And I recall the moment of them all, The day I kissed your cheek and you were mine. Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by, Some one else moved in from far away.
|| 1:01:00 AM
12:58amJoanne why did you say greg is losing interest
even before i told you he didnt contact me
tell me the truth
12:59amCurtis i heard of him making out with others
|| 12:20:00 AM
iT makEs mE waNNA crY, hEaring thaT...
hOW coUld hE? nO matTer hOW nICely...
'thE haRdest pArt abOut hOlding oN iS lEtting gO' - TTL 2008
i coMe homE evEry niGht, woNderinG iF i'd sEe hiM waiTinG oUtside, anD whEn hE's nOt, i hOpe evEry niGht, i'D seE hiM iNside wiTh oNE oF mY faMily...
iT baNishIng hiM tO a mEmory, thAt iS haRd foR mE, kNowinG tHAt thEre iSnt anOther i waNt mOre, woNdering theN whY shOuld i mOve oN, tO whAt, tO whOm?...
anD thAt evEn whEn iT iS thIS haRD, i caN iF i waNt tO, thiNking, iSnt thiS whAt lOve iS aLL abouT? alwAys beiNg therE...
thE hardEst paRt iS lEaving hiM behInd yA sEe...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 || 11:10:00 AM
sWimMming anD geTting a sLight taN, OogliNg aT aLL thE gOOd lOOking mEn enJoying tHemselVes aT aN aJ pArty, mUttS aNd mIttEns, a raIny afTernOon, pLAying iN thE raIN iN a whIte toP, spEnding tiME wiTh mY bOys, shOppIng aNd coNquerinG, morE shOppIng anD trEasure fiNDs, weAring a lOng skIrt, a mOvie aLone (thE freEdom iS getTing aDDictiVE), bLadinG aT fuLL sPEed, moCha iCe-blEndeD, finDing a liTtle diRectioN iN woRk nExt yEar...
aLL mY faVourite thIngs iN thRee daYs, iT's bEen a goOD deEpavaLi.... bUT i nEed a hOlidaY, SOON!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 || 1:05:00 PM
Nantucket, 30 miles (48.3 km) south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in the United States.
|| 1:50:00 AM
anD i aSKed thE lIttlesT siS,
iF i dIE, woUld yoU thiNk oF thE waY wE plAyed, wALking hoME iN thE rAIn thIS afTernOon, whEn yoU wALk thE saME roUte hOme aLone?...
i woNDer, whEn i diE, whAt wouLD pEople thiNk oF, whEn thEY thiNk oF mE?...
|| 1:33:00 AM
lEtting doGs oUt foR rUns, sEeing mY fAVourtiEs, getTing tO kNow neW onEs, friEd wAnton mEe foR luNch, pLAying iN thE raIn, fiNDing twO gOod toPs iN mY twO preFerreD coLours, pAying foR a deSired iTem, pUrchASing goOd lingeriE aT haLF pRice, briNginG mY bOys foR a ruN, caTchinG a daNce pRograMMe oN chANnel U, woRKing oN nExt yEar's woRkpLAn, reADing tiL i faLL aSlp,
a hEll oF a daY, dont yOu thInk?...
Sunday, October 26, 2008 || 1:28:00 AM
thAt, shOWing oFF yOur neW dreSs tO youR maN oVer thE weB caM...
makEs mE miSs mY anGel...
anD thANk YOU, foR makIng mE feEl liKE i aM reaLLy alOne agAIn...
thaT's thE thiNg i aM mOSt uPset witH yoU aBout, foR maKing mE feEl thIS weakNess aLL oVer agAIn, timE anD tiMe agAIn...
Friday, October 24, 2008 || 12:14:00 PM
yoU toOk yOur oWn traY, aND snEak iT oN a tabLE whEre twO guYS aRe haVing thEir luNch...
bUt yOu wEar a croSs... hOw iRoniC...
nOt thaT i aM aGAinst aNy relIgioN, bUt iT's jUst aS baD aS seEing a moNk tAKe bEef, i thiNk iF yOu wEar aNythiNg tHAt sYmbolISes yOur faiTh, yOu shOuld tAke mOre carE tO behAve yOursElf...
|| 11:30:00 AM
sO fruStratiNg... sO diFFiculT tO finD a faRmstaY... i aM aLmost reAdy tO settLe foR a frEe anD eaSY aT aDElaide, oR sydnEy...
thE graDuatioN shOuld BE oVEr, waS eriN therE? yOur pArentS? diD yOu thiNk oF oUR plaNs?
anD yOu mUSt bE aN unCle nOW... iS iT a niEce oR nEphew? cAnceriaN? lEo? oR viRgo?
Thursday, October 23, 2008 || 10:58:00 AM
taKing aN uNknOwn roUte, reAching iCe blEndeD mOcha, anD lunCh whIle reADing...
aLl iT takEs iS thE firSt steP, iN evErythiNg...
' liFe iS abOut pUtting yoUR hEart oUT therE, anD risK getting hURt eAch tiME.'
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 || 12:34:00 AM
thiS whoLE gettiNG a frieND baCk wheN thEy juSt broKe uP theN loSing thEm whEn thEy aRe aLL heaLed anD pAtChed uP (iN boTh senSe oF thE worD) iS takiNg a toLL oN ME, iF nO oNE elSe...
thaT aSIde, i reaLised aLot, alOt oF auThors, wrIte abOut miNnesota, moNtana anD wiNconSin...
'wiThoUt hIm, whaT wAS thE glASs-froNted cuRio casE cOntaiNing hiS coLLectioN oF icE fisHing decoYS froM mINnesota?'
- The Greek Villa by Judith Gould
iCe fiShing iN mInnesota?... dO thEy reaLLy dO thaT oVEr thEre? i hopE thE toIlet mAte aSks hEr mAn thE neXt caLL...
Monday, October 20, 2008 || 1:26:00 AM
pLain whiTe teeS pLAyed iN sALt laKe oN fRidaY...
oUr onLy suMmer...
|| 1:08:00 AM
'I can still recall our last summer I still see it all Walks along the seine, laughing in the rain Our last summer Memories that remain'
froM miSsing yOu, bEwilDerment aT yOur laCk oF coNtact, enVy aT thEir eaSe oF reaChing oUt foR tHeir lOve's hanDs, aNger aT thEir iNabilIty tO chErish thaT facT, aLL toGether i thiNk...
aS thE neXt 15tH draWs neaR, i juST geT sO verY aFraid, oF haVing tO facE thE dilEmma betWeen faiTh aND a pROmise tO mY pRide...
bUt i stiLL recaLL, anD stiLL seE iT aLL
Mama Mia - The Movie
|| 12:51:00 AM
'On Skopelos - Agios Ioannis Prodromos Monastery for the wedding chapel, Amarantos, Nisi, and the beach and cliffs above Glisteri (Glysteri). The producers say a "mountainous peninsula" near Glisteri was used as the filming location where the bride leaves for her wedding.
Villa Donna was placed on the cliffs above Glysteri Beach.'
skOpelOS anD glisteri, i hopE i geT thEre oNE daY...
Saturday, October 18, 2008 || 1:02:00 PM
wAnted tO gO baCk tO thE othEr i-thOught-waS-drUnk coLleague. wanTed tO gO sEarch fOr hIm. waNted tO taKE hiS caR, gO bAck tO hIS pLAce,thN tK a caB bK mYSelf...
wAnted aN aCcidenT tO haPpen oN tHe waY..
bUt i coUldnt beaR thE thought oF yOu fiNDing oUt abOut thE acCident witH aNother maLe, aFter driNking. thInkiNg, woNDerinG, gueSSing whEre wE aRE hEading, whAt wE aRe goiNg tO dO. goiNg iN aLL thE wROng diRectioNs
nOt tO mEntiON hE's goinG foR thE uLtrasCan whiCH wiLL determIne iF hIS pRobablE aQuariUS kiD's genDer... iT's a boy bY thE waY...
|| 11:51:00 AM
thAt iNn bY thE beaCH, lIke thE hOuse iN jaCksoN, thE waY i hOpe miNE woUld bE
beCause yoU knOw thE imPending trAgEdy thE bEautiFUl mOmentS sEems hEart-wrEnching anD thE haPpy oNes iROniC
i woNDer whY thE taGliNE goEs 'it's nEver tOo laTE foR a sEcond chANce' aDriaNNe lOSt paUl aS weLL
aNd i aM wRong yOu stiLL feEl aWkwaRd tO crY whEn yOu aRE waTching thE mOvie aLonE hEck iT, i aM evEn tOo shY tO crY iN froNt of mY twO boYS
Thursday, October 16, 2008 || 3:13:00 AM
sAdnesS, oVerwhelMing, froM heAring hiM saY hE reaDs yoUr lOSing oF inteRest anD thE woNDerinG aFter whAt hE aCtuaLLy saW...
tuRning iNto coUrage, beCause theRe iS reaLly nOthinG tO loSe, bEcauSe deaTh iS nO biGgie anYmore...
thaT maKEs reaDing tiL 3aM, aT heR voID deCk, abT a beLLa whO waNts tO bE a vaMpire likE heR edwArd, coMfortabLe, yeT nOt toUching...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 || 11:05:00 AM
siX dAYs lAter, stiLL aT chICo's,
thE laST niGht iN pElicaN, thE nO-loNger-snEaking jOurney froM thE roOm tO youR caR, smACking snOW oN yoUr bUtt...
thE ACF fuNctioN laSt yeaR, a biTTerswEet meMory...
yOu shOuld bE slEeping nOw, pReparinG foR toMorrow's fUNCtion... 'aDd oIL' grEg, hAve a goOd oNe toMorroW..
oNe yeAR aGo, wE suRviveD thE fiRSt daY beIng apArt...
i miSs yoU aNgel...
Saturday, October 11, 2008 || 1:38:00 AM
it's noT tHat sAd tO bE aLone, iF yOu haD a chOice, i thiNk...
|| 12:51:00 AM
uPdaTE: pICtures oF Long cHAmp shOw
hUimIn lOves thE daRk mOdel...
whiLE huiMin wAs tryIng tO deMostraTe thiS oN 3-iNch hEels...
anD i thouGht shE mEant thIS...
wE weRE lAughinG liKE mAd, whEn wE reAlised...
i woNder iF hEr deMo waS thaT baD, oR waS iT mY iNtepreTatioN...
aNywaY, wE aGreed thAT shE wAnt gO tO moScow tO lEarn tHAt ruSsian folK daNCe. aNd i waNt tO gO tO spAin tO lEarn flAmencO...
Wednesday, October 08, 2008 || 2:55:00 PM
Lake Superior,the largest of the five Great Lakes of North America. It is bounded to the north by Ontario, Canada and Minnesota, United States, and to the south by the U.S. states of Wisconsin and Michigan. It is the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area and is the world's third-largest freshwater lake by volume
thE laKE yoU waNted tO brIng mE tO...
White Bear Lake, Minnesota a sparkling clean 2,500-acre body of water covering 10 square miles. One of the largest lakes in the Minneapolis St. Paul metropolitan area. It is named White Bear Lake because of its association to an Ojibwe legend regarding the appearance of a white bear
thE lAke i hEard on aNimaL plAnet thIS mOrning... beCause theY saiD iT's iN mInnesota...
oNE daY, i sHAll sEe thEm botH...
Tuesday, October 07, 2008 || 2:24:00 PM
hAte tAlking aBout yoU likE iT's thE paSt...
|| 11:52:00 AM
anD thE sOng tO thE siLLy gamE lASt nIght waS
whEnever yOu caLL - briAn mCkniGht & maRiaH caRey
bLADing aLone,iSn't reaLLy tHAt scAry afTer aLL, aNother aChieveMent...
Monday, October 06, 2008 || 12:22:00 PM
cOnductor's hAnds: chEcked soLo perfoRmances: chEckeD iNfusiOns: chEcked
siNgapore ChineSe oRchestra: beSt!!
Sunday, October 05, 2008 || 12:22:00 PM
i reALisE, nO maTter hOw tiGhtly oNe hOld oN, thE haNds wiLL sliPped oUt boTh siDes, whEn thE oTher loOSens iTs griP...
|| 2:37:00 AM
anD thiS waS thE craZY sOng wE saNg, pRetend struMming, anD sHAke oUr hEads tO toNight...
Saturday, October 04, 2008 || 2:57:00 PM
aNd sO, wE broUght thE gOodest siS baCk foR a seCond doSage oF lOve oN thE pH
thAt's thE bUlly
wE broughT thE biG bOys oUt firSt
wiTh riTz
mY snOwflAke
hEr fiRst tiME!
thAT's cOW
wiTh foX
aND a pIg!
anD thAt iS thE greAtest reWard foR thE daY
a haPpy faMily eH?
thE keNNel heLper lEt gweN intO chUbby's kEnnel, theN aLlowed uS tO takE hIM oUt foR a ruN whIch i thiNk woUld helP chUbby mOre thaN clOsing hIm iN...
bUt chUbby beiNg chUbby juMped iNto thE draIn anD startEd pLaying witH mUddy waTer mUch tO thE desPAir oF thE helper whO snEak hIm out anD nOw haVE tO clEan hIm whEn iT's aLmost tiME tO kNock oFf bUt iT's aLl vEry 'cHubby'
a frEe mORning, anD sOme loVe tO sPAre? pLease bRing yoUR aSses tO: Pasir Ris Drive 12, Farmway 2 Mutts and Mittens
|| 1:07:00 PM
wiTh YNP caP anD oUr tshIrt, beCause yoU caNt bE hEre maYbe evEr
wE weNt tO sEe gweN's chUbby fiRst hE's maRked aS aGgressive sO wE cant gO iN, anD wE caNt briNg hiM ouT foR waLks
bElle anD leX (1 yOu sEe mOre oF aND 1 yoU sEe lEss oF)
foX, i lOve doGs thAT lOok lIke foXes siNce a kiD
i lOok liKe i aM stRanglIng hEr dont i?
whIle snOwflAke iS daShing aCross thE pLay-ruN
gWen witH skY
riTz anD mE
thEse aRe twO genTle giAnts reaLly, eAsier tO waLk thAn mY faV giRl tOO skY lOoks siLly aND iT maKEs mE laUgh lOoking aT hIM ritZ alMost coMes oN coMmand anD aLL oF theM coMes aFter a few daShes, pEe anD pOo lIke theY kNow thEy muSt gO baCk sO anOther caN coMe out anD plAY...
thE oNE doG i waNNa waLk bUt daRe nOt
anD wE wenT baCk tO sAy gOOdbye
thIS iS chUbby liStennIng tO mY faV cAnon iN D... hE oNly groWled aT mE foR thE fiRst teN mIns oR sO thIS tiME anD i geT tO toUch hIS heaD, paW anD bUtt thIS tiME!!! i aM hOping oNe daY hE woUld recOgnise ME (not jUSt gWen)
|| 11:11:00 AM
i stiLL caN't...
mOre tiME, jOanne
Friday, October 03, 2008 || 12:02:00 PM
Aslyn - That's When I Love You
When you have to look away When you dont have much to say Thats when I love you I love you, just that way To hear you stumble when you speak Or see you walk with two left feet Thats when I love you I love you, endlessly
jOAnne chAng's biRthday
|| 11:39:00 AM
mY faVourite shOts...
Thursday, October 02, 2008 || 6:38:00 PM
a goOD trAvel aGEncy anYone?
i wAnt tO gO tO a faRmstay iN aUStralia backPAckers hostEl oR hoME stAy, 2 tO 2 anD a wEeks witH dOgs
i nEed aN agEncy wHo wiLL bOok thE tiCkets foR mE, aRRange thE transPort fROm aiRport tO faRM, duMp mE theRE... pICk mE baCk uP aFter thE stAy anD senD mE bAck tO aiRPort...
|| 12:11:00 PM
i diN kNow thAT buYing enVelopes caN bE haPpineSs tOO, tiL i doNt havE tO chOose anotheR cOlor foR tHe coMing wiNter...
aLl thAt faLL seASon clOthes, anD nOwhere tO gO foR thE wiNter...
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 || 1:38:00 PM
diD yOu poSt thiS?
|| 12:38:00 PM
pUrplE anD bLAck hAir, iN remEmbrance oF mY laSt teN dayS iN thE parK laSt suMmer...
beCause i hOpe yOu'd reMember... juSt thAt, wiLl yOu dO thaT foR mE?...