF yoU... i dReamt thAt i sAw yoUR caR iN a caRpark witH a cOffeeshop aT iTs sIDe...
iN mY dreAm i sAt aT thE coffEeshOp foR daYs, wAitinG tO sEe yoU coMe baCK tO yoUR caR... wHen yoU diD, yOu jUSt smIle sHeepIShly wHEn i aSked yoU, wHy diD yoU nOt coNtaCt mE oNCe yoU goT tO siNgapORe...
soMEhoW, i wAS stiLL siCk iN thE dreAm... yoU caRrieD mE anD i cRied foR a lOng tiME iN youR aRms...
i dOnt reMemBer thE resT, nEver mInd yoU woUldnt bE abLE tO carRy mE foR lOng eithEr... i juSt reMember thInkiNg... yoU lOokeD liKE soMEone elsE iN mY dreAm, soMEone whO doNt loVE mE anYmore...
Sunday, August 17, 2008 || 12:55:00 PM
iN thE eND, iT's mUmmy...
shE coMes tO yoUr bEd anD touChes yoUR foReheAd, shE maSssages yoUr baCk beCause yoUr boDy iS acHing shE brIngs yoU tO thE doCtor whEn yoU aRe siCK, sHe bUys yOu lUnch, anD buYs fiSh...
nOt yoUr boYfrienD, noT yOur frIends, nOT stuPid woRk, juSt hEr, whOm yoU coME hOme latE evEry nigHt tO...
Thursday, August 14, 2008 || 7:56:00 PM
iF soMEthiNg caN't bE mIne eNtireLy, anD uNiqueLy... i raTher noT haVE iT...
i dOnt sHare weLL i reAlise... faMily, siSterhOod, lOve, frIendshIp, flIngs, blaH...
bE iT a seCret lOok, a faVouritE joKe, oR a coMmon hObbY...
nO i doN't shAre...
|| 2:05:00 PM
yoU muSt havE nOt reCeivEd mY pResent, thAt's whY...
i'D heArd froM yoU othErwiSe...
|| 1:19:00 PM
sOmetimEs, soMe pEOple giVes yoU strEngtH tO faCe chAllenGes iN woRk... quIte uNexpEctantlY...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 || 6:53:00 PM
i woNDer iF yOu reCeive mY fiRst yEar aNniversAry pResent...
maKes mE sMile thInkiNg oF whAt haPpen duRing thIS tiME laSt yeAr... i wAS hoRrifieD whEn thE toIlet maTe toLd mE shE toLD gREg, thaT soMe girL waNts tO ruN hEr haNds thROugh hIs haIr...
wE stARted tO pLay aT woRk anD haVE foOd waRs, thEn i aSked iF yoU waNted tO kNow whO's thaT giRl.. wE sTArted tO gO foR smOke breAks, thEn wE waLked baCk tO oUr roOms toGether,
aLL thAt swEet guEssing, anD 'tRoubled' tiMEs...
tiL yoU fiNally aSked mE oUt on thE 13tH oF aUgust...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 || 11:02:00 AM
deCideD tO trY cOokinG foR mY bOys...
froM thESe... tO thIS.. anD tHis...
chEck oUt thEIr hUngrY lOoks...
anD thE priCes oF thEir fOod, verSus whAt i geT tO eaT...
Cod fiSh, pOrk chOp, sAUteEd iN oLive oIl anD dRizzlEd wiTh hONEy... i thiNk mY dOgs haVe a goOD poSt naTionaL daY tOo...
i miSsed hiM whIle i wAs cOokiNg... thE siMple aCtioN oF sAutee-iNg, tHe sIght oF sTOvE anD paNs...
Monday, August 11, 2008 || 3:56:00 PM
What Your Sleeping Position Says
You are calm and rational person with a good deal of balance in your life.
Friends consider you to be kind, caring, and truly loyal.
You are easy going and trusting. However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games.
Open to the world, you are not afraid to be yourself.
If you don't get enough sleep, you are: Able to cope
It's hard to sleep next to you because: You're a bed hog
oNE dAy, i reAlly pRobaBly woUldn't haVE tHe riGht tO miSs yoU, oR taLk aBout yoU... frOm mY loBe, yoU'd beCome mY eX, tHen juSt 'a guY yoU kNew sO long aGo'...
yoU woUld bE suPPosed tO hAve fAde wiTH tiME... thEy woUld sAy 'yoU mEan yoU arE stiLL thInkiNg abOut thAt suMmer boY?'...
|| 10:36:00 AM
You Are An ENTP
The Visionary
You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.
You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.
Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.
You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.
In love, you see everything as a grand adventure. You enjoy taking risks for love.
And if things don't work out, you're usually not too much worse for the wear!
You would make a great entrepreneur, marketing executive, or actor.
At work, you need a lot of freedom to pursue your own path and vision.
How you see yourself: Analytical, creative, and peaceful
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Detached, wishy-washy, and superficial
yoUr pREgnAnt wiFe goT iNto aN aCcident, whEn yoU twO weRe iN a tiFf...
hEr pLAcenta iS diScharGed pRematurelY, caUsinG eXceSsive bLeedIng... anD yoU aRe faCed wiTh a chOice...
tO saVe yOur wiFe, oR yoUR baBy...
wHich oNe dO yoU chOose?... bEarinG iN miNd, yoUr wifE wiLL haTE yoU iF yoU kiLL yoUR chIld...
Saturday, August 09, 2008 || 9:42:00 PM
afTer i kNocked oFf, i spEnd thE reMaininG oF mY naTIonal daY aT bOtanIC gArdeNs wiTh my bOys, eSther, hEr loVE daN, anD suGAr!!!...
thEn wE wEnt tO uRban pOoch aGain foR diNner, bOth pOoches anD hOomaNs...
thE coUrtshiP... mY haNdsome... if thEy lOok thIs goOd tOgetheR... caN yoU imAgine thEir bAbies?... wE saW blAck swans tOo... aWww... DouDou, yoUr heAD's iN thE piCtuRe! aNother shEltie, wiTh buNny eaRs...haHA... yaYy, pAssioN fRuit eSpirit driNk fiNAlly... i lOve thiS teRrifiC gArliC cHickeN chOp aT uRban pOoch!
brInginG my boYs oUt giVes mE treMedoUS pLEasuRe... aLL thE timE... i coUld oNli iMaginE thEir haPpineSs aT nOt haVing tO bE stuCk aT hOme, foR yEt anotheR daY... anD thAT iMAginatioN thRIlls mE...
i wAnt mY oTher haLf tO loVe thEM tOo... i kNow grEg wiLL... i aM graTefuL tO haVE foUnd a guY whO lOves aLL aniMals lIke i dO... wE waNted tO haVe lizaRds, spiDers, snAkes, ferRets, caTs and dOgs iN oUR fuTure hOme... thE anImal wE waNted mOSt...a tiGer...