“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014 || 12:14:00 PM
*liSteninG tO aNdy laU's & keLLy's 我不夠愛你*
mE: I likE thiS mtV
rOng: thiS onE thEy iN thE baThtub 'zhiM zUi' (sOaked)
mE: iF cAn 'zhiM zUi' witH aNdy I aLso wAnt..buT thE bathTub noT biG enouGh..
rOng: I buY yOu jaCuzzi...
*stArts hittinG roNg furiousLy whiLe shE driveS*
mE: thAt's beCause yOu aRe thE onE lyinG iNsidE witH mE..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Monday, January 20, 2014 || 3:46:00 PM
Skinny caramel macchiato w one pump of vanilla syrup = 难喝死了
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Thursday, January 16, 2014 || 12:29:00 AM
siX yEars beFore sHe stEpped inTo nigHt sAfari aGain,
onE beFore sHe diD aNother ovEr-eAsy,
aNd haLf beFore sHe gOt aNother shetLand...
sHe hoLds oN,
meaNingLessLy iN sOme's opiniOn...
sHe eNshrinEs,
tO thE desPair oF hEr beSties...
thouGh sO maNy thiNks sHe aLways reMembers, eVen thE tinieSt detaiLs...
sHe's seCretLy aFraid tO forgEt, afrAid thAt nEw eVents wiLL fAde memoRies oF a loVed onE...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Sunday, January 12, 2014 || 2:40:00 AM

aNothEr raNdom disCovery oF hoW aNaL-Ly aLike beStie & heR aRe!
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Thursday, January 09, 2014 || 11:25:00 AM





sAn frAnsico

lAs vEgAs
sHe wEnt, sHe expLored, sHe feLL iN lovE anD shE wAnts tO gO baCk agAin...
thE fLeeting momEnts yOu gEt witH a nEwLy-expLored cOuntry...
thE diLemma oF choOsing betWeen a nEw citY/sTate/counTry aNd onE yOu feLL iN loVe witH fOr yOur neXt aDventure...
thoSe, aNd thE rationaL baN oF shoppiNg prioR tO a triP...
yEt shE caN't stOp...hEre's aNother countRy tO thE liSt...

dAy 1-arRiving aT 1aM anD haVing tO waKe uP aT 7aM doesN't sTop theM froM koreAn bbQ, eSp iF thE lAst meaL wAs aT 11aM

dAy 2-thEy aRrived aT thE prEttiest, coZiest rOom shE haS evEr seEn aT wiLdfLower viLLa iN yongpYong aNd thE nicEst viLLa oWner broughT thEm fOr a sUper cheAp lunCh aT a neArby locaL eatEry...thEy maDe neW friEnds ovEr lunCh anD wEnt foR soMe sPa pamPering (piCs arE unFortunateLy noT avaiLabLe sinCe shE iS unDressed moSt oF thE timE) toGether :)

dAy 4-viLLa uncLe gaVe theM a liFt tO hEnggyE buS terminaL juSt iN timE tO catCh thE buS tO jiBu...tWo dAys oF simpLicity, veGetariaN fOod anD breaTh-taKing viewS...thEre werEn't anY intEractioNs witH thE moNks probaBLy cauSe theY doN't speaK koreAn buT thEy looK likE yOur averaGe haiR-fOr-hopE guY, anD noT thE whiTe, wiSe kinD...

dAy 5-a waLk iN thE fiR foresT whEre sHe maDe hEr firSt sNow angeL iN thE powDery finE snoW beFore thEy maDe thEir waY baCk tO seouL tO mEet uP witH sintiNg...hEr virgiN visiT tO mYeongdoNg enDed witH hEr speNding haLf hEr $$$ meaNt foR thE neXt fivE daYs anD finDing onE oF thE moSt deLicious cOokies sHe hAs eVer taSted...

dAy 6-iT's moRe eAting thAn sHopping aT naNdemuN sinCe iT's winTer, oK thAt's a liE...sintiNg sPent teNs oF thouSands iN faCeshop beFore wE brouGht hEr foR somE seafooD aNd moRe bbQ aT thE honG eiK univerSity viciNity witH neW frieNds maDe aT thE sKi resOrt...thE nigHt eNded witH foNd memoriEs oF thE sKi experieNce, eSpeciaLLy thE pArt whEre thE viLLa auntiE bouGht uS thiS bottLed ginsEng driNk tO chAse thE coLds awAy..

dAy 7-a nEw hAircut eAch tO uSher iN 2014 aNd oFf thEy gO tO thE eWha womeN's univErsity (nopE, diN sEe a singLe cutiE :( ). cOffee (aCtuaLLy iT's thE wiFi thEy wAnt) aNd moRe bbQ beFore thE countDown thaT thEy diN hAve tickEts foR...sO thEy wEnt baCk tO counTdowN witH thE othEr tWo nAoz (thRee wAy skypE) foR thE firSt timE..

dAy 8-crAmps...sUpermarKet shoppiNg iS hiLarious witH mS lEe, aS witH aLL aCtivitieS reLated tO fOod..eVer tRied orderiNg moRe thaN yOu caN pAy foR iN a foreiGn lanD aT 9pM oN a pH?..gUranteeD tO streNgtheN youR heArt aS imAges oF bLack traiDs & disHwashinG fLashes throuGh youR minD...sHe lovEs bbQ stoRes thAt cLoses aT 4aM buT shE lovEd donGdamuN whiCh cLoses aT 4.30aM evEn moRe...

dAy 9-aftEr tryinG iT, thE hanboK iS noW onE oF hEr faVourite nationaL costumE..thEres somEthing aBout fLoor lengtH sKirts thAt maKes hEr feeL v feminiNe..thouGh thE naMsaN cabLe cAr iS thE onE featuRed iN thE 'boYs ovEr fLowers' seriEs, iT's fAr frOm romantiC wheN yOu aRe a sArdine iN thEre, aFter sweAting undErneAth yOur wintEr weAr frOm thE lonG uphiLL waLk frOm myeoNgdong...thEre's a miNi eiffeL neXt tO thE seouL towEr wHere yOu cAn loCk yOur lovE iF sHe's iSnt tOo concErn witH thE pricE oF thE locK :p (thE ruBber onEs aRe 8000 wOn whiLe thE metaL oneS witH frEe engravinG oF teN charaCters cosTs 9000 woN)

dAy 10-witH onLy 4 kG awAy frOm ouR aLLowabLe baGgage, wE checKed oUt aNd wEnt foR lunCh witH sintinG beFoRe sHe heAds tO thE airpoRt..thE proCtastinatinG aNd thEn wOn-pooR, nO-moRe-baGgage-sPace duO finaLLy poSted thEir postCards, graBbed sOme pAris baguEttE aNd wEnt tO thE iCe skAting riNk aT seouL squAre (aLL cheaPer/lightEr thaN shoppiNg aT myeoNgdonG)...aNd likE a truE bLue singaPorean, shE suggeSted queuiNg foR somE buN thAt sHe pLanned tO quEue evEr sinCe shE saW thE lonG, windinG queuE oN dAy 6..hEy iF evEryone's queuinG foR iT, iT muSt bE gOod rigHt?
aNothEr triP eNded, aNothEr pLace shE wAnts tO comE baCk tO...
sO maNy pLaces, sO littLe monEy...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Wednesday, January 08, 2014 || 12:50:00 AM

Jo: wHen wE cOme baCk twO yeArs laTer, leT's gO finD oUr loCk aT thE seouL toWer 😍
RR: dO i nEeda brinG thE kEy?
Jo: yAh!!
*paUses* yOu wAnna unLock thE lovE aH?
RR: nO aH
jO: nVm, wHen wE breaKup theN I coMe unLock iT aNd loCk a nEw onE witH mY neW gF...
sO sHe muSt reMember, iT's oN toP oN oF thiS reD biN...

neXt tO thiS iNformatiOn boArd!

- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
|| 12:50:00 AM

哈哈哈! 大家新年快樂噢!
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG