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Saturday, January 30, 2010 || 2:38:00 PM
sHe's grAtefuL foR,
a bOdy thAt coUld stiLL sWim hEr 25 lAps,
aBled mInd thaT caN cOunt anD caLculate thAt shE maIntained hEr spEed,
hEr eyEs thAt caN seE thE clEar bLue skIes,
wiTh hEr hAIr thAt flIes iN thE wiNd,
wHile hEr lEgs thAt cOuld wAlk hEr hOme,
tO a hOme thAt shE caN clEan,
wiTh a fiEld iN frOnt sO shE sEes thE bEautifuL kItes,
somedaY she caN flY kItes there aS weLL...
Friday, January 29, 2010 || 12:24:00 PM

spRing clEaning alWays reSUlts iN aN iNdulGence oF reMinsCence...
shE's hAppy thOugh,
thAt aLL hEr shOt glAsses aRe oUt oF thEir wRappers...
Thursday, January 28, 2010 || 12:17:00 AM
iT aLways feEls gOod tO be reMembered foNdly bY yoUr preVious eMployer...
'thE hArd-workIng pArt-tiMer whO weNt tO US'
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 || 3:19:00 AM
sHe thiNks yOu wiLL,
thE yOu thAt shE reMembers, wiLL...
Monday, January 25, 2010 || 1:27:00 PM
yoU fuCked uP aSsholE!!!
iF yOu aLwAys hAd bEen nIce,
aNd nOt iN a i-hAve-a-fAmilY-sO-dOnt-caLL-mE-oN-mY-oFf-daY wAY,
oR evEn iF yOu haD soUnd aPologetiC whEn yOu caLled,
sHe'd bE oKi...
nOW shE waNna kiLL yOu,
bUt sHe beLieves wHAt goEs aROund, coMes aRound...
*clEnches hEr fiSt*
|| 12:46:00 AM

cOming tO ciNemas 25th February 2010...
Dear John by Amerie
Right now your probably wondering where I am, who i'm with and why your in this
But before I go into what I'm upto..let me confess
Dear sweetheart
I know about your secret
where you been, who you with
I saw you out wit her..
and yet your always tryna maintain how I got a good thing and I can do better..
Do you remember what you told me..(told me)
cus I remember it well (how could I forget)
Do you remember how you said "noone would want me"
and I said "time will tell"
That's why I'm..
So sorry that I couldn't be there..to see the look upon your face
and I'm so sorry that it took me so long..
so long I put you in your place yeea
I'm writing you this letter just to let you know that..
that I still love you but I won't be coming back
You had me at Hello, now I gotta say Goodbye..
cus one too many times you made me cry
Dear John
I'm hoping that this finds you well
Dear John
But you put me through a living hell
Dear John
You left me with nothing to do
Dear John (x2)
I'm leaving you (x2)
Dear John
By now you've probably seen my clothes are gone, keys are gone and I ain't bluffin
So don't even bother to call my number cus I got it changed..
Why John? Couldn't you see? I gave my heart, gave my time and I got nothing..
So it shouldn't be surprising this letter I'm writing that you filled by yourself..
hEard thiS soNg oN thE waY hOme,
mAybe thiS iS thE 'Dear John' lEtter shE shOuld hAVe seNt...
Sunday, January 24, 2010 || 9:46:00 PM
tAking cAre oF yoUr mAte,
whEn oLd agE catChes uP,
wHen iLLneSses foLLows,
wheN iMMobiLity stRikes,
clEaning, feEding, eXercising hEr...
sHe woNDers iF shE wiLL eVer fiNd a loVe liKE thAt...
iF shE iS caPable oF loVing liKE thAt...
|| 9:44:00 PM
uSIng thE lAppy thAt shE brOught tO yEllowstone,
bUt iT feEls uNfamiliAr alReady...
soMe thiNgs gEt foRgotteN,
nO mAtter hOw mUch yOu wAnna hOld oN tO iT shE guEss...
thiNgs, plAces, pEople...
Thursday, January 21, 2010 || 6:07:00 PM
Greg Stenroos
He's one year older today.
Wish him Happy Birthday
shE knOWs...
hAppy biRthdaY...
In the years to come
Will you think about these moments that we shared
In the years to come
Are you gonna think it over
And how we lived each day with no regrets
Nothing lasts forever though we want it to
The road ahead holds different dreams for me and you
Sometimes goodbye though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye though it hurts is the only way now for you and me
Though its the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye
But don't you cry
Because a true love never dies
In a year from now
Maybe there'll be things we'll wish we'd never said
In a year from now
Maybe we'll see each other, standing on the same street corner though it rains
Each and every end is always written in the stars
If only i could stop the World i'd make this last
|| 2:32:00 AM
Why do flamingoes stand on one leg?
First, it allows the raised leg and foot to dry. When you are in the bathtub for a long time, your skin starts to "prune up" and wrinkle. The same thing can happen to the webbed feet of the flamingo. By changing which leg they stand on, flamingos can allow their feet and legs to dry.
Second, standing on one leg helps them hunt their food better because their shadow looks more like a tree when they stand on one foot.
The most important reason flamingos stand on one leg is to conserve body heat and energy. A bird’s leg receives three times as much blood per heartbeat as their major muscles do, and that blood provides a great deal of warmth to the animal. Flamingos have very long legs, which provide a great deal of surface area for the loss of heat.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 || 11:50:00 PM
music: Friends, Lovers Or Nothing - John Mayer
There can only be one.
I think I believe that.
StepshE thiNks thEre aRe soMe pEople wHo are aLL tHrEe...
|| 10:23:00 PM


witH tHe bOys,
dRinkIng bEer,
eAting crAbs,
pLaying pOol,
|| 10:22:00 PM

teLl hEr aBout iT...
Monday, January 18, 2010 || 12:18:00 PM
yeLLowstoNe cAp...
Saturday, January 16, 2010 || 10:26:00 PM
shE pAused,
anD stiLL chOse thE cuPid eArrings,
foR lUck, streNgth aNd yoUr coMpaniOnship,
aT iMportant evEnts...
jUSt lIKe shE alwayS diD...
shE's wEaring the tiE-dYe ouT nOW fOr suPper...
wHat mAkes yoU cRy,
bUt doN't kiLL yOu,
wiLL oNly mAke yoU stRonger...
Friday, January 15, 2010 || 1:32:00 AM
yOu hAve sO mAny phOtos,
evEn clOse-ups frOm thAt deAr siNgaporeAN,
tAgged bEfore yoU caMe oN fAcebOok aGAin...
Thursday, January 14, 2010 || 2:37:00 AM
mOre thAN evEr,
shE wiSh yOu coUld coMe teLL hEr,
whAt's tRue oR nOt...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 || 11:51:00 PM
pEople chANge, bUt nOt mUCh (Stephen Tan 2010)-
ediTedshE heArd stuFf abOut yoU toDay anGel...
mAYbe yoU hAve alWays bEen lIke thAt,
oR mAybe yoU chAnged tO bEcome lIke thAt...
sHe's siCK oF defeNding yoU tO oThers,
oR iNSide hEr brAIn...
bUt thEre's nO reAson whY,
shE shOuld bElieVe a giRl shE doNt kNow,
nEither liKe,
thAN yoU,
thAN whAt shE feLt,
whAt shE wEnt thRough...
|| 3:45:00 PM

feEls liKe oLd dayS,
wHen thE siSters wEar thE sAme dreSs/hAirpins/bAG foR hOngbaOs,
iN diFferent coLours...
Sunday, January 10, 2010 || 7:41:00 PM
mE: hEy caN bUy diNner foR mE?
lIttlest siS: yAp, wAt yoU wANt? bOut 30 mOre miNs...
mE: maCdoNAld's, mEga pRosperitY bUrger mEal
liTtlesT siS: uPsize? drinks?
mE: nO nEeda uPsize, bURger alR uPsize...driNKs coKE caN lE...
liTtlest siS: haHAx...tuMmy oSo uPsize :)
Saturday, January 02, 2010 || 6:51:00 PM
yEllowstoNe tEe,
loNg foRgotteN skiRt,
nEw pLay liSt...
shE goT oN thE oLd oLD kiNd oF MRTs,
thE oNes wiTh thE grEenish flOOrs...
shE bOught heR organiser tOO,
sOme thiNgs yoU cAn oNly dO aLone, shE tinKs...
aNd nOw shE caN reCite thE nORth-soUth linE bY hEart
1)doBy ghAut
6)toA pAyoh
9)anG mO kiO
17)yEw teE
18)chOa chU kANg
19)buKit goMbak
20)buKit bAtok
21)juRong eAst
sO whAt? shE dUnno,
jUSt anoTher thing shE caN dO nOW...
Friday, January 01, 2010 || 7:13:00 PM
foR 09, shE wAnts to
1) gO bAck tO thE parK iN auGust (diN, nEver wiLL foR thAt reAson)
2) lOSe 3 kG bY jUne anD anOther 3 bY deCember (dIn, diN aDd oN thOugh uNless thE wEighing mAchine iS bROken)
3) cuRe thAT siNus (diN)
4) lEarn tO uSe mAciNtosh & phOtoshOp (diN diN)
5) bE abLE tO plaY 1 soNg on thE guiTAr (stepHEn pRettY plEase) (diN)
6) saVE 10% oF heR paY evEry mOnth (suPer diN)
7) spEak 10% leSs evIl-lY (diD, eXcluding woRk-reLAted pEople)
8) lEt gO oF heR feElings foR tHe anGel bY noV 15 (stArting tO)
hMmmm, sO mUch foR reSolutioNs...
bUt stiLL hEre coMes 10's...
foR 10 shE waNNa
1) lEaRN tO uSe maCintosH & pHotoshoP
2) sAve 10% oF hEr sALary evEry mOnth
3) gEt thAt liCence!
4) pAy (whAtever shE caN) evEry strEet bUsker (coNditioNs aPply)
5) dO soMethinG foR sOmeonE sHe lOves oNce a weEk
mAYbe witH leSser reSolutioNs, shE mIght hIt a hiGher perCentage oF achIevement...
|| 1:05:00 AM
shE reCeived a caLL fRom hEr bestiE anD thEn shE remEmbered...
teN yeArs,
siNce thE miLleniuM cElebratioN,
aT oRcharD rOad...