anD eVerytiMe shE sEes a liSt oF trAvel mUst-sEes witH a pLace iN maLta tHat shE rEad aBout/reSearched oN/wanTed bUt waS fOrbiddeD tO gO, evEry iNch oF hEr rOcks iN anGer...
shE jUst waNt tO sLap yOu aLL oVer aGain...
Sunday, July 19, 2015 || 6:17:00 PM
hoW cOme mErmaids (oK fishEs) doNt gEt struCk bY liGhtning?
Wednesday, July 01, 2015 || 9:48:00 AM
shE lOoked aT soMeone carrYing a LV baG anD yA kuN coFfee, anD thouGht thAt shE's bEtter oFf witH a chEaper baG but bEtter coFfee..
thaT whAt gOes iN shouLd bE moRe imPortant thaN whAt's ouTside...
thaT iF oNe cAn't afFord bEtter fOod, oNe shouLd noT thiNk abOut luxurY gOods...