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Friday, August 28, 2009 || 3:52:00 PM

whiLE shE aPpreciatEs thE iNNovatioN,
anD eFforts thaT haS goNe iNto thE neW proDuct...

soME thiNgs aRe bEtter uNchangeD,
liKE hEr faVourite chOcolate baR...
Thursday, August 27, 2009 || 9:43:00 PM
Merry Christmas in August
From: joanne bunny
Sent: 27 August 2009 21: 40PM
To: gregory daryl stenroos
How is it this year angel?
any hail?
keep safe, keep warm.
jOaNne W.
shE miSses hIm...
|| 2:19:00 PM

fiNally kNow whAt iT iS caLLed...
caLLa LiLy...
Monday, August 24, 2009 || 1:32:00 AM
shE iS thInkIng oF thE tiMEs yoU dRove hEr tO boZemaN,
thAt tuNnel, witH thE sEa beSide, abOut aN hOur froM bOzemaN...
hOw shE alWays wAke uP whEn yOur cAr coMes ouT froM thEre,
aNd hOw shE faLLs aSleep evErytimE thE caR enTers iT tOo,
thEre mUSt bE soMething aBout thAt tuNnel...
doZing oFf aS yoUr shOtguN,
shE wondeRs iF yoU evEr foUnd thE sLeepinG hEr adOrable,
oR jUSt blEah...haHA...
Sunday, August 23, 2009 || 5:40:00 PM

fiNAlly sEwed oN thE buTtons tO thE lASt pHuket pUrchaSe thAt stiLL haSnt seEn daYlight...
shE liKes thE loOk oF thE thRee diFferent bUttons,
thE weiRdness oF thEM toGether,
kiNda likE hEr...
mUmmy's bOx oF oLd bUttoNs,
lUnching witH thE whOle faMily, anD bOyfriEnd,
bUying uNderweaR froM roAdside staLLs,
mUmmy lAughing aT heR sewiNg,
muMmy feEding hEr maNgo...
shE lOves hEr faMily =)
Thursday, August 20, 2009 || 2:38:00 AM
马路 再宽 再远 只要你牵,
mOnster moNster
Monday, August 17, 2009 || 2:41:00 AM

tHey haVe aRRivEd...
dO yoU stiLL drinK thEse?
shE wonDers iF theiR roAd triPs eveR croSs hiS minD aGain...

evEn thE taGS aRE sooOoO nICe...
Sunday, August 16, 2009 || 12:55:00 AM
yoU oNly caLL aFter yoU're oN youR waY tO hEr plAce,
likE shE wouLd defiNitely coMe dowN...
oH weLL, shE caNt denY shE liKes
1) thE iMpromptU-neSs oF iT aLL
2) haVing thE deciSion maDe foR heR
3) tHe wAy iT sEems lIke yoU miSs hEr tOo muCh
haHA, shE iS aSsumiNg
bUt wTf...
|| 12:44:00 AM

diD yoU kNow thAt pIgs haVE aN exQuisite loVe foR truFfles?
anD therefoRe theY aRe usEd tO snIff oUt truFfles?
truFfle hOgs...
anD piGs, stuBborn froM birTH,
chOose a niPple tO suCkle froM,
anD oNly suCkle froM thAt niPple...
shE reAlises thaT thEy aRe reaLLy piNK,
thE oNE coLor shE haTes...
shE woNDers iF shE wouLd liKE truFfles tOo =) ...
Friday, August 14, 2009 || 4:13:00 AM

tWO yeArs aGo...

lAst yeAr...

thiS yeAr...
'Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?'
shE miSses thE pArk,
thE feEling oF bEing a 'sAvage',
nO ceLl pHone, wEak iNternet,
lIghts anD hOt wAter cuT oFf,
bEing bY youR siDe...
shE stiLL reMembers,
dO yoU?
jUSt thiNk oF hEr a liTTle?...
haPPy twO yeAr aNniversarY anGel...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 || 3:41:00 PM
thE siMple aCt oF leaDing,
whEn shE's aFraiD...
aLthouGh aCtionS spEaks lOuder,
shE hOpe thEre's soME waY shE caN lEt yoU knOw,
woRds mAtter tOo...
Monday, August 10, 2009 || 1:33:00 PM
iT's bEen lOng...
thE weB caM iS stiLL woRking finE...
Sunday, August 09, 2009 || 12:22:00 AM
oReo cOOkies, duNked iN miLK,
aRe thE besT!...
6aM, oVErcaSt...
thEre weRe nO sTArs iN thE skY whEn shE lOoked out hEr wiNDow,
mAYbe beCause thEre wOn't bE anY iN yOurs,
aT 3pM yOur siDe...
shE cLOsed hEr eyEs,
anD hOpe yOu'd feEL hEr misSIng yOu...