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Sunday, January 27, 2013 || 9:16:00 PM
iF yOu aRe noT dOing aNythinG cOnstructivE, eVeryonE, nO mAtter hOw heALthy, iS wAiting tO diE...
eSpeciaLLy iF aLL yOu dO iS waTch tV aLL dAy..
thE neXt pErsoN wHo iS uNfit tO teLL hEr dOudoU iS wAiting tO diE wiLL gEt thiS...
'sO aRe yOu...'
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 || 12:03:00 AM

seiZure likELy frOm inTracraNiaL caUses...
geNeraL aNaesthEsia sepArateLy foR boTh MRI sCan & cerEbraL spinaL fLuid tAp..
nO veterinAry neUrologistS iN sinGapore iF MRI reveaLs aNy grOwth..
iMmunity suPpressor aS trEatment iF cSf taP reVeaLs meNingitiS..aNd thEy choSe iMmunity oN dOudoU's behaLf..
sHe hoPes dOudou agRees witH thEir deCision oF juSt taKing thE aNti-seiZure meDication aNd noT thE tesTs..
thEy aGreed nOt tO puT dOudoU aT riSk witH GA juSt sO theY knoW hoW loNg hE wiLL haVe oR whiCh bodiLy fuNctioNs hE wiLL loSe iN tiMe tO coMe..
theY stArted thiS pArt oF theiR journEy witH thE fiRst freNch frY dOudou's evEr eAten in thE 11 yEars hE's bEen witH theM..
aNd mAybe wheN thE tiMe comEs, dOudoU wiLL hAve nO reGrets..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Saturday, January 19, 2013 || 4:42:00 PM

hEr idEa oF romAnce :)
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 || 8:16:00 AM
sHe miSsed hAving a cApabLe, yEt uNpreSUmptous aSsistaNt...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 || 8:51:00 AM

29 jAnuary! stiLL iN tiMe fOr CNY!
sHe cAn't wAit :)
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Thursday, January 10, 2013 || 8:16:00 AM
lonG loNg aGo,
sOmeone oncE toLd hEr thiS:
'wHen yOu quaRreL witH yOur othEr haLf, aSk yOurseLf iF yOu'd reGret iF sHe mEets witH aN aCcidenT & gEts kiLLed bEfore yOu twO cAn recOnciLe...'
sHe tRied tO kEep thiS iN miNd, aNd oF cOurse sOmetimes, oK mAybe mOst oF thE tiMes, sHe faiLed aNd eNgage iN pEtty figHts...
hOweveR, sHe uSuaLLy quickLy reConciLes beCause oF thiS loNg-lonG-aGo 'thEory'...
bUt tOdaY, sHe weNt thRough thE theOry aGain aNd aGain, aNd eaCh tiMe, meMorieS oF wAitinG, gEttinG hEr aEropLaneS fLew, aNd thE reCent iNcidents teLL hEr thiS:
iF sOmeone puT othErs aBove yOu aNd thE pEopLe yOu cAre aBout, rEconsider hEr positiOn iN yOur lifE...
tO maNy mAny otHers, iT's juSt dOgs & pResents...
tO hEr, iT's a cLear indicAtion oF oNe's heArt..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Sunday, January 06, 2013 || 10:41:00 AM
sHe lovEs lOokinG thrOugh thE shoW-roOms oF ikEa & dreaMing, juSt dreaMing...
hEre's tWo kitchens iN hEr coLours!
sHe onLy neEda combinE thE biG diniNg taBLe iN thE firSt witH thE biG woRk surFace iN thE seCond :)

- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Saturday, January 05, 2013 || 4:31:00 PM
thE worLd sOunds onLy haLf aS craZy whEn yOu haVe aN eAr infeCtion..
neVer minD thE faCt thAt yOur thouGhts aRe ruNning aT 100miLes/hOur, wonDering wheN iT wiLL leAd tO a brAin inFection inStead..nO thaNks tO yOur beSt friEnd, mR gOogLe..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Wednesday, January 02, 2013 || 5:10:00 AM

tHere aRe so maNy thinGs sHe lovEs iN tAiwan,
thE fOod, sHoppinG, weAther, & thE vEry 'maNja' waY thEy speaK..
iT wAs a gReat wAy tO eNd 2012, & weLcome 2013...
bEing sO vEry suPerstitious, sHe speNt eVen thE firsT dAy oF thE engLish caLendar ovErseas, sLeeping iN, watChing tV, bUyinG a pResent, pAmpering heRseLf, eAting gOod foOd & mAking yEt aNotheR nEw frieNd...
sHe hOpes thEse aRe whAt sHe wiLL bE dOing fOr thE wHole oF 2013 :)
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG