“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009 || 2:53:00 PM
aM 1 hOur iNto thE oPeniNg ceRemony oF thE AYG...
anD iT suCks,
thE meSs oF a bUnch oF yOung, uNskiLlful gYmnaSTs,
thE emCee hAS thE chEek tO caLL iT 'a Representation of Freedom'?
oH plEase, evEn chIna diD beTTEr iN thEir oPEning foR oLympics...
tOo muCH wAitinG,
a rEgular praCtisE whIch i feEl maKEs oUR coUntry lOok
priSSy aND oUr leaDers pEtty...
anD thOSe elDerly, senIor-sEnile, hIgh-uP-thEres,
dO soMEthinG abOut youR imPressioN oF yoUths,
bRight yEllows, hOt piNks, siLver-alUminiuM foIl lOOk-alIkes
DO NOT syMboliSe a vibRant, aCtive, friEndly groUp oF yOuths...
sUch diStastefuL wAys...
Sunday, June 28, 2009 || 11:22:00 AM
iS thEre a wAy shE caN teLL yoU,
thAt shE wiSh shE haS a bUmblebEe,
bUt shE lOves thE oH-sO-sliCk siDeswiPe?
shE thOught oF thE tiME shE waTched trAnsfoRmers,
bAck iN 2007 aT coDy, yeS coDy...
thAt bUilding whEre thEre iS viCtoria sEcrets, thE crafT stoRe,
a greAt bOokstorE aT iTs lEft siDe anD canDy mAchinEs aT iTs enTrance,
bRight, coLourfuL bAlls oF canDy...
haVe yoU wAtched 'revEnge oF thE faLlen' yeT?
oR wiLL yoU bE gettiNg thE dVd?
whEn yoU gO thRough yoUR coLLEction,
dO yoU sEe thOse shE lEft beHind foR thIS pUrpose?
diD yoU thInk oF hER?
Saturday, June 27, 2009 || 1:56:00 AM
hAve yoU heArd oF MJ's pAssing anGel?
i gueSs yOu'LL juSt shruGged anD saY iT's tOO baD...
suDdenly, i doNt remEmber iF yOu liKed hiS soNgs...
Friday, June 26, 2009 || 11:16:00 AM
yoU aRe foRty, maYbe evEn oLDer,
yoU aRe a teAcher, aT laSalle nOthing lEss,
yoU cAme tO coLlect tiCkets, anD evEn toOk aN eXtra oNe...
aND yOu sAId i diD noT reMind yOu tO siGn thE doC,
thAt wAS mEntioNed tO yOu laSt niGht?
yoU bLArdy fuCking voLunteer,
chEck uP oN thAt woRd wiLL yoU...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 || 12:19:00 AM
thE buS dOOr swinGs oPen anD e aroMa oF duRiaNS
frOm thE sTall beHind thE stoP oveRwhelMS teMporariLy...
dO yoU stiLL reMember mE teLLing yoU,
thAt duriAN taStes lIke eaTing creAm pUffs,
iN thE toIlet?...
i reMember yoU teLLing mE thAT,
iT's weiRd descriBing mY faVourite fRuit thAT wAy,
iF iT iS aS nICe aS i sAid iT tO bE...
suNshiNE thOught oF aNgel toDay,
yoU're stiLL thE onE...
|| 12:19:00 AM
aS shE eMailed thE soU-chef,
shE wisH shE coUld emAil yoU thiS anGel...
Monday, June 22, 2009 || 1:21:00 AM
whO iS freE oN thE 25tH, 26Th, 27tH sepTember?
haS 188 bUcks tO spAre?
anD kNows whEre tO waLk tO foR a gOod viEw blaH?
shE feEls lIke goiNg tO thE F1 racE thiS yeAr...
Saturday, June 20, 2009 || 1:18:00 AM
sHe doNt beliEve iN dOing tO oThers whAt thEy diD tO hEr...
nO, shE wuN hAnd oVer aND lEave thE neXt cAndidaTe tO struGgle,
evEn iF thE neXt caNdidaTe iS exaCtly thE soRt tO dO thAT,
evEn iF shE waS maDe tO struGGle tAking oVer...
iN spIte oR priNciple,
shE waNts tO shOW thEm thAt foLLowing thrOugh iS hEr waY,
eXperienCes aRe meAnt tO bE shAred, nOt poSsessed...
shE kNows yOu'rE sAYing aLL thAT foR hEr oWn gOOd,
aN aTtempt tO pRotect hEr,
anD shE's thANkful...
iN a wEird waY,
jUSt aS mUCh aS yoU waNt hEr nOt tO foLLow youR waYs,
shE haS alWays jUSt waNNA bE liKe yoU...
Friday, June 19, 2009 || 3:40:00 AM
i lOve thE goWns aT thE fittIng toDay...

lOve thiS!

tHe goWns shE donT liKe aS mUCh...

i lOve thE diSNey pRincess feEl oF thE bacK oF thiS gowN thOugh...

thE oNE shE bOught...

thE goWn foR oUtdoOr shOot...

thE fiVE chOSen goWns foR hEr pHoto shOot...

i lOve thIS pICture,

anD thiS oF thE briDe...
Thursday, June 18, 2009 || 4:33:00 AM

oTher thAn thE titlE,
sHe lOves everyThing abOut thiS mOvie...
thE pAir oF swinGs,
tHe pRomise tO kEep thE firsT pHotograpH foreVer,
tHe lOvers whO greW uP toGether pLot,
thE weDding settinG...
shE leArnt alOt,
reAlised aLot,
anD deCided...
beCause shE deserveS soMeone wHo wiLL sAy thiS tO heR,
"I promise you this, when you wake up in the morning, I'll be there every time!"
anD whO kNows, oNe fiNe daY,
shE mIght neEd thE saMe assIstance...
"Love is magical comfort food for the weak and uneducated. Yeah, it makes you feel all warm and relevant but in the end it leaves you weak, dependant and fat!"
"Life, you know, it's like a quick cup of coffee, if you haven't got the guts to love someone, love them with all you've got, then you end up drinking alone."
"Someone once told me that the power in all relationships lies with whoever cares less, and he was right. But power isn't happiness, and I think that maybe happiness comes from caring more about people rather than less... "shE thInk thE threE quOtes aRe staGes, anD shE's pROlly iN thE secoNd...
shE caN't waIt foR thAt speCial soMEone tO coMe eXperiencE thE thirD witH...
Thursday, June 11, 2009 || 2:30:00 AM
shE haTes uNfamiliAr voId decKS...
Monday, June 08, 2009 || 2:42:00 PM
jUSt tO sEe iF yoU aRE aRound...
'yOu're aLwAys oN mY mind, froM thE tiME i wAKe uP, tiL i clOSe mY eYEs...'
Sunday, June 07, 2009 || 12:36:00 PM
thEre aRe mAny wAYs oF sAYing
"i'M thiNkinG oF yoU..."
thE woRds maY nOt aPPear,
aND soMetimEs yoU mAY haVE tO guEss a liTTle...
a :),
a mIss caLL,
aN oFFical-bUt-nOt-reAlly-uRgent reMinder,
a sNApple reAl faCt meSSage...
bUt sOmetimEs i wiSH,
thIngs aRe siMpler...
anD thEY caN bE, iF wE arEnt sO naRRow minDed...
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 || 1:48:00 AM
有些人就是槟榔撞盐(lao ji chuang yam - in hokkien)
盐的味道是咸 (kiam)
槟榔的味道是涩 (sep)
所以放在一起就是 kiam sep = 吝啬 = stingy
yoU leArn soMEthinG everYday,
eVen froM caB driverS!...