“Life's Full of Temptations”
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Saturday, April 26, 2014 || 4:27:00 PM
dO yOu juDge thE pErson whO juSt caMe ouT oF thE cubicLe anD chOose aNother onE iF sHe's tOo fAt/ugLy/loOks likE shE sLeeps aRound anD theRefore maY haVe STDs?...
oK nOw yOu cAn judGe hEr fOr beiNg TOO juDgementaL... *sHrugs*
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Thursday, April 24, 2014 || 8:21:00 AM

bLue iSn't thAt wArm aFteraLL..
bLue sTrayeD,
bLue teMpted,
bLue diSComforted,
bLue iNsisteD,
bLue negLected,
bLue caLLed sOmeone eLse faMiLy...
iT's nOt aLways hEr wHo gOt cauGht strAying thE oNe wHo stRayed firSt...
nOt kisSing oR gOing tO beD witH aNother perSon dOes noT meAn onE diD nOt strAy...
coNsciousLy, eVen sUbconsciousLy, wAntiNg tO stAy baCk aT wOrk oR juSt haNging ouT witH aNother iS strAying iF oNe's miNd prEfers thAt tO coMinG hoMe tO thE pArtneR...
noT juSt aCtions, heArt peopLe, Heart...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 || 1:21:00 AM
sHe iS gLad thAt sHe wAs thEre,
witH hEr aT thE aCcident...
aNd miDwaY throUgh wOrk aRrangemeNts, sHe deCided thAt sHe wAnna bE thEre. More.
wAnna bE iN thE dirTy, swEaty gArage witH hEr...
driNking louSy koPi-pEng-xiU-dAi...
liSteniNg tO hEr grUmbLe aBout thE worLd...
hAving hEr aSk iF sHe's reaLLy oK...
beiNg a girLfriend...
sHe diDn't hAve thE choiCe fOr thRee monThs, iT's aBout timE...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Wednesday, April 09, 2014 || 7:51:00 AM
Modern parenting and thinking makes me crazy. The young generations of today are being taught that they shouldn't have to ever put up with anything doesn't make their hearts feel like
rainbow colored unicorns are running around pooping skittles onto piles of marshmallows.
noT likE sHe cAres tWo ceNts abOut pareNting, bUt oH thE uSe oF rainbOw coLored unicoRns pOoping sKittLes oNto maRshmaLLows iS tOo dArn cUte..
aNd thE imAge iS weLL caRebeaR/myLittlePony-iSh sO sHe likEs :)
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Wednesday, April 02, 2014 || 8:15:00 AM
laMents oF thE miD-wEek:
yOu gEt oN thE trAin,
aNd staRt wisHing thE swEet 18 kinDs aRen't uNdergraduAtes...
nOt beCause thEy wiLL bE 'reLeaSed' sOon tO compEte witH yOu fOr eMpLoyment..
bUt beCause yOu wAnt thEir aSses oFf thE mRt seAt sO yOu cAn haVe iT...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG