aPplying foR mY pDl... mY quEue nUmber... mY pDL... bReakfast witH mUmmy afTer gettiNg... mY iNStructor takiNg doWn mY pDl detAils... niSsan sUnny SDR6600L mY fiRst oFficiaL driVing seSsion...
yoU wiShed thAt yoU tAught mE hOw tO driVe wheN i wAS iN thE pArk... nOw i'D tEll yoU, i'LL thInk oF yOu eAch tiME i dRive...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 || 1:30:00 PM
whEn i neEd heR tO bE diFFerent, jUSt iN caSe thE kFc auNtie kIlls uS foR haVing aLL breASt anD winGS, shE iS thE thiGhs anD druM kiND...
whEn i nEed heR tO bE thE samE, shE wouLD saCrificE thE sAMe siDe tO toP uP foR thE saME chEese friEs, WITHOUT SPRING ONIONS =)
whEn siMIlaritiEs aRE pLEasant surpRises...
thE pErfecT KFC mEal...
tHe oNly giRlfriEnd whO wiLL dAte mE foR KFC, skIn, oiL anD aLL...
whO goEs iNto besT denKi wiTh mE, anD wE lOOk liKE biMbos, whO aRe lOst iN thE eleCtroniCs woRld, witHout oUr aLL-sO-maN boYfrienDs. sHe wEnt 'dO yoU reaLise hOw biMbotic thaT lOOks?' whEn shE cauGht mE lOOking aT saLLy hanSen enGAgement serIEs, iN bEst denKi, hA...
wALks anD waLks nOn-stoP, enTErtainS mY miLLions oF 'gOOd foR sentoSa solEmnisatioN?', eaCh tiME i piCk uP a dreSs...
anD aFTer teN lOng yEars, aFter taLking abt thIS sO maNy tiMEs, wE mEt shEEna whIle wE stoPped foR coFfee...
nO huGs, whATever, teLLs hEr i aM siTting oUtside, coMes baCk teLL mE hOW gooD shE feeLs foR bEing abLE tO, teLL mY eX thaT wE stiLL hanG oUt toGether...
shE thEn remEmberS tO teLL mE evEry detaIL oF theiR coNServation, iNcluding hOW shE agE, haIR, cuRrent girlfriEnd, faCIal eXpressIOn aT thE meNtion oF mY nAme, hOW shE waLK aWay beCause i jUSt woUldnt lOok...
thANk God foR besT friEnds!
Monday, April 20, 2009 || 4:02:00 AM
mY neW faVourite soNg aFter hEaring thE sonG aT siMon caBAret...
Saturday, April 18, 2009 || 10:17:00 AM
aNd oKi, nOw i aM fiNe... fiNE fiNE kInda fiNe... i thInk thAt guY iS a chILdish lIAr whO iS iRresponsiBle... yOu wOo aN oLDer gaL, aND nOw yoU thInk shE pRob caNt wAit thaT lOng for yoU tO geT yoUR deGree, anD gATher enOugh guTs tO marRy...
mAYbe i lOOk lIke soMe auNt aGony... brOken hEarted pPle aRe soMehow drAwn tO me, oR mY naME pOps iNto thEir brAin aUtomaticAlly whEn thEY mEEt soME jErk oF a bOyfrienD/giRlfriEnd...
i aM noT toTally fiNE witH thE i-nEed-yoU-yoU-bUSy-witH-bF-buT-bF-iS-jErk-yoU-caLL-mE kInda sCenario... thE oKi fiNE bUt nOt fiNE fiNe, kInda fiNE iF yoU gEt wAt i mEan...
sO i thinK i deServE a liTTle bIt oF i-dOnt-kNow-wHAt thAt yoU doNt jUSt smS mE iN thE mOrning, demAnding thE verY eveNing, deMAnding aN eXact mEeting tiME, sAying yoU dont wAnna mEet mY pRior aPpt aT aLL...
liKe i muSt, shOuld, pUt doWn evEry aNd anY thIng tO ruSh tO babY yOU... tiL yoU deciDe sOmethiNg elSe iS mORe iMportanT thaN oUR frieNdshiP aGAin...
Friday, April 17, 2009 || 7:57:00 PM
makE a wiSh...
thE waTEr sPlashing festiVAl, tHe watEr guNS baTtle,pailS spLAshed iNto tuKs tuKS biKinis, bOard shOrts,dreSses, aLl daY, evERdaY taTtoo-eD shOulders anD calVEs,taNNed bOds anD weT hair thE roCk ciTy, stAff, siMple meN witH smaLL wiShes coNvenience sTore, paCk oF baCOn, feEding strAy doGs sWimmIng laTE aT nIght, trYing haRd tO takE uNDerwatEr shOts witH eyEs oPen piZZa anD fagS bY thE pOol, bArgainIng, wAlking aWay, fiNAlly coNQuering hOrse baCk riDing, whItewatEr raFting, atV, snOrkellinG, caBarEt
iwaNt tO gO baCk tO phuKEt agAIn...
Saturday, April 11, 2009 || 11:45:00 AM
aCCoustic aT timBre, roChor beaNcuRd witH doUgh stiCks, strOll aloNg maRina baRRAge, shOts aT thE siNgapore flYer...
i have alWays waNted tO dO aLL thAt witH yOu...
Thursday, April 09, 2009 || 10:51:00 AM
rAndoM tHought 1: baCk iN nOvember, shE thoUght thAt jAy's neWest aLbum iS sO diFferent, suCh chAnging oF pitCH anD bLAh, sO diFFicult, bUt toDay shE reALised shE iS abLe tO hUm tO aT leaSt 5 sOngs...
mAYbe pEOple lEarn, mAYbe witH tiME anYthing iS pOSsible...
rAndoM thOught 2: haVE yoU evEr nOt wAnt tO reAd a gOod, mEaningful stoRY, liKE 'lOng waLK tO freEdom', anD jUSt waNNa reAd sAd alMost-truE fiCtions liKE bY jODi, thAt mAKes yoU feEl thEre aRe sO manY oThers haVing iT woRse...
mAYbe, iN eaCh oF uS, thEre iS aN eVil streAk, whICh soOthes oUr woUnds whEn wE sEe othErs haVing iT woRse...
rAndoM thoUght 3: iT iS rAining aT maMMoth nOW, lEander iS theRe, sO yOu mUSt bE toO, diD yoU thiNk oF thE giRL whO wAnts tO pLAy iN thE raiN wiTh a whIte shIRt oN witH yoU?
mAYbe yoU'd haVE fORgotteN, maYbe yoU aRe jUSt a jerK thAt i anOinted, bUt hOw caN i bE thAt wroNg aBout yoU?
Wednesday, April 08, 2009 || 7:50:00 PM
nO, yoU aRen't a diSappOintment, thAt's lIke saYing i raTher nOt havE mEt yoU...
whEn juSt lOOking aT youR faCe iN mY s5, makEs mE smile, anD haVE aDrenaliN pUmpiNg agAin aT 4aM iN thE moRning, sO teLl mE, hOW caN i regRet evEr mEeting yOu...
hEdonISt: a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification
sobRiety: the state or quality of being sober
weLL, i guEss yoU caN't reAlly pUrsuE anYthiNg iF yoU aRen't soBer...
Sunday, April 05, 2009 || 12:50:00 PM
iT's a piTy...
sHE thiNks iT's a jOy tO bE abLe tO gO foR a moVie toGether, nO maTter thE sEating gO bUy suPper foR hiM, sHare iT witH hiM aFterwArds...
shE caNt faThom whY pEople, caN nOt seE hOw suCH siMple thiNgs shOuld bE cheriShed...
Saturday, April 04, 2009 || 3:51:00 PM
mAde mE thiNk oF thiS...
sEntosA bEach reSort
|| 3:20:00 PM
went sEarchIng foR thE pErfect soLemnizAtion pLace witH THE coUple...
goOd hAngoUt pLaCe... i lOVe thiS hUt...
Wednesday, April 01, 2009 || 12:17:00 AM
sHe kNows she wiLL fiND soMEone oNe daY...
tO gO blAding witH hEr iN thE miDdle oF thE nIght, tO bakE a caKE foR, tO cOOk toGEther witH, tO paCk a lUnch bOx foR, tO lOOk iNto thE eyE anD sAy 'i loVE yOu' tO, tO driVE sHotguN witH, holDing hiS/heR hanD, tO bUy a shIrt foR, tO briNg tO thE doC's wHen hE/sHE faLLs siCk, tO coMe viSit hEr whEn shE geTs adMitteD,
tO heAr 'nOthing definEs mE, eXcept yoU anD oUR daugHter' froM...