iN oNE wEek, aT thIs tiME, hEr pLAne woUld hAve jUSt taKen oFF, bRInginG hEr tO baLI...
|| 11:56:00 AM
bEcauSe eSther gOt chiYo a jC cArrier, sO shE hAd tO gO tO thE wEbsiTe anD taKE a lOOk... whAt iTchy fiNgers shE haS, aLl thE bEtter tO spEnd mOney witH...
nOW lOOk aT thEse... OMG!
caN shE hAve thE laSt chArm iF nOthing elSe pRetty pLEase? soMEonE, anYone, gO tO thE stoRe iN taKA wiTH hEr oN thE 12tH pLEase! tO sTop hEr...
Friday, November 27, 2009 || 1:10:00 PM
18tH deCember...
|| 12:47:00 PM
-great photos at low light situations -features the new Party-shot option -10.2MP resolution with Exmor R CMOS sensor, -Carl Zeiss 4x optical zoom lens -720p HD movie recording, 3 inch touchscreen -BIONZ processor.
-all at only 14.1mm thick
shE wAnts thiS!
|| 11:26:00 AM
dEar mR roLAnd eMmeriCH, yoU suRe yoU hAVe bEen tO yEllowStone foR thAt mOvie? iS thAt genEral stoRe evEN iN thE pArk?
yNp iS oNE oF thE mOSt bEautiFul pLAces shE's evER bEen tO, deF mORe thAN jUSt thE sAGe pLAins, driEd uP thErmaL feAtures, dEad elKs, thAt iS shOwn...
shE miSs thE pArk...
Thursday, November 26, 2009 || 1:25:00 AM
It’s waking up in the middle of the night for no reason, shifting under the blankets and feeling the heat of the person next to you. You turn around and see them in their most peaceful, innocent, and vulnerable state. They breathe as though the weight of the world lays on anyone’s shoulder but their own. You smile, kiss their face in the most gentle manner so as not to wake them. You turn back around and an involuntary grin forms on your own face. You feel an arm wrap around your waist, and you know it doesn’t get any better than this…
hEr fiRst trY... thE oNly 6 piCs thAt evEN lOOk deCent...
Sunday, November 22, 2009 || 6:08:00 PM
hER siSter anD hEr wAS hAving suShi aT sAkaE (Yayy!) buGis jUnctioN, laSt nIght, thEn thEre wAs thIS groUp thAt stArted geTting nOisy... yOu kNow, thOse gRoups yoU sEe, iN aBout 8 tO 10, aLL yOung aDults, aWkward toO, wiTh oNe siGnificantly oLder, bUt suPer enthUsiastic anD pOSitive, aLwaYs coMplimenting, anD aDvising, yoU kNow,thoSe gRoups?
biRthday soNg sTarts...
enthU giRL: wHAt diD yoU wiSH foR? bIRthdaY giRl: *whiSpers*
uNwrapping oF pResent
enTHu giRl: dO yoU thE pResent? dO yOu liKE thE pResent? awKward yoUth 1: i thiNk thE pUrple bRightens yoU uP... eNthu giRL: sO dO yoU liKe iT? bIRthdaY giRl: *whiSpers* enThu giRl: sO hOW aRe yoU spEnding yoUr bIRthday? biRthdaY giRl: *whiSpers* eNtHu giRL: sO dO yOu liKe thE presEnt?
she thiNks thE giRL haTe thE preSent...
|| 6:05:00 PM
hEr hAir iS gEttiNg lOng, iT reAches thE 'smAll oF hEr bAck' aGAin...
shE kNows iT's jUSt aN eXpressIon, bUt aS shE wAS thiNking oF iT, shE thoUght, 'nOt vERy smALL whAt'...
Saturday, November 21, 2009 || 3:38:00 PM
bReakfast yEsterday, bEcaUse shE wAS iNspired...
|| 1:07:00 AM
hUimiN shOwed hEr thiS anD shE thiNks iT's aMazing hOW aNyone caN lOok gOod iN thoSe jeAns...
Thursday, November 19, 2009 || 11:19:00 AM
bEfore shE foRgets, shE wAnna wriTe iT doWn...
dreAmt oF a coNferencE, whEre shE goT aN aWard, OC aWard (dOnt aSk mE whAt's OC)
yOu lOoked a liTTle oLder, a liTTle lEsser hAir iN thE froNt,hA.. aND a tinGe oF reD iN yoUr bLond hAir...
aFter shE toOk hEr seAt fRom hEr aWard, yOu duCk-wAlked oVer anD aSked: 'wHat yoU doiNg lAter?'
bUt bEfore sHe coUld aNSwer, a chInese viDeo caMe oN sCreen... anD thEn lEander, ryAN, anD thE wHole roW oF chEfs iN whiTe anD bLack chEf coAts, wiTH yEllow pEppers, a liTTle toO shOrt foR aLL oF yoU, tiL youR uNDer-shiRts shOwed, sTooD uP anD maDe tHEir lEave...
anD yoU foLlowed, thEn shE woKe uP...
Sunday, November 15, 2009 || 10:41:00 PM
shE guEssed, thIS iS iT... iT mIght jUSt bE thE oNly reSolutioN shE aChieveD thiS yEar...
tMR oNwArds, shE hOpes, shE faLL iN lOve aGain...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 || 12:01:00 PM
mAYbe soMedaY i'D mAke thiS foR thE oNe i wiLL loVe, bEtter stiLL, hE'd mAke iT foR mE...
' Never easier but a little less hard, perhaps. It's always at the forefront of my mind, every single waking and sleeping moment. The hurt begins to...not quite disappear, but it's as though it evaporates so that it's always there in the air around me, ready to rain down when i least expect it. Then when the hurt goes, anger takes its place, when anger runs out of steam, loneliness steps in to take over, It's a neverending circle of emotions; every lost emotion being replaced by another.'
- A Place Called Here by Cecelia Ahern
Saturday, November 07, 2009 || 11:26:00 PM
bEars, mOoses, wAterfaLLs, nOrthern lIghts...
|| 9:46:00 PM
'Thank you, Gregory,' I smiled, loving how the word felt in my mouth, on my tongue as I said it. 'Gregory, Gregory,'
- A place called here by Cecelia Ahern
evEn tYping iT, yEs eVen tyPing iT...
|| 2:25:00 PM
6 hAir-tiEs? oR iSsit 5? doUble oF whAt iT wAs...
iS thAt hEr giFt tO yoU? oR hAVe yOu bOught yoUrself aNother oNe...
bEing wiTh thEse aSians, diD thEy nEVer reMind yoU oF hEr? hOw coUld yoU...
huiMin's faV bUbbLE tEa
Friday, November 06, 2009 || 2:59:00 PM
thEre aRe mAny wAYs thaT huiMin thErapy cuRes...
toDay iT woRks bY 1) teMptinG hEr tO gEt bUbbLe teA 2) siLLy guEssing oF hEr faVourite 3) asKing hEr tO guEss huiMin's faVourite
sO shE liKE hoNey miLk tEa, anD hUimiN chOColate iCe-blEnded...
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 || 11:36:00 AM
thAnk yoU foR thE woNDerfuL timE...
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 || 3:06:00 AM
wOuld yoU coMe?
kNow sOmethiNg anGel? shE alWays haS thiS dreAm, oF bEIng iN a coMa, lYing thEre silEnt, heAring aLL whO coMe bEcauSe thEY caRE...
iN hEr faNtasY, thEre'd bE nO broKen lImbs, nO daMage, jUSt slEep, anD mAybe a teMporaRY loSs oF mEMory...
reCEntly, shE kEpt thiNking, oF whAt iT woUld feEL lIke, bEIng kNocked doWn...
woULd shE geT iNto a coMa? wOuld yoU coME? tO wAKe hEr uP, lIke thE priNCe whO kiSsed sNow whiTe awAke?
woUld yoU coMe?
Monday, November 02, 2009 || 10:37:00 AM
mAYbe whEn guYs hEar giRLs sAy 'i juSt wANt cAsuaL, nOt a bOyfrienD, reLationshiP' thEy thiNk, yaYY, thAt's aN eASy lAid... bUt thAT's juSt stupID oF thEm...
shE feEls iNspireD, anD eMpoweRed, bUt shE woNders abOut kArma...
Sunday, November 01, 2009 || 4:00:00 PM
hOW diD anGEl spEnd hIS hAllowEEn? dRessed uP? aS? whEre? iSnt thE sEasoN oVEr?
tHe quEstioNs thAt wEnt spInninG iN hEr mInd thE whOle nIght...
|| 2:05:00 PM
pOleriZed gLasseS? shE woNDers hoW aRe thOse liKe...
sOmedaY, shE waNna gO fLy-fiSHing...
anD cC, thE agE thAt mArks hEr aDUlthoOd, iS 21, nOt 30, thAt's thE oNE thAt mArks thE enD oF hEr supPosed mArket vAlue, cRap...