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Friday, February 21, 2014 || 4:21:00 PM
wHen sHe heArd thE bariSta sAy thEre iS nO moRe nO-fAt miLk, sHe weNt 'yEsh, bettEr tAsting coFfee' iN hEr heAd..
wOmeN...anD thEir 'noT-I-doNt-wAnt-aH' seLf-consoLation aNd aDrupt beLief iN fAith wheN iT grAnts theM aN escaPe frOm aLmighty weigHt-loSs pLans..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Sunday, February 16, 2014 || 12:40:00 AM
A Time to Remember
They come into our lives for such a short time
A time we wouldn't trade not even for a dime
Then before you know it the years have flown by
And then all of the sudden we're saying good-bye
It wasn't that long ago we said our good-byes
We held on to you tight as you closed your eyes
Your spirit has flown home on the wings of a dove
Into God's loving arm's; in heaven above
Over the days we've shed many tears
But the memories we have will live on for years
We feel your presence and we know that your near
You're keeping us safe and calming our fear
We think about memories from years past
When you were young and strong and ran so fast
We remember all the great times that we all had
How you always made us happy never made us mad
They were the best and happiest years we had
We'll always look back on them and never be sad
We look forward to the time we'll be together again
And we thank the Lord for such a great friend
Now you run and play up in Heaven above
Cradled in God's arms covered with his love
Playing by the Bridge waiting for the day
We come down thru the meadow to the bridge to stay
The love that you showed us we'll never forget
Because to us you're one very special pet
You're like a star in the dark of night
Always watching over us with the Lord's light
So now we take time to remember our best friend
Who will always be with us even to the end
We'll always remember you the way you were
One big lovable huggable pile of fur
-John Quealy
aCtuaLLy yOu doN't reaLLy likE uS huggiNg yOu, buT yOu aLways eNdure iT becaUse wE likE tO..
oUr firSt dOg, oUr eMperor & ouR beLoved..
miSs yOu muCh, sEe yOu sOon aT thE rAinboW bridgE..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Sunday, February 09, 2014 || 3:36:00 PM

OMG! exaCtLy wAt haPpens tO toFfee boY..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
|| 11:28:00 AM

thiS onE...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Friday, February 07, 2014 || 2:41:00 PM
sHe nEeds tO finD a swiMming pooL, suBmeRged heRseLf, anD sCreaM aT thE toP oF hEr voicE...
aLL thE 'oMmmmmM' momEnts iS kiLLing hEr...
iF thiS joB requirEs hEr tO bE nicE tO aSshoLes, sHe adMit defeAt...sHe caN't..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG