“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012 || 12:46:00 AM
a faBuLous diNner,
nEw sHeets,
thE sOund oF yOu bLow-dryiNg yOur haiR,
yoU geTting hEr chArger,
reSultinG iN aN aGruement aBout hEr beiNg a lAzy aSshoLe,
yOu aRe baCk,
aNd evErything iS riGht aGain :)
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
birtHday wishList...
Monday, November 26, 2012 || 5:25:00 PM
foR tHose whO stiLL rEads heR birThday wisHlisT...
aN aDdidaS jAckEt, bLack aND stRips, hEarts oPtionaL...
thiS pAir, anY oF tHe aBove 3 coLors, siZe 39-40
a woRking bAg, aS biG, mAybe nOt thiS oNe siNce shE caN't fiNd iT aNymore & thE thiN strAps lOok pAinfuL...
shE neeDs a pAir oF ruNning shOes, siZe 6.5/39.5...bEst iS iF i cAn excHange iF iT doEsnt fiT oR hAs anY coLours tHAt fiT iNto hEr wiDe wiDe speCtrum oF piNk, broWn anD gRey...
hEr tRusty tRaveLLing cOmpaniOn, onLy sCent iN a pLastic bOttLe sO faR...
aNother satCheL baG...
anD mT sApoLo's lEmonGrass hOme sCent
|| 4:27:00 PM
La Tomatina is a food fight festival held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Bunol. Bunol is a town and municipality in the province of Valencia, Spain and is situated approximately 38 km west of the provincial and autonomous community capital city, Valencia. There is limited accommodation for people who come to La Tomatina, so many people take the easier option of staying in nearby Valencia just 38km to Bunol by bus or train.
At around 11 am, the first event of the Tomatina begins. Many trucks haul the bounty of tomatoes into the center of the town, Plaza del Pueblo. The tomatoes come from Extremadura, where they are less expensive. Technically the festival does not begin until one brave soul has climbed to the top of a two-story high, greased-up wooden pole and reached the coveted ham at the top. In practice this process takes a long time and the festival starts despite no one reaching the meaty prize. The signal for the beginning of the fight is firing of water cannons, and the chaos begins. Once it begins, the battle is generally every man for himself.
After exactly one hour, the fighting ends when the water cannons are fired once more to signal the end. At this point, no more tomatoes can be thrown.
shE doNt knOw whY thiS festiVaL iS oN hEr buCket liSt,
thinK iT's bEcause oF sOme F4, hAH...
|| 8:49:00 AM
yOu aRe laTe,
beCause yOu sPent timE roLLing oN yOur bEd,
deCiding iF yOu shouLd gO tO worK...
yEs, eVery morNing...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Sunday, November 25, 2012 || 6:11:00 AM
wHy aRe brideSmaid drEsses aLways sO....
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Saturday, November 24, 2012 || 9:50:00 AM

siLLy lovE...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
|| 9:34:00 AM
sHe oftEn wOnder hoW straYs feeL wHen iT rAins laTe nigHts?..
coLd, wEt, sTretcHy, a littLe heLpLeSs, thAnkfuL fOr thE chiLL & aNgry aT thE incOnveniencEs...
pErsonifYing aGain...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Sunday, November 18, 2012 || 11:04:00 PM

eVerythinG cAn eNd witH
'wHo aSk yOu gO waLLaby' :)
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Thursday, November 15, 2012 || 7:55:00 PM
bOdy bOard, suRf, bEach, biKinis, eGo, smiLes, beEr, sUn, sAnd (aLot!), juMps, wAves, meMories =)
Sunday, November 11, 2012 || 9:31:00 AM

cOmfort fOod,
thE kinD whiCh rEminds hEr oF beiNg a chiLd...
thE kinD sHe sOmetimes cRave wHen sHe iS sAd/uNhaPpy...
thE kinD sHe wouLd wiSh hEr gF iS arOund tO cOok fOr hEr wHen sHe iS siCk...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMbLing
Saturday, November 10, 2012 || 1:58:00 PM
sO doN't teLL mE yOur aRe mY fAther,
oR thAt yOu wAnna sEe uS foR jUSt tWenty minUtes,
beCause iT iS yoUr birthDay,
aFter yOu tRied tO cLaim reLief froM tAxes foR thE schooL feEs yOu nEver pAid,
wE wiLL ceLebrate yOur birthDay,
aFter aLL, thE onLy gOOd thiNg thAt cAme oUt oF thAt dAy iS thE 3 oF uS...
|| 10:21:00 AM
mAybe yOu thiNk iT's eAsy fOr hEr,
oR mAybe iT iS eAsy fOr yOu,
thAt's wHy yOu wAnt tO dO iT aGain neXt yEaR...
mAybe sHe diD wRong bY dOing notHing wRong thiS tiMe rOund...
dOn't cOunt oN iT nExt yEaR...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Monday, November 05, 2012 || 7:30:00 PM
thE woRst triP oF hEr liFe sO faR...
Saturday, November 03, 2012 || 5:39:00 PM
thEre aRe stUff yOu'd aLways rEmembEr,
liKe fLippiNg aN oMeLet...
peOpLe sAy yOu dOn't controL whAt cOmes tO yOur minD,
oR briNg tEars tO yOur eYes whEn yOu dO oR sEe somEthinG...
sHe iS nOt sUre aBout thE spontaneitY oF meMories,
bUt sHe rEmembers...
cuRrent bEaus mAy geT inSecure, witH mEmorieS aS pAssworDs, oN birthDays, haLLowEen oR chriStmases iN aUgusts...bUt loVe iS aN uNsuitabLe wOrd tO deScribe wHy sHe rEmembers, writEs aBout thEm oR crieS oR smiLes...
nO mAtter whAt othErs sAy (oF hEr), sHe dOesn't beLievE thAt humAns coMe wiTh a oN/ofF switCh wHere evEry piEce cAn bE 'deLeted' & thE brAin geTs rE-fOrmatteD eVerytiMe a nEw reLationshiP stArts...
nO, thAt's tOo crueL...
mOre thAn lovE,
sHe wOnders iF thEy rEmembeRs,
aNd hoPes thEy kNow thEy aRe stiLL rEmembEreD fOr thE gOod thEy broUght inTo hEr lifE...
aNd sHe's gLad thAt hEr cuRrent bEau uNderstaNds, & sEes iT aS motivAtion...
yEs yOu fAtty bOm boM, sHe's taLking aBout yOu noW...thAnk yOu...
" i loVe yOu, sO pLease keEp sAfe & coMe homE tO mE sOon "
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG