thE saME aCts, bY diFferent pEople, reSults iN vArying reActions...
thEy caN maKe yoU smIle, riGht froM youR heaRt, oR maKE yoU wAnna cRY fROm thE bittErswEEt-neSs oF iT aLL, anD soMEtimes siMultanEously...
Thursday, February 26, 2009 || 12:50:00 AM
aLl thAT stuFF, foR 29 troLLeys tO bE shIfted... i criEd cAUse i wAs stuCk, withOut a caR, noR thE licenSe tO dO sO... bUt i diD iT! *sMirk*
thAT seNSe oF achIEvement =)
anD hiM saYing 'whY diDnt yoU asK mE?' riGht aFter i sAId i crieD goIng 'oH' whEn i remInded hIm hE waS worKing thAT niGht aND thoUgh hE sAid iT's coNtradicTing thAt i criEd whEn i waNNa pUt oN a sTrong front...
iT's stiLL swEet =)
Monday, February 23, 2009 || 5:12:00 PM
y: Miss being able to lift the head up (especially when walking back to the dorm from the pub @ night, cold, a little bit high from beer) and seeing the Milky Way so near...
j: i miss it when i am walking to work cold, shivering having just woke up and yet not putting my hand in my jacket cause i am holding his hand
juSt thRee linEs...
Sunday, February 22, 2009 || 3:42:00 PM
hEr belAted birThday pResent fRom hEr galS...
coAch's hEriTage striP wriStlet
thoSe whO kNow hEr, knOWs shE doNt spEnd mOOlah oN theSe
she caN spEnd oN NUM teEs, caB ridEs tO anD frO suPper witH fRiends, anD caRRY aN iMitatiOn aRound, uNtil thEy 'breAK doWn' tOo oFten foR heR preFerence...
bUt shE reaLLy aPPreciate thE oBservatioNS heR gaLS maDe, anD thE thoughTs thaT weNt iNto chOosing thE coLour,siZe blAH, anD thE tiMEly-neSs oF thE giFt...
buT beFore yoU sTart thiNking iT's oKi tO geT hEr suCh stuFf foR heR birthdaY, shE iS uBer fuSsy about thE slIng, shApe anD siZe oF hEr baGs anD waLlets, anD hEr wiSHlISt iS fuLl oF othEr stuFf aCtually...
|| 2:20:00 PM
mAg's bIrhtdaY cElebration...
thE counteR
i wonDer hOW maG maDe her choICe (pS: i tRIed, buT thE phoTo oNly coMes oUt thiS waY)
griLLed pRawns
caN anYone teLL mE whAt's thAt bLack pUrplisH thiNg aT thE siDe?
soME hElp fRom thE menU?
beCause...lOok aT hiS faCe aFter hE tRied thAt pUrplisH bLack thiNg!
thE fiGht betWeen jOAnnE anD thE pRawn!
diD i teLL yoU iloVE pRawns?
iT's jUSt a pHoto foR theM, bUt i haVe bEen doIng thE heaD thIng thE whoLE niGht=)
wE enDeavoUR tO eaT oUR wAY thRough thE rOws oF pRettY reStaurants aT clArke quAy thiS yeaR!
aLl thoSe preTTy plAces tO chiLl iN, thAt i haVE nOt bEen tO, pEople, doNt coMplain iF i suGgest clArke quAY whEN wE nexT mEet, fOr thE whoLE oF 2009...
thAt aSide, diStaNce betWeen peoPle hAppens foR a reAson, doN't comPlain, dO soMEthing....
i loVE mY gALs!
Thursday, February 19, 2009 || 11:58:00 AM
a gLasS oF iCe wAter aT lunCh, uNaskEd foR, jUst beCause i diDnt toUch mY uBer hOt grEen teA, iS imPressivE...
a coMment, shOrt anD sWeet, uNexpeCted, iS heArt mElting...
wiNding doWn thE wiNDows whEn wE hIt thE roAds, thE waY i lOve a caR riDe, iS mAking mE woNDer hOW mUCh mORe aliKE wE caN bE...
fRom msN.cOm
Sunday, February 15, 2009 || 4:01:00 PM
A few months ago, when my husband and I transitioned our son, Sawyer, into a big-boy bed, he refused to nap alone. We explained that we couldn't sleep with him; there was no room in his bed. Of course, he found a loophole. "Sleep next to my bed," he said. "There's room on my rug." Except he kept peeking over his guardrail to giggle at the sight of us. "Use my blanket and build a tent and you lie under it on the rug," he said, "so I don't see you." From our hideout in the tent, we kept still, listening to our little boy rustling like a safari cub.
When Sawyer's breath began to ebb and flow more evenly, I plotted our escape in my mind, then blurted out loud, "Uh oh." Sawyer stirred. I whispered the problem in Geoffrey's ear: "I left my glasses on his nightstand." Geoffrey ducked out to rescue my specs. Sawyer rolled over on his pillow, sighed, and smacked his lips. Geoffrey barely made it back into the tent without waking him. If we tried to leave now, we'd risk Sawyer's hearing the creak of floorboards, the doorknob's click, our dog panting in the hallway.
We didn't dare. We stayed put. Strewn about the rug, the whole Crayola rainbow, plastic dinosaurs, and hardened crumbs of Play-Doh. Along the rug's perimeter, Sawyer had lined up an assortment of toy cars that belonged to my husband when he was a boy. Geoffrey plucked a tiny metal wagon from the lot and whispered in my ear, "I used to put a peanut in this." He hitched it to an old-fashioned yellow car and towed it over my shoulder. It tickled. He put his hand over my mouth to stifle my laugh. I heard a crayon break under the weight of my back. But Sawyer was breathing deeply now, having drifted into the peaceable hum of sleep. I thought we would ready ourselves to leave.
Instead, Geoffrey picked up the stubby end of a green crayon and a ragged piece of construction paper. He drew a hangman hook and the dotted lines of a secret message. I grinned. Geoffrey rolled the crayon toward me so that I could use it to guess a letter. Then I rolled it back to him. I got the first few wrong. One by one, Geoffrey drew a head, a long center line for the body, both legs and a foot. He had the same smirk on his face as when he beats me at tennis — not at all sorry. "Give up?" he mouthed, then filled in the puzzle: You are my sunshine. With the length of my arm, I swept away the mess and snuggled in close.
Pari Chang's essay "Pregnant Pause" appears in the newly published anthology Behind the Bedroom Door, edited by Paula Derrow.
wEnt tO thE airpORt thiS mORning...
aLL aiRports haVE theSe siMilarities i guEss, foGgy viEwing maLLs nO maTTer whAt tiME oF thE daY iT iS, stARbuCks, caFes anD eatinG plaCes aLL oVer, biG biG venTilatorS, meTAl anD glAss stuFf aLl oVer thE oUtside, minAture peoPle neXt tO thOSe biG biRds, thiS aLoofneSs, thiS vuLnerabiLity, soRt oF aN oVercast...
Friday, February 13, 2009 || 1:05:00 AM
wEll, aT leAst i aM reaL... eAch anD evEry paRt...
douBle eyElid, nOse jOb, whAt's neXt? bOob jOb tO makE urS a D-cuP? yoU'rE oNly 26, foR gooDness saKe...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 || 11:30:00 PM
pHotoS froM aN iCe skATing triP soMEtimE baCK...
|| 11:13:00 PM
mY chAwaNmuShi coOked iN aN oNion!
anD uNagi friEd riCe iN a pePper!
suCh a preTty lUnch..
i miSs thE flAt toP
wE aLL kNow whO i aM thinKing oF
uSed tO havE thiS iN blAck
|| 2:13:00 AM
sAw thE rAin, anD tHought oF hOW yoU foRbid mE tO pLay In thE raIn...
blAde paSt thAt reStauraNt, anD thoughT oF yoU woRking...
tOok a buS hOme aLone, anD thougHt oF yoU driVing...
broUght mY boYs doWn, anD tHought hOW yoU miGht nevEr sEE thEm...
goT tO mY voId deCk, anD i stiLL woNDer iF oNE daY i'd tuRn aRound anD sEe yoU theRe...
mY lOve lAnguagE...
Monday, February 09, 2009 || 12:36:00 AM
Score Love Language 1 Words of Affirmation 9 Quality Time 7 Receiving of Gifts 4 Acts of Service 9 Physical Touch
tryIng oUt goWns aT briDal sAlons, chEcking oUt taTToo pArlours, neW eXperieNCes thaT i loVe...
hEart aChe, suDdenly anD i thOught oF yoU, wOndering iF yoU'rE uNhappy, jUSt lIKE whEn i goT heArt aChes iN thE paST, gAVe caB driVEr a sCare whEn i stArtd tO crY oLd eXperienCe thAt i haTe...
thANk gOOdness i diN chOose tO taKE thE trAin...
Saturday, February 07, 2009 || 3:21:00 AM
shE broUght heR muMmy tO drAgonflY tO celEbrate heR 52nD bIrthday!
1) shE thiNks guYs witH a anGular faCe, lOng beNg-isH haiR, whO caN siNg lOok preTty gOod. 2) shE thiNks stronG armS, nOt oVerly musCled, lOoks betTEr witH tattoO 3) shE feEls a weiRd senSe oF loNElineSs toNight whEn heR gOod friEnd geTS iNto troUble foR aCCompanYing heR faMily ouT aT thE enD oF thE daY. 4) sHe iS glAd shE iSnt thE kiND tO feEl truImphanT whEn peoPle liE foR hEr. 5) shE wiShes shE haS soMEbody tO dO thEse stuFF witH hEr foR heR faMily. 6) sHe thiNks a sAgittariUS dauGhter iS goOd fuN.
sO manY raNdom thOughts...
Friday, February 06, 2009 || 8:50:00 PM
Phuket - 12th April to 16th April?
1) Full Day Phi Phi Island Tour (3100 Baht) 2) White Water Rafting + Elephant Trekking (3000 Baht) 3) Simon Cabaret (800 Baht VIP seat) or Pardise Complex (just get one drink) 4) And we are just in time for Songkran (Yes, one off my bucket list) 5) Thai Boxing Match, includes roundtrip from hotels in Patong, Kata and Karon (1000 Ring Side, 1300 Stadium) 6) Two Hours Horse-riding, Beach and Jungle(1350 Baht) 7) Bangla Road at Patong Beach 8) Massage and Spas
shAh, herE's mY fiRst roUnd oF reSearch...
i caNt wAit foR mY weLL dEservEd breAk...
|| 12:13:00 AM
anD bEcauSe i daRe nOt dO iT oN faCeboOk, oR emAil...
hAppy bIRthday lEander...
i haTE thiS bLArdy feEling oF weAkneSs
Thursday, February 05, 2009 || 11:42:00 PM
toDay shE lOoked thRough a cataLogue whIle deCidiNg thE neXt frEebie foR hEr meMbershiP caRd...
shE saW a hIking pOle, a sEt oF sPatulA, kNives oN a pOcketed apRon, a bAG oF piNic/Bbq toOls, anD shE thOught oF tHE bLAck cHef cOat...
eXactly whAt dOes thE ahGel thiNk oF whEn hE weArs iT noW?
pS: anyonE wAnts tO gO yElloWstone wiTh mE? i neEd a trAvelling comPAnion thiS aUgust...
A song for you...
Wednesday, February 04, 2009 || 1:43:00 AM
In the years to come Will you think about these moments that we shared In the years to come Are you gonna think it over And how we lived each day with no regrets Nothing lasts forever though we want it to The road ahead holds different dreams for me and you
[chorus] Sometimes goodbye though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny Sometimes goodbye though it hurts is the only way now for you and me Though its the hardest thing to say I'll miss your love in every way So say goodbye But don't you cry Because a true love never dies
In a year from now Maybe there'll be things we'll wish we'd never said In a year from now Maybe we'll see each other, standing on the same street corner though it rains Each and every end is always written in the stars If only i could stop the World i'd make this last
And when you need my arms to run into I'll come for you Nothing will ever change the way i feel
|| 12:28:00 AM
oN heR waY tO thE bUS-stoP, shE thoUght oF thE coMforter shE lefT foR yoU, and iTs coVer whiCh shE senT oVer whEn shE caMe bacK, spRayed witH hEr faVourite scEnt...
aS sHe lOoks aT pHotos oF tHe wintEr thaT jusT pasSed, shE wOndered if yOu uSed thE coMforter, anD wHo iS iT whO laId uNderneaTh iT wiTh yOu nOw...
is iT betWeen sEasoNs aGain?
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 || 1:07:00 AM
cRAbs, shelleD foR yOu, taSte thE beSt =)
pS: iF yOU dO soMethiNg foR mE anD eXpect a thanK yoU, doNt dO iT foR me... i wOnt diE wiThout yOur favOurs...