sHe leFt thE buTton wHich fLew oUt whiLe sHe's chAnging iN thE hoT steAming gyM sHower unaTtended fOr monThs...
*abSoLuteLY HATE chAnging iNto nOn t-sHirt matEriaL afTer gyM oR swiM..
thEn weNt frOm seWing thE onE buttOn thAt drOpped tO seWing thE bottOm thRee...
eVen thouGh thE buttOns wEre finE, sHe tuGged anD deCided thAt theY weRe looSeLy seWed oN tO bE seCure...aNd nEeded 'reiNforcemenTs'...
sO sHe wOuLd nevEr sEw buttOns oN thiS tOp aGain...
pRetty muCh hoW sHe settLe othEr smaLL irritAting stuFf iN liFe...
- rAmbLing rambLing raMblinG
Wednesday, July 09, 2014 || 1:00:00 PM
*sinGs 愛上一個不回家的人*
mE: maYbe I shouLd pErfect thiS soNg foR thE timEs yOu gO tO waLLaby
RR: 我不是不回家,我是出國工幹.
mE: 就是不回家咯
RR: 不是 hoR!
*sKip sonG*
RR: eVerytimE I loOk aT thE stArry skY anD i tuRn tO mY siDe anD gO 'cB' wheN I seE mY aH-bOys
mE: tHen yOu finD a gF frOm yOur uNit lOr...gEt senT ouTfieLd soMewhere..KOk yOur heaDs tOgether tO picK uP stUff, heLp hEr witH soMe diffiCuLt tasKing, briNg a mEss tiN oF maGgie mEe tO hEr whEn shE's siCk...faLL iN loVe..
RR: wAh thEn aLot oF mY reCruits shouLd faLL iN loVe witH mE!