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Monday, June 28, 2010 || 7:52:00 PM
sO foRtunate hAving a sOmeonE wHo cAn coOk...
tEll hEr aBout iT...
Friday, June 25, 2010 || 9:01:00 PM

gAtekEeperpLaying iN thE rAin,
fErriS whEels...
shE thOught...
Monday, June 21, 2010 || 5:06:00 PM
iT reFlects bAdly oN hEr tO geT anGry aT tHat bitCh fOr caLLing yOu,
aNd tRying tO sEe iF sHe caN gEt yoU doWn tO mEet hEr pAthetiC liTtle frEn?
rEflecTs baDly oN hEr?...
sHe wiLL sHow yoU hOw bAd iT caN gO...
Saturday, June 19, 2010 || 5:43:00 PM
thE oLD aNt anD grAsshOpper sTory,
thAt teAches yoU tO sAve uR lArder foR wiNter...
shE reMembers...
|| 11:57:00 AM
iN thEir wEird, qUirky, mAybe evEn mCp, oR giRly LV-iSh wAys,
sHe haS lOts oF pEople wHo cAred fOr hEr...
pUrple pResents froM hOneymOon,frOm tAiwaN,
coNcern oVer hEr fAcebOok sHoutouTs,
a caLL tO aSk iF shE waNts lUnch,
chEcking oUt miNdef wEbsite foR hEr,
smAll thiNgs thAt toUch hEr hEart anYwayS...
Friday, June 18, 2010 || 7:39:00 PM

aRtpiXieiT's sEldoM aBout whEther yOu cAn,
it'S uSually abOut iF yoU wAnt tO...
|| 7:31:00 PM
sOmethinG sEems tO bE diFferent...
hAS sHE chAnged?
thAt faSt?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 || 6:35:00 PM
thEre iS a diFferencE bEinG a flIng, a sCandaL, a miStreSs aNd a giRlfriEnd,
rEspeCt thAt...
shE rEally wAnna sLAp thAt pAir oF friEnds...
|| 10:53:00 AM
lAdy gAga & rEtro wiTh thE laTe niGht winD,
jAy chOu oN rAiny mOrnings...
Friday, June 11, 2010 || 3:17:00 PM

ruMpledOOdles shE tiNks...
|| 2:50:00 PM
tO hAvE eXperiEnceD bEinG fOund,
& nOt uNderstaNd wHy yOu gOt lEft bEhinD aGain...
tO nOt kNow whAt yoU haVe dOne wRong,
& kEep tRyinG whAt yoU kNow hAd bEen riGht....
tO kEep wAiting foR a rEunioN,
thAt nEver wiLL coMe...
Thursday, June 10, 2010 || 3:29:00 PM
CARNEVALE DI VENEZIA - At the end of February, beginning of March, the traditional Venetian Carnival takes place. Dressed up in historical costumes, wearing intriguing black masks and aristocratic capes, Venetians will be celebrating either at official balls or with everyone else in the streets.

A Gondola Ride - So what if it seems like a tourist trap? A gondola ride across Venice's beloved canals is an essential experience while in town. Although the water buses are the cheapest way to traverse the canals, they lack the intimacy and grace of the gondolas. A romantic gondola ride remains the ideal way to end your Italian vacation.

St. Mark's Square, St. Mark's Basilica and St. Mark's Campanile - On the grounds of the glorious St. Mark's Square you will find St. Mark's Basilica and St. Mark's Campanile. St. Mark's Square has often been named Italy's most magnificent public urban space and piazza. The plaza sits lined with charming cafes, historic buildings and a swarm of pigeons you have to see to believe. Meanwhile the ornate basilica boasts marble columns, mosaic ceilings and bronze statues. Comprised of lovely red brick, St. Mark's Campanile sits unattached from the basilica. Climb to the top of this famous Venetian bell tower for remarkable views of the city.

The Grand Canal - Grand views, galleries, museums, and beautiful Venetian Gothic style palaces -- these are just a few of the sights visitors will see while floating down the Grand Canal in a vaporetto (Venice waterbus). Another way to explore the Grand Canal is by Gondola or motorboat. The Grand Canal begins at Piazetta San Marco and ends at the rail station. www.raileurope.com

Basilica di San Marco - an enormous five-domed church combines Byzantine and Romanesque styles on a layout in the shape of a Greek cross. Its grandiose design dates from the 13th century.
Piazza San Marco - The heart of Venice. Surrounded by arched arcades and unique monumental buildings, this is truly one of the world's most beautiful squares.
The Campanile - Bell tower of St Mark's Church collapsed in 1902. Two years later it again stood in all its former glory.
shE waNts tO hEar a gondoliEr siNg,
hElp hIm dRy hiS gondoLA,
chAse piGeonS aLL oVer St Mark's,
sEe thE coLorfuL hOuses, aT mUrano & buRano,
gO uNDer thE bRidge oF siGhs,
bUy a vEnetiaN mAsk frOm thE caRnivaL,
gEt hEr teEth sTaineD bY Risotto al Nero di Seppia...
nO mAtter wHAt hApPens,
shE wiLL gO thEre soMEday...
|| 1:21:00 PM

|| 1:18:00 PM

Monday, June 07, 2010 || 3:28:00 PM
whO shOuld shE trUst?
shE duNno, sO shE duN wAnna sPEnd aNother mOment thiNking aBout iT...
She saw a shooting star...
Friday, June 04, 2010 || 12:14:00 PM
sOmetimes onE gEt sO skePticAl,
thAt shE finDs iT haRd tO beliEve,
a mirAcle sHe sAw...
|| 1:16:00 AM
sO mAny stArs toNight,
buT stiLL nO miLky wAy...
Wednesday, June 02, 2010 || 1:48:00 AM
sHe thiNks,
iT's noT whEther oNe iS roMantic,
it'S iF oNe cAres eNough...
Tuesday, June 01, 2010 || 1:15:00 AM
sHe's lEavIng yOu beHind...