canceLLing aN aPpointMent aT tHe lAst minUte iS wroNg, nO maTter tHe reAson..
iT cAn bE a fLu, oR tHat thE hErmiT-wAnnabE eMo shiT hiTs yOu, oR yOur chiLd iS siCk/aLone/cRyinG/dyiNg/wAtever...
iF yOur aPpointMent unDerstanDs, gOod foR yOu...buT dOn't eVer thiNk thAt yOu aRe eNtitLed tO 'yOu aLL shouLd stArt tO eXpecT thiS bEcauSe' yOu guYs hAve chiLdren...
sHe hAtes chiLdren, aNd shE triEs hEr beSt tO aCcomodaTe anD bE uNderstaNding...dOn't puSh hEr...