evEry hEad oF lOng dIRty bLond, evEy amEricaN aCcent,
iS lIke yOu aRE nEar...
|| 4:54:00 PM
Girl you take my breath away And when I'm with someone new I'd rather be here with you Baby, forever My heart belongs to you 'cause I think about you all the time I know my love is true when we're together
I've played around girl and I made you cry When I looked up, you were saying good-bye I'm begging you please I need you so bad Don't leave me now, you're the best that I've had
[CHORUS:] I've never - I'll never find someone like you I promise it's true No, I'll never - I'll never find someone like you Girl I love the way that you are Girl, I won't, no I won't let you go No one could ever do, the way I would make love to you
All I have is just my heart And my feelings, I give to you That's all that I can do Give you forever Oh oh oh, you don't know that you're hurting me 'Cause it's not just a sexual thang I want to share my dreams, baby, together
Girl, I'm afraid just to give it up now My heart's telling me to hold back on my vow But when you get close, I just want you to know I start to get weak & I can't let you go
Just your smile, tenderness Girl I won't let you down (Won't let you down) Girl I will never find no one that compares to you Never find anyone
Friday, March 27, 2009 || 8:55:00 PM
thiNking abT iT, iT waS reaLly eMbarraSsing tHat i wAs paRalysed scrEaming lasT niGht...
oH, anD i foUNd mY cryStalS, yaYY!
|| 10:22:00 AM
haVe yoU evEr haD a coCkroaCh clImb uP youR paNt-slEeve?
shE diD, laSt nIght aT Mr Bean's...
shE shockeD herSelf, she coUld oNly hOld oN tO thaT pOrtioN oF hEr pAnts, witH thAt creAture iNside, anD scReam, anD scReam, anD sCreaM...
whEN thE loGicaL tHing tO dO iS, foLD uP, anD relEase iT, whICh hEr frieNds haVE tO dO foR hER...
sO daRn eMbarraSsing...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 || 5:14:00 PM
wEnt ROM-veNue, baNquet-veNue rEccE wiTh esTher laSt sAturdaY... sEletaR coUntry clUb, rAfflEs toWn clUb, hotel reNdezvoUS...
haLf outdOor-sY ROM venUe, bUt sEletar cOuntry clUb should hIRe lEss pOmpuS staFf hE actuAlly thiNks giVing vOodoO doLls aS wedDing faVors iS cOOl...iheArt wEirdneSs lIke thIs... thE briDe anD grOom tO bE, eSther anD daNny thE driNks aT the turkISh reStauraNt aRent thAt fanTastic... bUt thE fOod waS dArn gOOd...
veNue cOordinatoRs shOuld reaLLy briNg a nAmecaRd hOlder oUt, anD not jUSt twO paThetiC pieCes oF naMEcards...
|| 2:19:00 PM
sOmetiMEs shE jUSt waNna lOok foR soMeonE, whO wOuld cOME oUt witH heR, bUt shE doNt haVE tO taLk tO...
sHe feEls lIke beIng aLone togethEr wiTH sOmeoNe...
sO thaNks tO MD, sHE loVes bLAding witH yOu, toGether bUt aLone aT thE sAMe tiME...
thEre iS a wEird sEnse oF coMfort wHEn yoU knOW, yoU aRe waiTing foR soMEone tO catCh uP, oR yoU aRe mEetinG soMEone iN front...
aNd thE soNg tO thE siLLy gaMe laSt niGht waS
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 || 11:46:00 PM
whEre thE fuCk aRe yoU? wHEn pEople cAncel mY guItar lEsson, oNly foR mE tO sEe hiM stRolling alOng toWn witH hiS pRetty giRlfriEnd, iN a littlE blaCK dreSs?
yoU lEft mE alOne tO faCe aLl thEse emOtionS bY mYSelf, wiThoUt a goOdbyE, nOr thE deSire tO fiNd aNother tO fiLl youR shOEs, oR thE coUrage tO faCe aLL thEse coUples...
i hAte feEling tHAt stiNg iN mY eyEs, aFter i triEd sO haRd tO bE stroNg aLL daY, aLL wEek, aLL thEse bloOdy lOng mOnths...
|| 1:58:00 PM
thAt iS swEEter thAn, aNy 2liT, oR 2 doOr riDe...
There wasnt a single day that we didnt momentarily forget and feel that he was still alive. Any accomplishment, any success, any failure, any concern - our first instinct was to call him to let him know. We'd think, "I've got to tell him about this" and actually reach for the telephone. We would dream about running into him in the street, working ourselves up to a point where we actually believed that we were going to see him again. We'd wake up in the morning and roll over to hold him, and for that split second, we would forget that our lives were shattered. And then, the ugly reality hit us one more time. In those moments, it was like he died all over again.
Now there was no one to share life with. Even the small things, deciding what we were going to have for dinner, or what to do for the weekend - these were the daily pleasures that had been ripped away from us. . . . Someone pointed out - "It's gone, but at least it was there." At least we had it. Someone else raised a glass. "A toast!"
Love you, Mean It - Patricia C., Julia C., CLaudia G.,Ann H.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 || 12:47:00 AM
'i took a water taxi over to the beach where we'd been married. i don't know what i expected to find there; maybe some kind of sign that Tommy is still with me? The beach looked exactly as it had that day of our wedding: a strip of bright white sand edged with turquiose water and shady palm trees. The only person whom i shared my wedding memories was no longer with me. We would never make more memories together. All i did was think of my husband and how much i wanted him there with me. It was unbearable. Everywhere i turned, Tommy should have been there, and he wasn't. I sat on the sand by the water for i don't know how long,it could have been hours, crying.
The only thoughts in my head were:"How could he be gone?"'
Love you, mean it -Patricia C.,Julia C.,Claudia G. & Ann H.
Thursday, March 12, 2009 || 12:13:00 PM
就算路不像想象中那样 就算难走,就算没有人赞成
就算路灯不亮, 就算跌到, 就算划破手脚
就算下雨了, 就算路滑, 就算淋湿
就算放弃比较容易, 就算有别的风景,就算一个人会害怕
就算最后走不回你身边, 也想尽全力走下去, 到走不动为止...
|| 1:52:00 AM
《倔强的背后》-许慧欣 很沉默什么话你都没说 只静静拥抱我在熟悉路口 想说的太多一开口全忘了 不让画面难过很努力微笑着 谁记得谁为爱情着了魔 太冲动的说 you're all that i need 失去了你的生活再华丽又算什么 有些幸福简简单单就已足够 在倔将的背后看不见的伤口 在微笑的背后放弃自尊挽留 在故事的最后谁都不愿开口 在重逢的路口给我一个理由 让自己往前走 走向下个路口 找个人有和你似曾相识的温柔
失去了你的生活再华丽又算什么 有些幸福简简单单就已足够
|| 12:29:00 AM
'A doomsday clock to Americans is like a picture of oxygen to a drowning man.'
i thiNk, yOu'd liKe thiS...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 || 3:02:00 PM
wE waNTed tO gO lA toMAtinO toGetheR, sTaininG oUr whIte shIRts reD witH toMatoEs, remEmber?
Monday, March 09, 2009 || 2:32:00 AM
人家对你好一点, 你就整个陷进去...
tO thE eXtent oF proJecting 'despErate' viBes, oNe oF mY girLs saiD, anD thE pesSimistic vieW oF 'hE migHt noT bE gooD foR mE' aS oPPosed tO 'whO kNows hOw weLL iT mIght tuRn oUt' stAted iN oNe oF heR faV mAgazines...
mT fiRst aDult puRchase
Sunday, March 08, 2009 || 11:16:00 AM
bEcauSe shE haS bEen aN aWfully gOod giRl, shE neeDs soMethiNg tO dreAM aBout, anD smIle aT,
sO sHe got hErsElf a liTtle pResent...
wAkeboArd triP
Thursday, March 05, 2009 || 1:58:00 AM
pAtriCk mINgde mY faV piC oF thE dAy
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 || 3:20:00 AM
i loVe thiS, anD i thiNk bRad piTt lOoks delIcious, ha! iT maKes mE waNNa crY thiNking abOut beiNg aBandoNed foR yoUr oWn goOd, anD theN haVing thE lovE oF yoUr lIfe coME baCK, whEn yOu aRE maRried aNd aLL... thE cHoice whiCh iS aPPArent, anD thE bItterswEet-neSs,
juSt kiNda spOil iT a liTTle, whEn bEnjamIn iS iNvolved wiTh TWO maRried woMAn bUt i toTally loVe quEenie, benJamin's mAma...
'You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went; you can swear and curse the fates - but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.'
i doNt thiNk iT's suPer iNsightfuL, thEre iSnt anYthiNg thAt thEy saY thaT i dOnt aLreadY kNow, thOugh thAt doEsnt mEan i donT aCt liKe giGi sOmetimEs,
bUt i thiNk i aM sO jAninE mOst oF thE tiMe, anD aLL guYs wiLL bE jerKs, eSp iF thEy geT maRried
Gigi: But maybe he is going out of town. Alex: To where? New Guinea? Where's he gonna be that he's gonna be out of touch?
jUSt caughT thiS, bOrinG, slOw mOvie whiCh iS aBout a mAn, i fAil tO adMire... bEsides, toM iS nOwherE aS haNdsOme aS bRad...
thUS mY faVoritE quOte: "This portrait will be un-hung and the man will be hung."
Monday, March 02, 2009 || 3:30:00 PM
a plaCe witH a verY nICe naME, aND verY niCe amBience... gOod fOod, anD drinKS witH bEautifuL naMEs
uNexpectEd diNNer, whiCh wAS laTe dUe tO uNforseEn reASons, wAS thEn spRinklEd witH toNS oF thE geNtle coNcern, tHAt alwAys mAKes mE feEl likE a giRl...
a uSual cAr riDe hoMe, wHere wE alMost diD soMEthinG wroNg...
iT waS haRd foR mE tO reSist thE attraCtion, hArder stiLL tO reSist yoU, bUt i wILL trY mY verY beST...
|| 2:15:00 PM
soMe piCtureS aT woRk...
wiTh fatiMah's dAughtEr... i loVe iT whEn thEY aRE bLAck mORe taMpiNEs eASt grAssRoots reTReat 2009 oRigaMi, iT's bEen lOng joAnnA aND bElindA iSnt shE cuTe? i loVe thE eFfects, aLhtough iT's jUSt mY leNS gEttiNg mISty 1,2,3 anD 4... i aM sO tirEd aFter oNly 3 hoURs oF slEep thE nighT beFore... stEven anD wiNSon...