“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Saturday, October 31, 2009 || 5:59:00 PM
'When you drop a glass or a plate to the ground it makes a loud crashing sound. When a window shatters, a table leg breaks, or when a picture falls off the wall it makes a noise. But as for your heart, when that breaks, it is completely silent. You would think it's so important it would make the loudest noise in the whole world, or even have some sort of ceremonious sound like the gong of a cymbal or the ringing of a bell. But it's silent and wou almost wish there was a noise to distract you from the pain.
If there is a noise, it's internal. It screams and no one can hear it but you.'
If you could see me now - Cecelia Ahern
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 || 12:00:00 PM

hoW woUld iT feEl lIke iF yOu haVe a dYing sIbling?
hOw woUld iT fEeL liKe iF yoU hAve aN teRminaLLY-iLL chIld?
hOw wOuld iT feEL likE iF yOu hAve a cANcer-striCken bOyfriEnd?
woUld yOu wAnna diE oR cArry oN?
oH cuRtis, whEn yoU reAD thiS,
cAn yoU teLL hEr whAt's flY fiSHing liKe?
whY dO yoU hAVe tO geT iNto thE wATers foR thaT?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 || 12:42:00 AM
You will be feeling more yourself than ever. I say that because I see definite signs of wanderlust in your immediate future. It must be time to pack your suitcase again, Sadge. You're off and running. Your boss must be an astrologer. He or she certainly chose the right person for the right job. It involves scads of travel and there is nothing you fancy more. Whether it's a weekend mountain jaunt to check out the prices of chalets in Switzerland or a business deal with a Monterey fishery, your stars are showing a change of scenery and a spate of much-needed adventure. Take along your laptop and your I phone. Make sure you remain in touch with the head office as well with friends and family who are always on the qui vive when you are abroad in the world. At the beginning of this month you could encounter a new love interest. The chemistry could be dynamite. But he or she may be married. If you decide to take up with this newcomer, make sure you know what you are getting into. For those who are in relationships, you may discover a new dimension to your lover that you had never guessed at before. Something that excites you and affects your image of that person in a positive way. November will be satisfying for you, your birthday is on the way as are the holidays. You love all that action. Have a good one!
hEr hOrosCope reADing foR nOvember...
hMmm, bUt shE's oNly trAvelling iN deC...
neW loVe interEst?
nEw coLLeaguE sI bO?
Sunday, October 25, 2009 || 4:10:00 PM

wASnt thAt thE pLAce,
thE lADy aT oSpreY caMe froM?
a smAll coUnty,
wiTh iTs siLLy trAditions,
jAm-mAking mOthers,
dAds wiTh wEird sWinginG aRm-chAIr,
doGs thAt eAT reAl bOnes,
a pLAce whEre evEryone whO kNew evEryone...
a soUl-mAte aT aGE teN,
a reUnion aFter sevEn yeArs...
'yoU're thE fiRst bOy i evER kiSsed, jAke
anD i wANt yoU tO bE thE laSt'
- Sweet Home Alabama
Saturday, October 24, 2009 || 5:50:00 PM
'If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music,
making time spent together a melody
that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.'
The Choice - Nicholas SparksmElody, nothiNg leSs...
Friday, October 23, 2009 || 8:58:00 PM
jinguANg caMe oVer tO mAddie's taBle
mAddie: wAH song aH
mAddie: siBei soNg
jiNgUang: eH, caN yoU dont sAY thE woRd 'sIbei'?
mE: mADdie, yoU soUnd oBscenE
mAddiE: i oNly sAY soNg whAT!
fiVe seCOnds laTER
mAddie: wah~
maDDie: aHhh~
mAddie: fuCking sHiok aH!
mE: aRghzzz
jOannE reALly doNt wANna iMagine thAt eRhmmm, sCene...
|| 8:36:00 PM
iT's wrOng,
tO eXpect soMEthing froM yoUr eFforts,
yoUr gOod intenTions,
oR sWeet woRds...
iT maKEs lOve sO coNditionaL...
bUt hOw doEs oNe kEep giVing,
whEn iT's liKE shE's nEver thOught oF...
|| 1:16:00 AM

thE twO pHotoS sHe liKEs mOst froM toDAy's sHootinG!
Thursday, October 22, 2009 || 10:08:00 AM
aS muCh aS shE iS eXcited,
sHE iS woRRied thAT thE pHotos toDay,
wiLL tuRn oUt tO bE hANds anD lEgs,
oFf foCus oR juSt pURe plAiness...
thAt shE'd reALised shE's nOt aS aRtistiC,
aS shE liKEd tO thiNk...
hAHaha, whAtever...
shE woNDers whEre iS thE luNch sLot,
shE's hUngry!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 || 2:34:00 PM

imAgine thiS aT niGht,
whEn yOu aRE a giRl bEhind...
tiRed oF fiGhting foR youRself,
witH thE reSt oF thE woRld...
feEls goOd tO haVE soMEone lEading, wAiting,
chALlengiNg yoU beCause hE kNows yoU caN,
yEt stAying clOSe bEcauSe hE caRes...
thAnk goD foR sAgi friEnds!
Monday, October 19, 2009 || 2:43:00 PM
pLAnniNG a triP tO baLI thiS timE
(lAngkaWi lOng foRgotten)
mE: eH, goT wAterfaLL
MadDie: oK!
(aFter 5 seConds)
MadDie: eH doNt teLL mE nEeda cYCle, treK thN rAfting thEn caN sEe thE waTerfaLL aH
mE:lEt's gO dolpHin wAtchIng
mAddie: OK!
mE: eH iF neEda swiM, snOrkel thEn diVe yOU stiLL waNt?
mAddie: thEY doNt coME tO tHe suRface oNe meH?
mE: iF nEeda diVe yoU stiLL wAnt?
mAddiE: *wAils* oRh....
siNCe whEn doLphin wAtching requIres thE paRticipants tO gO uNDerwaTER?
siLLy maDDie...
Saturday, October 17, 2009 || 12:46:00 PM

haPpy biRthdaY mARco...
doN't hE lOok sO eXcited oVEr hIS whOle cArton oF
lOndoN roLL?...
|| 12:35:00 PM

sHe likEs!
Thursday, October 15, 2009 || 2:57:00 PM
November 21 - December 20
Most compatible with....: Aries, Leo
Can be good with..........: Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio
A 50-50 chance with......: Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius
Doubtful with.................: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo
|| 11:44:00 AM

hEr vERy preTty luNch aT mANpuKu...
a suRpriSe luNch,
enJoyabLe coNversatiOn,
anD thE eMail oF thiS pHoto whEn shE loGs oN...
|| 11:41:00 AM


oR thiS soLE?

oR a tEn-eyEd?
whiCH onE wHich oNE?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 || 9:24:00 PM
High Joanne
Just wanted to say hello and that i was thinking of you. You look happy in your photos, but sound sad on your blog. I hope Alexa Is good to you in 2015. See Ya Girl.
iT alWays feEls gOod tO bE caRed foR,
remEmbered bY, anD thOught oF...
thAnks duDe...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 || 11:04:00 AM

ooOh, shE loVes hEr nEw shOEs!
sO pRettY, thOSe riBbons...
Saturday, October 10, 2009 || 3:10:00 PM
foRgot hEr bOok,
suCKy fOod,
laME iCe-breAKers,
seCret ciGarettE brEaks,
soME woMAn thAt kEpt goIn tO thE lOo,
sAme woMAn whO aPPlied eYeshadow oN seCond daY...
cleAr liZArds' caLLs,
nOt aS mUch mOSquitoEs,
gliStening spIDerweBs,
cruNchy lEaves,
smEll oF foRest,
sUn, sANd anD sEa...
8tH slAb oN thE roCk waLL,
jEttY jUmp,
bEIng actuAlly goOd aT mOonbaLL,
croSs laShings,
raFTing oN bArrels anD piPes,
coLd batHs...
yNp toIlet mAte,
cuTe bUTches...
gOod OBS tRip...
Tuesday, October 06, 2009 || 4:15:00 PM

lOOks caN bE sO deCeivinG...
hE lOoked lIke sUCh a nICe guY,
lOoked aT hEr wiTh pUppy doG eyEs,
hIS aCtions lOOked sO cariNg anD fuLL OF lOve...
shE lOoked aS iF shE iS naIve,
lOoked lIke shE iS a pUshoVEr,
lOoked liKe shE iS eaSily coAxed oVEr...
bUt hE iS sO shAred,
shE shAred bEcauSe shE tHought shE coUld stiLL bE spEciaL,
beinG shAring anD aLL...
wHAt a joKe...
Sunday, October 04, 2009 || 10:38:00 PM
reADing pAst msN coNversatioNs,
mAkes hEr miSs yoU...
iT lOoks liKe iT's goNna rAin,
pErfect nIght tO gO doWnstairS,
faG, bE aLone anD thiNk oF tHe anGel...
Thursday, October 01, 2009 || 5:12:00 PM
-alReady eDited-
Minz~ says:
i bougth chicken in a biskit!
haven't opened==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
ahhhhhhhhhh, honey stars and chicken in a biskit my fav comfort foods
eh give me five minutesMinz~ says:
that's nice!
i didn't know!
YOU EAT HONEY STARS? STARS?!?!? STARSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! ==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
yah, hate them so much so i eat all of them up
hahahahMinz~ says:
ahhh neeD to go toilet
but transferring money==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
i feel like running downstairs to buy snacks
all your faultMinz~ says:
is the posb website workINg
good for you
go go
i go pee pee
lazy bum==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
not goingMinz~ says:
if not by the time dinner
faint==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
dont wantMinz~ says:
craving gone?
no more craving forMinz~ says:
ritter sport
chicken in a biskit==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
shut upMinz~ says:
mm what else u eat ah
i seriously haev no idea what other snacks u eat
twisties? na that's me
super roings? me again==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
i amnot telling youMinz~ says:
EHH what you eat ah
calbee hot and spicy?==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
gopee, dont make me start wondering abt the snacks i eatMinz~ says:
pringles sour cream?==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
shut up Minz~ says:
tell meeeeeeeMinz~ says:
if not next time we go for some competition
then the question for the 1 million bucks question
isMinz~ says:
what is your friend's fave snack
at least mine is like super ring, milo, twisties
very easy
i share my chicken in a biskit with u later lor
COME ONMinz~ says:
the purple potato chips?
jack and jill
the 10cents corn snack?
what else do they sellMinz~ says:
double decker?
HAHA==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
shut upMinz~ says:
WAH a lot of pee
i don't think u are the M&M's kind
kit kat MAYBE
but chips
tapioca chips!
u look like a tapioca person
scully u say u eat already will get rashes i faint ==__+oOpsjo2+__==. ... .i lOVe mAngoes.. . . .... . . . says:
you dont give up rightshE woNders whAt faCE doEs a tApiOca pErson poSsess,
shE loVes toRturing hEr besTie likE thiS,
anD shE's amAzed hOw muCh hEr besTie kNows hEr...
|| 4:31:00 PM
'can you all dont force me.'
'please dun keep use the 4 letter words la'
shE thiNks thEre's a diFference betweEn sinGlish,
anD bAd enGlish...
siNglish iS aN intenTional aDdition,
oR miStake iN spEech anD writiNg,
whEre baD enGlish iS juSt hiLarious,
eSpeciaLLy whEn oNe iS tryiNg sOoooO haRd...
*rOlls oVer iN laUghter*
|| 4:03:00 PM

oH mY oH MY!
thE wiND's sOoOoo stRong!

thE biMbotic-waNNabE siSter,
shE shOuld havE coUnter witH thE maRilynn mOnroe pOse...