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Tuesday, March 25, 2014 || 11:16:00 AM
sHe thiNks peopLe iN whiTe paNts lOok moRe fLirtatiouS...
sO sHe waNts a paiR..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Friday, March 14, 2014 || 12:13:00 PM
Why do stars shine?All stars, and also the Sun is just an example, of large and hot spheres of glowing plasma held together by their own gravity. And the gravity of a star is very intense. Stars are continuously crushing themselves inward, and the gravitational friction of this causes their interiors to heat up. The heat and light is generated by nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium in the star's core. A star like the Sun is a mere 5,800 Kelvin at its surface, but at its core, it can be 15 million Kelvin.
But not all stars are very bright - some are dim (red dwarfs for example) that can't be seen with the naked eye.
And if we were more than about 25 light years away, we wouldn't be able to see the sun without a telescope.
Why do people draw stars with five points?
Thoughout history stars have been represented in many different ways. One of the most common today is the 5 pointed star, but 4,6,7,8 and even more points have been used. Some cultures also represented stars more like they are seen in the sky, as dots, or small circles. The 5 pointed star might have originated from the way the Egyptians represented the star in hyroglypics. If you look at a really bright star sometime you might notice that it does appear to have lines coming out from it. These are called diffraction spikes and appear because of the way the light enters your eye which is a small circular hole. (Astronomers are very familiar with diffraction because it provides the fundamental limit to the detail we can make out in distant objects). I suspect that the ultimate origin of the pointed star is those spikes, although that's just an educated guess.
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Location:Lower Kent Ridge Road,Pasir Panjang,Singapore
gwEn's photOs oF dOudoU aNd toFfee iN photObuckeT
|| 11:40:00 AM
bAby siS fouNd sOme oLd phoTos iN hEr photoBucket aCcount whiCh brouGht bacK nOt-tOo-lonG aGo meMories oF dOudoU anD tOffee...
yOung liTtLe tOffee wAs, aNd stiLL iS stickY liKe a chihuAhua shouLd bE...hE iS eVerywheRe thEy wEre, aT thE coMs, aT thE studyinG tabLe...

uSing thE cOm?

suAve iN hiS pinK poLo..
iT looKs likE eAst coAst pArk iS thE faVourite haUnt witH thE boYs...

bLading..sHe thinKs shE diDnt hoLd thE leAsh aT aLL siNce sHe aLways hAd thiS feAr oF runninG ovEr theiR tinY pAws...

sHe sAw choColaTe diVed iNto thE seA tO retrieVe hiS squEaky baLL anD dreAmt oF haVing a supErdog wHo wiLL swiM witH hEr,maYbe surF bLah bLah..aLas dOudoU neVer likEd swiMming..

thE wEekend beFore shE leFt foR yeLLowstone, thEy ceLebrated littLe toFfee's firSt bDay aT eCp tOo..sUper hoT, buT supEr niCe pictureS...

dUn thE coLLie loOk likE dOudou's fAther?..sHoooo cuTe, tOffee shLd bE tRi-coLor tOo!

yOung, buT fieSty...staNding sO 'taLL' aNd prouD aMongst sO maNy biG dogS aT onE oF hiS firSt dOggie eVents...

thiS iS tOo epiC a shOt sO iT's poSted despitE thE veRy meSsy tabLe...sOmetimEs iT's vEry difficuLt tO imAgine yOur sO haNdsome/adOrabLe dOg dOing aLL thAt 'dominEering', 'paCk leaDer' stuFf yOu sEe iN dOg whiSperer?...

dOudoU iS sO fAt hEre! iT wAsnt tOo loNg aFter thiS thAt theY stArted tO gEt hiM tO loSe weighT cAuse hiS pAws weRe sO tinY...

hEr dOudoU iS sO haNdsome aNd poisEd...and supEr vaiN...sHe miSsed pLaying witH thE vEry soFt bLack fuR aT thE baCk oF hiS hiNd leGs..
mAybe sHe shOuLd gO seArch hEr owN photoBucket aCcount tOo...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 || 9:47:00 AM
sUperiority, thiS seNse thAt yOu aRe beTter...
tOday, sHe haD aN aH-hA momEnt whiLe stoniNg iN thE maNy liFts tO hEr offiCe...
sUperiority, iS wHy sHe iS gOing tO leAve thiS pLace...
beCause thoSe wHo werE frOm superiOr bacKground turNed oUt tO bE leSs, yEt stiLL beLievinG thEy aRe soMe creAm..diScreditinG thE effOrts anD capAbiLities oF thE reaL supErior (iN chAraCter & seNse oF reSponsibiLity) anD sAying 'aDminisTrators' iN disdAin..
sHe iMagined thAt iS hoW nurSes dAy caMe abOut & faNtasize oN a vEry possibLe 'adminiStrator dAy'..
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Sunday, March 09, 2014 || 6:26:00 PM

iT tOok hEr awHiLe,
lonGer aNd loNgeR noW,
tO reaLise thaT thE ligHtseeKer looKs abiT likE greG...
hoPe yOu aRe doiNg finE...
ps: aNd sHe diD aGe :(
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Friday, March 07, 2014 || 3:23:00 PM
iT's fuNny hoW yOu fiNd timE tO seArch foR articLes sO thAt professoR cAn forwArd tO stuDents...
buT teLL hEr tO 'prinT thE paPer foR (yoU). haRd tO revieW witH aLL thE traCked chAnges.'
shE triEs vEry haRd tO sEe thinGs fRom yOur viEw..
bUt sOmetimes, likE thiS timE, sHe'd faiL...
sHe cAnt reaLLy staNd peopLe suCking uP...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG