“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Thursday, September 30, 2010 || 5:34:00 PM

thE diLemma oF cAlling SPCA whEn yoU fiND a diStreSsed aNimaL,
iS aKin tO thAt oF euThanaSia...
sHe hOpes iF yoU geT tO thE oTher siDe,
yoU fiND lOts oF friEnds anD gOodies tO eaT...
|| 1:12:00 AM
nO sTars iN thE sKy tOnight,
mAybe yOu aRen't lOoking...
|| 1:05:00 AM
sHe lOoks aT a wAter cAnaL,
aNd thinKs oF thE rivEr chAnnel thEy aLwayS drivE pasT tO boZeman...
sHe lOoks aT thE sEa,
aNd thinK oF hAving piZza & bEer iN fRont oF thE lAke..
sHe miSses sUmmer 07...
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 || 8:26:00 PM
'Estranged lover leh! Why so dramatic one. my first thought was texas cowboy then I went ? ? ? What gf?! Haha
Then I realised u r talking about the 牛郎 person lol
This in itself shows our love preferences.
Mine is practical, yours must be dramatic romantic lol'
sHe lOves thiS gAl..
|| 7:28:00 PM
sHe dUn liKe -nUa- tRips, oR fOod tRips...
Monday, September 27, 2010 || 3:12:00 PM

iT's aMazing wHat a skiLled pAir oF hANds cAn dO...
Sunday, September 26, 2010 || 10:41:00 PM
'tHat wAs pArt oF thE pRobleM, shE coNsidered, seAling thE cOntainer.
sHe'd bEen piLoting hEr owN sHip foR sO long thAt hAving aNyoNe tAke thE wHeel,
hOweveR weLL iNtendeD, pUt hEr baCk uP.'
Key of Valor - Nora Roberts
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 || 3:26:00 AM
sHe dUn kNow...
aLL sHe knOws iS sHe wAnna sEe
tHe laKe, tHe miLky wAy, thE biSons, tHe oSrey doRm...
oNe mOre tiMe iN thiS liFetimE...
Saturday, September 18, 2010 || 5:13:00 PM
sHe cAught tHe buTch lOoking aT hEr!!!
|| 5:00:00 PM
'Looking at this era at this moment now'
New Dog Cafe Found!
Friday, September 17, 2010 || 9:43:00 PM
100 Guillemard Road #01-02
(formerly known as Singapore Badminton Hall)
Its a dog bakery and a cosy pet cafe, for owners too
11.00am - 8.00pm
Tel: 63464715
yAyy, nEw pLAce tO bRing hEr boYs tO!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010 || 8:25:00 PM
sWam, tAnned, cLeaned hEr rOom, aTe a hOmecookEd lUnch,
tiDied hEr deSk, wAshed thE fAns, fiNished laUndry, finiShed mUm's lAundry..
gOing fOr dRinks w bEsties..
A gReat dAy!
|| 8:22:00 PM
50m x 50 iN 1 hR & 50 miNs...
mAybe loSs oF wEight aLLowed hEr tO
rUn lOnger & sWim fAster..
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 || 9:52:00 PM

Who: Led by Christophe Crot, a French-trained executive chef who has worked for the likes of The Pierre in New York, the concept here is simple -- pick a salad, add toppings, and complete it with dressing.
What you should order: While the tagline for this salad place is "Where Healthy Eating Starts," they’ve not forgotten to provide some nice extras in the form of Cajun spiced prawn, steamed asparagus and fried wanton skins so you can mix-and-match as you like. Should you have trouble thinking of a combination on the spot, cop out and order one of the ready-made salads: the robust Caesar salad and basil pesto chicken pasta salad are popular choices.
The extras: Not feeling like rabbit foot? Mescluns has four soups -- roasted pumpkin soup with ginger and coriander, tomato bisque with basil pesto, wild mushroom and a potato and leek soup with smoked salmon -- and five different sandwiches -- salmon, tuna, chicken, roast beef and smoked turkey -- on offer.
Where: #01-01, 64 Circular Road. Tel: 6221 8141; #B1-26B Citylink Mall, 1 Raffles Link.
sHe's gOnna tRy thiS sAlad bar thE neXt tiME shE goEs tO HQ!
|| 3:22:00 PM
The word freedom echoes down the corridors of Freedom. It stalks the characters, cropping up in chance remarks, in song lyrics, engraved on buildings. "It seemed to me," Franzen says, "that if we were going to be elevating freedom to the defining principle of what we're about as a culture and a nation, we ought to take a careful look at what freedom in practice brings." The weird thing about the freedom of Freedom is that what it doesn't bring is happiness.
For Franzen's characters, too much freedom is an empty, dangerously entropic thing. After all, energy companies are free to ravage and poison the breeding grounds of the cerulean warbler. If Patty and Walter divorced, they would be free, but it's a freedom they would do almost anything to avoid. At her lowest ebb, Patty reflects that she "had all day every day to figure out some decent and satisfying way to live, and yet all she ever seemed to get for all her choices and all her freedom was more miserable."
And no one is freer than a person with no moral beliefs. "One of the ways of surrendering freedom is to actually have convictions," Franzen says. "And a way of further surrendering freedom is to spend quite a bit of time acting on those convictions."
sTep's, viA
August 23rd issue of TIMEthiS iS wAt sHe mEant bY aBiding lAws...
nO mAtter hOw pEople cOmplAin aBout lAws,
evEry cOuntry hAs thEm foR a reAson,
beCause frEedoM dOEsnt briNg hAppineSs, Jonathon. F, 2010...
beCause iF yOu wAnt tO tAlk oN yOur mObiLe whiLe driVing,
iF yoU wAnt tO sMoke aNywhere aNd evErywhEre,
yoU caN mOve tO a country whiCh aLLows thAt...
anD riSk geTting kNocked doWn bY driVers whO tAlk on thEir mObiLes whiLe driVing,
oR haVe yOur kiD geTting ciGarettE buRns froM a stRanger whO sMokes whiLe shE piCks oUt chRistmas pResents iN a crOWded toY seCtion...
|| 3:02:00 PM
tHE mOre shE tinKs about It, thE mOre liVid shE geTs...
yOu caN coMplaIn tiL hEr eArs drOp,
bUt thEre's nO wAy shE wiLL dO iRoning foR yOu,
oR pAy foR yOur cLeaning lAdy...
Monday, September 13, 2010 || 5:42:00 PM

yoZ! wHAt arE yoU dOing uNdergroUnd?
|| 4:18:00 PM
yOu wiLL leArn nOt tO mAke hEr cRy,
aNd shE wiLL lEarn tO nOt crY sO eAsilY...
Sunday, September 12, 2010 || 3:07:00 PM
tOday sHe tHought oF
tHe iCe crEams cOnes thEy uSed tO sEll aT sWenson's,
yOu knoW thoSe coAted witH cHocolate & pEanut chIps?..
aNd rEmemberS hOw thEy tAught hEr thAt
pRetty thinGs dO noT neCessary tAste goOd..
Saturday, September 11, 2010 || 4:08:00 PM
yOur iNsecuRitY anD yOur beWilDermenT
iS mAkinG hEr uNhaPPy...
Thursday, September 09, 2010 || 2:00:00 AM
fAmily gOing oN & oN aBout eXclusivity,
fRiends jjOking aBt yOu liVing wiTh yoUr eMail, sKype oR mSn...
peOple tErrifying yOu, tEasing yOu, tEmpting yOu...
sHe stiLL rEmembers...
Tuesday, September 07, 2010 || 1:58:00 PM
a buS riDe aLone,
wiTh 'eL iMpacto' oN thE iTunes,
mAkes joAnne a hAppy giRl..
coZ sHe's lenDing hEr u-tOugh tO linG,
shE wenT thRu hEr picS..
tHough iT's a shoRt timE aGo oNly,
sHe loOked haPpier..
Monday, September 06, 2010 || 10:30:00 AM

Lens: super wide-angle 22mm, plastic, aperture f/11
Distance: 1.2mm ~ infinity
Shutter Speed: 1/125
Size: W100 x H58 x D26
Weight: 75g
Film Type: 35mm
shE wAnts thiS!!!
buT wHite sLim aNgel oR bLAck sLim deViL?
uPdate: shE jUZ reAliseD thEre arE siX coLors...

bLue sLim ribbOn,

piNk sLim dRess,

yeLLow sLim pEace

anD goLd sLim haRkin!
suCh pRettY naMes!
whiCH oNE?
Saturday, September 04, 2010 || 6:45:00 PM
wheN wE weRe iN oUr teEens,
thOse whO caRed abOut yOu cOuldnt wAit foR yoU tO bE thiS sAcarstic...
mAybe yoU thinK yOu aRe oH-so-iNtelligenT nOw,
bUt iSnt iT aBit tOo lAte foR thAt jUvenile bEhaviOur?...
Friday, September 03, 2010 || 5:24:00 PM
shE waNts tO tAke sOme tiMe tO,
thiNk abOut onLy hErselF,
dO stuFf thAt shE wAnts tO,
aNd bE sElfisH foR aWhiLe...
iT's tOo hArd bEing coNsiderate,
tRying tO sPeak niCely whEn aLL yoU waNNa dO iS SCREAM aT thAt sOmeone...
Bangkok Trip
Thursday, September 02, 2010 || 6:54:00 PM

thiS siGht mAkes hEr wAnna tuRn vEgetaRian...

|| 5:44:00 PM

aUdrey hEpbuRn cOmplexsoLitude,
coMfortabLe siLences,
cOld coFfee,
gOod tiRamisU...