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Thursday, December 31, 2009 || 12:50:00 PM
shE wAs haPpy,bUt thE feELing wAs goNe bEfore shE could wriTe iT doWn...
shE oNly reMembers hOw shE waS lAughing aT yoU doIng thE drAgon stAnces...
yoU saiD evEryone wiLL remINisce, anD iT hAppens mOre oFten aS oNe agE,
yoU sAid thAt evErytiME sOme friEnd foRgets yoU, yOu coNtinUe tO kEep iN coNtact,
yOu sAid a sEed wiLL bE pLanted uNknOwinGly eAch tiME coNtact iS mAde,
yOu saId bY thE timE thOse friEnds reAlise, a trEe woUld hAVe groWn...
a tRee oF yoUrselF, yOu sAid...
thANks foR yoUr smS toDay,
foRwarded smS,
anD shE's pRobabLy nOt thE oNly reCipienT,
bUt yoU aRe soMeonE shE caN trUst,
thAt yoU meAnt evEry siNgle worD,
eSp thE cuTe anD kiNd-hEarted pArt...
Sunday, December 27, 2009 || 12:36:00 PM
whEn shE thiNks oF thE aNgel,
evEry eMotioN sEems tO bE leSser...
iS thAt gOod oR baD?
shE thiNks bOth...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 || 10:38:00 AM
Head off to that safe place that was always there, to a mum and dad who always had their arms open, where i could curl up in the foetal position, stick my thumb in my mouth and say 'Nasty Rose has been horrid to me. Make the big bad world go away.'
But there comes a time when we can no longer do that. When they need help as much as we do, more so. When the top floor is occupied by a stranger, with no room for me and the boys. A subtle moment in time, when the tables turn, and when the children become the protectors, not the protected. It seems to me, that that highly significant moment had happened very recently....and i'd missed it.
~A Married Man by Catherine Alliot
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 || 2:57:00 AM
thAnks foR chEcking oUt tHe jUicy coUlture wAtch foR hEr witHout remiNder,
aNd foR caLLing hEr oN thE spOt tO wAnt tO teLL hEr,
thaNks foR goIng tO yoUr voID deCk firSt sO yoU wuN faLL aSlp wAiting,
tHanks fOr wAnting tO hAve yoUr diNner w hEr,
anD thAnks foR nOt shOuting aT hEr bEIng lAte, afTer aLL thAT...
thANks fOr rEmemberinG tO bRIng hEr tO a nEw suPper pLAce,
tHankS foR slOwing doWN anD tuRNing tO chK hEr wHereaBouts whiLe cRossing thE roAd,
thANks fOr aSking hEr tO gO pIck thE diShes shE wanTs,
anD thEN foR aSKing hEr tO gO tAke a sEat fiRst,
thAnks foR giVing hEr haLf oF thaT oVer-eASy,
chOking oN yOur 'yA loR,beCause tenG sO yoU tAKe iT',
thAnks foR oRdering chiLLi muSsels,
aNd gOing stRaight bAck foR thE chiCken cUtlet,
aFter yoU sAT doWn froM oRdering youR seCond serviNg oF cuRry riCE,
thANks foR opENing thAt caN oF coKE,
whiLe shE's bUsy smS-ing hEr beSTie aBt yOu...
thANks foR wAiting neAr whIle shE viSits thE lOo,
thANks fOr gOing thROugh luGGages witH hEr,
kNowing shE's nOt goIng tO bUy thEM anD yOu aRE wAting preCious slEeping tiME,
thAnks fOr teLLing hEr yoU'd bRIng heR baCK tO thE sAme shOpping pLace,
sO thEre's nO neEd tO bUy thAT scEnt thAT sHe cAn't fiNd thE tesTer foR,
thAnks fOr aSking hEr iF thE wAtch stRap nEeds tO bE adjUSted,
eVen thOugh yOu haTe hOw iT lOoks oN hEr,
tHanks fOr gOing thORugh thE alsiEs aGAin'
juSt tO fiNd trAvel-siZed toIletries foR hEr cOming triP,
thANks foR pRetending nOt tO heAr hEr coMplain thE baSKet iS hEavy,
thEn tAKing iT oVer lEss thAN 10s lAter,
nOt tO mEntioN caRRying iT aLL aFter caSHing oUt...
thANks foR sEnding hEr hOme aLL thE tiMe,
thAnks fOr sAYing 'i wiSh yoU coUld tRy iT'
aFter fiNding thE After Eights tHAt yoU lOve sO mUCH anD shE'd neVer triEd...
juSt hOW maNy tiMEs caN a hEart bE grAtefuL a niGht?
Friday, December 11, 2009 || 12:22:00 PM

cAn yoU bELievE iT?
thEY foUnd iT iN pURple aNd bLack...
thE thIRd pResent foR hEr bIrthDay...
Friday, December 04, 2009 || 3:55:00 PM

hER nEW toY!
bALi hERe shE coMEs,
aRmed anD reADy foR aLL thAt fuN,
anD bEautifuL siGhts,
bOth oN lAnd, anD uNDerwAter!!!!
Thursday, December 03, 2009 || 9:55:00 PM

glItter oN hEr,
tyiNg boWs,
aRRanginG oRnamentS,
mAKing, foLding, thiNking,
shE coUld dO thEse aLL hEr liFE...
|| 9:11:00 PM

nOT vERy pRetty,
nOt aS pRetty aS thE oNe shE haD alWays iMagined,
tAt wAs tO bE hEr fiRst tRee...