“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Sunday, September 27, 2009 || 2:31:00 PM
a toTally uNheard-oF verSion oF whAt haPPened,
anD shE gueSs theRe's soME trutH iN iT...
shE chOse tO fLy tO thE sTates,
chOse yEllowstonE,
choSe tO reTurn hIS feElings,
cHose tO lEave hiM alOne anD coMe bAck tO siNGapoRE,
choSe tO tAKe moRe thAN siX mOnths tO flY baCk foR hiM...
bASicaLLy, hE haS liVEd hIS lIFe pEacefuLLy foR 24 yeArs,
thEN thiS siNgaporeAN giRl haS tO lAnd iN yEllowstonE,
meSsed uP hiS thOughts anD thEN lEave hiM,
loNesoME anD aLL...
hE iGnored hEr beCause hE sAW nO fuTUre,
shE diDnt gO baCk foR hiM,
nO maTTEr hOW mUCh shE sAId shE mISsed hIm...
iT's a diFFerent oPinioN,
a pOint oF viEw shE'd nEver coNSidered...
Thursday, September 24, 2009 || 10:34:00 AM

mAybe iT's tiMe shE chAnge hEr jOb,
oR mOve sOmepLAce whEre shE geTS
a hAndsomE, gReat-bOdied, doCtor foR a nEighboUr...
thEN aGain, aRRoganT gUys wHo arE soFties,
thEy aRe everYwhere nO?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 || 1:55:00 PM
sKippiNg puDdles,
kNitted wEar,
bUStlinG trAffiC,
stReet lAmps,
bUsker pLAying 'Somewhere Out There'oN a rAIny evENing...
iT feLt lIke chRistmASes,
thAt shE reAds aBout,
oR sEe iN mOvieS...
soMeday, she teLLs hErself...
Monday, September 21, 2009 || 12:07:00 PM
iT mUSt bE hER,
sHE mUSt haVE bEen tOO sEnsitivE,
bUt shE feEls mIghty biTchy,
shE waNts tO aSK hEr tO shut uP,
anD miNd hER oWn bLArdy bUSineSs...
nO jOannE doNt thiNk yOu're thE giRL,
thAt yoU pORTray tO evERyoNE elSe,
shE thInks aLL thAt iS juSt a faRce,
foR siLLy anD eGOistic guYS,
whO thiNKs saVing yoU maKEs thEm a suPerheRo...
Saturday, September 19, 2009 || 5:39:00 PM
jOAnne anD mAddiE wEre pLAnning thEir fiRst triP toGether,
tO lAngkawi...
jO: swiM witH bABy shArks!
mAd: i sCared...
jO: snOrkel!
maD: plEase nO sNorkelliNG...
jO: diVE triP!
mAd: i doNt wANt tO diVE...
*thRows caRebeaR aT mAddiE*
maD: i wANt tO gO tO thE waTErfaLLs
jO: yoU jUSt wANt tO takE pHotos
mAd: hOW yoU kNOw?
jO: yoU thINk i stupId aH
jO: swiM aT sEven wElls wATerfaLL
jO: yoU takE pHotos i swiM, bUt mUSt treK uPhiLL
*afTer 3 sEconds anD jOanne sTArts tO hOPe*
mAd: HUH?
|| 1:47:00 PM

cAn shE hAve aLL oF thEm pLEase?
|| 10:42:00 AM
ruNning iN thE rAin,
gOod shOes, flOwy sKirt bEhind hEr (thE blAck oNe thiS timE),
nO riSk oF faLLing,
iS a gOod feEling tO wAke uP tO...
yUp, shE caN stAY aSleep uP tO oNe hOur,
aFter shE getS oUt oF hEr bEd...
thEre iS a neEd, tO dO soMEthing,
nOt jUSt pASs thE daYs,
tO sEe a wiLD aNimaL iN thE wiLD,
tO touCh a trEe thAt's groWn, nOt pLAnted,
tO sEe siGhts shE's nEver lAid eyEs oN,
tO tASte fOod oF aNother pLace,
tO dANce/siNg/ruN/juMp aROund/tAKe a stRoll iN a diFFerent cuLture...
Friday, September 18, 2009 || 11:15:00 AM
shE diN knOw,
a pOlar-griZZly hYbrid wAS diScovered aT nElsoN hEad iN 2006...
wAtching thE doCumentAry abOut hYbrid bEars iN aLAska,
thE danGErs oF hYbriDs iN coMparisoN,
abOut hOw thEY coUld trAvel aLL thE wAY tO wyOming...
aFter shE dreAmt oF mEeting aNgel iN a pUB-likE plaCe,
witH aNother,
thEn lOsing yOu aGain...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 || 5:10:00 PM

thEre's soMethinG aBout whIte clOth trAiling iN thE wiND behiNd hER
whEn sHe mOves thAt reMinds hEr oF roMance...
flIghty, gEntle, caRessiNg...
Monday, September 14, 2009 || 10:55:00 AM
reSearchIng foR hER mUm's iNtended saKura triP nExt apRIl,
shE's soRta deCided oN toKyo anD hEre aRe thE pLAces shE waNNa sEe...
3) HARAJUKU - best visited on a Sunday afternoon
5) UENO PARK - famous for its cherry blossoms in April
anD shE neEds aDvice froM pEOple whO wenT thEre,
cauSe shE hAtes pLanning!
Saturday, September 12, 2009 || 6:09:00 PM
shE siTs aT hEr deSk,
iMagines yOu lOoking thROugh heR alBum...
anD feLt pUre bliSS... =)
|| 12:11:00 PM
为什么…… 连谎言你也不说
Wednesday, September 09, 2009 || 9:14:00 PM
aNgel caMe oNline...
hiS niCk nO lOnger reAds 'Greg just me and my girl'...
buT thEre's stiLL nO neWs...
pArceL fRom cuRtis...
|| 8:55:00 PM

thAnk yoU cuRtis,
iT's alWays nICe gettIng a preSent,
evEn nICer thAt iT caME fROm a thOusanD miLEs aWay,
froM soMEone twO suMmers agO,
shOwing yoU wiTHout a doUbt thaT yoU're remMEbered...
shE loVes evErythIng iN thE paRcel,
eSp thaT rAinbow beANie,
tO celEbrate,
shE draNk oNe oF hEr mOnsters toDay tOo...
Saturday, September 05, 2009 || 3:41:00 PM
thEre wAs aN acciDent iN front oF hEr woRkplaCe toDay,
aS hEr buS weNt pAst thE jUnction tO hAlt aT thE bUs-stoP,
shE sAw thaT iT's a siNgpoSt vaN...
thEN shE woNDers iF thE paRcelS iN thE coLLasped vehiCle,
havE pEople wAiting foR thEm,iF thEy'd geT ruiNEd,
iF thE aDDressEs geT smUdged anD thEY nEver goT tO whEre thEY're suPPosed tO,
liKe soME noVel witH aN eviL twiSt oF fatE...
shE goT tO thE oFFice anD heAr thERe'rE waShing oFF oF blOod,
shE thOught oF hOW shE alWays crOss thAt jUnctiOn foR a ciGgy,
anD woNDer whAt shE shLd pUt doWn aS hER epiTaph,
woNDer whO wiLL wEep oR laUgh aT hER fuNEral,
wOnder iF theRE woUld bE anYone whO'd reGret nOt teLLing hER,
soMEthiNg thAt shE shOuld haVe hEard bEfoRe shE diEs...
iT's a dAy oF siCkly roMantic iMaginatioNs...
Thursday, September 03, 2009 || 4:04:00 PM

oKi, a pArceL fRom sAN fRans...
sHe caN't siT stiLL,
hEr haNDs aRe coLD,
sHe wAnts tO geT hEr coLd haNDs oN thE pArcel...
Wednesday, September 02, 2009 || 3:33:00 PM
soMEtimEs wE foRget tO sAY oUr P's anD Q's,
sOmetimEs wE fOrget tO chEck oUr toNE,
somEtimEs wE forGet tO rEply tO sMS-es...
wE geT buSy,
wE beCome iNvolVed iN oUr oWn liVes,
wE sAy haRsh stuFf...
aFter moRe thaN teN yEars,
wE mAy haVE takEN eAch otheR foR grANted,
wE mAy foRget tO caRE...
bUt lEt's riGht oUR wroNgs shAll wE?
Tuesday, September 01, 2009 || 11:12:00 AM
他也会问 '这六年你过得好不好?'吗?
|| 10:33:00 AM
a pAt oN thE sHoulder,
a 'gOod jOb',
vERy rEaSSurinG,
vEry niCe...