'Being wealthy is not a sin. It cannot be in a capitalist market economy. Enjoying the fruits of one's own labour is one's prerogative and I have no right to chastise those who choose to live luxuriously. But if one is blinded by materialism, there would be no end to wanting and hankering. After the Ferrari, what next? An Aston Martin? After the Hermes Birkin handbag, what can one upgrade to? Neither an Aston Martin nor an Hermes Birkin can make us truly happy or contented. They are like dust, a fog obscuring the true meaning of life, and can be blown away in the twinkling of an eye.'
*My house is shabby, but it is comfortable* By Lee Wei Ling
sO sO trUE...
|| 12:46:00 AM
yoU mEanie...
i thOught oF thE waY wE usEd tO caLL eaCh oTher thAt toDay...
Monday, January 26, 2009 || 12:58:00 PM
mY hOUSe iS sO clEan...
bEhinD thE oRgan, uNDerneatH thE sOfa, oN toP oF thE friDge, aBove thE sTove, thE kiTChen coUNter toP, wAll aT thE bAsin, thE shOE raCk, thE tV coNsole, thE waSHing mAchine, mY roOm's wiNDow griLLs, thE bOok shElves, bEloW mY beD, mY nEW reADing coRner (nOw i kNow whAt a fAncy tabLE lAmp caN bE uSed foR!)
i loVE thE faCt thAt evEry uNnecesSary thinG, iS thRown oUt... tHat oLD coMputer, whIteboard, fiSH tanK, 3 diSc miNi sTereo i goT foR mY 16th bIRthday, Dvd pLAyer, mAgazineS, lAdles, eXpireD cAn fOOd, cOoking oIl (wE r mOving tO oLivE oIl) thiS anD thAt...
thAt uNcluTtered feEl...
Saturday, January 24, 2009 || 10:54:00 PM
oH coME oN, thEre aRe sO manY coLours, dO yoU haVE tO suDdenly liKE puRple anD blAck tOo?
cuShion coVEr, caR, tiSSue bOx, clOthes, blAh
evEn iF yOu liKE thE saME coLOurs, yoU'd nEver bE mE...
bLAck shOes bUt youRs lOok auNtie, blAck jeaNS but yoU lOok lIke aN aH liAn, bLAck toP bUt yoU stiLL aRe aN iNsecured fOol...
oH bY thE waY, jUSt beCause yoU wEar a caP, thRow oN aN aDdidas jaCket, witH shOrts anD caNvas, iT sTill dOEsnt mAKe yoU spOrty, whEN yoUR faCE iS goNna crAck witH foUndatioN
|| 9:49:00 AM
hOW caN thE eviL mURdereR oF bABies jUSt geT a liFe sEntencE?
nOt thAt i lIKE baBies thAt mUCh, nOpe mY bio-Clock iSnt tiCking tAt mUCh deSpite thE previOus eNtry...
bUt asK ME iF thE blOody mANufacturerS anD thE amERicaN mArket pLAYers deServe mORe tO diE, i wOuld saY thE diREct mURderers...
whAt dId bAbies dO tO deServe dEath anD suFfering thAt thE melAmine iN thEir mILk caUSe? crY? alTHough aNnoying, buT i aM suRe thE maNufactureRs diDnt heAr thOSe criEs
aS foR thOSe whO lOSt thEIr mOney iN iNvestments, anD tHen coMmit suIciDe? fiRst thEy aRE grEedy, thEn thEy aRe a coWard nOt pItifuL aT aLL iF yoU aSK mE...
aRghz, sO frUStratiNg whEn a vErdiCt iSnt deAth foR suCH pEOple... thEy eaT doGs, snAtch hUsbanDs, slEep w haGGard oLd mEn foR mOney, maDe pOiSonous milK, anD whAtevER thAt haSnt bEEn reVEaled... stuPid, stupId pEOple
Friday, January 23, 2009 || 11:59:00 AM
i wANt a dAUghter...
Thursday, January 22, 2009 || 12:07:00 AM
'i just wanna tell you Happy Birthday....'
guEsS i waS tOo greEdy, whEn i coUld sEe yoU oN mSn, i wAnted tO teLl yoU iN pErson...
whEn i waS aT thE baCk sEat toDay, lOoking aT thE driVEr anD hIS shoTgun, i reMember thE timEs yoU'd reAched oVer foR mY hanD...
whAt haPPened tO chAnging geArs i dOnt reMember, i oNly remEMber yoU, holDing mY hanD...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 || 11:31:00 PM
a soNg i heArd oN sHAh's mP3... aT a riGhtful timE...
i hoPE thiS mR pResiDent wiLL bE betTEr, foR thE saKe oF...
Monday, January 19, 2009 || 11:57:00 PM
你不等了 說好的 幸福呢 我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了 只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢
|| 12:53:00 AM
bAck tO stRAight haIr aGain, tO thE haiR style yOu sAid lOok soPhisticated, thE hAir i sO waNNa shOw yOu laSt nOv...
thE perM diN worK oUt, anD i caNt helP thinKing iF it'S a siGn, thAt i aM meanT tO shOW yoU mY stRAight haiR aFter aLL...
Thursday, January 15, 2009 || 12:49:00 AM
joAnnE haS sTraight hAIr nO mORe...
tO datE:
6 toPs 2 dRessEs 1 sKirt 4 paIRs oF shOes 1 sEt oF shEets 3 sEts oF lIngErie 1 bElt
1 bEd foR toFfee 1 teNt foR toFfee 1 raCer tshiRt foR toFfee
shE nEeds aNother:
1 whIte mAn's sHirt 1 paIR oF woRking pAnts
1 bEd foR doUdou 1 tsHirt foR dOudou
1 sEt oF nEw cuRtainS foR thE liVing roOm
pS: shE iS sO glAd sHE foUnd thRee nOn-bLack toPS toDay!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 || 12:36:00 PM
thEre twO reAsons whY yoU shOuldnt gO shOpping aFter yOU cLeared yoUr waRdrobe foR CNY...
1) yOu thiNk yoUr wARdrobe lOoks tOo emPty, a riSk oF haVing nOthing tO wEar aT a spEcial mOement
2) sEeing aLL thAt cLotheS tHAt yOu woRe whEN you twO bUild yoUr fiRst snOWmAn, haD a cuP oF hOt mOcha, wEnt tO thE aNimaL shElter, iS goIng tO makE cAsuAl shOpping, a reTAil therapY
weLL, i jUSt cleAred mY wArdrobe, chEst oF drAwers, blAH wHAtever i stoRE clOthes iN... anD i aM goIng tO shOp...
wiSH mE lUCk...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 || 12:15:00 AM
a raRe nIght oF fuN aT boWling...
7 pOunDs 8 poUnds 10 poUnds (thE heAviesT i caN tAke) 13 pOunds 13 pOunds tOo pAtricK anD aNnie... aNnie! FellOW sAgittaRius! i loVE thiS pIC!
Monday, January 12, 2009 || 10:48:00 AM
01/09 05:42 CST Quakes shake loose fears about Yellowstone volcano
Quakes shake loose fears about Yellowstone volcano
By MEAD GRUVER Associated Press Writer
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) -- Run for your lives ... Yellowstone's going to explode!
Hundreds of small earthquakes at Yellowstone National Park in recent weeks have been an unsettling reminder for some people that underneath the park's famous geysers and majestic scenery lurks one of the world's biggest volcanoes.
In the ancient past, the volcano has erupted 1,000 times more powerfully than the 1980 blast at Mount St. Helens, hurling ash as far away as Louisiana. No eruption that big has occurred while humans have walked the earth, however, and geologists say even a minor lava flow is extremely unlikely any time soon.
Some observers are nonetheless warning of imminent catastrophe.
"To those of us who have been following these events, we know that something is brewing, especially considering that Yellowstone is over 40,000 years overdue for a major eruption," warned a posting on the online disaster forum Armageddononline.org.
Another Web site contained a page entitled "Yellowstone Warning" that encouraged "everyone to leave Yellowstone National Park for 100 miles around the volcano caldera because of the danger in poisonous gasses that can escape from the hundreds of recent earthquakes."
kEep sAfe anGel, kEep sAfe...
Saturday, January 10, 2009 || 12:20:00 AM
nO, shE reAlises shE dOnt waNt a guY whO
haS tO ruSh tO aNother woMan, anD lEave hEr alOne reAding aT hEr voId deCk...
evEn iF hE lIKes caNon iN d maJor tOo, sAYs hE lIkes thE giRl whO liKEs pUrple, mOre thAN thE oNE whO lIkes piNk, sAYs hE waNNa stoP pRotectinG hEr froM thE hatRed oF thE pinK laDy, sO thAt hE caN oPEnly trEat thE pUrple oNe weLL...
nO, sTop iT, shE doNt waNt yoU...
Thursday, January 08, 2009 || 11:59:00 PM
weiRd aS iT soUnds, hOlding haNDs meAns alOt mOre thaN kiSsing tO heR...
beCause shE haS a fetiSh foR haNDs? oR maYbe beCause hOlding haNDs aREnt neCessary iN luSt, lIKe kISses aRE...
buT thE mOSt mEmorabLE kISses, aRent thOSe whEre greAt techniQues aRE emPloyed, oR thOSe witH verY gOod-lOoking pEople...
nOpe, iT's not jUSt abOut thE tonGues, buT whAt thE reSt oF thE bODy laNGuage sAys, iT's hoW thE kiSs demOStrates paSsion shE thiNks...
liKE thE heArt-wrenChing oNE oF sepAration, oR thE sWeet reuNion oNe...
Monday, January 05, 2009 || 10:42:00 PM
sO wHAt dO yoU dO iF yoU thiNk soMeone iS uP aGAinst yoU?
foR nOW, sHE's goNna enDure thE waRning reMArks, glAres aT hEr lAughinG witH thE guYS, coMments abOut heR likIng hEr mEntor, anD thE poSSibilitY oF bEing sAbotagEd aT woRk...
shE maY bE miSunderstOOd aS bEIng lEss abLe tO retaliAte, bUt deAr reAders, yOu kNow thAt's a jOke...
anD shE knOWs, thAt's juSt oNe oF heR moVEs =)
Friday, January 02, 2009 || 1:45:00 AM
How can I not love you What do I tell my heart When do I not want you here In my arms How does one walks away from all of the memories How do I not miss you when you are gone How can I not love you... when you are gone
shE reaLisEd, aS mUch aS shE likes mEn whO pLAy thE piAno, oR guiTAr...
sHe coUld faLL iN lOve witH guyS whO worK witH tHeir hanDs; nOt typIng, cleriCal worK, bUt woRk liKe rEpairs, cArpentRy, mEchanIcs anD weLL, coOking...
anD sO, foR tHe firSt enTry iN 09, shE waNts tO thANk evEryone whO haS maDe 08 gOOd foR her... pEople whO carEd, whO lenT a eAr, kEpt hEr coMPany, dO siLly thiNgs witH heR, coUnseL anD coAch hEr, naG aT heR, anD proTectEd hEr...
08 wAs a gOod yeAr, i stArted iT witH yOu, enDed iT lOSing yOU, bUt groWn stroNger... thEre's nOthinG i'd chAnge...
foR 09, shE wAnts to
1) gO bAck tO thE parK iN auGust 2) lOSe 3 kG bY jUne anD anOther 3 bY deCember 3) cuRe thAT siNus 4) lEarn tO uSe mAciNtosh & phOtoshOp 5) bE abLE tO plaY 1 soNg on thE guiTAr (stepHEn pRettY plEase) 6) saVE 10% oF heR paY evEry mOnth 7) spEak 10% leSs evIl-lY 8) lEt gO oF heR feElings foR tHe anGel bY noV 15