Three hours of extra work daily raises risk of heart problems by 60 per cent. Working overtime may be bad for the heart, reported health website WebMD.
A study which followed 6,000 British civil servants found that working overtime for at least three hours daily was associated with a 60 per cent increased risk of heart conditions.
In the study, which was published online in the European Heart Journal, seven hours typically make up a normal work day.
The link was seen even though the impact of well-established heart disease risk factors like smoking, obesity, and high cholesterol were taken into account.
Men were six times more likely than women to work at least three hours of overtime a day. Married workers were almost nine times more likely than single ones to work at least three hours of overtime a day
Cardiovascular researcher Gordon T. McInnes of Scotland's University of Glasgow said more research is needed to confirm an independent association between overtime-related work stress and heart disease.
However, he also noted that a growing body of research is linking longer work days with health problems, including high blood pressure.
'Men were six times more likely than women to work at least three hours of overtime a day????' BULLSHIT!
Fitness assessment in HQ
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 || 5:34:00 PM
21 minS tO wAlk 2 kM...
|| 2:30:00 PM
'sHe'd hAd hEr sUmmer, shE reMindeD herSelf. nO oNe cOuld evEr tAke thAt aWay frOm hEr. shE'd hAd thE loVe oF hEr lifE fOr a seAson. nOt evEryonE coUld sAy thE sAme. '
Savor the Moment - Nora Roberts
hOw aPt, thAt shE cAme acRoss tiS, aT e 3 yR aNniversary oF dAy shE lEft..
aftEr shE miSsed hiM aT wavEhouse, whEn linG sAid hE'd loOk goOd riDing, & shE imAgined thEm boArding toGether..
Monday, May 24, 2010 || 5:02:00 AM
aLL sHe wAnts iS tO eNjoy e fEeling nOw...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 || 2:11:00 PM
tHe pErssimist cOmplains aBout thE wiNd, thE oPtimiSt exPects iT tO cHange, tHe rEalist, aDjust thE sAils...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 || 10:45:00 PM
sHe loOks aT tHe hAnds oF tHe strAnger oPposite hEr oN thE tRain, bAndages arOund 3 finGers, a buRn bLister, reDdisH, aNd wOnders,
diD tHe aNgel gEt huRt aS oFten?
Monday, May 17, 2010 || 3:48:00 PM
pLaying iN thE rAin...
thAt roMantic a diNner...
dRiviNg hEr sEat-bElted dOg oUt...
thiS piLLow...
cLothEs, aCcesSories, shOes, bAgs, wHatever...
thEre aRe aLot oF thiNgs sHE loVes aBout 'thE baCkuP pLan'...
thE pLot, thE soUndtrAck, zOe's jOb, cAr, iNdepEndence, uNtruSting hEart, feAr oF sAying thE tRuth, aNd thErefore eRror oF oMissiOn...
iT wAs a gOod mOvie, oNe thAt liFted hEr mOods...
shE wAnts thE dVD!!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010 || 10:34:00 PM
wAt a cOincidence...
youR cuRrent fAvourite sOng iN aN unExpected mOvie...
|| 11:30:00 AM
evEryoNE sHould hAve oNe...
sHE wiLL rEmembeR hOw yOu fOrget, oH tRust hEr oN tHat...
Friday, May 14, 2010 || 12:52:00 PM
tO yOu...
|| 1:45:00 AM
mAybe iT's thE joY eVerytiMe yOu aSked hEr tO, maYbe it'S bEcauSe sHe hAs wiShes, thAt sHe wiShed mOre thAn anYthing yOu cAn guEssed...
Thursday, May 13, 2010 || 3:08:00 PM
plEase doNt...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 || 4:42:00 PM
iT's mOre thAn yOu haVing yOur wiNgs rEcovered, shE wiSh yoU'd teLL hEr, THE TRUTH...
bUt sHe jUSt wAnna bE hAppy wHen sHe hAngs ouT wiTh yOu, iS thAt sO diFficuLt?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 || 7:57:00 PM
tHanks fOr lAst niGht, tHe eGo boOst sHe neEds, eXactly wheN sHe neEds iT..
|| 1:32:00 AM
fAcebook oN iPhonE roCks!
Monday, May 10, 2010 || 6:08:00 PM
iS tHAt a rEminDer tO yoUrseLf?
Sunday, May 09, 2010 || 3:47:00 PM
孩子 妈妈希望当她年老,双脚无力时, 你能用你年轻有力的手, 搀扶她。
就像你在学习走路的时候, 妈妈怕你跌倒一样。
mother's day
|| 3:26:00 PM
iN thE enD, thE faMily iS thE oNe shE cAn dePend oN, sHe aLways kNew iT, aNd shE kNows sHe oFten tAkes thiS fOr grAnted...
deAr mUmmy, tHanks fOr lOving hEr nO mAttEr wHAt sHE's lIke, (aRrogaNt, sEnsitivE anD aLL) fOr aLways bEing thEre whEn sHe nEglecTs yoU foR 'fRiends' whO dUn deServe hEr, foR sEnding hEr tO fAr aWay USA thE wAy shE neEded iT, fOr cOokiNg foR hEr whEn sHe's tOo laZY tO cOok foR yOu, foR dOing hEr lAundrY wHen shE's oUt buSy haVing fuN, fOr hUggiNg hEr wHenever shE aSk foR oNe...
sOrry fOr thE tiMes shE sHouted aT yOu, oR tHe tiMes yOu dUn eVen kNow tAt sHe tiNks yOu aRe iRritatinG, soRry foR tHe tiMes yOu hAve tO aSk hEr tO mAke yOu coFfee, oR aSK hEr tO hElp yOu cArry stUff uP, aND shE diDnt evEn dO iT, sorrY iF sHe evEr mAde yOu feEl tHAt yOu hAve giVen hEr sO muCh, bUt yOu aRe seCondaRy iN hEr cOncernS...
|| 3:25:00 PM
sO swEet..
Saturday, May 08, 2010 || 8:34:00 AM
thE doUbting, tHe oVersenSitivity, thE puRe feAr...
Wednesday, May 05, 2010 || 8:42:00 PM
shE's PMS-iNg shE kNows, bUt sHe reAlly dont likE whAt jUSt haPpened...
sHE wiSh yOu'd teLL hEr wHat hAppeneD...
Tuesday, May 04, 2010 || 7:17:00 PM
tHe diFference beTween tHe drOplets oN yoUr arM aFter a sHower & aFter eXercising iS thAt thE laTter giVes yoU a gLossy cOat aNd a gReat seNse oF sAtisfactioN...
|| 2:12:00 PM
dO yOu guYs hAve gOod dAys wHere yOu hOld yOur hEad hiGher, hAve a liTtle mOre gUts, aCtually fEel a liTTle aNgry...
sHe rEcognize thiS moOd, iT's e oNe tHat mAkes hEr stRides dOwn oRchard rOad moRe cOnfident...
THIS iS tHe poiNt oF nO rEturn...
|| 11:28:00 AM
shE tinKs shE hAs a cOmpuLsiVE diSordEr, sHe liKes tO thRow thiNgs oUt, deLete stuFf, oR pUt thEm iNto thE reCycle biN...
|| 3:10:00 AM
mAybe iT's kArma, iF sO, sHe wiLl tAke iT iN hEr stRide...
|| 1:11:00 AM
iT's wEird whAt thE heArt fiNds cOmfort iN, whEn iNjured...
mY tAttoo
Monday, May 03, 2010 || 10:59:00 PM
aMbigrAms, miRror iMaged aMbirgraMs, thE wOrd shE haS bEen lOoking foR, tHe tAttoO shE waNts...
aNd thE fiRst woRd thAt coUld bE maTched wiTh 'jOannE' iS...
whiCh oF coURse caNnot hAppen, soMeone, aNyone, giVe hEr twO gOod woRds foR a aMbigraM tAttoo...
|| 5:47:00 PM
|| 3:43:00 PM
When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running in her mind. When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply. When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around. When a girl answers “I’m fine” after a few seconds, she is not at all fine. When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are lying. When a girl lies on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a girl calls you everyday, she is seeking for your attention. When a girl says “I love you”, she means it with all her heart. When a girl says that she can’t live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future. When a girl says “I miss you”, no one in this world can miss you more than that.